Is it worth it to buy a more expensive chair?

Is it worth it to buy a more expensive chair? I can't get myself to rationalize spending more thant 150 bucks on this

>What does IQfy sit on

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Sitting is for sissies and fat yanks, I stand.

    • 2 years ago

      >I stand
      Das. Right.

  2. 2 years ago

    stop being poor

  3. 2 years ago

    >buy a $500 GPU that lasts for 3-4 years
    >but $500 on a used aeron that'll last 10 years+ and will be used 8 hrs a day is too much

    • 2 years ago

      This. Ergonomics are very important. Get a shit chair and you'll be paying for it the rest of your life

      • 2 years ago

        How is the price range so wide though? What's the price point where chairs start to get decent, and when does it get overpriced?

        • 2 years ago

          $250-$500 is the sweet spot. Anything above that with "Executive" in the name is bullshit. Gamer racing chairs are terrible. Also, never get pleather, it'll peel. Real leather, mesh or cloth only.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks Anon

          • 2 years ago

            what are some good models in that price range? especially to avoid both lower back and neck pain

          • 2 years ago

            Most chairs I've found comfortable to sit on for a long period of time are more expensive than that. Not that you couldn't get something open box or refurbished but you'd be missing on the warranty. Most good office chair warranties start at 20 years and go up to lifetime warranties. So you save some money in the short term but long term it isn't so great.

        • 2 years ago

          The high end chairs were mostly intended to be sold to corporations.
          Budget for chairs is like nothing to them. Buying 500 $150 Office Max chairs or a $1000 Herman Millers is going to be just coupled into misc expenses.
          So the actual good chair makers know they can charge a premium.

  4. 2 years ago

    i have a $200 chair i got from staples. i sat in every chair in that place until i landed on that one. works good and comfy.

    • 2 years ago

      Basically this, ordering chairs online is a meme and you're just wasting money.

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Neat set-up anon, I'm moving into a new apartment and this is going to be the same for me if I don't decide on a chair soon.

    • 2 years ago

      based floor sitter except for that horrendous cable. nice table btw, whered you get that

      • 2 years ago

  6. 2 years ago

    My aeron did cost 750€. Expensive, yes. Absolutely great chair, also yes.

  7. 2 years ago

    Work has these chairs. They are used 24/7 every day every year for over 10 years. One just started fraying at the base. Management bought new steelcase chairs. We used them for a week and then suddenly the old aerons were back without explanation, frayed and all.

  8. 2 years ago

    I bought a used aeron for 400 in May
    I used it 2 times before going back to my 5yo ikea chair
    I like to lean back and to the side at times, literally slouch down while only using my mouse and watching videos on my left monitor
    the aeron has no headrest and no shoulder support so my comfy slouching position is really uncomfy in the aeron
    even after buying a headrest it was still not comfy because I'm on the right side of the chair while the headrest is in the middle
    unused for 2 months
    I'm sure it would be great if I only sat upright all day but there are times where I want to slouch
    I will resell it for 500 soon and get a chair with shoulder support

    • 2 years ago

      it's a chair supposed to let u sit correctly, not a fricking sofa lmao but yeah no headrest is kinda lame, tempted to buy one of the third party ones soon but it makes me seethe that it costs almost as half the chair itself off 2ndhand

  9. 2 years ago

    The expensive chairs are not worth it. You could replace the $150 chair ten times for the same price. If it lasts at least two years you're getting an incredible deal. Personally I'd go for a chair in the $300 price range though.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the dumbest fricking post. Jesus Christ. Never mind how much better the one expensive chair is versus the dogshit ten cheap chairs. If they "last" two years each before crumbling.

      I've owned a Steelcase Gesture since January 2018 and it still looks and performs exactly as it arrived. Cost a thousand bucks shipped. No regrets.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been using the same chair for 15 years, it hasn't deteriorated a bit and it will outlive any office chair because it doesn't have moving parts or soft materials. 50 bucks.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm very happy for you. I also don't for a second think your chair would stand up to any Herman Miller or Steelcase chair. Or many other chairs for that matter.

          As far as "no moving parts", that's super cool and something literally no one wants. Are you the anon posting above that hates adjustable elements and doesn't understand what they're for? Enjoy your contrarian chair, your spine will definitely appreciate it when you get older.

          If you use it for 14+ years, then fine it's a good investment it will have cost less in the long-run than a $150 chair with a 2 year warranty. Most those overpriced chairs are for getting money from big business not a good deal for consumers though. You can actually find cheap chairs that will last just as long as the $1000+ ones.

