Is the fediverse and it's software the future of social media? Why and what obstacles does it have to overcome?

Is the fediverse and it's software the future of social media? Why and what obstacles does it have to overcome?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Is the fediverse and it's software the future of social media
    Probably not
    >Why and what obstacles does it have to overcome
    It needs better branding, first of all. Normies won't touch anything that has bad aesthetics. Then you need to get some high status people to use it.

    • 2 years ago

      >fediverse needs to be flooded with npc to be good
      never use that network we dont want you

      • 2 years ago

        no, not to be good, but to become the mainstream of the future of social media

  2. 2 years ago

    It has to overcome "no content" and trannies, great otherwise.

    • 2 years ago

      >has to overcome "no content"
      agreed. i feel like fediverse should be targeting real organizations and groups instead of randos on the internet. there are tons of groups out there that can really benefit from increasing visibility into what everyone is doing and collecting the info to show the world.

      • 2 years ago

        >targeting real organizations and groups instead of randos on the internet
        so basically a group/movement centered fediverse within the fediverse. Building that and walling it off does make more sense than joining and defederating from everyone, despite the current culture.

      • 2 years ago

        I agree with this
        Right now I cringe at "the fediverse" because I associate it with lel-so-random strangers

  3. 2 years ago


    trannies galore

    • 2 years ago

      You need to come on the other side of the great defederation wall.

      • 2 years ago

        >you get to choose between trannies and schizo morons

  4. 2 years ago

    isnt the whole point of fediverse that you can simply move to server with no trannies allowed

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, the trannies all defederate from that server and you can't interact with them anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        so... what is the problem then?

        • 2 years ago

          There are three (3) types of fediverse users, with some overlap:

          1. Trannies
          2. Furries
          3. LARP nazis who's personality is pretty much how much they like hitler

          No sane person uses this software

          • 2 years ago

            this sucks because the premise is kinda interesting to me
            mildly curious on how it ended up like this

          • 2 years ago

            They all got banned or had enough of twitter, so they're all obnoxious and mostly underage

          • 2 years ago

            the people that can really benefit from things like fediverse and decentralization sadly are not very aware of what it is. some MZs who spend their whole life on the internet think it'll solve their problems but they just bring their problems with them.

          • 2 years ago

            Because trannies are delusional and thought twitter was going to exterminate them (this started the whole thing) and the nazis all got thrown of twitter and needed something new.

            There are some instances which don't fall into those camps though...

          • 2 years ago

            >thought twitter was going to exterminate them
            The origin of Mastodon, yes. I think misskey predates them though.

          • 2 years ago

            You forgot the e-girlcons.

            this sucks because the premise is kinda interesting to me
            mildly curious on how it ended up like this

            Fediverse ended up being a dumping ground for the various things that Twitter banned or the people who were too histrionic to use Twitter - leftists who think Twitter is secretly right wing and transphobic, neo-nazis and volkish pagans, e-girlcons, the weirdest furries, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            No he didn't.
            They are either Nazis or trannies, no exception.

            But he *did* forget the "I actually want to frick real kids" pedophiles.

          • 2 years ago

            correct, it has that old IQfy vibe, that putrid stench of weapons grade autism fermenting next to freshly grown memes.

          • 2 years ago

            if most fediverses are IQfy, then is IQfy reddit?

          • 2 years ago

            old IQfy, pre reddit IQfy when it had creativity and fun at the expense of the perpetually offended, back when IQfy had literally no mods, back when you could dump admin creds and they'd stay up for several hours next to a e-girl doujinshi dump thread while people defaced the admin panel by uploading futas and e-girl.

          • 2 years ago

            I think the fedi is more like IQfy's twitter, on rare occasion it can be upstream of IQfy.
            >then is IQfy reddit?
            does less worse jannies = good?

          • 2 years ago

            fedi is like IQfy if done via email over the web but everyone can set up thier own server very very trivially.

          • 2 years ago

            I think the fedi is more like IQfy's twitter, on rare occasion it can be upstream of IQfy.
            >then is IQfy reddit?
            does less worse jannies = good?

            old IQfy, pre reddit IQfy when it had creativity and fun at the expense of the perpetually offended, back when IQfy had literally no mods, back when you could dump admin creds and they'd stay up for several hours next to a e-girl doujinshi dump thread while people defaced the admin panel by uploading futas and e-girl.

