Is absurdism truly the way of the based?

Is absurdism truly the way of the based?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yeah, to twittershitters.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's very easy to imagine Sisyphus happy when you're a Chad who spends his days having sex and getting attention from everyone.

    • 2 years ago

      Id say sisyphus could also be happy without these things though. Close friends and fun hobbies (and getting outside) go a long way even if you're an ugly nerd.

      • 2 years ago

        >close friends
        so close

    • 2 years ago

      Suicide isn't immoral. Some of us are just truly fricked. No cope philosophy is gonna actually solve that

      • 2 years ago

        This. No man ever threw away life while it was worth keeping.

    • 2 years ago

      Cut his wiener off and then see how happy he is

    • 2 years ago

      to use lookism parlance, the modern Chad is not a Chad. He is an ADAPTED(tm) Beta.
      In matriarchal times, every man and boy is a beta. Even the billionaires, the roiders, the handsome, the nomad who must succumb to the law courts.
      The Chads of today are the ones who have become court jesters to the phone women and appeased them. You might say, well he is successful with women on the apps, he is most closely mirroring what a muh Alpha would in the wild. But there are too many tollbooths in the way where a man must ask for permission to act like a man.
      And so, even in men who can get away with a cheeky comment or action (pic related), they will eventually meet a complete stranger in a woman who would ruin them for an off-colour comment. Such men know this and are knowingly bound, which is the hallmark of the Beta.
      The men who are unaware of the power of the female law courts are inevitably criminals and are then, not seen in society at all.

      • 2 years ago

        you live in a parallel reality my man, we're no where near a matriarchal society, women are still just as subservient to men as they were
        not a single man with a successful dating life looks at women as his superiors, most Chads objectify women.
        don't take your life experience for the universal state of things

        • 2 years ago

          this maybe the case and I admit the chance of being in Plato's cave, but the way I have seen women in Europ, the man's hands are tied and only allowed to be a specific kind of man, even when they are in relationships with these women.
          The men are bred and designed to be the woman's sex toy. This makes all men who wish to be prolific daters into cookie cutter types stamped out by women. I argue this is not a man, nor a Chad, but a Beta. A race of men who have decided to hand in all colourful characters to become (1) accepted personality, the moulding of which into a jester would not be considered by a man in patriarchal times.

          • 2 years ago

            dont act like women dont put tremendous effort into looking appealing to the opposite sex, as a cookie cutter like you say. so many of them have their instagrams with hundreds of pics of themselves
            On that note, it is bafflingly absurd how posting literally hundreds of "selfies" is so commonly acceptable for women, its so incredibly narcissistic but i suppose its not surprising, our death culture doesn't have many ideals at all other than base physical desires: sex, attention, money etc. its not like 100s of selfies is any more egregious

          • 2 years ago

            for women, having sex (read: manipulating a man) is so abysmally easy, that's not the reason they do it. They do it because they want a portfolio for other women to prove they are the most attractive. It's pure narcissism. It has almost nothing to do with men. Men are just funnymoney robots to them. The women have it so good these days that they have nothing better to do than humour their vanity.

        • 2 years ago

          You do realize that "Chads" make up a very small proportion of male population right? (A group you are likely not a part of) .

          Denying gynocracy in the west is pretty akin to denying reality at this point

      • 2 years ago

        Which is why men, rather than women have the final say in a choice of mate

      • 2 years ago

        >In matriarchal times
        Opinion immediately discarded.

        • 2 years ago

          in what way is the western world currently patriarchal.

    • 2 years ago

      Its bullshit. The question that has way more to do with the human situation is "Can one imagine Prometheus happy?"

      Its one thing to have a painful task to accomplish without reprieve, quite another to just have to sit there and let your guts get eaten out every day. That's chronic pain, that's living with tragedy, that's living with a past full of terrible things you cannot control.

      Thank god for modern medicine as weak as it is. Imagine a woman with severe endometriosis living day in, day out. Imagine pancreatitis. There's not a whole lot different there from your guts continually eaten out by birds. Suicide was the right idea for such matters and still is.

      Pain you can distract yourself from is not intractable pain, but one can encounter intractable pain at any time.

      I would say the way Camus posed his allegory of Sisyphus is misinterpreted versus the philosophy it tries to describe being flawed.
      If you consider Sisyphus's dilemma, you must ask yourself: why does he push the bolder up the mountain in the first place?
      If he is damned, then what is the point? Could he not just stay at the bottom of the mountain with the boulder for eternity without feeling any pain? One could interpret this as the first option Camus proposes to deal with the fact he will never get the boulder over the mountain: suicide. Though I would take it a step further and put hedonism and nihilism in this rung as well, both preferring comfort over the strain of pushing the boulder and a "giving up" on trying to accomplish anything as it is seen as a meaningless endeavor.
      Another possible reason for why he pushes the boulder is that he believes that one day, he will be able to make it up the mountain. Of course, the curse set upon him ensures he will not be able to succeed in this endeavor no matter how hard he tries. Maintaining the false hope he may one day succeed at this impossible task is Camus's second option of how to deal with the truth of life's meaninglessness: adopting a faith which you know is false and committing a "spiritual" suicide.
      The final reason Sisyphus could push the boulder up the mountain is due to the sense of purpose it gives him: that he can accomplish something though the fruits of his labor will one day spoil and be forgotten, the boulder inevitably falling down the mountain with no indication it was ever up the mountain at all, yet somehow feel satisfaction from it. That is absurdism.
      If you view Sisyphus's dilemma in this way, it makes more sense as an allegory for absurdism.

  3. 2 years ago

    i wouldn't say that but it gets the usual suspects to start whinging about social privilege and fatalism whenever it's brought up so there must be something to it

  4. 2 years ago

    It succeeds as a philosophy because you don't need to read a hundred pages of systems thinking to understand it. It's more of a gut feeling.
    It's doubting Thomas dropping his jester hat on the floor and joining Jesus because he has no choice, not because he has faith.

  5. 2 years ago

    Its bullshit. The question that has way more to do with the human situation is "Can one imagine Prometheus happy?"

    Its one thing to have a painful task to accomplish without reprieve, quite another to just have to sit there and let your guts get eaten out every day. That's chronic pain, that's living with tragedy, that's living with a past full of terrible things you cannot control.

    Thank god for modern medicine as weak as it is. Imagine a woman with severe endometriosis living day in, day out. Imagine pancreatitis. There's not a whole lot different there from your guts continually eaten out by birds. Suicide was the right idea for such matters and still is.

    Pain you can distract yourself from is not intractable pain, but one can encounter intractable pain at any time.

    • 2 years ago

      You touch on a good point. Camus is, for me, clearly a shallow thinker not to incorporate the myths of Narcissus and Tantalus into his system. Even if you find the motivation [or whatever] to keep the sisyphean task going, there are the other traps to fall into. Desire and vanity are just as hindering as futility, arguably more so.

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    the most absurd thing is fully embracing absurdism but still being afraid to die.

  9. 2 years ago

    Literal reddittier thread with a bunch of LULZ sissies responding

  10. 2 years ago

    Yeah, to twittershitters.

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