"Iraq will not be permitted to invade and annex Kuwait."

"Iraq will not be permitted to invade and annex Kuwait."

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    I miss the days when America could still pretend to have a shred of moral high ground. Squandered, all of it and for what? To line the pockets of the corrupt and ruin the nation's future for its inheritors.

    • 3 months ago

      what the plebs calls "corruption" is the normal process of democracy, because democracy is the tool used by the bourgeois to base society on bureaucracy and commerce. so when civil servants and business men ''collude'', in fact they just enjoy the fruit of their revolutions

      The narrative that somehow bureaucrats are the enemy of the business men is a lie fed to the peasants so that the peasant would participate in the bourgeois revolutions.

    • 3 months ago

      America hasn't been able to claim the moral high ground since the early 1800s. There should have been routine purges led by committees in early independent America a la Revolutionary France to maintain the spirit of the revolution and prevent the hijacking of the state.

  2. 3 months ago

    Thirdie cope.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes. They were slant drilling into Iraq
      Gulf Arab sheiks are the dzhooze of the Muslim world

      • 3 months ago

        >They were slant drilling into Iraq
        Iraqi cope. Iraqis are the we didndu nuffin Black folk of the middle east.

        • 3 months ago

          except that Iraqis could actually fight and hold their own while gulf arabs begged the americans for protection.

          • 3 months ago

            Iraq was funneling both US and Soviet support, while also was funded by their arab neighbours for 8 years in the Iran Iraq War moron

      • 3 months ago

        >Gulf Arab sheiks are the dzhooze of the Muslim world
        I thought it was Armenians

    • 3 months ago

      The administration he was vice president under literally supported them when they invaded Iran. Stop pretending this country has principles.

  3. 3 months ago

    The peak of the empire. They sold out their industrial capacity to the east, and their population group most willing to fight for their country have been turned into enemies of the state. The United States as a polity is in a state of ever-declining legitimacy. But no matter, as this will allow real Americans to pursue their own self-determination instead of living under the rule of a hostile government

  4. 3 months ago

    Falkland War all over again.

    >nah we can swallow up this tiny piece of clay it's so small nobody's gonna notice or care anyway, right? XD

  5. 3 months ago

    Remember when leftists said Iraq had the fourth largest army in the world and the Republican Guards were fanatics who would demolish our troops?

    • 3 months ago

      remember when the US government said their army would help defeat Russia in Ukraine, bring democracy to Iraq, bring democracy to Libya, help defeat the Houthis with Saudi Arabia, prevent the Houthis from disrupting international shipping, liberate Afghanistan from the Taliban, completely destroy ISIS, topple Bashaar Al-Assad, defeat the Somalia National Alliance, topple Hafez Al-Assad and defeat him in Lebanon, defeat the Viet Cong, topple Catro and bring democracy to Cuba and win the Korean War?

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          whatever helps you cope with your only major military "success" since WW2, which gave the country over to Iran, your supposed chief enemy in the region, kek

        • 3 months ago

          The unprecedented success of Desert Storm was ironically the worst thing to happen to the US since the end of WW2. The media narrative around it convinced the government to go all in on the strategy of bajillion dollar wonder weapons that are impossible to maintain, absurdly low troop counts, the belief that the Air Force will always be able to just fly unmolested and that ground troops are "secondary" to the air planes, the belief that "logistics are for suckers" and surely every country in the world except the one we're at war with will let us sortie from their territory. That every enemy we fight will be as unmotivated, the list goes on. America has tried to fight every war since thinking it will be a second Desert Storm, and it's blown up in Americas face each time. Yet this has made the leadership decide that it was because we weren't desert storming hard enough and doubling down on all those problems. And now we can't produce tanks in sufficient numbers or even things as basic as artillery shells.

  6. 3 months ago

    USA went to the other side of the world and BTFO'd the #3 army in the world in an weeks.
    That's real superpower deeds.

    Russia can't even drive over a border and BTFO the poorest country in Europe. Sad!

  7. 3 months ago

    It still blows my mind that the US was able to just fly over to the other side of the planet 34 years ago and just completely decimate the third strongest army in the world at the time, suffering such minimal casualties that even the most optimistic forecasts had hysterically larger casualty estimates than the US actually incurred. I really wonder what their army would be like today fighting a traditional standing army again with their actual full military might, all they've been fighting for the last 20 years is minor insurgencies and they suck ass at that.

    • 3 months ago

      Recruitment crisis, shortages all over the place. Outproduced by Russia despite the whole purpose of supporting Ukraine being weakening Russia. The US Army is done. Their main traditional fighting manpower are the same people that are now being threatened with fighter jets and nukes by their own President.

      • 3 months ago

        >Outproduced by Russia
        Russians are riding golf carts into battle lmao

        • 3 months ago

          I don't believe for even a second that Russia is outproducing the US militarily, their government is autistically obsessed with keeping their military strong. Now Europe I could believe, they've been riding on American security for way too long. I'm aware of the recruiting crisis though.

          Let me guess, they have to use shovels too right? Your programming is outdates, the west is already admitting that Russia is outproducing them

          • 3 months ago

            I'd not suggest that at all, I just don't believe that Russia with a smaller population and economy could outproduce the US militarily with a larger population and economy as well as its government having an absolutely autistic obsession with keeping the military well-equipped. Just because there are some morons screaming about Russians only using shovels doesn't mean that the opposite is true and that Russia is actually producing more than the United States in a military sense.

          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I don't believe for even a second that Russia is outproducing the US militarily, their government is autistically obsessed with keeping their military strong. Now Europe I could believe, they've been riding on American security for way too long. I'm aware of the recruiting crisis though.

    • 3 months ago

      It wasn't all that shocking of an outcome for a number of reasons.

      >the desert terrain was completely open and easy to fight and maneuver in
      >Arabs in general are horrible at conventional war
      >the Iraqi army was staffed by corrupt useless officers appointed through nepotism or politics
      >they were also toting export model Soviet gear that was inferior to the US military's hardware
      >finally the average Iraqi private had no especial desire to die for Kuwait so most of them just turned tail and ran

  8. 3 months ago

    cuckservatives ruined america's reputation as a freedom beacon forever. all they had to do was to impeach bush, but they're too addicted to israeli wiener.

  9. 3 months ago

    Did he actually have any real justification to invade Kuwait, or was he just trying to make up for the embarrassment that was the Iran-Iraq war?

    • 3 months ago

      Like a historical justification or just his actual reason for invading?

  10. 3 months ago

    This was the start of the end for the US and the white race as a whole, the greed for blood not satisfied they went on to shit on every other country in north africa and middle east untill the victimization in the west was enough so that hordes could enter with no supervision and genocide europeans by outbreeding

  11. 3 months ago

    I hated this war criminal old money yale CIA piece of shit and his whole family

    I'm glad the bushes are largely being relegated to irrelevance now that they've thrown their lot in with the democrats

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