          I'm refuting the base of your argument, not engaging in it. I think it's silly to only consider something worthwhile if it "lasts" longer--that's hardly the only metric that should be counted when you're coming up with an item's value, yeah? Otherwise you might as well pour a cement chair. I used to get pretty bad back and leg pains in the crappier chairs--in the higher end, I don't even notice when I've been working for hours. Better back/lumbar support. Better overall comfort.

          You might be interested in what a high end warranty looks like. Pic related is Steelcase. Friend of mine had a squeak in a new Gesture that developed over a few months of owning it. He reached out to support and they shipped him an entirely NEW chair, free of charge. Didn't even ask for the old one back.

      • 2 years ago

        If you use it for 14+ years, then fine it's a good investment it will have cost less in the long-run than a $150 chair with a 2 year warranty. Most those overpriced chairs are for getting money from big business not a good deal for consumers though. You can actually find cheap chairs that will last just as long as the $1000+ ones.

        • 2 years ago

          This. I have a Gesture and a Steelcase standing desk but Herman Miller and Steelcase are like enterprise parts. Higher quality but poor values. Pareto rule definitely applies here. I bought mine because it is a good chair and I don't like Chinese products though my $1000+ chair is made in Mexico. Definitely a luxury item and I definitely would not have bought it a decade ago when I had better things to spend my money on.

          You can buy an Aerons and Leaps for half price on eBay I think but try to find a place to try them. "worth" is extremely subjective but I think that it makes sense to spend more for a chair you like if you are going to spend many hours in it.

  10. 2 years ago

    Picked up Bestuhl J1 used for $70.
    The quality isn't that of an aeron, but it leans back much further.

  11. 2 years ago

    If you spend more for build quality then that's fine.

    But typically expensive office chairs have lots of adjustable elements that add costs but don't make the chair more durable or higher quality.
    And those adjustments are an utter meme, nobody needs them.
    Managers just love the idea that they can boost productivity if only the armrests can be tilted back slightly or the lumbar support moved a little further down.

  12. 2 years ago

    Got my work to pay for it.
    Best $0 I've ever spent, by far.

  13. 2 years ago

    If my chair breaks ill make one myself to be honest.
    Ill rent a welding machine and a sewing machine. Im sick of this. Fricking chinks.

  14. 2 years ago

    if you're going more than 150, just get a recliner
    t. reclining right now

  15. 2 years ago

    >>What does IQfy sit on
    nothing. I stand/walk on a treadmill all day because I'm not a fat lazy piece of shit.

    • 2 years ago

      How long did it take you to learn to think while you're walking?

      • 2 years ago

        Are you trolling? I can't remember a time in life when I couldn't walk and think at the same time. The only initial challenge really was typing - but I figured it out in an hour or two maybe?

        • 2 years ago

          Never became absorbed in thought, stopped walking and fell from the treadmill?

          • 2 years ago

            Granted I've only been doing this for a couple of years, no, it's never happened.

  16. 2 years ago

    Frick your expensive office and wfh meme chairs. What kind of chair do normies use for gaming and jerking off?

  17. 2 years ago

    bros what's a good chair for like <= $250?
    I've been using picrel (like $25 at walmart iirc) for like 5 years already and it's time for it to retire

    • 2 years ago

      Lol I have the same chair. My dad bought it around 20 years ago, still works but it's just a backup chair now.

  18. 2 years ago

    Everything not Aeron is fricking cope. Don't fall for mental gymnastics. Either get it used or pay new.

    • 2 years ago

      w2c used?

  19. 2 years ago

    It absolutely is. The rationalization is that you spend hours a day sitting in a chair and a bad chair fricks up your posture, back, and your long-term enjoyment of sitting at your desk. When the pandemic started and everything was going remote, places like Staples were having chair sales and everyone was talking about getting ergonomic chairs because they knew there'd be more homebodies who spend 5-10 hours of ther day in said chair.

    If you sit at a desk for hours a day, a nice chair is what you should get. Mine was $275 and I got it for $185 during the pandemic because of this reasoning and the discounts they had during the craze. No regrets and will always have an ergo chair that lasts for years.

    I'd advise you'd check if there's any foam cushioning under the chair, and check how firm it is in the front of it though. Mine tends to fall to the back of the chair and I have to keep adjusting it.

