Is there amything you can do on linux but not on macOS?

Is there amything you can do on linux but not on macOS?

>macOS is le proprietary
I don't care

>macOS only works on muh apple devices
I don't care

I want to compare one OS to the other without ideology

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  1. 2 years ago

    you can customize GNU/Linux to your heart's content and modify any software it runs

  2. 2 years ago

    install on random hardware

  3. 2 years ago

    study, share, edit, and distribue the edits to the entire source code for the entire os from bootloader to graphical user interface to the browser in which this text appears

    • 2 years ago

      including all device drivers and firmware lol broadcom

    • 2 years ago

      including all device drivers and firmware lol broadcom

      honestly surprised this isnt more important to more people, but maybe it's on the up tick?

    • 2 years ago

      What’s the point if it doesn’t work?

      • 2 years ago

        What isnt working for you anon, maybe I can help.

    • 2 years ago

      why would i want to do that

      • 2 years ago

        cope harder, frog

      • 2 years ago

        You can't even do 1% of that because you're a low IQ homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not a matter of why. You can't.

    • 2 years ago

      ok but you aren't smart enough to fricking do that, are you. just use a computer that works instead of larping as ken thompson you freetards are all fricking midwits lol

      • 2 years ago

        you argue in bad faith. you assume no one is smart enough to program an os themselves, then say "just use the os someone else programmed".

  4. 2 years ago

    >Is there amything you can do on linux but not on macOS?

    Experience the bliss of Vulkan.

    • 2 years ago

      ah yes, i love writing 1000 lines of boilerplate to draw a triangle
      is your +1% speed worth it?

  5. 2 years ago

    brew is kind of shitty and linux is better for C deving. also window management on mac kind of sucks. but thats about it as far as i can tell. And oh yeah about thousands of dollars in savings spec per spec.

    • 2 years ago

      I've been able to get pretty much exactly my same workflow from bspwm+sxkhd in macos with yabai+skhd.

    • 2 years ago

      just use nix

  6. 2 years ago

    You can run shit from the internet without the OS trying to block and force you to use the app store instead.

  7. 2 years ago

    You can correctly type out "anything"

  8. 2 years ago

    I use my PC for 3D rendering and I can use the GPU's dedicated ray tracing cores to accelerate rendering extremely fast. Unlike Nvidia and AMD, the Mac Studio's M1 Ultra does not have ray tracing cores and the benchmarks show it getting absolutely mogged in benchmarks. There is also no eGPU support so you can't even use a custom GPU with ray tracing either.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Is there amything you can do on linux but not on macOS?
    become a lincel

    • 2 years ago

      why are you extorting men to buy overpriced shitty computers?

      • 2 years ago

        MacOS is the first option for anyone with a disability.

        Have fun getting to run a voiceover software for blind people on Lelnux or running a braille keyboard

        • 2 years ago

          a braile keyboard is probably just a keyboard with dots in it or something and linux does have an accessibility thing on the settings. I wouldn't know cause I'm not disabled.

          • 2 years ago

            btw if you're blind you'd probably do everything via the teminal anyways lol.

          • 2 years ago

            No, on Windows, they use NVDA, which is free of charge, or they use JAWS wihch costs money but some say it's slightly better.
            But Windows also has its own screenreader.
            You can even use it to completely make a new install on a clean partition or disk.

            In macOS you can enable VoiceOver and even chose between different voices and stuff. All built in already. Also gives you the option to install from scratch on a new disk

            Loonix does also have a screenreader installed, which even lets you do a complete install of the OS.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like the perfect solution for someone who is deaf...

        • 2 years ago

          I've considered applying to work on the accessibility team for apple because they do quite a bit right in that department. Still quite a bit wrong, but as far as consumer OS goes they're the best.

  10. 2 years ago

    become a wizard

  11. 2 years ago

    real response? macOS is a fricking pain to troubleshoot. the ARM ones seem much better but the last Intel macs were hellspawns that had tons of issues. Apple documents almost nothing with their OS (Their end user docs are fine, actually some of the best, but actual tech or dev docs are garbage. It is almost impossible to find anything about the core OS out)

    Anyway, macOS is fine. Just make sure to use brew or something else to replace the BSD utils with gnu utils because things work a lot differently and if anyone tells you how to do something, using find or sed, for example, you're gonna have a bad time lol

  12. 2 years ago

    >Things you can do on Linux and not MacOS
    Fix my hardware
    Install on any hardware
    Use Windows/WINE/KVM if for some reason a piece of software is unavailable
    Use non moronic filesystems
    Have functional window management
    Not have my information sold to advertisers
    Customization of my desktop to suit my workflow, not the other way around

    I think the real question is what can MacOS do that Linux can't?

