Is it over for me?

Is it over for me?

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  1. 2 months ago

    How old are you

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Okay it is not over for you at all
        You need to immediately start going through a rigorous IQ raising regimen.

        -20 Dual N-Back sessions M-F (Dual N-Back increases working memory)
        -25 minutes of mind palace training every day ( take breaks when your scores begin to collapse from average)
        -1 hour of mindfulness meditation a day (increases the size of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex)
        -strenuous reading. Read real English literature for at least 25-30 min a day. Put words that you don't know into an Anki deck (Google Ankiweb it's a FOSS app that uses spaced repetition)
        -Regular strenuous exercise, healthy eating, running + lifting, intermittent fasting, Yoga (increases BDNF and alters the structure of the brain for better spatial and fluid reasoning)
        -Second language acquisition. 25-30 min a day of learning a second target language. This will increase your general fluid reasoning working memory and verbal reasoning.

        All of these together will synergize and create a positive feedback loop to increase your IQ. By how much, idk, but your IQ will increase. To test yourself for changes you'll need to take a completely different IQ test than the Mensa Norway test you just took so retesting effects aren't in play.

        • 2 months ago

          NTA but same score and 22 years old, is it over?

          • 2 months ago

            No it's not over till the day lady sings, or, rather, until your prefrontal cortex hardens at around 25-28
            Get to work

          • 2 months ago

            *Fat lady

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            This is the highest IQ response in this entire thread.

        • 2 months ago

          So what do I do if my IQ has declined from 151 (teen years) to 136 (22)? I'm burnt out from work most of the time but language acquisition isn't too difficult (spent a year learning nip and after about an hour of code switching I'd grind out for a while each day; became intuitive). Should I find a more cognitively challenging career?

          • 2 months ago

            Find a more cognitively challenging career that isn't burning you out. I'm sure that a huge part of your IQ loss is due to chronic stress rather than any real damage to your intelligence.

          • 2 months ago

            That or just find something on the list that you like and then implement it. Implement more elements from the list one at a time.

            I'll probably do both. I spent the last few hours doing career assessments to gauge what paths are most viable for me at this time. I hope to cross reference it with the job market to see where to put my money; I'm risk averse and would rather not waste my money on a meme degree.

            What kind of work do you do?

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            One of the career assessments I did recommended cyber security. What's the work like? I have intro level awareness of security topics due to involvement in some dubious activities as a teenager.

          • 2 months ago

            Varies wildly depending on the subfield you go into. Secure coding, IT auditing, penetration testing, network security, soc analyst, blue teaming, red teaming, malware reverse engineering... I could go on and on. The upside to cyber is that having a degree is almost looked down upon, at least a cyber degree anyways. Being an autodidact who has projects, good certs, and interviews well is highly prized over a degree. I coincidentally met a woman at an airport recently who had a masters degree in Cyber and she was telling me that she couldn't get anyone to respond to her resume.

          • 2 months ago

            I'll make a note of this. Do you have any recommendations for where to start learning in-depth security analysis and penetration testing? I'm used to keeping my shit in order and secure as it is, but I can't guarantee that I'm knowledgeable enough for an employer. I was offered a job while checking out a customer at my current job, and when I followed up, she told me she'd hire me if I had some certifications.

          • 2 months ago

            To learn pentesting, use a platform like HackTheBox, TryHackMe, or Proving Grounds. Preferably all three. Create detailed markdown notes in a tool like Obsidian.
            First thing's first though, you're not getting a pentesting job without experience in cyber already and you're not getting a cyber job without more basic certs. Get your Sec+ and CySA+ at a minimum. Maybe also get your CCNA. You'll also need to learn the fundamentals of programming if you want to actually be a good cybersecurity professional. Learn python first IMO and then move on from there, with powershell and bash as your next languages. You can probably teach yourself python then get your sec+ at the same time. Then, get your first cyber job and then build a good resume and linkedin profile. Build out from there.

