Is Rust the future?

Is Rust the future?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    No, its Dockerfile

  2. 4 weeks ago

    no, and Im doing my part to make sure it isnt

  3. 4 weeks ago


  4. 4 weeks ago

    No its not, actually I believe its past its prime as most of the broader community already started turning against them due to how snobby and insufferable Rust devs are, and how shit the language is, forcing you to constantly rewrite perfectly good code.

    And the 'Rust is safe and doesn't crash' idea is also a lie. And no, not because of native code or C bindings or whatever shit sandwich the Rust community is trying to feed you.

    If you use something as simple as RefCell, you can easily crash by doing multiple borrows at multiple levels of the stack, even though you wanted to something perfectly legal like update field A in method X and field B in method Y.

    So your shitty rust code can crash just as easily at runtime as your shitty C code that's full of null pointers. You gain nothing.

    You could say that these escape hatches are bad design, but the fact that they are in the standard library and real world code is full of them means that the 'ideal safe' Rust that most Rust devs endeavor to write is not practical.

    Rust has become a status symbol for people desperately wanting to appear smart, much like a BMW is a status symbol for people desperately wanting to appear rich.

    • 4 weeks ago

      > you use something as simple as RefCell, you can easily crash by doing multiple borrows at multiple levels of the stack, even though you wanted to something perfectly legal like update field A in method X and field B in method Y.

      • 4 weeks ago

        he won't reply because he doesn't know what he's talking about

      • 4 weeks ago

        I just gave you an example in the post.

        dumb and moronic post:
        >most of the broader community already started turning against them
        >how snobby and insufferable Rust devs are
        >how shit the language is
        >forcing you to constantly rewrite perfectly good code
        only C/C++ need to be rewritten, but C/C++ is never perfectly good
        >Rust doesn't crash
        no Rust shill ever said that
        it's a code smell for exactly the reason you mentioned
        >You gain nothing
        wrong, you gain guaranteed memory safety, threads without data races, zero-cost abstractions, etc.
        >the 'ideal safe' Rust that most Rust devs endeavor to write is not practical
        absolutely nonsensical. more than 99% of Rust code is the 'ideal safe' Rust that most Rust devs endeavor to write. Just because that 1% exists doesn't mean it's not practical.
        >car analogy
        dumb nocoder


        You sound like the ignorant techsnob that goes with the latest hype cycle.
        Let me guess: you use neovim, arch, a tiling VM and used to be/are a cryptoshill.

        >only C/C++ need to be rewritten, but C/C++ is never perfectly good
        Working C++ code doesn't need to be rewritten. Rust code on the other hand needs to be constantly rewritten for bullshit reasons like satisfying the borrow checker and getting rid of mutable borrows.
        >wrong, you gain guaranteed memory safety, threads without data races, zero-cost abstractions
        Guaranteed memory safety is a meaningless concept when the way you achieve it is just rejecting all code that has a potential to have safety issues either at compile time, or you just make it crash at runtime.
        Yeah, when the FRICKING TYPE SYSTEM prevents you from your multithreaded code from compiling and you literally have 'X' and 'X but slow and works with multiple threads' for literally everything.
        Zero cost abstractions is nodev monkeyspeak being able to turn a literal array iterator into a multi-thousand line monstrosity spread across a dozen files that literally destroys every aspect of the dev experience except for runtime perf (something very important for the Ruby-on-Rails rewrites and grifty cryptoshit that seems to be the primary use case for Rust nowadays). A ton of times you need to copy shit around just to satisfy the borrow checker which is the exact opposite of zero cost.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >You sound like the ignorant techsnob that goes with the latest hype cycle.
          You sound like a dumb and moronic nocoder.
          >Let me guess: you use neovim, arch, a tiling VM and used to be/are a cryptoshill.
          I use vscode, microsoft dwm, and wished to have bought bitcoins early on.
          >Working C++ code
          No such thing.
          >needs to be constantly rewritten for bullshit reasons like satisfying the borrow checker and getting rid of mutable borrows
          If it works once, it continues to work. Your statement is nonsensical.
          >wall of nocoder cope
          Actual programmers are very happy with Rust and are gladly replacing C/C++ with it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            wow great arguments bro, youre really winning me over
            you look like a moron compared to the guy youre arguing against its embarrassing

          • 4 weeks ago

            he's right though. you're an idiot and the cancer (lol) killing IQfy.
            I remember one of you homosexuals 6 years ago shitting and screaming about systemd and touting MUH YOUNICKS and I found out it was some moronic quasimoto frick I actually worked with and I saw him post IQfy on clover once and knew it then. Mysteriously see less muh Younicks shitters since he died, like a b***h.