    • 2 years ago

      >Fix my hardware
      Changed from HDD to NVME SSD internally without any problems, and replaced an onboard GPU from my friends macBook Pro with my soldering iron

      >Install on any hardware

      >Use Windows/WINE/KVM if for some reason a piece of software is unavailable
      Parallels Desktop

      There are a shit ton of games available for mac

      >Use non moronic filesystems
      HFS+ and APFS run very stable.
      Define what you mean with "moronic". Or is this just a mental spergout from your side?

      >Have functional window management
      Works perfectly fine as is.

      Not have my information sold to advertisers
      Take off your tinfoil hat anon

      >Customization of my desktop to suit my workflow,
      Arrange your virtual desktops and windows/programs on them as you please and switch between them as it fits you.
      If that's not enough real estate, use a second monitor like many people do.

      >I think the real question is what can MacOS do that Linux can't?
      Run programs that are useful and widely known and used by professionals in different branches and professions.
      Run stable without crashing every ten minutes.
      List goes on.

      • 2 years ago

        >HDD to NVMe
        Really, using what connector? Or are you just lying?

        >replaced an onboard GPU from my friends macBook Pro with my soldering iron
        Anon, either you're lying or the best solderer in the world. You can't replace a BGA chip with a soldering iron. It's quite literally impossible.

        You didn't understand the answer

        >HFS+, APFS
        Slow and bad with data integrity. ext4 wipes the floor with them.

        >Window managment works fine
        You can't be serious

        >Run stable without crashing every ten minutes
        You haven't used Linux before, have you

        You're obviously an Apple user. Acting like you know things that anyone who actually knows those things can quickly see the flaws in your arguments.

        • 2 years ago

          >Anon, either you're lying or the best solderer in the world. You can't replace a BGA chip with a soldering iron. It's quite literally impossible.

          • 2 years ago

            He doesn't replace them with a soldering iron. He uses a heat gun, dumbass

          • 2 years ago

            I know but I thought of him and I thought someone else would think its funny too. Your comment adds nothing and you will die in your sleep tonight.

          • 2 years ago

            If I do I'll haunt your colon.

      • 2 years ago

        Brew is a shitty package manager, not something that lets you install macOS on a Raspberry Pi which is what "install on any hardware meant.
        Parallels is obviously not a Wine replacement, I should not have to run an entire VM just to run a 5MB application.
        >there are a shit ton of games available for mac
        Lmao yeah can't wait to play Fruit Adventure or whatever the frick instead of the games I actually wanted to play. What's funny is that later on you're going to whine about how there's some mac-only professional software.
        >Run programs that are useful and used by professionals
        As expected. I make more money than you and work in Fedora.
        >Run stable without crashing
        My workstation with Linux has been more stable than the 3+ macs I've worked on.

  13. 2 years ago

    only works on muh apple devices
    who said that?
    >t. 460

  14. 2 years ago

    macos is effectively a proprietary bsd without a built-in package manager and terrible 3d acceleration support outside of metal

  15. 2 years ago

    give you a massive headache diagnosing random shit

  16. 2 years ago

    become an incel

  17. 2 years ago

    you can't install the guix reproducible package manager

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    having a machine that still works and gets updates after years.
    >b-but muh mac gets years of support
    my old mac ran like shit since I updated to sierra. shit was almost unusable near the end of its life.

  20. 2 years ago

    Have a decent package manager.
    Brew is slow as frick and half the libs don't fricking work properly.
    I just want to compile my program but there's a bazillion linker and library issues with Brew installed libraries.
    On Linux shit just works and my programs compile right away without linker problems.

  21. 2 years ago

    low level programming
    So soi you can make tofu with it

    • 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    becoming a 40 year old virgin

  23. 2 years ago

    Watch Wayland and systemd frick over everything.

    Of course, on MacOS you can watch crApple spy on everything you do.

    Computing is dying and there's no hope left.

  24. 2 years ago


    some people just hate on macos and apple for no reason other than price and not being open source.
    they will twist every detail to being a flaw in their opinion, just to shit on it.
    it's not worth discussing with them.

  25. 2 years ago

    Have money and good hardware

  26. 2 years ago

    You can own you OS and computer on Linux

  27. 2 years ago


    Just face it chuds. No one uses linux. The people that have an IQ of above 100 have already realized windows is secure enough from hackers 95% of the time. Smart people will also realize if you want privacy don't use the internet. If you want to host your illegal furry drawings put them on an external sandisk SSD with tails OS and encrypt it.

    • 2 years ago

      Who gives a frick, you child. On Linux, my PDF reader is instant. Because it's not adobe shitware.