            Anyone remember when the password hash table was leaked and moot's admin password was buttf4c3? lol

          • 2 years ago

            What/who is Moot?

          • 2 years ago

            IQfy founder, n00b

          • 2 years ago

            >tfw Diaspora is defined by none of these three
            Diaspora got off well in that sense. The people there are chill.

          • 2 years ago

            No, there are 9 types of users, with some overlap:
            1. C-using free software people
            2. anti-free speech leftists and trannies
            3. shitposters
            4. e-girl fans
            5. Japanese e-girl artists
            6. exiled racists and nazis
            7. rightist dramagays
            8. exiled TERFs and man haters
            9. some other weirdos (furries, MAPS, satanists, feds)
            Groups that are at odds usually self-segregate, but you do occasionally see interactions between them, which is very entertaining.

          • 2 years ago

            >Is the fediverse and it's software the future of social media?


        • 2 years ago

          there is no problem at all

      • 2 years ago

        There are three (3) types of fediverse users, with some overlap:

        1. Trannies
        2. Furries
        3. LARP nazis who's personality is pretty much how much they like hitler

        No sane person uses this software

        this sucks because the premise is kinda interesting to me
        mildly curious on how it ended up like this

        is it possible to federate with a few instances you like and then close federation, or would that block the other instances you follow? At least then you're not in a total gab/truthsocial situation

        • 2 years ago

          You can federate/defederate whoever you like.

  5. 2 years ago

    fedi on a technical level and far more importantly on a cultural level is the web's usenet, all of it, including the good, the bad and the ugly.

  6. 2 years ago

    Why does everything have to be gay rainbows, stars of david, and satanism?
    I won't even use your shit because of your logo

    • 2 years ago

      the fediverse doesn't have an official logo

  7. 2 years ago

    what's the point of fediverse? is it actually better from a technology standpoint? should anyone care? normal twitter works fine except for the bans, but fediverse is supposedly troon zoone, so it must be worse in that sense. no offense trannies

    • 2 years ago

      what is the point of email? aol works fine.

      • 2 years ago

        >what is the point of email? aol works fine.
        didn't answer my question
        is it actually better or not
        aol supported email btw, you sound like a dumb zoomer

        >what's the point of fediverse?
        To have a social media with no central point of authority.

        >is it actually better from a technology standpoint?

        >should anyone care?

        >but fediverse is supposedly troon zoone
        Total nonsense.
        It contains essentially two parts, the troons which defederate (block) everyone else and the rest neo-nazis, some lolbertarians and some other "pro free speech" people and sone absolutely mentally ill people from kiwi farms.

        >the troons which defederate (block) everyone else and the rest neo-nazis, some lolbertarians and some other "pro free speech" people and sone absolutely mentally ill people from kiwi farms.
        does defederation constitute self-segregation?

        • 2 years ago

          >does defederation constitute self-segregation?
          It means your server won't talk to their server. By that mechanism every instance can decide which other instances it wants to talk with.

          • 2 years ago

            doesn't this result in fragmentation into a bunch of pointless echo chambers? literally crazy troon and nazi cliques with a handful of users and nothing else?

          • 2 years ago

            >doesn't this result in fragmentation into a bunch of pointless echo chambers?
            It would if it were used liberally. On the non-troon side of the fediverse federation is generally looked down upon and only used in extreme cases (instances spreading spam or even cp).

            Defederation is an absolute neccesity as a feature and need to exist to remove mallicious instances from the network.
            Other than that many, usually somewhat "free speech" oriented instances exist which all talk to each other.
            You could literally check it out yourself if you want to...

          • 2 years ago

            why would I want to use a platform where I can only talk to people who aren't easily offended? that eliminates almost everyone (troons as you mentioned)

          • 2 years ago

            including you.
            filtered. not our problem.

          • 2 years ago

            Why would you want to talk to eadily offended people?

            You can easily trigger each of these groups btw.

            it just doesn't have mass appeal if everyone's limited to their little walled garden of 5 people who agree on mostly everything

          • 2 years ago

            >it just doesn't have mass appeal if everyone's limited to their little walled garden of 5 people who agree on mostly everything
            But this is not the case. Besides the troons most people do federate with each other.
            There are unironic libtards on the fediverse.

          • 2 years ago

            speech is regulated by the local server/cluster? so are defederated areas basically their own independent website/platform?

          • 2 years ago

            The fediverse is made up of instances. Each instance contains one or more users and has total control over these users. They can set whatever rules they want for their users ban them, etc.

