Is ego death good or evil?

My instincts tell me it's the latter, but I don't know for sure. What can I read to learn about both points of view?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Is ego death only a Buddhist thing?

    • 2 years ago

      >Is ego death only a Buddhist thing?

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, if you read a lot of accounts of ego death it comes to people years after they stopped the whole buddha new-age TM thing. Is there a lag? Maybe.

    • 2 years ago

      buddhism tells you the ego doesn't real, so there is nothing to kill

    • 2 years ago

      It exists in psychoanalysis too, more-or-less. "The ego is by its nature an error, a distortion, a repository of misunderstanding." - from Fink's The Lacanian Subject

      >The ego does return
      Why? Why would you need to if you've seen its illusory nature? If the "self" is an artificial and temporary construct made of aggregates why would you want to fall back into thinking of the self of as some sort of objective existent thing? Most likely I'm just misunderstanding you as a lot of these terms are vague and it's pretty hard to put meditational experiences into words.

      A drinking straw still looks bent in a glass of water, even if you know it's straight.

    • 2 years ago

      >Max Stirner
      Weedlmao DMT trip 'ego death' is of next to no value at all, and some of the most self-aggrandizing apes will natter on about nothing, as if it was anything at all.

      Penultimate step at best, and despite the received wisdom of Western dogshit translators anatta/anatman in the Buddhist corpus does not mean "no soul". In fact, they describe that craving for annihilation, once the pleasures and mortifications of the flesh are tired out, as superficial renunciation. There is a Self, there is a Subject, and you are that. The disobjectification practice brings you closer to the centripetal center of your being, jhana/jāti "to burn way/off" -- like a Phoenix.

      What is generally meant by "ego death" is elimination of hubris.

      McIlluminists who advocate the destruction of the ego/the conscious self itself are amongst some of the most unselfconscious individuals in the world when not acting with evil intent and ulterior motives.

      Absolutely this.

      Ego death seems to me to be describing the fallout from a grand revelation on the nature of reality. It's not that the ego dies, it can be momentarily suppressed by mushrooms, but that the ego is turned on it's back to reveal how it was not as incontrovertible as it thought. The moment can be characterized by how the individual interprets the revelation. They may feel themselves turning 2-d, they may understand that the rise of consciousness implies many lives. This I consider to be ego death. The ego does return because it is a part of the self and must be integrated into the new self that know the truth of reality. This is where those who are pursuing their highest aim will find meaning, and those who deny them self will find meaningless depression.

      This is why in my opinion drugs are a healthy force. I'm told meditation can accomplish the same things but if you don't know what you are looking for, I don't know how you could meditate properly.

      >I'm told meditation can accomplish the same things but if you don't know what you are looking for, I don't know how you could meditate properly.
      'Meditation' goes on all the time and without intent -- it's a crutch to be thrown off after its use has been served if you're really at home in, dwelling in the present. The ocean behind and the shore ahead aren't pined for or feared by the wave. The radio isn't the signal.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought it was a drug thing . You know, just something hippies talk about.

      • 2 years ago

        yes I think so

  2. 2 years ago

    depends on how well your ego served you, or your perception of how well your ego served you

    • 2 years ago

      So a well-adjusted, generally content, functional person should not go through ego death? And if one kills his egi, should they rebuild it?

      • 2 years ago

        that's the paradigm that I came away with: how can you know your ego's extrinsic value, separate from individual influence, without resetting, synthesizing and rebuilding intrinsic value in a controlled environment?
        this is where i admit idk what comes next and rely on my psychiatrist and neuroscience friends/family who have all emphasized a controlled, bioethical methodology of the medical treatment--which is what makes ketamine research, TMS, epigenetics, prenatal clinical testing, difficult due to the fact the brain is the least understood organ and nobody wants to compromise understanding for income or vise versa--making ego death a temporary ego-loss that allows us to come away with a better understanding of ourselves without the risk of bias or human-error from the recipient or the caregiver.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            ego death is only good if you can rebuild it and not everyone can rebuild it

          • 2 years ago

            solid intuitions. I think I killed my ego and became a little sensitive, passive b***h instead. I wouldn't change it for a bit because I knew in my heart I was going in the wrong direction. but it left me aimless for a long time, without a natural drive for "anything" besides reading philosophy when I had the mental drive. I still don't know who I am and what my purpose is.

          • 2 years ago

            Can ego death happen by outside experiences or does it have to come from within?

          • 2 years ago

            it happened steadily over time. I got bullied (for good reason, I was a pretentious edgy arrogant frick) hated myself and wanted to change. went to meditation camps, become obsessively reflective, stopped doing the things I used to enjoy, etc. now I'm far removed from that past, but it killed my joie de vivre. I think I took things a little bit too far.

