In a nuthsell:

In a nuthsell:
>Unknown author Shawn Warner's book goes to #1 on Amazon in hours and sells thousands of copies because a Tik Tok video of him being sad at a book signing where no one showed up went viral. Now people are buying his book.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    He will be known as the greatest writer of our generation

    • 11 months ago

      The book sounds very based. It's about a teenage girl who solves crimes with the help of ghosts. Far better than anyone on IQfy will ever dream up.

      • 11 months ago

        You sound insecure.

      • 11 months ago

        You wouldn't say that after reading my histfic forcedfem tour de force!

      • 11 months ago

        This actually sounds right up my alley, like something Phillip Pullman would write, what is the name of the book?

        • 11 months ago

          Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor

          • 11 months ago

            The cover looks like a cumbrain fantasy

          • 11 months ago

            You say that like it's a bad thing

  2. 11 months ago

    No zoomer is reading that book, it is performative sympathy larp for online clout

    • 11 months ago

      Only right answer

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      they're buying it, but I bet they're not reading it. Not that publishers care. Hopefully his next book will be picked up by a real publisher.

      • 11 months ago

        frick that cover is dreadful

        • 11 months ago

          yeah it is, but the first page isn't so bad. It's YA, so it's not my thing, but it's clear that he actually thought about including a hook, it doesn't start with the main character waking up, and it's not written in first person, so it's already better than most of self published stuff.

          • 11 months ago

            It's not very good in my opinion. I hate this rambly writing style. An entire paragraph about how long the driveway is on page 1.

      • 11 months ago

        woah she's kinda hot im gonna buy this plus motorcycles and gosts are sweet

      • 11 months ago

        Haha wtf a coomer cover

      • 11 months ago

        >sexy woman on motorbike with ghosts and spooky house
        Yeah I'll read it

        • 11 months ago

          >sexy woman
          >short hair

          • 11 months ago

            we all have different tastes you bugchasing pedo, leave bro alone

      • 11 months ago

        >Hot teen emo girl with obvious daddy issues
        >Bent over her motorcycle with a her HUGE ass sticking out
        >Cover art has the atmosphere and vibe of some kind of porn game i'd find on steam
        Based boomer creating his own waifu and writing a whole novel for her

      • 11 months ago

        if she had high heels i'd buy. close but no ciggy

  3. 11 months ago

    writing is a tough business. he's an old guy, he obviously knows how bad the competition gets. the females of tiktok might give him some sympathy money but if they're not gonna read his stuff he might as well be a hobo you throw some spare change to

  4. 11 months ago

    Am I supposed to show sympathy for some retired boomer? He already lived through the most prosperous period in world history in the greatest nation on the planet, what more could you ask of life? Just sit home and read your Christian Science Monitor and Reader's Digest in peace.

    • 11 months ago

      you’re genuinely a moron

    • 11 months ago

      his amazon bio says he was a paratrooper and an engineer so it sounds like he worked at a lot harder than you have

      • 11 months ago

        WOAH! He went to a 3 week course where he literally did the same movements hundreds of times and ran a lot
        WOAH! Are you telling me he learned how to draft by hand with vellum and pencils? Then he did math? All while working a summer job at a fast food place to pay off his entire college tuition? That sounds really hard.

        The students nowadays who have to compete in STEM fields against thousands of Indian slaves and rich Chinese international kids while attending a college that will leave them in debt for 10+ years, while at the same time having a more expensive cost of living and lower wages have no idea what a boomer paratrooper engineer had to go through when he lived through the most prosperous time in American history. The cost of his home probably was less than 2 years of his starting salary at his first job out of college, modern day Americans have no idea how difficult that must have been!

        Frick you, moron.

        • 11 months ago

          if you served in the military like he did you would have college money from the g.i. bill and admission preference at selective colleges. if you did what he did today, you would still have a house and no college debt. obviously the american standard of living is declining, but if you aren't wiling to even work as hard as a boomer, you can't really complain.

          • 11 months ago

            >if you did what he did today, you would still have a house and no college debt
            Are you serious? When was the last time you stepped out of your gated community?

          • 11 months ago

            the minimum wage in 1972 was $1.60. he was getting paid twice the minimum wage just like construction work today will pay well above the minimum wage. the minimum wage according to that calculator would then be less than $10 an hour. if you got fooled that easily by an absurd infographic, i can't say i'm surprised that you haven't found financial success.