  28. 2 years ago


    >no one uses this shit
    Anon, ext4 is without question, and by a massive margin, the most used filesystem on the planet. It's the default in Android and most server distros. You're embarassing yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      we talk desktop computers and not servers or phonehomosexualing.

      • 2 years ago

        nice circular reasoning

      • 2 years ago

        That distinctiom wasn't expressed anywhere outside your head. Ext4 is more used than all Apple filesystems combined, so your statement is a complete lie.


        >if you find a forum that has documented
        Skipping the broken English, the point was that you can do this with Linux and you can't with macOS, which you apparently agree with.
        >if it's complicated
        It's not that it's complicated, I know strawmanning is part of your script, but I made it clear that a VM is overkill for a single application. If your only way to run a game is by running a VM, it's a shitty rinky-dink solution, which is usual with macOS.
        Can it convert Vulkan to Metal? Because Vulkan has zero overhead on Linux.
        >muh gayming
        >macs are not for gayming
        So again, macOS can't do it and Linux can, which is the whole point of the thread.
        >you pee in bottles, collect (...)
        Not an argument. I live how you can't cope with the idea that someone is both more successful than you and uses a different operating systems from you.
        >You already admitted (...)
        Not sure if your Safari window is fricking up again, but that was my first post in this thread. I've used more macs than you.

  29. 2 years ago

    >thinks macOS being proprietary and only running on Apple devices are ideological problems
    No, you moron, these present actual practical issues and limitations and are the answer to your question that you don't want to hear.

    • 2 years ago

      we see, your communist ideology kicks in.

      • 2 years ago

        >muh communism
        No, homosexual. It's not 'ideology' that's the reason you can't install macOS on any hardware. it's a practical limitation built into the OS itself. It is something Linux can do that macOS can't, whether you like it or not.
        Besides, have you ever heard of ESR? He makes the argument that Linux's ideology is closest to libertarianism. macOS is closer to what you mean by communism (Stalinism) because it relies upon authoritarian central control and secrecy.

        • 2 years ago

          >No, homosexual. It's not 'ideology'
          Right, it's your autism and your mental hickups to absolutely having to sperg out about non-issues. That's what it is.

          >that's the reason you can't install macOS on any hardware. it's a practical limitation built into the OS itself. It is something Linux can do that macOS can't, whether you like it or not.
          And who the frick cares (besides some moronic bottle pissing autists like you)? It's not even a real world issue.

          >Besides, have you ever heard of ESR?
          It's nothing of importance, otherwise i would know it.

          >He makes the argument that Linux's ideology is closest to libertarianism.
          >macOS is closer to what you mean by communism (Stalinism) because it relies upon authoritarian central control and secrecy.
          Imagine creating content about this mental twist. Who the frick cares besides you and some other troons?

          • 2 years ago

            >macOS can't do something
            >"and who the frick cares?"
            This thread? Why did you join a thread about things Linux can do and macOS can't only to have a tantrum because - shock - there are things Linux can do and macOS can't?
            >who the frick cares that you can't install your operating system?

          • 2 years ago

            >shifts goalposts
            >doesn't know who ESR is
            >doesn't know what Brew is
            >screeches in fear when presented with valid arguments
            You are a child.

            >it's nothing of importance, otherwise I would know it
            Brew must not be very important then, because you sure as shit have no idea what it is

            Autism at display.

          • 2 years ago

            I accept your concession.

          • 2 years ago

            you can't accept what isn't there you autist.

          • 2 years ago

            I formally accept your concession.

          • 2 years ago

            >shifts goalposts
            >doesn't know who ESR is
            >doesn't know what Brew is
            >screeches in fear when presented with valid arguments
            You are a child.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's nothing of importance, otherwise I would know it
            Brew must not be very important then, because you sure as shit have no idea what it is

  30. 2 years ago


    >ignorant tard who doesn't know what Brew is calling someone else an ignorant tard

  31. 2 years ago

    Change aspects of the OS that are not great.
    With Linux, kernel modules or alternative Kernels can significantly alter your systems behavior and capabilities.
    Using a rt kernel to make your os use a different scheduler, allowing it to be used for real time applications would be a good example of this. Especially for integrated systems this is hugely relevant.
    But this goes as far as to allow you to not have any functionality you aren't using (wifi, Bluetooth, Nfc for a wired device without antennas) to increase security, allow people to tinker with the code, build different implementations of most system components, all kinds of fun stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      Gotta love it when I make a point and Mr macgay ignores it because he can't dispute anything in it.

  32. 2 years ago


    >still thinking Brew makes macOS run on other hardware

    • 2 years ago

      frick off idiot, no one except you cares.