          • 2 years ago

            >joie de vivre
            Did you have that before? Ego ressurection would be nice

          • 2 years ago

            kind of. I loved trolling, reading history, debating people, and playing video games.

          • 2 years ago

            >I was a pretentious edgy arrogant frick
            >joie de vivre
            Still are

          • 2 years ago

            What you described matches what I've going through for the last year very well. I had the suspicion that it had something to do with the ego but I just found out thanks to this thread about the concept of Ego Death.
            I've come to the realization that it's all a show, this ego of mine it's nothing but a curtain, except there is nothing behind it.
            How did you recovered the will to enjoy life again?

  3. 2 years ago

    i find "ego death" to be poorly defined but then i'm not into drug "literature" i'm just into drugs.

  4. 2 years ago

    Evil. The drugs and new-age non-dual cults that push this shit have an abhorrently high suicide rate.

    • 2 years ago

      So? How is that evil?

  5. 2 years ago

    ego death just leaves you feeling dead inside.

  6. 2 years ago

    All and all, seems like ego death is bad. Why is being pushed so hard then?

  7. 2 years ago

    Instead of classifying things as good or evil, empty yourself of yourself and make room for the Beloved.

  8. 2 years ago
    × I V R I V S ×

    What is generally meant by "ego death" is elimination of hubris.

    McIlluminists who advocate the destruction of the ego/the conscious self itself are amongst some of the most unselfconscious individuals in the world when not acting with evil intent and ulterior motives.

  9. 2 years ago

    Ego death seems to me to be describing the fallout from a grand revelation on the nature of reality. It's not that the ego dies, it can be momentarily suppressed by mushrooms, but that the ego is turned on it's back to reveal how it was not as incontrovertible as it thought. The moment can be characterized by how the individual interprets the revelation. They may feel themselves turning 2-d, they may understand that the rise of consciousness implies many lives. This I consider to be ego death. The ego does return because it is a part of the self and must be integrated into the new self that know the truth of reality. This is where those who are pursuing their highest aim will find meaning, and those who deny them self will find meaningless depression.

    This is why in my opinion drugs are a healthy force. I'm told meditation can accomplish the same things but if you don't know what you are looking for, I don't know how you could meditate properly.

    • 2 years ago

      >The ego does return
      Why? Why would you need to if you've seen its illusory nature? If the "self" is an artificial and temporary construct made of aggregates why would you want to fall back into thinking of the self of as some sort of objective existent thing? Most likely I'm just misunderstanding you as a lot of these terms are vague and it's pretty hard to put meditational experiences into words.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why would you need to if you've seen its illusory nature?

        Having your value system realigned doesn't make you into a native of that new value system, it just makes you aware of it's existence. Eventually the drugs wear off and you have to start believing that up is up and people are sentient. You're right it really is hard to describe feelings like being one with the universe. How do we fix that?

  10. 2 years ago

    If we're going on Jungian definition, the ego is sort of the CEO of Self. Now a good CEO listens to all the component parts, all the members of Board the Self, and makes informed decisions based on their input. Sometimes the ego get's a little to big for its bridges and refuses to listen to the rest of the members of the board, or worst case consider itself the only executive. Ego death allows the CEO to shut up for a little while and let everyone else step in, hearing what everyone else has to say. Many people believe they are their ego and it is detrimental to their development and individuation.

  11. 2 years ago

    stop trying to force things into dichotomies moron

  12. 2 years ago

    muh good and evil, muh muh muh good muh muh evil

  13. 2 years ago

    It surely kills your ambition. No need to start a marathon if you’re standing on the podium already. On the other hand, you’ll be left alone in a barren land, nothing to do, nowhere to go. No signs or roadmaps anywhere. It’s not an uncomfortable state to be in unless you make it one. Trying to grab the steering wheel makes it’s painful to do anything unnecessary. Just being suffices but I don’t know how productive or ethical that is.

    • 2 years ago

      It makes you sound cringe like this guy. Don't do drugs

  14. 2 years ago

    Would left nut death be a good or evil thing?

  15. 2 years ago

    It's bad because it's a druggie millennial meme

  16. 2 years ago

    its both. when u are young and growing and going to and past your prime your Ego should be strengthened like hell. then when you are winding down as old age and death creeps you should chip and chisel the Ego down. cycles and nature brother.
    so in other words, the formula is Nietzsche when youre young, Manichaean when youre old.
    thus u get the best of both worlds. in the meantime u should be popping up good children with good genetics and soul with a genetically great woman (otherwise, dont at all). when u get older go into the forests and become a hermit.
    ah, dont worry if u somehow died before old age for any reason, u will come back here to life again anyway.

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