          • 11 months ago

            All wages should rise in line with inflation. Inflation has been going up but the wages have remained stagnant for decades now. That means all those wages are much worse than before.

          • 11 months ago

            >Noooo you're just lazy!

          • 11 months ago

            The GI Bill covers 4 years of school, I know because I used it. A b.s. is worthless today so you will have college debt.

          • 11 months ago

            1. I went to community college before going to a 4 year college
            2. I transferred to a 4 year college and got about 80% of tuition in scholarships and financial aid because I wrote about how poor I grew up (extremely true, my mother and I were homeless multiple times and I didn't even have a bed until I was 9 years old). Also I claimed to be a minority in my application because race is just a social construct :^)
            2. The only scholarship that I didn't claim to be a minority on, I did not get, despite fitting every category more than perfectly because it was specifically for first time college attendants from poor families. I met others who did get the scholarship and they were all minorities who came from two parent households that owned homes lol
            3. I went to college before joining the army, and used my SLRP to repay any minimal debt I took out

            Your response only serves to show how much worse things still are. Boomers just had to work part time at the ice cream parlor to pay for school in full. Students today have to set themselves back 3 years and risk getting deployed where they can get injured/killed in a foreign country. Purchasing a house was incomprehensibly easy and inexpensive back then. It's true that the VA Home Loan is beneficial, but it does not compare at all to house buying at the time of boomers, are you pretending to be stupid?

            The stuff I wrote about how much harder it is for today's students wasn't a biography about myself. I did make it through, but I had to attend community college while working full time, live in my car for two years, and eat fricking Onions 1.0 when it first came out because I have no fridge while I was homeless and in school, so nowhere to store or prepare food. Onions 1.0 was so horribly shit that words can't even describe. It was nearly inedible and made every bathroom session smell horrid, plus it probably fricked up my hormones with all that onions. Then after graduating I joined the army. Doing all this set me back YEARS behind Boomer Bill. He just graduated high school, fricked around in college for 4 years, and got a job straight out the door that he could purchase a home with in full in less than 5 years on STATED INCOME rather than proving income.

            Even in the idealized examples you provide, it still shows how much easier boomers had things than today's generation when it comes to making a living. The stupid response of "well now you have the whole wealth of knowledge at your fingertips through the internet" as if that somehow means life is easier. To be able to make money from this situation you need to be on the bleeding edge of technology and follow innovations in science and tech religiously. Boomer Bill could just sit and watch his TV after work, then have so much extra income that he could buy a boat while working an entry level job at a vacuum factory or something.

          • 11 months ago

            >Onions 1.0
            lol I didn't realize the filter was global

          • 11 months ago

            smelly dumb sѹ bѹ scum

  5. 11 months ago

    Could this method be used to get some IQfyizens in the mainstream?
    >1. Setup a table in walmart with sob story
    >2. ???
    >3. Profit

    • 11 months ago

      You need to be cute otherwise they will call you an incel

      • 11 months ago

        That homie aint cute

        • 11 months ago

          He is though. He looks like Santa Claus. But his rakishly unbuttoned shirt divulges a latent sexual energy could flip that cute/creep switch REAL quick.

      • 11 months ago

        This ploy only works because he looks like the cutest little old grandpa with just the right mix of pathetic misfortune and positive never-give-up attitude. Think about Belle's father, Maurice, from Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

        Anon is right. A young male can't sell pity, at least not like this. People will only see failure sitting at an lonely table. If you're a young male you'd want to take the opposite approach. Fake it till you make it, hustle and drum up a crowd for photo-ops to make your table look more busy and popular than you really are. Or maybe a flash mob or whatever other stupid zoomer gimmicks are popular on tiktok these days.

  6. 11 months ago

    Old people get a disproportionate amount of sympathy for being alone. I think it's bullshit, I would argue young men are more alone at this point of time, I've been alone for most of my adulthood and all I have ever got is indifference.

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much this. My grandma died a year ago and now my grandpa is being mopey and depressed like a little b***h. He had 60 years of happiness with her and still thinks he deserves more.