          • 2 months ago

            Also, make sure you're a goody good boy because at least in the US, lots of the best cyber jobs require a security clearance. The government is gonna go up your ass before they give you the highest clearance level.

          • 2 months ago

            That or just find something on the list that you like and then implement it. Implement more elements from the list one at a time.

        • 2 months ago

          don't listen to this guy
          just grind sample IQ tests until you grow familiarity

        • 2 months ago

          IQ can't really be increased tho

          • 2 months ago

            Yes, every other underlying functional connectivity network in the brain is highly malleable and plastic, but for some reason the functional connectivity networks underlying fluid and crystallized intelligence are rock solid, 100% genetic, and can't be altered. They're the exception. Makes perfect sense.

  2. 2 months ago

    ouch, couldn't even make it to midwit status on an online test. i'd say "condolences" but you probably don't know what that word means

    • 2 months ago

      the first time I took this test I got 80, next time I got 146, should I just take the average of the two scores?

    • 2 months ago

      Sub-midwits tend to be less annoying the midwits themselves.

      the first time I took this test I got 80, next time I got 146, should I just take the average of the two scores?

      If you really want to know, you should take a valid test instead of some junk found online.

  3. 2 months ago

    unironically, yes.

    below average status even bordering moron level
    it's over

  4. 2 months ago

    It depends. Can you solve this?

    • 2 months ago

      Are these type of folding questions actually reasonable? What is the technical rules on joining edges from an isomorphic projection?
      I suppose that only one of the answers is even feasible. Is it that there must be a bend at each vertex for each side?

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        i got d, too. not a hard tbh.

        • 2 months ago

          Dr. Eggman, here.
          My IQ was 336, but now it's 339.
          Worry less about IQ, and work with your own knowledge and skills, because I'm about to level this board, completely.


    • 2 months ago

      I'll answer A, but I'm a moron anyways.

    • 2 months ago

      Is it actually possible to genuinely score below 120 on these? The patterns typically aren't hard to note and they don't ask for anything crazy as far as mental manipulation goes. Every time I've tried I've always gotten around 130, granted that was back when I was younger and dumber. When you're older you realise that the real IQ test is to not waste your time on this shit at all. Only morons care, although I'm loth to admit I found some of the more challenging tasks fun.

      D is the only one with the correct fat little Ls

      • 2 months ago

        >Is it actually possible to genuinely score below what's defined as the 90th percentile?

        • 2 months ago

          >he thinks online tests accurately measure IQ
          I'm not asking whether it's possible to have an IQ below 120, but whether it's possible for a normal person to get below 120 on *these* tests. If so, the bar is extremely low and I am even more resolute in my stance that driver's licenses should be revoked from 70% of people.

          • 2 months ago

            Driver's licenses of all things are among the sillier things to yoke to intelligence testing. Conscientous dunces who don't look at their phones while driving (truck drivers) can drive safely and adequetely and participate in the economy in a meaningful way. You should focus instead on activities which more directly affect society, such as having babies at all and, to the effect that plebiscites matter (they have some significance to how policy is set, the reply that they don't is both lazy and false), the political voting franchise itself.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm fairly sure that online mensa test is just an actual raven's test with the same norms. Same pictures and same answers that give the same scores.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't know if it's just a lack of practice, cognitive state, or the way the exercises are arranged and designed themselves, but for me sometimes the patterns felt extremely easy and obvious to spot, whilst others seemed incredulous and ambiguous as to what they were asking for, seemingly inviting you to go crazy with said mental manipulation and gymnastics. And then half the time when you take it again and refresh yourself you realize the solution was staring you in the face all along.

        I still can't un-shake the idea that foreknowledge of mathematics and geometry (whatever form that experience may take) does indeed help with these tests (both real world and digital) just as much if not more so than if your mind is just geared towards thinking in a particular way suited towards the test. Though for all I know it might also backfire if you try to tackle some of the more abstract patterns in overly analytical fashions (focusing on cause and effect, movement, textures).

