Is it just me or has the world over the last couple of years started to feel like a bizzaro mix of DFW, Kurt Vonnegut and JG Ballard?

Is it just me or has the world over the last couple of years started to feel like a bizzaro mix of DFW, Kurt Vonnegut and JG Ballard? Everyone was so busy worrying about a 1984 or BNW-style dystopia that we forgot to read other potentially prophetic literature for clues. its no wonder we didn't see any of this coming.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Taken from another thread

    >It took a minute for it to kick-in, but we are finally in the post-Darwin timeline proper. We tried to glue it together with humanism, that was the 90's, but the invention of instant global information exchange saw to the end of that. We now understand fully that nothing particularly special exists, and most of life is toil, when its not bowl-shattering pain.

    >I think countless civilizations have popped up across the universe, worked their way to self-awareness via natural selection, saw the nothing that is particularly worth doing, and laid down by the watering hole to die.

    • 2 years ago

      Is it Zapffe thesis?

    • 2 years ago

      This is pretty much true without Christ.

      • 2 years ago

        Bruh g this isn't true. Jesus and his close followers never married or procreated. Being on Earth is a punishment and a fall into total chaos.

        • 2 years ago

          Nah dude life is literally the Christ game

    • 2 years ago

      The hell are you talking about over half the human race is aware that ghosts and demons are real and aliens are definitely out there. Also there is still plenty we don't know about like the ocean. Maybe you guys are depressed but I'm looking forward to the next big push. The next great war, the fall of civilization and the return of the dark age. We're approaching the fun part where everything falls apart like a second bronze age. Resource wars, genocides, death, entire continents rising up as marauders. It will be a glorious hell that will sparkle in the mind of future generations.

      • 2 years ago

        Prove ghosts and aliens

        • 2 years ago

          Aliens are mathematically impossible to not exist by the calculation of our universe's size and the chance of an earthlike planet with the same conditions an matter on it. Ghosts are simply entities of a none material plane that are still around us.

        • 2 years ago

          Aliens are mathematically impossible to not exist by the calculation of our universe's size and the chance of an earthlike planet with the same conditions an matter on it. Ghosts are simply entities of a none material plane that are still around us.

          Sorry i meant to say prove demons not aliens.

          How have we not found this material plane the ghosts exist in?

          • 2 years ago

            How have we not found this non material plane*

            I apologize for my rushed text. I truly do want to know why you believe in ghosts and demons.

            As a child I was religous but as i got older stopped believing in gods, ghosts and demons.

            The closest i've gotten to "spiritual" feelings was when i was young and feared ghosts, demons, and god himself and could "feel" their presence, but i always assumed that was my childish fear.

            As an adult i have also experienced many entities in my mind, but i was on drugs and just felt like that was a form of psychosis.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't neccesarily think Demons are "demons" so much as there seem to be predatory entities that are present in this world. What the actually are I do not know but from independent research they seem likely to exist. I don't really believe that they are fallen angels or anything but perhaps just predators of a different kind. You could be right and there is nothing but it doesn't seem so open and shut to me. I also have had a personal encounter with something like that which I can't explain as anything but a predatory spirit. I wasn't high, I don't have a mental illness and it never happened again so I hesitate to say such things aren't likely. I admit I actively avoid areas where demons are supposed to be as I see no benefit in tempting such a thing for no gain. My overall point is that we are far from understanding this world in my opinion. We simply understand a good deal more than our ancestors who understood little.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for your response. Although i lean towards these entities not being real i don't find it completely impossible either. I just have trouble believing my personal experience and other's personal experiences without some proof due to how strong feelings can affect perception.

          • 2 years ago

            >how haven't we found natural evidence for the supernatural
            a real mystery

          • 2 years ago

            Can you be more clear on the point of your post or are you just sarcastic shitposting cus you're bored?

          • 2 years ago

            i'm pointing out that your question makes no sense

          • 2 years ago

            I did make a correction after that post. I just wanted to know if he had specific proof of supernatural things because he sounded so sure.

      • 2 years ago

        not in your lifetime

      • 2 years ago

        >Get excited for [next big push]
        The [next big push] is going up your ass. Still excited?

        • 2 years ago

          I fail to see what you are so angry about or why you are accusing me of being a mindless consumer. I just observe the signs of the next great era of history coming about before I am dead and as a trained historian look forward (admittedly in a rather callous manner) to being the guy describing such things for people in the future to go over. If it's inescapable why not have some fun?

          • 2 years ago

            Peopl arent angry, they just think you are stupid. Which you are. Good luck!

          • 2 years ago

            No I think one guy finds my excitement for the future annoying but I choose to completely ignore said homosexual and push my point. How about being up front instead of acting like a passive aggressive pussy.

  2. 2 years ago

    I hate irony

  3. 2 years ago

    >Because of these technologies, man can succeed in having a pleasant and livable life. But this is nothing more than substituting an artificial system and a technological fatefulness for the old natural system and the fatefulness of the gods. There is no retort, no original invention by man: In reality, the facilitation is always produced by technology itself. It is technology that furnishes gadgets, television, travel, to make up for a colorless, adventureless, routine existence. Likewise, the mass production of wretched science-fiction books or movies like Alphaville, 2001, Fahrenheit 451 is a mechanism for adapting, for adjusting to the technological society as it really is. We are shown a horrible, unacceptable model, which we forcefully reject; but it is not technology, it is an imaginative treatment of what technology could be! And in our refusal, our rejection, our condemnation of this, we think we have waved off technology; hence, we must be lucid and vigilant beings, we are rid of our anxiety. Technology ( this technology!) will not seize control of us. We are very cognizant, and we will not be gotten the better of. Now this facilitates the acceptance of real technology, which is neither wicked, visible, nor appalling, but utterly gentle and benign. Since technology is nothing like what it has been shown to be, it strikes us as perfectly acceptable and reassuring. We take refuge in the real technological society in order to escape the fiction that was presented as the true technology. This is why I am resolutely hostile to all these anti technological novels and films. They are never anything but that old military trick: You simulate a massive attack, with trumpets and lights, so as to divert the attention of the men defending the citadel, while the real operation (digging up a mine, for instance) takes place somewhere else and in a very different way.

  4. 2 years ago

    It's always been like that, you're just getting older. You're just projecting your own decay onto society.

    • 2 years ago

      >your own decay
      >implying not everything within time is decaying

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