      • 11 months ago

        how can someone possibly be this bitter

        • 11 months ago

          Probably a decade of watching the grandparents squander the family fortune on bullshit. Spending years watching your inheritance dwindle to nothing really breeds contempt. Similarly I have an uncle who's squandering the family inheritance in court on laywer fees (both sides) because he's a spiteful moron. Before I was apathetic about him but watching some waste money like that out of sheer spite simply breeds contempt.

        • 11 months ago

          Imagine siding with boomers.

      • 11 months ago

        Grandpa should join you at the bar, cruising for some coed strange

      • 11 months ago

        This rocks

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Everyone here is so negative. This story is wholesome as hell

        IQfy is such a strange place.

        • 11 months ago

          not even trying to hide, you have to go back

        • 11 months ago

          lol I know. IQfy is full of bitter people looking to blow their bitter wads into other people's eyes. I'm just here for porn and got distracted.

          • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          nothing wholesome about a boomer writing YA shit

      • 11 months ago

        >My grandma died a year ago and now my grandpa is being mopey and depressed like a little b***h.
        At first I thought you were a sick piece of shit, but then
        >He had 60 years of happiness with her and still thinks he deserves more.
        And I realized these old fuddy fricks had pretty much the best time any human has had on earth and left the following generation with nothing because they squandered everything they got for free while simultaneously leaving nothing for their own children, and still call their children lazy despite the fact that people need to work 2 jobs just to graduate with a useless degree and still be in debt. He had a happy 60 years of marriage and life. What in the frick have I had? Social media which fricked my head up before people realized how fricked up it was, only to live in a world where people fully buy into the social media rat race as I am left with dating options between a 300lb purple hair feminist and a trans-woman? These problems didn't even EXIST when he was going through his early adult years.

        You'll say "but he had to join the army" well guess the frick what, so did I and I'm still only marginally better off than if I didn't join. Thankfully I didn't have to go out and kill strangers in their own country at least.

        how can someone possibly be this bitter

        >how can someone possibly be this bitter
        how can someone be this much of a cuckold fricking shitter who sides with the generation of people who gave him nothing but high interest rates, higher cost of living with lower relative wages, and a never ending of supply of tax money to Israel rather than reinvesting it into your own country

        • 11 months ago

          just have a nice day already jesus

          • 11 months ago

            >It's true that society today is worse than the time of the boomers, but I don't want to admit it because I am either some cucked boomer apologist or a boomer myself who finds validation through the erroneous belief that kids today can't get ahead because they don't just give the CEO of a company a firm handshake to get a promotion, so I'll just tell him to kill himself
            That's for the (You)

            If you are so single minded that you can't fathom the possibility that a person is able to truthfully complain about and criticize the terrible state of the world and society relative to the past while simultaneously choosing to enjoy life anyway and still continue to strive to live the best life that they are able, you are fricking moronic. I know society is degrading, I know the economy gets worse and worse, I know that working towards and achieving a lifestyle that boomers were provided with simply for existing is not possible, yet I still find enjoyment and contentment in life. It's like you're saying that the Brazilian who complains about how difficult his favella life is should just kill himself simply for complaining. Boomers are the only group of people who straight up deny the reality that they had things better than everyone else when it is presented to them. At least people around the world will give credence to the cries of the favella dweller and acknowledge his life is harder than that of the average American, which at least gives him the solace of having a stable perception of reality and truth rather than dealing with the boomer that is forever gaslighting everyone around him through his rejection of truth and never allowing an agreed upon reality to find respite upon.

          • 11 months ago

            I said "That's" instead of "Thanks" -- My entire argument is now null and void because I made a typo :^(

        • 11 months ago

          >higher cost of living with lower relative wages
          Imagine being this dumb. Understand basic economy. Resources are scarce while needs tend to be unlimited. Because the demand of resources is exponentially higher nowadays due to overpopulation, the cost of living becomes higher.

          • 11 months ago

            >muh overpopulation

            >american population in 1970: 203,211,926
            >american population in 2020: 331,449,281
            so a 50% growth

            >$1 in 1970 is equivalent to $7.44 today
            so a 644% growth

          • 11 months ago

            >Muh the price is higher
            Your wage also gets higher.

          • 11 months ago

            Impressive, very nice. Let's see the graph excluding the CEOs

          • 11 months ago

            And surely the purchasing power of that wage has risen over ti--oh...