  20. 2 years ago

    Using a SIHOO M57 for half a year or so, it's quite good. Cost 250-ish € or so.


    yeah, just like everything else, tell me something I don't know already

  21. 2 years ago

    bought a used amia for 200 dollars and it was the best purchase ive made in a long time

  22. 2 years ago

    I ended up getting an Embody instead of an Aeron and I'm very happy with it. Lotta money though. I'm living the DINC life and make SV money in the cheap midwest so money isn't really an issue for me. Replaced a Steelcase Leap V1 (which admittedly was extremely old and bought second-hand) but I thought the Embody was a noticeable upgrade.

    • 2 years ago

      Can't believe you bought a 1.6k chair that creaks like your mom.

      • 2 years ago

        My 1.4k chair (sale) does not creak, nor does my dead mom.

  23. 2 years ago

    The price has doubled in a number of years. They're just ripping you off now.

    • 2 years ago

      idk anon, if you can pay rent, surely you can pay for a chair right? You are not that right?

  24. 2 years ago

    I went from a meme gamer chair to an Herman Miller Embody. My chronic back/neck pains are gone. I'd say it was worth it.

  25. 2 years ago

    how do you aeron gays deal with it not being a full length back chair? do you not get shoulder pain or neck pain from literally no support on your neck/shoulders? how much time do you spend on it each day?

  26. 2 years ago

    So much cope from the people justifying their big purchase of chairs made for big corporations.
    I'm all for paying money for something that's good, just the corporate chairs are not any better than a lot of other cheaper ones. Put the money into a standing desk or a better bed if you have back problems. Or maybe some physiotherapy.

  27. 2 years ago

    can someone recommend a cheap alternative to the Embody? like 400 max... I want a long back plate

    • 2 years ago

      buy a gun and steal one

  28. 2 years ago

    steelcase leap v2
    and yes, it's definitely worth it
    look for lightly used shit if you're poor

  29. 2 years ago

    how do you mesh guys deal with the your thighs sticking to the mesh in the summer?
    I need to wear long boxers (or even fricking pants) to avoid this

    • 2 years ago

      They stick much worse to leather

  30. 2 years ago

    thought expensive ergo chairs were bs until a doctor billed me $3k for little more than a pamphlet on stretching.
    got a leather allsteel acuity for ~$400 at an office furniture liquidator. its been 7-8 years, still looks/sits like new. didn't magically cure my back pain but it does help a lot more than any $200-$300 chair from staples

    • 2 years ago

      only major con is no head rest, but i installed a ~$25 universal one off Amazon and it looks/feels fine

    • 2 years ago

      You don't have insurance? I had a massage for 2 times a month for only $15 each session for 2 years. Still this chiropractor seem kinda shady, the masseuse are all chinese girls wearing skimpy clothes. The last chiropractor had all male masseuse wearing white, plus they never asked me to remove my underwear.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a pretty fricking chair, anon.

  31. 2 years ago

    There is only one ergonomic position and it is being in motion.
    Sitting for more than 3 hours a day is worse for your health than cigarettes.

  32. 2 years ago

    the staples hyken is all you need if you are under 5'10". or taller than that if you dont use the headrest as for taller people it hits thier shoulder instead of neck. I removed the headrest and arm rest at 5'7". they restrict movement and are unnecessary.

  33. 2 years ago

    any tips for a head rest for the classic aeron?
    I don't want to spend >200 bucks just for a head rest

    • 2 years ago

      have you tried looking at all? plenty of new ones around $100 on ebay

      • 2 years ago

        well I'm in Germany, aerons are rather rare here
        that's the problem
        currently using a cheap Chinese one from amazon which I mounted in a really bad DIY way
        its depth is also not adjustable and goes way too much to the front, pushing my head forward
        I'm 100% gonna return it
        I drew a pic why I want head head rest, the best solution would be some full width extension like pic related
        I like to lie down in my chair on the right with only my mouse arm on the desk, my body slightly angled towards my 2nd monitor on the left in front of me
        currently I have no neck and head support when I do that
        loved doing it in my old chair, it's a habit now

        • 2 years ago

          oh, idk about that then. maybe get a 3d printer and diy. start selling them to offset the cost of a printer and have a cool little side income.

        • 2 years ago

          >adjusting the tilt tension on the aeron classic

        • 2 years ago

          Steelcase has a factory near France/Germany border, but I never remember exactly which side. You should find them at local resellers or whatever.