            Different instances can talk to each other such that users from one instance can talk to users from another instance. Defederation means that an instance A refuses to receive anything from instance B. This means that users from instance A will not see anything from users from instance B in any way.

          • 2 years ago

            so basically... yes?

          • 2 years ago

            Not really. Defederation is between two instances, it does not mean isolation from the rest of the network.

          • 2 years ago

            >Each instance contains one or more users and has total control over these users. They can set whatever rules they want for their users ban them, etc.
            so basically forums in 90s and early 00s?

            >Different instances can talk to each other such that users from one instance can talk to users from another instance
            how is it actually implemented? can you only send messages? or does the an instance see content from other instances at top level too?

          • 2 years ago

            >so basically forums in 90s and early 00s?
            Yes, but with twitter style threads and able to talk between each other.

            >how is it actually implemented?
            Read the source code I guess. IIRC instances fetch content from other instances and then provide it to its users.

            > can you only send messages?
            Messages are basically tweets, they can include multimedia.

            >or does the an instance see content from other instances at top level too?
            I don't get what you mean by that to be honest...

          • 2 years ago

            to phrase it differently, if a user makes a "tweet" on instance A, does it also show the message to all users on instance B?

          • 2 years ago

            If B does not defederate from A that "tweet" will be shown on the global timeline of instance B and all followers of the user who made that tweet (from any federated instance) will receive that tweet in their timelines.

          • 2 years ago

            >Each instance contains one or more users and has total control over these users. They can set whatever rules they want for their users ban them, etc.
            so basically forums in 90s and early 00s?

            >Different instances can talk to each other such that users from one instance can talk to users from another instance
            how is it actually implemented? can you only send messages? or does the an instance see content from other instances at top level too?

            >>how is it actually implemented?
            >Read the source code I guess. IIRC instances fetch content from other instances and then provide it to its users.
            They run on the same protocol

          • 2 years ago

            >it just doesn't have mass appeal if everyone's limited to their little walled garden of 5 people who agree on mostly everything
            But this is not the case. Besides the troons most people do federate with each other.
            There are unironic libtards on the fediverse.

            the appeal is in owning your own data and your community having it's own space outside of big tech. People already have branched off into different groups on big tech sites ie FB groups/discord/telegram etc. This is the last step out of the system for those guys. Normie or not, it's a step in the right direction. That's why Dorsey made blusky

          • 2 years ago

            Why would you want to talk to eadily offended people?

            You can easily trigger each of these groups btw.

        • 2 years ago

          they were forced to support email, they didn't always, they used to be a walled garden. lurk more you fricking poser.

    • 2 years ago

      >what's the point of fediverse?
      This is me speaking from my own desires, but I don't think that corralling the sum of online humanity in to 3 or 4 websites is good for anybody but the people making money from the deal. Having more sites with smaller communities is a superior, I believe.

    • 2 years ago

      >what's the point of fediverse?
      To have a social media with no central point of authority.

      >is it actually better from a technology standpoint?

      >should anyone care?

      >but fediverse is supposedly troon zoone
      Total nonsense.
      It contains essentially two parts, the troons which defederate (block) everyone else and the rest neo-nazis, some lolbertarians and some other "pro free speech" people and sone absolutely mentally ill people from kiwi farms.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Is the fediverse and it's software the future of social media?
    Hopefully, since the decentralized aspect of it is its greatest appeal

    >Why and what obstacles does it have to overcome?
    The fact that only natsocs, neckbeards and trannies are willing to use it as of right now

  9. 2 years ago

    so is federation actually important? what does federation bring to the table? i have never used it so i wouldn't know. the way i see it, all these fediverse apps are basically the same as existing social media or communities in their functionality. it's not like you can democratically run a verse.

    • 2 years ago

      >what does federation bring to the table
      There is no central point of authority. Small communities can exist by themselves and regulate themselves while still interacting with others.

      > it's not like you can democratically run a verse.
      But you can remove a central point of authority.

      • 2 years ago

        it sounds like each instance is a central authority. what value does federation bring? can you see content from other instances? im genuinely curious.

        • 2 years ago

          to phrase it differently, if a user makes a "tweet" on instance A, does it also show the message to all users on instance B?

          maybe i just dont understand how twitter works to begin with

        • 2 years ago

          >it sounds like each instance is a central authority.
          It is a central authority over all its users. Nothing is stopping you from running your own personal instance though or finding one which suits you.