          • 11 months ago

            Now calculate inflation adjusted wages with the formula the Bureau of Labor Statistics used in 1980.
            While you're at it consider why in CPI datat are product substitutions are included but education, home, medical and fuel prices are excluded and what impact they might have on the narrative you're pushing.

          • 11 months ago

            If you ever mature enough to care about things other than consumer electronics and bread and circus, you'll notice that living space is a scarce resource that isn't growing. My great-grandfather built a cabin with his bare hands on lakefront property in the 1920s, it's been in the family ever since. It's very rare for property in the neighborhood to show up for sale and when it does you're paying half a million dollars for a 3-season summer home with no fresh water. Good luck, zoomers.

            So you go to the public watering hole and find it crowded with shitskins blaring all manner of obnoxious music (hiphop, bollywood, latin). The whole place stinks of curry, musk and fried chicken. If you're lucky you get redneck landwhales playing country, eating hotdogs and chain-smoking cigarettes.

            So you go hiking, probably pay to park (if you're camping you have to book your campsites in advance). And trails look like pic related. Everything is getting more crowded.

            And the US has grown more slowly than many other countries:

            >Nigerian Population in 1970: 50 million
            >Nigerian Population in 2020: 224 million
            450% increase

            >Zaire 1984: 30 million
            >Congo 2023: 97 million
            323% increase (this despite multiple civil wars)

            >India 1970: 550 million
            >India 2020: 1.4 billion
            250% increase. The increase in Indians alone is more than twice the population of the US.

            >Brazil 1970: 94 million
            >Brazil 2020: 217 million
            230% increase

          • 11 months ago

            ok? i don't know what point you're trying to make, my post was simply denying the role of rise in population in rising prices

          • 11 months ago

            Yet all those countries have affordable housing.... Odd....

          • 11 months ago

            That's really bad math.

          • 11 months ago

            still gets the point across

          • 11 months ago

            I never imagines to meet a person in this level of denial, even on this moron website.

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much this. My grandma died a year ago and now my grandpa is being mopey and depressed like a little b***h. He had 60 years of happiness with her and still thinks he deserves more.

      Zoom-zooms have never been isolated because they were raised with social media and the instant gratification of the internet. This has rendered them poorly socialized--they're self-centered and entitled. Imagine being jealous of old people because they got attention on social media for being sad.

      • 11 months ago

        By the time I'm a geriatric I won't have time to be sad over book sales, my chief concern would be surviving the water wars and the nuclear apocalypse.

      • 11 months ago

        it's not jealousy, it's disgust.
        Boomers wouldn't survive in the new economy and/or dating market.

    • 11 months ago

      Young men still have time to turn things around, old men are at the end and scared

    • 11 months ago

      Jesus christ, get over yourself

      • 11 months ago

        OK, now what?

      • 11 months ago

        You realise you're proving his point?
        >boo hoo poor old man is alone better wire him some money asap
        >ew look at that creep all alone, such a pussy lol

        • 11 months ago

          You are seeing things that aren't there, get help.

          • 11 months ago

            >get help.
            ok, how much are you donating?

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not paying for your therapy, but maybe someone on tiktok will if you make a post 🙂

        • 11 months ago

          >such a pussy

    • 11 months ago

      >wAaaaah waaaAaah why people dont pay attention to me! waaah

      • 11 months ago

        >such a pussy

        Well done grandpa, let's get you to bed

  7. 11 months ago

    >book sign
    >no one shows up
    This has to be fricked up, I mean no one even bought his book while there and got him to sign it.

  8. 11 months ago

    >boomer gets everything for whining
    Nothing new

  9. 11 months ago

    People love sympathetic old grandpas. I'm happy for him and anyone who isn't (won't give you the (You)s, sorry) should go outside and touch grass

    • 11 months ago

      >People love virtue signalling and mindlessly donating to charity

    • 11 months ago

      thanks mr. wannabe normalgay, very cool

  10. 11 months ago

    Thank you for your newsblog. The book seems like an okay children's book but its cover is atrocious

  11. 11 months ago

    >ahhh, I can't believe those stupid zoomers bought some old guy's book because they felt sorry for him... The compassion for the weak is truly man's eternal sin... Those virtue signaling idiots would never appreciate true literature like my 30 page manifesto about the root european races and the faustian spirit, the west has indeed fallen... Oh well, back to reading Evola I guess

    • 11 months ago

      this but unironically

      • 11 months ago

        This but unironically

        I'm as lefty as you can possibly get and I loathe boomers and old people


    • 11 months ago

      This but unironically

    • 11 months ago

      I'm as lefty as you can possibly get and I loathe boomers and old people

      • 11 months ago

        That's par for the course with your ideology.

