Is college worth it?

For studying literature? Between Harold’s Bloom’s critique and the woke wildfire, I’m beginning to think of just leaving it. My gf really wants me to go because she is planning to major in literature and wants to do it with me but I am now worrying they will brainwash her

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Why study literature in college when you could take writing or specific classes whilst studying engineering to fund your hobby/future writing career? Academia is full of nuts and people who hate art on principle. There’s reason the only good writing academics you can name are John Williams and Harold Bloom.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why would anyone want to be an engineer?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    The woke wildfire is overstated. You can be against it and state your opinion just fine so long as you aren't a sperg.
    t. humanities student

    • 4 weeks ago

      Or you are just willing to tolerate a lot of unreasonable things that other people aren't.

      • 4 weeks ago

        To make money? Duh

    • 4 weeks ago

      LOL, absolutely wrong where i live. You are either naively illusioned, or lying directly. At my public european university, my peers would completely ape out if you tell them smth. remotely rightist. This is why i don't tell them my ideology. Or else i would be cast out completely by them. Probably even violently attacked.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >I really care about literature but not enough to actually study it because I am worried the other students might have different politics to me

    • 4 weeks ago

      Can you even attend lectures during these protests?

      • 4 weeks ago

        If the lectures are cancelled you can just go hang out with the professor and talk poetry while the numpties are grumbling about Yemen or whatever.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah but If I am paying a gorrillion dollars a year for my degree I do not want uni to just randomly shut down.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That would be every degree though, it's not like only the literature department gets shut down.
            Student protests have always been a thing. In my day it was Iraq and WMD

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Student protests have always been a thing. In my day it was Iraq and WMD
            That doesn't make it a good thing. The college experience as a whole should change drastically, and part of that should be eliminating student activism.

          • 4 weeks ago

            They are adults in a free society exercising their democratic rights. You can't eliminate college activism any more than you could eliminate it outside of college.
            But, given this is IQfy, perhaps that's your argument

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sure, it might be impossible to completely eliminate, but there are many things we could do to discourage it. Given how competitive admissions are for some of these schools, if these schools were to expel students and stick to their guns, it would set a good amount of students straight. That along with changing the college experience (eliminating dorming, greek life, sports, and other social activies) would help to prevent the kinds of communities that tend towards activism Other measures should be taken too, but that's a start.
            Also, if liberal societies believe their survival is worthwhile goal, free speech should not be extended to leftists in a any capacity.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Depends on the professor. Some of them are involved with the protests.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >If the lectures are cancelled you can just go hang out with the professor

    • 4 weeks ago

      They might also be really pushy with their insane politics on OP.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    It is most definitely not worth it to major in literature just for the sake of it. The reason I took up a degree in linguistics and literature is because it qualifies me to work as a teacher in my home country on top of providing systematic exposure to books, but the latter part can definitely be achieved in one's spare time as well, if a bit less rigorously. Unless you want to do something with a literature degree that you otherwise couldn't (i.e. teaching and research), your time is better spent in another field.

    • 4 weeks ago

      To clarify: If you feel that systematic exposure to the world's best literature would benefit you more than self-study, that is absolutely a valid reason to pursue it. Just don't sign up for it on a whim, because it has next to no benefits if you don't get into it without the right mindset.

      • 4 weeks ago

        With* the right mindset
        My bad

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Study economics, you dumb fricks.

    You will learn some useful skills to have a good retirement plan, get some easy job and be able to have literature as a hobby. Do not fall for soulless meme fields like engineering, computer science, programming or other STEM shit.
    You can also try Law, if you want.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >unlike these fields that deal with using firm understanding to actually make shit, we are the soulful ones

      What level of delusion are you on

    • 4 weeks ago

      I fell for the STEM meme and I hate my life now. I enjoy comp sci but hate doing it as a career. What careers do you suggest, in particular for autists like me (not sure law would work bc it involves so much communication)?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    College itself is just one massive appeal to authority.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I'm very fortunate in life but don't have a degree yet. One more class this summer gets me my associate's in English and then I'm transferring into a prestigious school for a bachelor's. I have passive income but a stipulation is that I must either be in school or have a job.
    Wagie jobs are so shit that they're not worth the wear on your vehicle for commuting, or wear on your health in terms of medical bills. Trades would be working me six days a week and to maintain my body (exercise and stretch to not get fricked up bones/joints) would basically give me zero spare time. Working a whole year and saving $15k or so would barely pay for a car repair. It wouldn't be able to pay for any real professional work that I want done to my home.
    I'm doing college because I've figured out that I need a high-paying job, not for the money, but for the respect that this society places on earning the money. If I don't feel respected I just resent people and at this point I don't need any of that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I feel the same way. It's really bizarre how much stuff you don't need and can get away with not needing as long as you have a place to stay. There are otherwise way more material goods being produced than are needed to live a comfortable life for most people, and going back and forth just wastes the finite resources we have (which normies really don't seem to like to think about).

      • 4 weeks ago

        I don't think shit will hit the fan like the prep people seem to think but there will be increasingly higher food prices and water scarcity. I have the funds right now so that I could move (but I don't need to), Eventually in a matter of decades I might have to relocate for my survival and when that time comes I want to be able to easily afford all the bullshit costs that will spiral out of control.
        Like electric cars are pretty moronic right now but they might be mandatory in fifty years (not because of laws but because of gas scarcity). They'll be stupid expensive went if demand shift suddenly happens but at least I'll have the foresight and the money to adjust.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You sound like an insecure homosexual

      • 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    >infiltrate academia disproportionately
    >use this disproportionate power to invent controlled opposition
    >"defeat" this opposition you control to attain yet more power

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Israel controls Hamas and have for years.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    This is an economic question. How much would you pay to read, discuss, type, and get introduced to a wide array of works not shilled on this board?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    College is a debt trap. Learn some useful trades and skills. ☮

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