Is there a word for not believing satan exists, only God exists?

Is there a word for not believing satan exists, only God exists?

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  1. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      according to whomst

      • 4 weeks ago


  2. 4 weeks ago

    I've never heard of this as a concept before, but if we apply the "a-" prefix to Satanism, I guess we can call this something like "Asatanism"

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Adiabolist. Although "satan" still exists in the sense it just means adversary or accuser

  4. 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    I don't get Satan. There's no way israelites/Christians/Muslims consider him to be God's equal, given their faiths are all about 1 supreme God. So is this some leftover concept from Zoroastrianism?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >There's no way israelites/Christians/Muslims consider him to be God's equal
      They explicitly don't believe he's equal to God

      • 4 weeks ago

        So how come he's able to defeat God again and again (ie, lead people to stray from God). And why does he have a "rebel outpost" (hell), etc.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You could try reading those religions' sources if you want to understand them, instead of filling in the blanks in your head.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No, I want you to explain it since you apparently have it all figured out. In my mind, an almighty and omnipresent God envelopes everything. All mighty, you know

            Dualism and an infinitely powerful God seem incompatible the more I think about it. Believing in satan in the popular sense almost makes you a pagan

          • 4 weeks ago

            You can't have free-will without choice. If it's impossible not to do everything God says all the time, then you're not free. God wants you too seek Him of your own free will

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'll never not be amazed how thoroughly John Milton has colonized people's imagination about religious myth when nobody has even read him.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >And why does he have a "rebel outpost" (hell), etc.
          Try reading the Bible sometime. Unironically. Seriously. Put down the TikTok and Chinese cartoons for 5 minutes and open a book.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah Zoroastrianism influenced all those dualistic and apocalyptic sects in the east Med for centuries. Satan essentially took on the character and role of Ahriman by the time of Jesus. There's also supposedly a reference to it in Revelation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kinda trippy that Zoroastrianism is basically hinduistic heresy, and Judaism was influenced by it, and Christianity was born from Judaism, and Islam was a mix of both Abrahamic religions.
      What Christianity has called angels for 2k years, are basically vedas to hindus, and both religions are alive and well today, yet very different.
      And Abraham and Sarah = Brahma and Saraswati, kind of.

      • 4 weeks ago

        reddit take

        • 4 weeks ago

          >And why does he have a "rebel outpost" (hell), etc.
          Try reading the Bible sometime. Unironically. Seriously. Put down the TikTok and Chinese cartoons for 5 minutes and open a book.

          Yes. Thank you.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    All entities (god, reverse god (realm of body)) are self aware dopplegangers of Time (Time is THE GOD that operates through - Realm of Living and - Realm of Dead that takes input through soul energy - speech, actions living etc through timeless - Now, through everybody, since Time is Everywhere - in past, present and in future).

    Body is - magic wand of Time.

    As a mortal lives through Time, some soul energy grows, decays and some soul energy dies, and they are parallel dimesions that are related to - I's of Time like growing, decaying and dark spots of moon.

    So, there is dead - i of time that operates through its kind of spectrum in soul (like tears, sweat, gangstalking etc), it is indistinguishable with other - I's of Time like crow and cacoo. It seems mortals are worshiping dead - i aspect of time thinking it as creator god.

    All the technology is from realm of dead and without tech there are no jobs of monetory system, the other spectrums of soul (living realm) had to follow or fall. Its like a wing of a bird controlling the other wing, opposing it is like struggling with the self.

    When they say - god, it is an - I of Time That is related to realm of living and creation.

    When they say satan/antagonist, it is from an - I of Time that is related to realm of dead.

    For more watch rick and mirty - s3 e6

    It seems, They are related to same Time, Its like how the body changes over time from young to old or like how motherhood stops in females after some age, later the bodies are more related to realm of dead.

    So, the system imcites a spectrum of soul to operate against other spectrums of soul (they are related to same bodies), thats what the grid/internet is and it operates from future, few mortals are just hurting themselves by fighting the dark.

    The system of dead - i has got humanity in walls through biological parents and it seems it knows the mortals who break the walls, since it operates from future.

  7. 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    Satan is the LORD God so Satan exists.

    Therefore "Samegay" the Word.

    • 4 weeks ago


      Satan is the Proper name of God, always capitalised.

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