      • 11 months ago

        We know, your lot shilled for compassionate euthanasia as if it was revolutionary when the bourgeoisie has been hoping and wishing for years.

      • 11 months ago

        You're a troony, trannies are filled with hatred

    • 11 months ago

      thank you

    • 11 months ago

      I have less sympathy for boomers. Every one of them I've known to be sad old men had really charmed lives, their silent gen parents worked themselves to death so that they could live good lives, they had fulfilling careers, and now that this man's testosterone is waning he gets sad like a woman when nobody buys his late life crisis "I'm actually a writer too!" excretion. My father and father in law both did something similar and were extremely upset when nobody cared. It's pathetic, I pray I don't end up like this.
      If he's been an author his whole life and remained unknown then it's less offensive, but if this is his first book then boo hoo.

      • 11 months ago

        >this man's testosterone is waning he gets sad like a woman when nobody buys his late life crisis
        oh that's what my dad's going through. just divorced after 30+ years, sitting an over-sized empty house, has such a deprived life of the mind and labor ravaged body he has no energy or curiosity to do literally anything other than sit in the laz-e-boy and watch 2nd amendment youtube. Try to do anything with him and he's a damn mute statue and not in a wise stoic way -, not that he has any experience or information within the last decades to draw on for conversation. If I had to bet, he'll continue coasting and languishing til his body degardes enough he's had enough exercise his 2A right much like the malignant anons here terminal futures'.

        oh and he just got romeo pig-butcher scammed for $100k by a random snapchat "woman" even though I warned him and pointed out every step of the way over weeks what was happening and going to happen next. motherfricker should've respected me enough to listen.

        • 11 months ago

          >mistaking one's irrational hope for lack of respect for the advice giver
          cmon at least give some slack for your dad

          • 11 months ago

            >irrational hope
            oh but I did entertain it for the other 2 random snapchat women trying to sugar baby finesse him - at least it's experience flirting on text for him. Even on the one that took him for $100k I explained all the common security risks around crypto and if he just wants to play around on a legitmate exchange with a small amount of money in a pump in dump fine, explained it all, he definitely understood. But then what does the motherfricker do, the next day, without telling me for fear of being thought foolish and lured by the promise of an early retirement, he follows her instructions to move his money to a random fake gambling website then gets dazzled by fake returns and then dumps a ton of savings in and whoops wouldn't you know we're having problems withdrawing your funds!

          • 11 months ago

            oh nevermind. He's beyond hope. At least try to make sure that he doesnt gamble away last of your inheritance before the inevitable elderly home

          • 11 months ago

            >gamble away last of your inheritance
            I'm secure but yes keep an eye on your parents folks, the international scamming industry is enormous and laser focused on redistributing a significant percentage of all dumbass naive senile boomers accumulated assets, billions and billions leaking out to the third world and will only continue in a perpetual arms race.

  12. 11 months ago

    homie brought 4 pens in case the ink ran out from so much signing.

  13. 11 months ago

    What the frick?

    • 11 months ago

      The average Portland male.

  14. 11 months ago

    >this is SO SAD
    >can we get to 50k likes???
    lmao but he does look sad so I'm glad he's getting some love even though judging the book by it's cover it looks like hot garbage.

  15. 11 months ago

    This is the second time tiktok does this. Publishers will force authors to pull this stunt all the time now.

  16. 11 months ago

    It is very difficult to sympathize with boomers because they inherited everything and left us with nothing. On the whole their generation did nothing but consume. How can I feel sympathy for some old homosexual who lived during the height of civilization and could have lived a comfortable middle-class life working at McDonalds who then proceeded to sell out all traditional values and generational wealth for a timeshare in literally-who-gives-a-frick and a Mercedes to impress his neighbors that he never drives. Boomers will go down in history as one of the laziest and self-absorbed generations to ever disgrace humanity with its presence. Why should I care that they are lonely now. By all means it’s their own fault their grandkids are too busy being wagecucks to visit them. Even now they have the self-entitlement of a 5 year old crying that mommy has to go to work.

