Is sex-having compatible with reading literature?

Once you've biblically Known a woman it's impossible to maintain any degree of wonder and romanticism about women and love and relationships, the most written-about of all human experiences. Once you've "did it" so to speak, you might as well stick to television and podcasts.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Read Metaphysics of Sex.

    • 2 years ago

      No, I don't think I will.
      Instead of making such a worthless post you might consider excerpting some relevant passages. Let's have some standards.

      • 2 years ago

        Low effort posts get low effort responses.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's no coincidence that our fondest reading memories are from childhood and adolescence.

  3. 2 years ago

    >For it is a matter of demonstrating a path of salvation recognised by none of the philosophers, particularly not by Sch., the pathway to complete pacification of the Will through love, and that no abstract love of mankind, but the love which actually blossoms from the soil of sexual love, i.e. from the affection between man and woman. It is conclusive, that I am able to use for this (as philosopher, not as poet, since as such I have my own) the terminology which Sch. himself supplies me. The exposition leads very deep and far, for it embraces a preciser explanation of the state in which we become able to apprehend Ideas, as also of that of Genius (Genialitaf), which I no longer conceive as a state of disengagement of the intellect from the will, but rather as an enhancement of the intellect of the individual to a cognitive organ of the race itself (Erkenntnissorgan der Gattung), thus of the Will as Thing-in-itself; whence alone, moreover, is to be explained that strange enthusiastic joyfulness and rapture in the supreme moments of genial cognition which Sch. seems hardly to know, as he can find it [i.e. that mode of cognition] only in repose and in the silencing of the individual passions. Quite analogously to this conception, I then arrive with greatest certainty at proving in Love a possibility of attaining to that exaltation above the instinct of the individual will where, after complete subjection of this latter, the racial will comes to full consciousness of itself; which upon this height is necessarily tantamount to complete pacification. All this will be made clear even to the inexperienced, if my statement succeeds; whilst the result cannot but be very significant, and entirely and satisfactorily fill the gaps in Schopenhauer's system.

    • 2 years ago

      holy schit Schopenhauer completely btfo

      is this the best >have sex retort in the thistory of philosophy?

      • 2 years ago

        Read it again moron. He is a Schopenhauerian who wants to 'fill the gaps' in his system.

        • 2 years ago

          >filling the gap
          oh ho yes he is

          • 2 years ago

            >Caroline Medon, real name Caroline Wilhelmine Richter, (3 January 1802 – 6. June 1882[1]) was a German opera singer and stage actress who became known as a lover of Arthur Schopenhauer.
            read books

          • 2 years ago

            homosexual; i've read schopenhauer more than once. wagner obviously isn't talking about just getting pussy, something even a schit like Schopenhauer could do

  4. 2 years ago

    >S-sex is LE BAD!

    Another stupid fricking frogposter in need of euthanasia, nothing more to see here..

  5. 2 years ago

    Meh, I hate women as much as the next man but you sound moronic and inexperienced. If Alex Grey and Allyson Grey can exist, I'm sure there is a female for you that wouldn't cheat on you or leave just because she wanted secksy times

  6. 2 years ago

    What you say is nonsense, of course, but it's true that reproduction (and in particular the female end of it) is pretty gruesome. A healthy society will do everything it can to hide this and present women as refined, ethereal creatures. "Das Ewig-Weibliche / Zieht uns hinan" & all that. A degenerate society, like ours, will do the opposite. But you're hardly the first person to notice this:

    "Alcohol is like love," he said. "The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off."

    "Is that bad?" I asked him.

    "It's excitement of a high order, but it's an impure emotion — impure in the aesthetic sense. I'm not sneering at sex. It's necessary and it doesn't have to be ugly. But it always has to be managed. Making it glamorous is a billion-dollar industry and it costs every cent of it."

    He looked around and yawned. "I haven't been sleeping well. It's nice in here. But after a while the lushes will fill the place up and talk loud and laugh and the goddam women will start waving their hands and screwing up their faces and tinkling their goddam bracelets and making with the packaged charm which will later on in the evening have a slight but unmistakable odor of sweat."

    "Take it easy," I said. "So they're human, they sweat, they get dirty, they have to go to the bathroom. What did you expect — golden butterflies hovering in a rosy mist?"

    — Raymond Chandler, 'The Long Goodbye'

    More explicitly:


    Above — the well-known lips, delicately downed.
    Below — beard between thighs.

    Above — her brow, the notable casket of gems.
    Below — the belly with its blood-knot.

    Above — many a painful frown.
    Below — the ticking bomb of the future.

    Above — her perfect teeth, with the hint of a fang at the corner.
    Below — the millstones of two worlds.