        • 2 years ago

          just buy a topstar with the sitness feature. the seat being able to tilt is great for those sick postures
          >t. cripple

        • 2 years ago

          your dick needs it's own seat extension as well

  34. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Never saw a chair that had a cutout for wiener and balls

  35. 2 years ago

    as someone who is 185cm (6'2) tall I've noticed that a lot of these expensive chairs are made for manlets
    especially the aeron, super uncomfortable for my height

    • 2 years ago

      How much do you weigh?

    • 2 years ago

      Same, but I'm a 6'4" un-manlet. I worked at a company that had Aeron-ish chairs and they literally fricked up my back because they bent in some weird spot that my back didn't like. They wouldn't let me get a different chair (because they liked the uniform look) until I came back with a doctor's note and bill for them to pay.

  36. 2 years ago

    Ikea desk chair for $20 or something like that. It's one of those plastic chairs. I don't think they're selling them anymore. It looks uncomfortable but it's one of the most comfortable chairs I've ever sat on.

  37. 2 years ago


  38. 2 years ago

    I am the kind of dumbass that has a cheap shitty task chair that forces me to readjust every 10 minutes because of how uncomfortable it is and buys a GPU that costs 3 times the price of that chair

    My recommendation is buy good chair, don't ever be me

  39. 2 years ago

    I have some gaymer chair I got from Costco that has a wiggly back piece since I'm an oldgay and it helps. I also had that exactly chair in your pic and it fricked up my legs sitting too long, cutting off circulation in my thighs or something, I'm not sure.

  40. 2 years ago

    If you have a strong body and discipline yourself to stay strong. And only spend a few hours a day in front of the computer, buy whatever is comfortable.

    If you're weakbodied, fat, curved skeleton and sit in front of the computer a majority of the days hours, get a chair that lets you adjust pretty much everything to make it fit your body while staying ergonomic.

    If you are already feeling backpains, it's most likely a herniated disc in the making. Constant numbing pain, turning into very sharp pain if you twist/turn too quickly. To eventually herniate and bring down pain that you thought wasn't possible. Or worse yet, having that herniated disc burst and push on the spinalcord and nerves so hard you lose feeling of your lower body. Pain so incredible you lose conciousness.

    Don't cheap out.

  41. 2 years ago

    How is $400 for a used Aeron? Can get one of my size from a local furniture store.

  42. 2 years ago

    I see people recommend "the Staples chair" but which one(s) are they talking about that are actually worthwhile? Or should I just pay double for a used Steelcase or Herman Miller?

  43. 2 years ago

    Ergonomic chairs are a meme and most are cheaply built. Get one of those massive 'executive' chairs with thick leather padding, it's one of the best purchases I've made. Was about 500 bucks, so fricking comfortable.

  44. 2 years ago

    I have a free second hand chair (no idea what the manufacturer or model is) that was sitting unused in an office for years and was about to be thrown out. It's not the best thing in the world but after some WD-40 I like it a lot.

  45. 2 years ago

    is it normal that my aeron is tilted forward, putting a lot of pressure on my feet

    • 2 years ago

      Turn the flat bit on the side twist thingy clockwise while you lean back

      • 2 years ago

        uhhh what
        it's a classic aeron
        I have 2 levers on my left
        the up/down lever on the right and the knob for the tension on the right

        here's what the 2 levers on the side do

        >back one
        locks the tilt
        if it's all the way up I can only tilt back like 2 inches
        if it's anywhere else I can tilt back as far as I want, there seems to be no in between
        maybe it's broken and it's supposed to be different levels of tilt restriction?

        >front one
        no fricking idea what that is
        the internet describes it as a forward tilt level but
        if it's up nothing is different
        if I push it down and then lean all the way back the back rest will get stuck back there, like in a 45° angle minimum
        I have to go back really far for it to get stuck
        it doesn't do anything else
        while the back rest is stuck the lever is also stuck on the down position
        if I want to unstuck it: lean back even further, lever can now be moved all the way up, push lever up and lean forward again

        • 2 years ago

          alright I watched a video on it
          holy shit this is a revelation
          I was using the forward tilt all the time, that's why it was so uncomfortable on my legs
          I honestly thought the chair would be too far back with the lever down but I somehow managed to adjust it correctly without it getting stuck back there now and HOLY SHIT
          I finally like this chair

  46. 2 years ago

    Aeron users, what desk do you have? Looking for one with good compatibility with it

    • 2 years ago

      Get a standing desk, you can tweak the height exactly and standing up every now and again will stop you shrimping

    • 2 years ago

      I've got a big ass ikea piece of wood standing on 2 drawers, was tempted to get a standing table mount + stool aeron but in the end I just went for the regular aeron and kept the same desk

    • 2 years ago

      I use one of these from Home Depot as a desk. It has a solid wood top and you can raise and lower it as necessary. When you assemble it you can put the bottom support bar in the back instead of the middle so it's more desk-like, and it comes with leveling feet if you want to use those instead of the wheels.
      I'm tall though, so I put it on some of those bed lifter things so I can use it better while standing.

