Is it really possible that I am the only being in the planet that had an awesome user experience with this OS?

Is it really possible that I am the only being in the planet that had an awesome user experience with this OS? It worked flawlessly to my recollection. I just can't believe the reputation it has online.

Not trolling. I am serious.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Are you sure you weren't hallucinating your memories of using Windows XP

    • 4 weeks ago

      Are you sure you didn't excuse some recurring BSODs because you think you caused them somehow? Windows Me was unstable as hell, even on hardware that ran 98 or XP just fine

      I am not. I remember it clearly as day, how perfectly smooth it was. It didn't crash (or at least, not more than any other previous Windows OS)

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Are you sure you didn't excuse some recurring BSODs because you think you caused them somehow? Windows Me was unstable as hell, even on hardware that ran 98 or XP just fine

    • 4 weeks ago

      i enjoyed as well
      i suspect people that hated it didnt had new enough hardware, be it not fast enough, or without compatible drivers (i think you needed that all the drivers to be of the same type)

      that is what i talk, i barelly had those problems. But my pc was made explicitly for me

      • 4 weeks ago

        >my pc was made explicitly for me
        A sticker means frick all, otherwise Vista would have been successful too. You were just incredibly lucky with drivers

        • 4 weeks ago

          Vista was successful after they renamed it to 7

          • 4 weeks ago
  3. 4 weeks ago

    back then windows bluescreens were so common that i do not remember whether i got crash the one time i used windows me

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I liked it as well. But then again I only used it with stable drivers, and on good hardware, years after XP was out. With cheap shitty hardware and buggy wdm drivers it would run like shit, and MS apparently wanted manufacturers to install beta wdm drivers instead of old vxd ones because "they can be easily updated later automatically", which never happened

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I used this OS to play computer games when I was a kid 🙂

  6. 4 weeks ago

    yeah, it worked fine for me as well
    my hardware at the time had solid enough drivers that nothing crashed, and it ran all the games I had back then

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Nope, I too loved Windows ME. For me it crashed less than 98 and looked nicer. Only problem was drivers but usually you could find one from 98 or 2k that would work with your hardware. 2k was arguably better but I had limited experience with it. I did have some with NT4 later and it was very solid.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    No, same for me but no one ever believes me. It was a lot more stable than shitty 95 and 98, faster too. It crashed when you opened too many software at once though, maybe it did not have virtual memory.
    Another big problem was that people used Win95/98 drivers with it instead of download new ones, if they existed.
    Also, it was the time when RAM was very expensive and defective sticks were sold for cheap, many people used these, overclocking like crazy to cap it all, and blamed WinMe.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    ITT zoomers who only ran WinME inside a virtual machine

    • 4 weeks ago


      I used this OS to play computer games when I was a kid 🙂

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nope I had a pirated copy I ran on machines for like 4-5 years. I still have it on a burned CD that probably doesn't work anymore.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There's a certain irony to someone mindlessly parroting the IQfy hivemind for headpats, then calling anybody who disagrees a zoomer.

    • 4 weeks ago

      sure bro

    • 4 weeks ago

      sure bro

      How do I tell if its a real OS or a virtual machine?
      I never ever used a VM what to look at?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    You just needed a beast of a machine to run it at the time. Problem was that the system requirements were too low and OEMs sold millions of underpowered PCs with it.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    The PCs in our school's computer lab were running Windows ME, and don't remember having any problems, but then again I never used it for anything more than Word, Powerpoint, or IE.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    my dad upgraded the family gateway from 98 to me, then switched to 2000 because me crashed frequently. I know the feeling though, I had nothing but good experiences with Vista but everyone only remembers it as shit

  13. 4 weeks ago

    There was never any reason to keep rebranding Windows OS. Bill Gates just being a greedy israelite

    • 4 weeks ago

      Me sadly wasn't a rebrand, it was a shitty patch to 98 SE that tried too hard to be something more than that

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I never saw much difference between ME and 98, probably because windows 2000 and XP quickly replaced it.

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