            You're an idiot, you fail to recognize reality. No one cares about your stoic and incorrect positions. Rust is unironically the best thing to happen to programming in decades.

    • 4 weeks ago

      dumb and moronic post:
      >most of the broader community already started turning against them
      >how snobby and insufferable Rust devs are
      >how shit the language is
      >forcing you to constantly rewrite perfectly good code
      only C/C++ need to be rewritten, but C/C++ is never perfectly good
      >Rust doesn't crash
      no Rust shill ever said that
      it's a code smell for exactly the reason you mentioned
      >You gain nothing
      wrong, you gain guaranteed memory safety, threads without data races, zero-cost abstractions, etc.
      >the 'ideal safe' Rust that most Rust devs endeavor to write is not practical
      absolutely nonsensical. more than 99% of Rust code is the 'ideal safe' Rust that most Rust devs endeavor to write. Just because that 1% exists doesn't mean it's not practical.
      >car analogy
      dumb nocoder

      > you use something as simple as RefCell, you can easily crash by doing multiple borrows at multiple levels of the stack, even though you wanted to something perfectly legal like update field A in method X and field B in method Y.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
        go frick yoiurself, lol

        • 4 weeks ago

          >no argument

          • 4 weeks ago

            none needed to counter "nuh uh", crab

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Rust has become a status symbol for people desperately wanting to appear smart, much like a BMW is a status symbol for people desperately wanting to appear rich.
      compare this to say functional programmers, who at least half of them realise at some level that the main reason they use functional languages is because theyre a cool intellectual curiosity
      rust troons have absolutely no self awareness and think that the rote procedure of their kafkaesque quagmire of a language is a type of intellectual stimulation

    • 4 weeks ago

      >So your shitty rust code can crash just as easily at runtime as your shitty C code that's full of null pointers. You gain nothing.
      I'm building a rust program and one major difference with C programs is that when it crashes, it gives useful error messages telling exactly where and why so instead of spending all day hunting down a crash, I spend 10 seconds fixing it and move on. The result is programs that can be built much faster and crash much less.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >it gives useful error messages telling exactly where and why so instead of spending all day hunting down a crash
        anon i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you started out programming in a scripting environment, or as a back-end webdev or something. please for the love of god learn to use a debugger. even for working with rust. do not be one of those dipshit babyduck developers who never learn how to properly use basic tools, and treat everything like a black box.

        you like rust, it helps you do a better job. that's great! please please please do not use it as an excuse to continue being a moron.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Why do things the nice way when you could do it the tedious way?
          Debuggers take more time and catch fewer problems. If a user reports a crash that you can't reproduce, will your debugger help as much as a good error message?

          • 4 weeks ago

            anon, if you think a debugger is tedious, it's because you never learned to properly use one.
            >If a user reports a crash that you can't reproduce
            I don't reproduce crashes at all. I tell the user to upload their dump and I look at that. Immediately I can see all the information about the crash, all nicely laid out in my editor, and in the case that the issue is non-trivial I can examine the relevant state of the program to solve it anyways.

            Please. Please please please learn to use a debugger. I know it seems scary, like it's a lot of work, but please for the love of god just learn to do it. My coworker never learned so many of these basic things and every single day I want to fricking strangle him. He makes my life hell because anything that isn't explicitly just writing code is outside the scope of his abilities. Please just stop being a scrub, for the sake of the people who have to work beside you.

            Learn how to use a debugger. Learn how you platform's linker works. Learn how your compiler works. Learn to read assembly so you can actually examine compiler output. Please don't just be a stupid codemonkey who doesn't understand anything and actively makes his life and everybody else's life around him harder. I know. You think you're taking the path of least resistance. The moment you step into a codebase that's actually fairly complicated, you're going to drop straight into hell because you never learned how to do your job properly. Don't be that guy. Rust has a lot of niceties. Do not mistake them for letting you cut corners on your skillset, not even a dependently typed language lets you do that. The scope of problems you will face are greater than you can possibly imagine and cannot be automated away. Many of them will be the result OF things being automated away. Ignore my warning at your own peril, just remember this post in your hour of need.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I swear to god, people like you are so confidently wrong it's insane. I can't recount how many times I'd have gdb choke randomly on armv7l dumps and just give up and dump you into asm it's not even fricking funny.
            frick off. maybe if you're a toddler with toddler toy problems debugging and crawling dumps works.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Whenever a post on IQfy brags about using a basic tool that everyone knows as if it was some advanced magic or end-all solution, you know that post is peak Dunning-Kruger. Here we find an example of those posts.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Is he wrong though? Using a debugger can be helpful