  47. 2 years ago

    On another note how do I get cum out of my chair

    • 2 years ago

      how in the frick did you manage that you frick nut

      • 2 years ago

        ngl some of it is yogurt it just fell from my spoon when I was eating

  48. 2 years ago

    got a second hand one for 400 bucks, looks like new. Best chair ever especially if you get that lower back thingy that's in the picture instead of the basic big ass pillow-esque support they give u by default.

  49. 2 years ago

    >sitting in someone else's cummy used meme ergonomic chair
    do trannies really?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah they do, lmao.
      I fart and sometimes even shit into mine and then resell when I don't like them anymore.

  50. 2 years ago

    If you sit at your computer for 6+ hours a day. It is 100% worth it to buy a high end office chair.
    Especially when you get into your 30s

  51. 2 years ago

    >his mum kisses him with her cummy mouth every day before going to school
    bet u think that's completely fine instead.

  52. 2 years ago

    Guys, you might be good at technolo/g/y, but you don't know shit about human body. No correct recommendation in this thread yet (except some about standing and walking, but it's not the full story, as sometimes you need to sit down), and I don't expect it to appear. But believe me when I say that all those Aerons, Embodies, Steelcases and Costco chairs only damage you.
    You won't believe me, right?
    Well, it's probably too late for you anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      nice bait. prove it.

      • 2 years ago

        Alright, let me explain what I think about the good proposals here.
        I like standing desks, but I don't see them as a magic solution to all problems. Standing all day is going to frick you up as well, maybe not as much as sitting in a bad posture, but still.
        Adding a threadmill and walking 1-2 km/h while working on a computer is much, much better. You could even forget about standing still completely, but doing this once in a while won't do you too much harm.
        But to walk/stand effectively, just a flat elevated desk and a laptop won't cut it. You need some special arrangement for keyboard and monitor. Without it, it's going to look like this: you're standing, laptop is below your natural eye level when your head is straight up, and at the same time to reach the keyboard you need to raise your hands above what would be considered natural (if the angle between your arm and forearm is less than 90 degrees, you're definitely doing it wrong - but ideally that angle should be even bigger).
        All those arrangements for proper posture in parts of your body other than a spine I leave as an exercise for a reader. It would take too much time to convince you that this is necessary and it wouldn't probably be implemented by anyone because of my post anyway. If you're smart, you can figure it out on your own. Just remember: don't blindly believe all the studies you encounter. After some time you should be able to develop common sense about what looks right and what doesn't, and common sense really goes a long way here.
        Of course sometimes standing or walking just won't work. You may be too tired, you may be in a mental state where you need to be still to think clearly, maybe you do electronics and have some soldering to do. Even in this case the ergonomics shouldn't go out the window. But the solution I'm going to propose you're probably not going to believe either.
        But since you asked for it: Salli is the best chair you could buy. Google it, then you can ask me anything.

        • 2 years ago

          the hell is this wiener riding shit

          • 2 years ago

            A truly ergonomic chair that doesn't "support your spine", but encourages keeping healthy posture by yourself (well, with help from the chair, but in a better way).
            It takes time to learn to sit on this and to have the ass bones pain disappear, however, so the best option would be to have it rented to you before purchase.

  53. 2 years ago

    highly recommend it your back will be fricked if you don't get one, get an ergonomic chair not a gaming chair they suck ass

  54. 2 years ago

    12 years ago I purchased this badboy for £6. Broken six months ago but too cheap to buy aboher.
    I finally decided to upgrade to a new one for £60. Chinese trash, screw broken, too small.. so depressing.
    I need a chair tht will last me at least 12 years anons.. advice?

  55. 2 years ago

    >What does IQfy sit on
    An Aeron that was manufactured in 1999.

  56. 2 years ago

    just buy a sofa, chairs are a meme

  57. 2 years ago

    the secret to buying a chair online is to buy one that supports 3x your body weight, like one of those lobby chairs designed to accommodate mega-fatties so the company doesn't have to keep buying more.
    >sturdy as hell
    >easy to clean

  58. 2 years ago

    I have spent way too much time autistically researching ergonomics. Here is what I concluded.