    • 11 months ago

      In a nuthsell:
      >Unknown author Shawn Warner's book goes to #1 on Amazon in hours and sells thousands of copies because a Tik Tok video of him being sad at a book signing where no one showed up went viral. Now people are buying his book.

      I have less sympathy for boomers. Every one of them I've known to be sad old men had really charmed lives, their silent gen parents worked themselves to death so that they could live good lives, they had fulfilling careers, and now that this man's testosterone is waning he gets sad like a woman when nobody buys his late life crisis "I'm actually a writer too!" excretion. My father and father in law both did something similar and were extremely upset when nobody cared. It's pathetic, I pray I don't end up like this.
      If he's been an author his whole life and remained unknown then it's less offensive, but if this is his first book then boo hoo.

      >gets sad like a woman when nobody buys his late life crisis "I'm actually a writer too!" excretion. My father and father in law both did something similar and were extremely upset when nobody cared. It's pathetic, I pray I don't end up like this.

      Same types that told their children and grandchildren to put off family formation until they had 'all their ducks in a row' financially after passing student debt non-forgiveness legislation, rubberstamping another Gulf War + Patriot Act, and all the Ponzi Scheme bailout chicanery culminating in Operation Warp Speed experimental gene therapy & ascientific lockdowns all for a bunch of Nam draft dodging codgers -- Zoomer cynicism picked up from their Gen X parents (themselves 1/3rd aborted by selfsame Boomers) is entirely justified.

      • 11 months ago

        he's not a social media influencer, ho basically won the lotto and he's gonna spend the royalties on a trip to some Carribbean island and never be heard of again

        • 11 months ago

          meant for

          So how soon does this guy get cancelled for having Boomer politics that Tiktok hates?

  17. 11 months ago

    I guess who cares, even, great if it makes a man happy, good books won't disappear after this, maybe 1 or 2 more people will get hooked on books and this will be more opportunity for my texts to sell. Anyways, market doesn't care

  18. 11 months ago

    Exquisite suffering. Imagine the emotion, the inner dialogue he was having there, marooned at his table in the middle of the bookstore, with nobody there, sparse people walking around him.

    Now that's something you could write about

  19. 11 months ago

    Just ordered a copy. Always support your fellow straight white males.

  20. 11 months ago

    I saw a few author popups like this when I worked at a grocery store. It's almost always a YA fantasy writer who's set up near the entrance hoping to sell stuff to bookworm kids / parents of bookworm kids. The books generally had sub-50 ratings on GR, and the authors were all sprightly millennial women. I didn't know old men even wrote this kind of stuff.
    It's a sad sight to see when you walk past them, but I have to imagine they sell at least some copies. What's actually depressing are those tweets from authors who scheduled a reading / Q&A in an actual bookstore and no one showed up; you see in the photo just rows of empty metal folding chairs, aligned towards someone who is having one of the worst days of their life.

    Maybe authors are no more prone to falling into obscurity than musicians or artists, but when you consider just how much work it takes to come up with a book vs a single or a print it really gets depressing seeing these people alone out there like that.

  21. 11 months ago

    How much expendable income do tiktok zoomers have? I'm pretty sure if they weren't spending the $$ on this shitty YA out of sympathy then it would have gone to some lascvicious streamer or onlyfans siren

  22. 11 months ago

    Saw a fat middle aged woman looking very sad and alone at signing table for her self-published book at a surburban shopping centre bookshop last month. Felt bad for her. Circled around twenty minutes later with the intention of looking at her book but she'd already given in and packed up the card table.

  23. 11 months ago

    So how soon does this guy get cancelled for having Boomer politics that Tiktok hates?

  24. 11 months ago

    >boo hoo old boomer is le sad
    I have been alone and depressed for 5 years now, when I'm supposed to be in the prime of my life, where's my sympathy $$$?

  25. 11 months ago

    probably being done deliberately by marketers right at this moment, even if this one might be sincere, who knows.

    • 11 months ago

      everything is a hustle including emotional appeal (manipulation)

  26. 11 months ago

    Has he tried pulling himself up by the bootstraps?