    Above — a word and a sigh.
    Below — gouts of blood and babies.

    Above — the face, shaped like a perfect heart.
    Below — the heart's torn face.

    — Ted Hughes (from 'Crow')

    Or if you want a pithy humorous take on the whole business:

    "No man should marry until he has studied anatomy and dissected at least one woman."

    — Honore de Balzac

    • 2 years ago

      Great post. This is proof that bait can bring out decent conversation better than yet another Book Rec thread.

  7. 2 years ago

    Romantic and sexual experience is crucial to reading and writing, otherwise you won't be able to understand the most important emotional mechanics there are. Marriage and child raising on the other hand are the most efficient ways to destroy your literary life. Childless and/or gay men make up significant portion of western canon despite being fairly rare in the past. Chances are you'll never amount to any intellectual feats if you're preoccupied with nagging roastie and her spawn.
    The ideal IQfy course of action is to have an intense romance in your youth, experiencing both the ecstatic high and heartbreaking low, then moving on to voluntary celibacy or casual pumps and dumps.

    • 2 years ago

      is sexual experiences with prostitutes okay for this? like henry miller

      • 2 years ago

        Sure, plus falling in love with a prostitute is essential IQfy experience

  8. 2 years ago

    The worst thing about the IQfy aesthetic/ideology that has slowly congealed is that it's based on this solipsistic sense of 'wonder', on constructing your little burrow around the jpeg of Transcendent Sophia so that you can wander around its halls in an eternal coom of the soul. No one wants to read books about relationships, they only want to read books about pining for The One.

    These are the same dynamics that lead to a hundred threads about the gloomy nightmare of modernity without anyone actually wanting to read books about history. Everyone prefers the mystical Kali Yuga hellscape of familiar archetypes you can comfortably enjoy from the rain-spattered window of your aristocratic library, rather than actually digging into the unfamiliar, which involves some genuine intellectual curiosity and openness.

    • 2 years ago

      >it's bad to read about God you should read about women instead
      absolute state

      • 2 years ago

        I meant 'The One' in the sense that everyone on IQfy only seems to want a kind of deified female archetype, a fixed image that you revere from your position as spectator. But yeah, also stop reading about God if what you mean is the kind of esoteric PDFs that people on here build their cosy systems out of. You'd get closer to the Outside that God represents a desire for by actually getting stuck into the tangle of the world (in terms of the books you read, obviously I'm not suggesting actually leaving your room). This is why relationships, in something like a DH Lawrence novel,* are central: they take you out of yourself and put you in the middle of a new network of forces that you would never have arrived at by yourself. But that involves being sensitive to those new forces and having confidence in your responses to them, instead of just retreating into the prepackaged sublime stamped by the name of a Church Father, or Guenon, or whoever.

        *See also DH Lawrence, 'Studies in Classic American Literature':
        >"That my soul is a dark forest."
        >"That my known self will never be more than a little clearing in the forest."
        >"That gods, strange gods, come forth from the forest into the clearing of my known self, and then go back."
        >"That I must have the courage to let them come and go."
        >"That I will never let mankind put anything over me, but that I will try always to recognize and submit to the gods in me and the gods in other men and women."

        • 2 years ago

          I find relationships, both in life and in books, to be bothersome and superfluous. The same set of variations on the same themes repeated by different actors on the cosmic stage ad infinitum. I prefer to retreat inside of myself and dig ever more deeper and closer to the center of my Being. People like Guenon and his sort can be helpful but one ought not mistake the map for the terrain.

          • 2 years ago

            oh my god you sound like an insufferable gay. You know Guenon actually had a family, right? You need some fricking friends you shut-in. You can ponder over your own being while having other people in your life. Humans are innately social creatures, just because you have deluded yourself into thinking that you are some exception doesnt actually mean that you are

          • 2 years ago

            moron. I do have people in my life and plan to get married at some point. I meant I don't see a lot of value in 'relationships' as you seem to do. If pursued as ends in themselves, they are boring, repetitive, and unfulfilling. The same experiences that you have from them innumerable people have had before you and they are no better for it.

        • 2 years ago

          >(in terms of the books you read, obviously I'm not suggesting actually leaving your room)
          Phew, I was getting worried there.

    • 2 years ago

      OP here, I'd never in a million years recommend someone read about made up shit like metaphysics.

  9. 2 years ago

    Not since the 18th century.

  10. 2 years ago

    yeah you are just a fricking loser lmao. You sound like one of those reddit atheists who think they are smarter than everybody.

  11. 2 years ago

    What about moderate faping?

  12. 2 years ago

    Yes, get a life.

  13. 2 years ago

    What about all the great works of literature written by men who did have sex?

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