    >adjustable standing desk
    Even if you aren't using it to stand, you still need an adjustable desk as your posture changes through the day. You also need to make sure your arm/elbow height is appropriate.
    >adjustable gas spring monitor arm mounted on the desk
    Sitting up straight vs slouching changes your neck posture so you need to be able to easily move the monitor. If you are bending your neck, that will cause the lower spine to adjust, and you will be forced to compromise one or the other.
    >saddle chairs, the Salli or Capisco
    They may not be the most "comfy" but the are the best for back health. The trick here is the back of the chair doesn't really matter. Chair backs are just making one trade off or another.

    Your spinal posture starts with your legs and your hips. Normal chairs tilt your hips back which forces the lumbar spine to compensate, and this forces the mid and upper back to compensate. The legs also matter here, which is why you need the saddle so your legs have somewhere to go.

    You have to get every part of it right. Problems at the hip will translate up to the neck. Problems at the neck will translate down to the hips. Your body will subconsciously make all of these adjustments to maintain integrity, but at the cost of long term disc health and muscular imbalances. Your spine simply cannot persist in compromised postures for long periods of time, something will give eventually.

    See the pic, you need to keep your spine like the middle figure even while sitting.

    The other viable option besides a saddle chair is a full on reclining setup. Reclining is quite good for your back when done properly. But to make that work you need to get one of those gamer pod things because the monitor needs to be above you.

    • 2 years ago

      This. So much this (I'm the Salli gay). Some corrections, though:
      >Sitting up straight vs slouching changes your neck posture so you need to be able to easily move the monitor
      Keeping your monitor at the correct level will encourage you not to slouch. What God is ergonomic setup if it can easily adjust to unhealthy positions? Adjustable monitor arm: yes, adjusting for slouching: no.
      >Reclining is quite good for your back when done properly.
      Absolutely not. It doesn't encourage your body to maintain proper posture, it attempts to keep it for you better than the office chairs (and succeeds, but only to some extent), so it's not ergonomic.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe I should have been more clear.
        I mean reclining as in going nearly horizontal. Far back enough that you could nearly go to sleep.
        There is virtually no pressure on your discs when reclining like this.

        In terms of forces and torque being applied to the spine, this is as close to optimal as you can get. But its obviously not as practical so I don't really recommend it.

        • 2 years ago

          I know what you meant. No pressure on the discs and no encouragement for the body to learn to keep proper position. You know, Herman Miller likes to brag that one of the principles the designer of Embody had is to make a chair that is positive for your posture even when you're not sitting on it, or something along the lines. In their case it's obviously bullshit, but a saddle chair meets that requirement. Reclining pod doesn't.
          Don't get me wrong, I know it's not necessarily bad to sit in something like this… But it's not good either, and the saddle chair has the potential to be.

          are there no chairs that allow you to sit like you would with a saddle chair but with extra cushion, like ones with forward tilt features? or do the saddles really make that much of a difference? i haven't gotten an ergo chair yet and I get what you're conveying but I'd like to recline occasionally

          Yes, saddle chairs really make that much of a difference. You just have to change the mindset and you won't have the need for reclining. If you're considering Salli, however, I highly recommend to try it out for two weeks first, because depending on your thigh muscles, you may find the standard version too big. I did, and bought Small version instead. I know, it's all difficult, buying Aeron would be a lot easier, right? But don't.
          Right now I have an electric desk and alternate between sitting on Salli and walking 2 km/h on the treadmill.

          • 2 years ago

            I hosted someone on Twitch the other day that had a cool as frick treadmill setup-- I definitely wanna do that. Doesn't seem expensive either. I've already got a electric standing desk but I can't afford a Salli quite yet and am in the US anyway. I guess I'll check out the alternative saddle chairs. I was on the verge of getting a used Steelcase Leap V2.

          • 2 years ago

            >Steelcase Leap V2
            Don't. I hope you're convinced now not to do it.
            Alternative saddle chairs… Well, only Salli has a split. It really is the best option, I wouldn't recommend it otherwise. You can buy Salli in US, I think.