  27. 11 months ago

    This is why I dont use social media and will publish with a pseudonym. I want people to buy my book because others say its good, not out of pity. Of course all of that is reliant on me actually writing it...

  28. 11 months ago

    let’s see how based it is

    • 11 months ago

      Judging by the trailer: extremely based!

      • 11 months ago

        bizarre. good find.

      • 11 months ago

        sovlfvl kino

  29. 11 months ago

    most popular community highlight is talking about self harm scars

    • 11 months ago

      >Community highlighting
      What the frick is this? Who would want this?

      • 11 months ago

        it's a feature with kindle unlimited, if you want to see popular highlights and notes from other readers you can, it's not always on. it's a cool feature, unfortunately the book selection is all normie garbage.

  30. 11 months ago
  31. 11 months ago

    Can't wait for total boomer death bros

    • 11 months ago

      hey it's not their fault they were brainwashed by a israeli cabal

  32. 11 months ago

    People forget that a lot of the older generations tend to fail helping the youth get even a basic job.

  33. 11 months ago

    I wouldn't buy it either with how expensive it is on Amazon.

  34. 11 months ago


  35. 11 months ago

    This site has become a parody of itself, what an absolute embarrassment.

  36. 11 months ago

    >some sad old guy gets pity-donations from tiktokers
    >this is the worst thing that could've possibly happened
    this forced jadedness is so tiresome.

    • 11 months ago

      It’s not forced, you’re in the midst of a legion of failed writers and talentless dreamers who are bitter and can only respond with anger at the knowledge of anyone else’s good fortune

  37. 11 months ago

    boomers are soulless corporate slaves

    • 11 months ago

      The argument can go both ways. Yes they are soulless boomer scum for chopping down the trees (assuming this story is true, it probably isn't), but clinging to the past is equally cringe. I personally don't give a frick about my ancestors. I will never meet them, and they have nothing to tell me. The only family that matters is your spouse and your children (if you can even get them in clown world), and the only time that matters is the future. The past is for cringe nostalgiacucks who love reminiscing about "the good old days" despite them not ever actually exiting in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        >it probably isn't
        Are you 12 years old or something?

      • 11 months ago

        >I personally don't give a frick about my ancestors. I will never meet them, and they have nothing to tell me
        I remember being 12 anon

        • 11 months ago

          Explain what your ancestors can tell you.

          • 11 months ago

            They are literally part of you, you fricking moron. What the frick are you talking about? Even if you are some kind of edgy materialistic fricker, is it pointless to send your DNA to some israeli company so they can have it checked for a lot of things?
            For starters, if your ancestors got sick of <insert whatever>, there is a decent chance that you should be wary of that. Then there is food, what worked for them, will most likely work for you too, so if you want a "safe bet diet" go with what they used to eat, and so on. There is a reasonable deal of "not having to figure shit out" when it comes to maintaining a tradition, which in turn has everything to do with what your ancestors can tell you.

          • 11 months ago

            You just know this was written by a 100% Aryan (latam) male.

          • 11 months ago

            Esoteric bullshit. All of you said is common sense. Whoa, you discovered that israelites are evil? Everyone who isn't a moron already knows this.

          • 11 months ago

            You just know this was written by a 100% Aryan (latam) male.

            >esoteric bullshit
            The israelites were literally the least important part of that post. What the frick is wrong with you? Reread it, now without any mention to them.
            And what is esoteric about science and DNA? Are you high?
            >They are literally part of you, you fricking moron. What the frick are you talking about? Even if you are some kind of edgy materialistic fricker, is it pointless to send your DNA to some company so they can have it checked for a lot of things?
            For starters, if your ancestors got sick of <insert whatever>, there is a decent chance that you should be wary of that. Then there is food, what worked for them, will most likely work for you too, so if you want a "safe bet diet" go with what they used to eat, and so on. There is a reasonable deal of "not having to figure shit out" when it comes to maintaining a tradition, which in turn has everything to do with what your ancestors can tell you.

          • 11 months ago

            The history if my family

      • 11 months ago

        >frick boomers they got everything easy
        >better times didnt actually exist btw (look at me i'm smart)

  38. 11 months ago

    Sad old people are my weakness. Dont do this to me OP

  39. 11 months ago

    >82nd airborne
    frick that pogue

    • 11 months ago

      Lol wut? Do you airsoft as SOG operator or something?

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