          • 4 weeks ago

            he's trolling anon, ignore him

          • 4 weeks ago

            no, you should know how to use a debugger but don't expect it to actually work either. I am

            I swear to god, people like you are so confidently wrong it's insane. I can't recount how many times I'd have gdb choke randomly on armv7l dumps and just give up and dump you into asm it's not even fricking funny.
            frick off. maybe if you're a toddler with toddler toy problems debugging and crawling dumps works.

            and can tell you first hand that when you're "debugging" platforms with less eyes looking at it, especially when you're using exotic and moronic ABIs (softfloat or actually have float but have to call other libs with softfloat abi) you will, have a bad time. not only have I had binutils shit segfault, I've had it, again, lose the stack frame and just go straight to line by line asm. It's great if your platform just works I guess, but don't pretend it's the same everywhere.

          • 4 weeks ago

            So what should i learn as a python webshitter? I want to do something interesting and challenging, interested in low level programming and binex, c? Cpp? Rust? Go?
            I have analysis paralysis

          • 4 weeks ago

            try them all. I'll tell you that Rust is probably the easiest "low level (actually high level but so is C and its ilk)" but has the disadvantage that it's still pretty new so you'll tread a lot of new waters and might not find the tools you want out of the box.
            go is weird in that a lot of code exists out in the wild for basically any ridiculous thing you can think of and if you deal with container garbage, cloud infrastructure as code garbage, then you probably need go no matter what, unless you plan on rewriting podman/docker/terraform/crane/whatever-crap-in-go-here and go has some nice libraries for a bunch of niche problems. only shit deal with go is cgo and the fact that it was designed by boomers for the dumbest googlers and it really shows and feels like that when you write it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            C or C++ if you want a proper education
            if youre a backend guy though and want something really useful and relevant, definitely learn Go 100%
            (none of these are "low level" btw especially not go but whatever)

          • 4 weeks ago

            it doesn't matter, a programmer that knows only 2 or 3 languages is a shit programmer
            Different languages are just a different perspectives on how the theory of making da computah do shit can be applied. The more you learn the more you'll know what you don't know and thus what to learn next

          • 4 weeks ago

            "using a debugger can be helpful" is a much weaker claim than "oh my god did you just suggest sane error messages?! HOW PREPOSTEROUS you CLEARLY don't know how to use a debugger OH GOD I KNOW HOW TO USE A BASIC TOOL IT WAS SOOOO SCARY BUT NOW IT ISN'T IM SOIING OUT RIGHT NOW SO HARD GUYS I KNOW HOW TO USE A DEBUGGER"

          • 4 weeks ago

            I just started a project in rust.. you’re making me wanna use c and gdb
            Whats a good debugger? Ollydbg?
            Should i focus on c or cpp? I was thinking c to get the basics and understand assembly better

          • 4 weeks ago

            >you’re making me wanna use c and gdb
            >some nocoder writing debugger fanfiction makes me want to use C
            dumb moron nocoder
            >I was thinking c to get the basics and understand assembly better
            Then use assembly you dumb moron. How would using C make you understand assembly better? Just think for a second.

          • 4 weeks ago

            > How would using C make you understand assembly better?
            It actually has that effect

          • 4 weeks ago

            On Linux, *BSD and Mac, I use lldb (used to use gdb, but swapped over when we changed our compiler infrastructure to llvm)
            On Windows, I use visual studio trial, which i continually extend via this:

            ida-debugger is really good, if you want to pay for it. Easily one of the best. I don't use it though because I've developed my workflow to rely on editor integration with the debugger. There exist some utilities for integration, but frankly I'm not left wanting anything from my current setup so the work of doing that just seems a little silly at this point.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Please. Please please please learn to use a debugger. I know it seems scary, like it's a lot of work
            absolutely insufferable
            almost threw up

          • 4 weeks ago

            assembly is a helluva drug
            one moment you're "checking" your compiler output, the next you're writing malware