    • 2 years ago

      This. So much this (I'm the Salli gay). Some corrections, though:
      >Sitting up straight vs slouching changes your neck posture so you need to be able to easily move the monitor
      Keeping your monitor at the correct level will encourage you not to slouch. What God is ergonomic setup if it can easily adjust to unhealthy positions? Adjustable monitor arm: yes, adjusting for slouching: no.
      >Reclining is quite good for your back when done properly.
      Absolutely not. It doesn't encourage your body to maintain proper posture, it attempts to keep it for you better than the office chairs (and succeeds, but only to some extent), so it's not ergonomic.

      are there no chairs that allow you to sit like you would with a saddle chair but with extra cushion, like ones with forward tilt features? or do the saddles really make that much of a difference? i haven't gotten an ergo chair yet and I get what you're conveying but I'd like to recline occasionally

  59. 2 years ago

    anyone use one of these secretlab titans before? i heard they were supposed to actually be good unlike most gamer chairs. looks good to me because i am 6'7 280lbs and they have an XL size but idk

    • 2 years ago

      Yep, bought a 2020 Titan Softweave for home office as it's got a slightly taller seat height than the 2022 XL. It's tremendous.

    • 2 years ago

      I bought an XL even though I'm a small person because I'm a cross legged sitter. It's one of the very few chairs I've found that has a large enough seat for it. The pleather on one of the arms starting tearing one year in but other than that it's been very good.

    • 2 years ago

      i think it depends on what you want, if you want a chair you can sleep on, then get secret lab. I personally want to be sitting properly then comfort next. i dont want to be falling asleep on my chair.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the best of the gamer chairs, which is to say it's still pretty bad as compared to high end desk chairs but it tends to be cheaper too. I'd personally go for a cheaper steelcase like a leap or amia over it, depending on if you can find a good deal.

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't know shaq browsed IQfy

  60. 2 years ago

    Bought the meme chair Aeron since I'm not a broke college student anymore... I've tried Hyken for 3 years and my fat ass broke the tilt and sagged the mesh hard. Tried an amazon chair for 2 years but my fat ass keeps hitting the wooden base underneath. Hope this lasts for 12 years or more. By then I would be an executive or a middle aged manager.

  61. 2 years ago

    Are the Mirra models good too? I see them pop up more on the used market.

  62. 2 years ago

    What's a good chair for someone that is 5'3

  63. 2 years ago

    Is it worth it? Yes, you buy it once and it comes with a 12 year warranty. A lower end chair will go to shit a year in at best, maybe 2 if you drop a bit more money. The aeron remaster is way more comfy than the OG one imo. I highly recommend you drop the funds on one of these one time and it will last you. I also think you should go test them out in person as they have other models, but I personlly prefer the aeron.

  64. 2 years ago

    I have an Ikea markus I bought like 5 years ago, still good

  65. 2 years ago

    >Is it worth it to buy a more expensive chair?
    No, because most expensive chairs are shit and barely better than cheapshit chairs
    Better question is
    >is it worth it to buy a quality chair?
    Been rocking one of these for nearly 20 years and it's still comfy as frick. Plush cushion and smooth everything. Only had to replace the gel armrests 12 years ago because they got hard. Switched them out with DIY foam pads and lambskin for $15, so it's even better than when it was new.

    It's quality shit that's meant to last and not worry about anything, unless you're annoyed by hard plastic armrests.

    In contrast, at work i had a fake leather chair with a headrest that cost $500 and it started flaking in 3 years. Replaced it with a cheap office chair for $100, because if it works it works, right? FRICKing wobbly piece of shit in a year.
    Also, i got one of those mesh chairs too (not aeron) and it's basically a cheese grater for your clothes. Cloth is superior.

    also, i can't get the browse button to work for this board only. on other boards it works

    • 2 years ago

      the absolute state of this post attempt

      • 2 years ago

        i spent most of the night shitting water and just woke up

    • 2 years ago

      what the frick?

  66. 2 years ago

    Im not going to pay a thousand bucks for a chair

    • 2 years ago

      you will regret

    • 2 years ago

      I paid 300 for my fully loaded aeron classic

  67. 2 years ago

    Bought a used teknion contessa for $80 from a used office supply store earlier this year.
    They are discontinued, but were originally around $1000 new.
    All I did was buy some arm pads, brush off excess lint, and it looked nice again.
    It's literally Herman miller tier.
    I was a bit surprised no one picked it up.
    Lesson here:
    Look at craigslist or similar sites and used office supply stores in your area. Even if you don't find anything, it's a matter of time before some store needs to red rid of excess supply of quality business office chairs they just brought in.