        The best thing would still be to either dig up your old real world tests, or sign up for real world tests. Especially if you're that kind of mind which no matter what can always eventually solve any logic puzzle or problem that is thrown at it (asterisk regarding tiredness and age may still apply).

    • 2 months ago

      are there supposed to be any rules as to how I can fold this
      picturing the process of manipulating each component can sometimes result in strange things

  5. 2 months ago

    Try other tests maybe?
    Mensa put me at 105 but other tests (that Kierkegaard the race scientist recommended) got me between 115 and 124.
    Though it's not like your actions should meaningfully change whatever your IQ is, you just make do with what you can.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm no expert by any means but in another thread people were comparing scores between this test and OpenSourcePsychometrics' and they were always within like 2-3 points of one another with OSP's being relatively deflationary. Consistency across wildly different tests would imply some degree of accuracy wouldn't it?

      • 2 months ago

        i've seen rankings of online iq tests and from what i remember, the one op did is highly correlated to real scores and considered to be one of the better online ones

        • 2 months ago

          Well, me being dumber than I think or being an outlier on this particular test is also possible.
          No point stressing over it for either one of us, if you ask me

          • 2 months ago

            You should stress over it. Your life is going to be handicapped by being at purely average intelligence. IQ is a predictor of how quickly you can learn things and what your life outcome will be. There's a common meme in culture that "IQ doesn't matter" which is just cope because most people believe that IQ is purely genetic and can't be raised, but that's not true. IQ is critical to problem solving, learning, and adaptability. You should do everything you can to try and raise your intelligence while you're young and your brain still possesses a high degree of neuroplasticity. It will change your life for the better.

          • 2 months ago

            I know all that, but I also know that there's no established way to meaningfully raise your IQ so ¯|_(ツ)_/¯

          • 2 months ago

            Anticipating nitpickers: you can of course easily raise your IQ by practicing the tests, but you can't raise what IQ is supposed to indicate, that is, intelligence.

          • 2 months ago

            No, the subcomponents of gf can be improved which can accumulate and increase IQ as mentioned in the fourth post here

            Okay it is not over for you at all
            You need to immediately start going through a rigorous IQ raising regimen.

            -20 Dual N-Back sessions M-F (Dual N-Back increases working memory)
            -25 minutes of mind palace training every day ( take breaks when your scores begin to collapse from average)
            -1 hour of mindfulness meditation a day (increases the size of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex)
            -strenuous reading. Read real English literature for at least 25-30 min a day. Put words that you don't know into an Anki deck (Google Ankiweb it's a FOSS app that uses spaced repetition)
            -Regular strenuous exercise, healthy eating, running + lifting, intermittent fasting, Yoga (increases BDNF and alters the structure of the brain for better spatial and fluid reasoning)
            -Second language acquisition. 25-30 min a day of learning a second target language. This will increase your general fluid reasoning working memory and verbal reasoning.

            All of these together will synergize and create a positive feedback loop to increase your IQ. By how much, idk, but your IQ will increase. To test yourself for changes you'll need to take a completely different IQ test than the Mensa Norway test you just took so retesting effects aren't in play.

          • 2 months ago

            mostly copium tbh
            Though keeping your mind and body sharp is of course a good idea anyway. Except Dual N-back, it's a meme.

          • 2 months ago

            Even if Dual N-Back is a meme, which I don't believe given the before and after fMRI studies on its impact on the brain, all of the other things on the list are incontrovertibly real and efficacious, particularly the mind palace technique and second language acquisition given their respective impacts on fluid reasoning and memory.

          • 2 months ago

            >given the before and after fMRI studies
            that's cool and all, but is there evidence that getting better at this game transfers to other tasks and affects the g factor?

          • 2 months ago

            Yes, compared to the mind palace technique dual n-back actually has superior transfer, and evinces superior working memory (based on before and after comparisons between a control group on a working memory challenge)

          • 2 months ago

            I just did IQ tests for fun until my results hit 145.
            Started at 112 when I was a bit younger.
            I do it less frequently now but I am still improving.
            I am a highly gifted individual by merit of the paper number grind and also a complete normie.
            IQcels will seethe.