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >that vim script and lua graph
    vim is officially dead
    neovim won
    you may now seethe:

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >due to how snobby
    >and insufferable
    >Rust devs are

    • 4 weeks ago


  7. 4 weeks ago

    this TSQL fall, wtf happend here

    • 4 weeks ago

      Proprietary extension of SQL by MS. It was destined to fail.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    fortran on punchcards is the future. punch this down.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    just have a nice day. I can't imagine being the mentally stunted moron who makes these absolutely worthless fricking statistics or how they do it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      dockerlets seething LUL

  10. 4 weeks ago

    it's simple. if a new programmer starting today needed a fast language would they choose cpp or rust?
    why would anyone starting today ever make the cpp choice?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >shit i can't convince the oldgays
      >fine then i'll try to convince the newcomers
      actual reasons: way more support, knowledge, tutorials, code examples, marketability and recognizability, dozens of reaons, really
      picking rust would be shooting oneself in the foot, eventhough that's a joke commonly associated with c++

      • 4 weeks ago

        >picking rust would be shooting oneself in the foot, eventhough that's a joke commonly associated with c++
        based on what moron? Rust and Cargo does everything for newhomosexuals. I don't have to hand-hold a newbie when gcc or clang fail to link a symbol or what some idiot falls into common pitfalls in C++ like static init ordering or other hilarious garbage.

        The more I read comments like this the further I am convinced only the dumbest, Black personlicious nocoders actually defend C++ against Rust.

        • 4 weeks ago

          you dont run into any of that shit as a beginner, or at least I dont remember having to ever worry about memory management in my intro to programming c++ class when I was 14 years old
          the syntax of c++ is so much more approachable for a newcomer and c++ doesnt require nearly as much computer science knowledge as a prerequisite

          the best answer you have is that there are more cpp tutorials? what?

          nta but yes that fricking matters you moron

          • 4 weeks ago

            >or at least I dont remember having to ever worry about memory management in my intro to programming c++ class when I was 14 years old
            what the frick are you talking about?
            I very strongly remember helping idiots after class doing TA shit with writing RB trees, destructors and other allocating shit.
            frick off. god you're a fricking nocoder moron. I'm sick of this shit.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            YWNBAC (coder)

          • 4 weeks ago

            I have literally never seen an intro to programming class attended by 14 year olds that requires writing RB trees.

      • 4 weeks ago

        the best answer you have is that there are more cpp tutorials? what?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    TSQL be like my stock deposit q.q

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Dockerfile bros, we got too wienery

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >Q2 2020

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >top 50 programming languages
    These Black folk just blindly scraped GitHub lmao

  15. 4 weeks ago

    "languages". Is gherkin even turing complete on its own?

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >no Clojure
    gonna write more clojure.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Neither Erlang nor Elixir is in the list. BEAM bros...

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >Top 50 Programming Languages Globally
    >Dockerfile, Makefile, Batchfile, CMake, M4
    >HLSL, GLSL, HCL, ShaderLab, XSLT, Smarty
    >Lex and Yacc
    >Is Rust the future?
    No, also this chart is atrocious and you know it.
    Whoever designed this doesn't know the difference between general purpose programming languages and some severely limited DSLs.

    LOL. LMAO, even. Which one, assembly is not just ONE language.
    Why do they keep being lumped together? It's like lumping every C-like language together and calling it "C-like".

    • 4 weeks ago

      The chart is a bait and switch, much like the thread.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Luasisters once again winning

  20. 4 weeks ago

    If your language is less active than fricking Emacs Lisp, maybe it's time to throw in the towel and port your app.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I saw the borrow checker on a workstation yesterday. I told it how cool it was to meet it in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother it and ask it for lifetime annotations or anything. It said, "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but it kept cutting me off and going "E0382: borrow of moved value" and closing its hand shut in front of my face. I tabbed away and continued with my programming, and I heard it chuckle as I typed. When I came to compile my code I saw it trying to terminate the process with like fifteen gigabytes of compiler artifacts on the hard drive without monomorphizing. The OOM killer was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to deallocate your mmapped files before the process terminates." At first it kept pretending to be tired and not hear that, but eventually turned back around and called sbrk(). When the supervisor process went to the build artifact directory and started running rm -rf, the borrow checker stopped it and told it to rm them each individually "to prevent any eschatological immanence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After Cargo compiled each crate and started to invoke the linker, it kept interrupting by yawning really loudly.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Odin-bros we are the future

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