I'm too depressed to read. Do you ever feel like this as well?

I'm too depressed to read.

Do you ever feel like this as well?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Wow this guy's just like the Cigarette Doomer Internet Viral Graphic..

  2. 8 months ago

    yeah, all the time. usually I just try to muscle through it

  3. 8 months ago

    yeah used to but since i started zoloft and welbutrin i read like a motherfricker idgaf

  4. 8 months ago

    I'm too poor to read

  5. 8 months ago

    I can't read

  6. 8 months ago

    Yes. A big thing that helped, at least for me in my darkest of despair, was to have small goals with works that I loved. For example, my favourite novel is Ulysses by James Joyce so I would read one chapter every week, only a couple of pages here and there. Or, I would read short fiction that I love like Raymond Carver or Alice Munro. As long as you set some sort of goal you'll crawl out of it, anon. Trust me. I've been there.

  7. 8 months ago

    Yeah, about a week ago. And then on a Thursday, I realized how much time I wasted being depressed. I was depressed because of my sad youth but I realized nothing's worth to be depressed about. Needless to say, I actually start learning the things that I wanted to learn.

    I simple say "I'm too tired of feeling sad" I mean, don't we all? Don't you feel tired of putting yourself in a state of victimization? Yeah, we are the victim, but don't you wanna stand up?

    >But it hurts, I blame *insert anyone that hurt them* for my current state of depression RIGHT NOW

    As if they care what you feel.

    Rise up anon, don't let them win. That's what I do since I got unceremoniously sacked. I'm done of being suicidal, yeah, it feel a little fun being suicidal but I ain't killing myself over something that is fixable, although difficult, fixable. Tbf, Idk what you're depressed about anon, but is it worth it if not being strong enough to fight depression resulting in wasting time of what otherwise could make you more skilled at anything you wish for?

    That was a mouthful but I'm through with "le society evil" arc

  8. 8 months ago

    Just go for a walk

  9. 8 months ago

    It’s a cycle for me. If I don’t read I get depressed and when im depressed I dont want to read. Make yourself read and itll get easier. It’s art, you dont have to be happy to create or appreciate it.

  10. 8 months ago


    is that way

  11. 8 months ago

    Yes, it the screens are the bigger problem than the depression. If I had no screens, I would probably still read, even be excited to read, in the throes of depression.

  12. 8 months ago

    >Do you ever feel like this as well?
    Yeah, every day. Lifting, cardio, eating healthy, sun exposition, drinking lots of water, helps, but I know I won't go past 40s, before I die I just want to see how much strength can my body exert in it's peak, I want to read the most important books, and then just fricking kys, see if there's any afterlife. Living in this world is insufferable

    • 8 months ago

      How old are you?

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Yeah the thing with getting older is you constantly hit these walls where you realized every part of your past is like some kind of ridiculous and even embarrassing caricature. Your reluctance to keep on living and getting older is dependent on how satisfied you are with what you’ve done and have planned to do in course. Once you break through a boundary of despair you sort of settle into the newer version of yourself as youre sort of always adjusting your view of things to fit your ever-changing life. I know this is a stupid meandering rant sorry Im sick rn but what im trying to say is you are still in early adulthood so are new to the idea of reconciling with aging and new discoveries of great disappointments in life. But once you do it for a while you start to understand that what you get fricked out of you get back in the form of something else. When youre 40 you probably wont kys because you will have had so much time to accept how moronic everyone is and will be content with occupying yourself with your interests, regardless of the outside world. With age comes peace of mind usually but there are many fits of disorientation and self-doubt along the way. I hope that makes sense. Im not that old but im on the last year of my 20s and this is what im just coming to understand. As I approach my 30s I am turning my thoughts to focusing a little more on my health watching for new opportunities and blessings, as gay as that sounds.

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks for the insightful and interesting response. I think the only thing any of us can do is just move on, acknowledge our past, forgive ourselves, and live on.

  13. 8 months ago

    Stop using porn and social media, increase your testosterone and vitamin D, do meditation.

  14. 8 months ago

    You have to read even if you don't want to. Otherwise reading is just another form of consooming for you, a hedonic outlet #999 like porn vidya etc

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