    • 2 years ago

      The only shit I ever see in my area is battered up garbage selling for the same price new or $10 less

  68. 2 years ago

    >>What does IQfy sit on
    Steelcase gesture. There are herman miller aerons in the conference room at work and I thought they were some cheap no-name chair due to how much I hated sitting on them; until I looked at the label on the bottom. My work desk chair is an older steelcase so I picked up a gesture and I've been super happy with it.

  69. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The Fem Executive looks nice

  70. 2 years ago

    pic related is the chair I have now and how I sit 99% of the time (but leaned back on the headrest). would I even get anything out of an ergonomic chair? I was ready to drop $1500 on a herman miller/steelcase but now I'm feeling like I should just buy something in the $500 range off amazon

    • 2 years ago

      I would still shop used locally first, I got a Steelcase Amia for $150 in really good shape, just needed some wd40 and I live in rural midwest so you should be able to find something.
      I'd still say it's worth it, I constantly slouch with my feet up on the desk, but I no longer have any back pain. Key is just to move around.
      If used local isn't an option, you could get a refurbed/remanufactured steelcase/aeron from btod or crandall office to save a lot

  71. 2 years ago

    i bought my aeron sue don 2019, the other day, the gas cylinder blew out, i replaced it with a 30$ cylinder, when i opened it up, the chair seemed to have been manufactured on May 2000. im not sure if the gas cylinder that i replaced was the original one or not(it looked like it is) but if it is, it lasted for 22 years

  72. 2 years ago

    Which one is better for a 5'8" manlet? Aeron, embody, leap or getsture?

    • 2 years ago

      Of those I've only sat on the aeron, leap, and gesture. I hated the aeron, thought the leap was pretty good, and ended up buying a gesture. The best thing to do would be to find a store and try sitting in them. The gesture's arms are just so much better than anything else I've tried.

    • 2 years ago

      hello fellow king
      try the aeron in person

  73. 2 years ago

    to any aeron classic chads out there, which lumbar support do you use, if any? The guy on craigslist who I bought the chair from also gave me one of those football shaped lumbar pads and it feels hard as a rock. Do I just need to use it a bit more, or is the posturefit thing better?

  74. 2 years ago

    does it have wheels? does it swivel? does it have armrests? good enough for me

  75. 2 years ago

    make sure it has a headrest, frick herman miller

  76. 2 years ago

    Ordered this 'StarryDays' chair for €180, hope it doesn't disappoint. The reviews were quite positive.

    • 2 years ago

      you can't trust reviews unless you mean a video or something
      the Chinks fake everything in masses, I'm glad my native language is hard to fake in technical reviews, it's always so funny reading some complete non-sense review from "Mr Smith" aka a chink on amazon

  77. 2 years ago

    I stole an Allsteel Task #19 from work before I quit and it's been the best for me so far. Good back support, good reclining functionality, adjustable arm rests that go up high enough for me and a back that is close to tall enough.

    Unfortunately the back mesh started separating from the back. Bit of a bummer since they're like 500 used online still. I wonder if a local furniture repair shop might be able to fix it? It's seriously been hard to find a decent cheap chair that's tall enough.

  78. 2 years ago

    I bought an aeron (the revamped or refreshed or whateverthefrickitscalled model) and it really sucks for the money. If you want one definitely buy it used. It's comfy and was allegedly indestructible which is why I was happy to fork out the coin for it in the first place but long term the armrests don't stay in place, and the mesh rubs against the plastic and wears itself out. If you buy it new they're supposed to have a good warranty but make sure you have a vehicle that it can easily fit into so you can take it back. Also if you like to recline and snooze in your desk chair while waiting for a render or compile or listening to a vid or something you won't be doing that in an aeron without a $300 headrest addon

  79. 2 years ago

    Chair must be asynchronous so you can adjust back rest correctly.

    Arm rests must be sturdy and adjustable. So you can rest weight of your upper body onto your elbows.

    Slippy seat cushion will make you glide down when your feet are not on ground.

  80. 2 years ago

    I have a KAB Seating ACS Executive. Had it for like 9 years now, still like new. Except for the battery that powers the airpump, but that is easily replaceable. I dont even use it anymore. Nice to have.

  81. 2 years ago

    >tfw aereon in your country costs around 1.3k on average
    shucks tbh
    americans dont know how good they have it

  82. 2 years ago

    HM Embody. It was like $1400USD. Ish. I dunno, paid 2100 AUD.

    Comfortable, seems to have almost fixed my back problems.

    If I didn't have back problems, I'd probably buy something much cheaper.

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