          >what value does federation bring?
          The fediverse is hosted on hundreds of different servers talking to each others and allowing cross communication, each instance can have their own rules for its users and which other instances it will interact with.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Is the fediverse and it's software the future of social media?
    It's marginally better than posting here, if only because all proprietards users get immediately dumpstered on by some random European femboy you've never heard of before.
    >Why and what obstacles does it have to overcome?
    Every time you follow someone with a passing interest in tech, it's a 50/50 toss up as to whether you get to enjoy getting your feed flooded with homosexual hellthreads or racist hellthreads. If you're really lucky, you'll get racist homosexual hellthreads.
    Also if I'm not shitposting I don't get (You)s. I wanna seriouspost but the motivation isn't there.

    • 2 years ago

      >getting your feed flooded with homosexual hellthreads or racist hellthreads
      Doesn't this differ between frontends? Soapbox doesn't show replies of people you follow, right?

      • 2 years ago

        mastodongays self-segregate and they're not my problem. If you use or something you get defederated from half the federation by association, but there's enough not shit(tm) instances. Or you could make your own, single-user instances automagically get defederated from the shit instances without lifting a finger.
        I use Pleroma.

      • 2 years ago

        it does now, along with the option to repost with a quote and to expand the thread.

        Unrelated, peertube embeding and peertube in general is probably the best contribution from the fedi so far.

  11. 2 years ago

    is there a general IQfyuide on fediverse in general?

  12. 2 years ago

    yes, dumb Black personhomosexuals are it.

  13. 2 years ago

    I hope the future of social media will be extinction.
    Decentralised or not, social media is a cancer upon humanity and the Internet. We need to return to forums and personal websites as the main medium of self-expression online.

  14. 2 years ago

    The issue it's trying to solve is parallel to the issue it wants to solve.
    What it WANTS to solve is the fact that 99% of all web traffic goes to at most 20 sites. At the same time everyone at least somewhat hates each and every one of these 20 sites for different reasons but can't do anything because they have a specific monopoly on that service. But for one reason or another, all those services are the only ones uniquely capable of handling that specific job(and in some cases even they can't profit from it so they need the aid of a massive corp anyways), or simply because everyone on earth is there already(even if you never cared about getting paid, in order to even be noticed you absolutely HAVE to be where everyone's favorite celebrity/creator is in order to even get a passing glance).
    The problem fediverse is actually solving is "how do I convince 100 morons that they can make 100 servers and become the boot instead?".
    In all honesty the corruption goes so deep that even if EVERY. SINGLE. WEBSITE. that handles that 99% of traffic crumbled to dust tomorrow, and the companies that owned them had a market crash they could never recover from, the fediverse would at best become what people hated about forums but worse. Everyone would choose a single site in the fediverse and block every other instance just to be safe. That site probably being someone rich enough to handle the massive server traffic and capable of implementing new features so fast the other instances would never be able to catch up. Then we would be in the exact same place all over again with a new coat of paint.
    You can't convince normalhomosexuals to do literally anything outside their comfort zone. And if you somehow have a way to force them to the wouldn't have the endurance to last a week without knowing that their favorite celebrity is probably going to clip their toenails at 3:45 PM in Los Angeles while they are watching the new latest capeshit movie that came out on Disney+.

  15. 2 years ago

    CHECK OUT CUM.SALON :screech:

  16. 2 years ago

    pernia is my little cumbawd he drinks daddy's cummies everyday UwU

    • 2 years ago

      complete freak

  17. 2 years ago

    matrix is like fediverse, except actually usable

    • 2 years ago

      Join us

      kill yourseld, get your own thread homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >make a thread about matrix
        I have nothing to sell

  18. 2 years ago

    Join us

  19. 2 years ago

    federation is an awesome technology but it needs to be coupled with privacy software like i2p and tor to be truly effective.

  20. 2 years ago

    It seems that every instance is either /misc/ with avatars, troony central, or a way for some homosexual's clique to talk among each other. In any case, pleroma/mastodon are just twitter with worse UX, who am I supposed to interact with if I don't know anyone and they don't know me? At least the whole federated aspect can be used in stuff like Peertube and Fchan. Someone should create a git repository using activitypub.

  21. 2 years ago

    Why are the biggest fediverse applications fricking twitter clones? Twitter is a dogshit format

  22. 2 years ago

    All social media is bad. It doesn't matter if it's free software and federated/decentralized

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