          • 2 months ago

            You would probably get rekt if you took a real IQ test like the WAIS-IV or RAIT.

  6. 2 months ago

    Nah that's good news
    most rich and happy people are notoriously low IQ
    in fact your IQ might be too high

  7. 2 months ago

    all is not lost - are you black, by chance? if so then congrats, you're a 90th percentile quasi-genius

  8. 2 months ago

    Na you're PRIME material for enjoying a life of politics and voting, failed relationships, sportsball and drinking.

    • 2 months ago

      This honestly doesn't sound half bad if it means I'll age into a normalgay. I'm a loser who's into anime, so these hobbies sound like fun.

      • 2 months ago

        You're not going to age into being a normalgay. Unless you ascended to the top of the social hierarchy in your high school, and you're just a bored and funemployed normie who slipped into an anime phase somehow, your life is going to continue to deteriorate unless you intervene. Not trying to depress you, but that's just how it is. Median intelligence is only a stat buff for people who have 8+/10 physiques and are highly sociable.

        • 2 months ago

          Is this scientifically accurate?

          • 2 months ago


  9. 2 months ago

    define over

  10. 2 months ago

    This is my first time on IQfy, so I'm just gonna ask as a tourist: How much is IQ brought up here?

    • 2 months ago

      Lmao good bait, I almost fell for it.

  11. 2 months ago

    is it possible to have partial high IQ? like..not all the time or something? sometimes

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah your cognition is heavily impacted by a multitude of factors. I've seen people report IQ gains/losses of up to 23 points depending on their mental state

  12. 2 months ago

    Do picrel IQ test, it gives you scores based on different categories of intelligence
    Verification not required

    • 2 months ago

      Read a damn book homie

    • 2 months ago

      >select the green points
      >always answer RIGHT NEXT to the red square 9 out of 10 times

    • 2 months ago

      IQbros.. How do I keep pushing for gigabrain status? Only being smarter than 85% of people isn't good enough for me

      • 2 months ago

        I already told you here

        Okay it is not over for you at all
        You need to immediately start going through a rigorous IQ raising regimen.

        -20 Dual N-Back sessions M-F (Dual N-Back increases working memory)
        -25 minutes of mind palace training every day ( take breaks when your scores begin to collapse from average)
        -1 hour of mindfulness meditation a day (increases the size of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex)
        -strenuous reading. Read real English literature for at least 25-30 min a day. Put words that you don't know into an Anki deck (Google Ankiweb it's a FOSS app that uses spaced repetition)
        -Regular strenuous exercise, healthy eating, running + lifting, intermittent fasting, Yoga (increases BDNF and alters the structure of the brain for better spatial and fluid reasoning)
        -Second language acquisition. 25-30 min a day of learning a second target language. This will increase your general fluid reasoning working memory and verbal reasoning.

        All of these together will synergize and create a positive feedback loop to increase your IQ. By how much, idk, but your IQ will increase. To test yourself for changes you'll need to take a completely different IQ test than the Mensa Norway test you just took so retesting effects aren't in play.

  13. 2 months ago

    It's fricking over

    • 2 months ago

      What would be an acceptable number for you

      • 2 months ago

        2 more points so I could be in the green area

        • 2 months ago

          Just do some of this shit

          Okay it is not over for you at all
          You need to immediately start going through a rigorous IQ raising regimen.

          -20 Dual N-Back sessions M-F (Dual N-Back increases working memory)
          -25 minutes of mind palace training every day ( take breaks when your scores begin to collapse from average)
          -1 hour of mindfulness meditation a day (increases the size of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex)
          -strenuous reading. Read real English literature for at least 25-30 min a day. Put words that you don't know into an Anki deck (Google Ankiweb it's a FOSS app that uses spaced repetition)
          -Regular strenuous exercise, healthy eating, running + lifting, intermittent fasting, Yoga (increases BDNF and alters the structure of the brain for better spatial and fluid reasoning)
          -Second language acquisition. 25-30 min a day of learning a second target language. This will increase your general fluid reasoning working memory and verbal reasoning.

          All of these together will synergize and create a positive feedback loop to increase your IQ. By how much, idk, but your IQ will increase. To test yourself for changes you'll need to take a completely different IQ test than the Mensa Norway test you just took so retesting effects aren't in play.

          Also I'm actually in Mensa and there is zero difference functionally between a cusper and a guy 2 points below a cusper

          • 2 months ago

            What's it like in MENSA? Do you have focused events with other high IQ people around the world, like in conferences/conventions? Or is it like IQfy where you just share your opinions on random topics and watch high IQ porn?

          • 2 months ago

            All of the above, and virtual meetings where my local group gets together and we play online board games and talk about various subjects
            It's mostly boomers though. I'm the only zoomer and there are only two millennials.

          • 2 months ago

            Is mensahomosexualry worth it. I'm in an euro country and I scored in the 99th percentile on their irl test (signed up for laffs to one of their test sessions one day) and I'm wondering whether to actually sign up for membership.


            It depends. Can you solve this?

            Obviously D, you don't even need to mentally fold it.
            You just need to look ath the pentagon small triangle fold to immediately eliminate B/C and the chirality of the p-shaped part (it has a right chirality in A, while it's left on the original).

          • 2 months ago

            Each Mensa is different depending on the country. Also, I have no idea what IQ tests the Mensa's from foreign countries use. Here in America their IQ test is a real one which is used by psychologists so you know the people who are getting in are actually above the 98th percentile. I remember seeing a video from a mathematician about Mensa Australia's test and she showed that they basically pulled the questions straight out of their ass. I can say that joining Mensa in the USA was worth it. I've met lots of cool (albeit obviously damaged) people in it. Also some of the people I've met aren't damaged and are just insanely cool high IQ people who I vibe with.

          • 2 months ago

            Have they got you ahead in life? A blowjob?
            What color is your bugatti?

          • 2 months ago

            I don't see everyone around me as a tool to be used for financial gain. I could probably use this Mensa thing to get laid. Some of the younger women are actually hot and sexually starved because they're too smart and uptight to have a normal bf. I've already had a hotter female milf mensan come up to me and start stroking my biceps while winking at me.
            Also, I drive a BMW. I'm not some half caste like Andrew Tate who drives Bugattis.

          • 2 months ago

            >could probably
            >milf stroked your biceps
            Oh you didn't tap it
            What has this network gotten you? Nothing. The conversations were mere distractions. A way to pass the time. Like meth. Beemers are gay brokie.

          • 2 months ago

            Christ this is pathetically poor argumentation.
            Let's leave it as that.
            Speak up again, and I will cuck you, in the Black Room.
            So hide, anyway.
            You're just boring, I'll get to you, later.


        • 2 months ago

          so youd rather be the dumbest mensa member, as opposed to the smartest non mensa member?

          • 2 months ago

            reign in hell vs serve in heaven i guess

  14. 2 months ago

    Ok lemme lord over everyone in this thread real quick

  15. 2 months ago

    Its in the average man, youre completely fine.

  16. 2 months ago

    You just have the right amount of IQ to study computer science

  17. 2 months ago

    thats the sweet spot to get pussy brah

    • 2 months ago

      I get zero tho

  18. 2 months ago

    Nah! You can always get yourself a cushy job in some research center. Even CERN needs janitors.

  19. 2 months ago

    It isn't over, anon. You said you were into anime, right? Then watch Evangelion if you didn't, it will raise your intelligence. After that you should stimulate your brain by other means, but watching Shin Seiki ヱヴァンゲリヲン is definitely a good one

  20. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >didn't even break 3σ

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          >inspect element bullshit
          tell me something smart anon, you should be able to prove it with one phrase

          • 2 months ago

            take the test and get as many questions wrong as possible
            they refuse to outright say you're a moron

          • 2 months ago

            imagine paying to get told you're a moron lmao

          • 2 months ago

            paying to have your own iq tested is already moron behavior

          • 2 months ago

            >t. IQfyner

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, unmeasurably stoopid

  21. 2 months ago

    This test is inflated by at least 30 points, your real IQ score is at maximum 72.

  22. 2 months ago


  23. 2 months ago

    This test is a total joke. Even Hikaru, a Chess prodigy scored average (when his humanBenchmark's results were anything but) which goes to show how poorly made this test is really.

  24. 2 months ago


  25. 2 months ago

    yeah that's it, you're dead.

  26. 2 months ago

    I get more on combination of 3 dopaminergetic blockers, it's maybe you're basically braindead, but if you invest your time efficiently you can have good quality life.

  27. 2 months ago

    I took this dumbass test, and got bored half way around question 15 and just picked random answers for the rest and got that score.

  28. 2 months ago

    >soon to be 21 year old zoomer
    >stuck doing the night shift for around 4 years
    >chronic sleep deprivation, sensory processing disorder, & adhd to deal with unassisted
    >racked up physical injuries and sick leave over the last 5 years, massively delayed finishing hs online
    >get 92 after getting stuck on the question 25
    >re-read the premise and realize I was approaching it wrong
    >try overthinking less and interpreting things verbally as opposed to drifting around silently and speed through until the late 30s in a few mins
    >finish with 8 minutes remaining after getting hanged up on the last few questions
    God help me, even my mid-60s mother could have probably repeated her 130-145 score from real world tests on her first try. It probably doesn't help that I'm doing this straight after 2 hours of cycling on an empty stomach & dinner, but it still hurts to have yet another confirmation of just how much of a thousand-yard staring potato I've become. The inability to consistently do/deliver art/3d/design projects anymore was already sufficient.

    Could massively improve these results even faster on subsequent attempts (especially when better rested) but I never really cared much for things like IQ tests as anything other than a mental exercise no different from the puzzles & arithmetic I used to do, not when you should be focusing on the things that matter in real life instead. Don't need any extra time sinks (even if they might pale in comparison to the time wasted locking up, freezing, hesitating, and generally procrastinating over the years).

    • 2 months ago

      >psychometrics project
      >verbal score suffers as usual due to cracking under time constraints and forgetting not to select more than 9 answers despite being a word salad carrier
      >initially get most of the spatial results correct but then backtrack on the answer only to find out it was actually correct
      >memtest suffers in the last stint due to the speed involved and additional selections being made
      >somewhat higher fsiq by around 5 points, 10-20ish points higher on mem/spatial
      Could be worse for my condition right now I guess. Those panels involving different shapes were probably the easiest after the spatial tests, basically no different from having to picture rotating a model in 3d.

  29. 2 months ago

    Daily reminder that you can severely moron you and your intelligence scores if you're spending too much time jerking off, having sex, watching porn, and so on as these acts completely frick up your dopamine receptors, generate prolactin, inhibit testosterone, and most crucially divert blood flow away from your prefrontal cortex. The effect is more damaging if you have POIS or autoimmune responses to these acts, as you'll effectively be stuck in a perpetual flu-like state. This becomes even more damaging if you do these things in your formative/adolescent years on a regular basis.

    Obviously if you're malnourished and starving, a couch potato, suffer from low oxygen or sleep apnea, are otherwise overworked and have sleep debt, this will all contribute to you not being able to hit your peak brain power.

    Do not handicap yourselves, brothers. Do not be discouraged if you score even 20-30 points outside of your expected range. Practice and train to perfection whilst you still have the chance, especially if all seems to indicate you stand out.

  30. 2 months ago

    I will posit that IQ is only a fraction of the equation as many intelligent people are poor and many smart people mad bad decisions. I am not certain putting such emphasis on an IQ score or test beyond an ego boost is beneficial to real world success.

    • 2 months ago

      Personality is a huge factor in success, yes. IQ > 95th percentile + high conscientiousness is the real golden ticket to a positive life outcome

  31. 2 months ago

    Don't worry that's more than enough to become a famous chess player.

  32. 2 months ago

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