      That distinctiom wasn't expressed anywhere outside your head. Ext4 is more used than all Apple filesystems combined, so your statement is a complete lie.

      >if you find a forum that has documented
      Skipping the broken English, the point was that you can do this with Linux and you can't with macOS, which you apparently agree with.
      >if it's complicated
      It's not that it's complicated, I know strawmanning is part of your script, but I made it clear that a VM is overkill for a single application. If your only way to run a game is by running a VM, it's a shitty rinky-dink solution, which is usual with macOS.
      Can it convert Vulkan to Metal? Because Vulkan has zero overhead on Linux.
      >muh gayming
      >macs are not for gayming
      So again, macOS can't do it and Linux can, which is the whole point of the thread.
      >you pee in bottles, collect (...)
      Not an argument. I live how you can't cope with the idea that someone is both more successful than you and uses a different operating systems from you.
      >You already admitted (...)
      Not sure if your Safari window is fricking up again, but that was my first post in this thread. I've used more macs than you.

      >That distinctiom wasn't expressed anywhere outside your head
      I make the rules here, not you. Now we cleared this up, frick off you autist.

      > the point was that you can do this with Linux and you can't with macOS, which you apparently agree with.
      And? who cares? I don't run macOS on non Apple machines. Go runn your shitty loonix on every junk you can come around in your shithole.
      What hinders you? whay do you feel so triggered by macOS and that it's working well?
      If you don't like it, then don't use it.

      >Can it convert Vulkan to Metal? Because Vulkan has zero overhead on Linux.
      Who the frick cares, i don't use it since i don't need it. And if i would gaym, i would use windows instead of shittly loonix
      Case closed.

      >So again, macOS can't do it and Linux can, which is the whole point of the thread.
      It told you there are gaymes for mac, but you discarded them out of no reason. So no, you didn't have a point here. You can gayme on mac.

      >I live how you can't cope with the idea that someone is both more successful than you and uses a different operating systems from you.
      Who the frick cares about what OS you use and how much of a poorhomosexual you are? Your suffering does not affect my good life. Not even the slightest.
      And if you claim to have more money or success, i already told you, prove it to me or shut the frick up with your lies.
      Until proven you remain the bottle pissing basement dweller i pointed you out as.
      Case closed.

      >Not sure if your Safari window is fricking up again,
      Not even using Safari
      And no, it didn't frick up. But your claim is pure fiction

      >I've used more macs than you.
      Zero macs isn't more than 12 macs you tard.

      • 2 years ago

        >he typed, blinking the tears from his eyes

        Autism at display.


        • 2 years ago

          I'm absolutely relaxed. It's you who is the seething loonix troon here.
          Not me.

          • 2 years ago

            >claims to be relaxed
            >lashed out against every correct answer he's received
            >can't stop bumping his gay-ass thread

          • 2 years ago

            Your answers are stupid and wrong, that's it.
            And you spergs shoudl start to accept, that there re people out in the real world, that don't care if a software or OS is open source or not.
            For me this is not an issue, since it is a fact both of the concepts exist. And if i have for some reason to use a loonix, then i will do it. But that's not the case.
            So why bother?

            It is you who can't let go, it is you who seethes about macOS not running on a RasPi.
            And if you dislike it anyway, why seethe about it? Explain !!

            You literally make a topic of non-issues, that others just don't care about. and if you realize this, you start screeching like a faaggot.

          • 2 years ago

            Name one thing I've said that's factually incorrect.
            Protip: you can't.
            >it is you who seethes about macOS not running on a RasPi
            I don't give a frick about doing that and wouldn't want to. I don't want to run macOS on any system I have. It is simply an answer to your request for something Linux can do that macOS can't.
            It doesn't matter whether people care or not. It is what is practically possible with the software. If you can't cope with the answers you're being given then you shouldn't have started the thread.

          • 2 years ago

            >Name one thing I've said that's factually incorrect.
            you said Macs can't gayme.

            >I don't give a frick about doing that and wouldn't want to. I don't want to run macOS on any system I have. It is simply an answer to your request for something Linux can do that macOS can't.
            As said, no one fricking cares. macOS wasn't made to run on other hardware than apples.
            Case closed.

          • 2 years ago

            >you said Macs can't gayme.
            No i didn't.
            >As said, no one fricking cares. macOS wasn't made to run on other hardware than apples.
            So you agree it's something Linux can do that macOS can't. Great! Glad to have taught you something.

          • 2 years ago


            >Things you can do on Linux and not MacOS
            Fix my hardware
            Install on any hardware
            Use Windows/WINE/KVM if for some reason a piece of software is unavailable
            Use non moronic filesystems
            Have functional window management
            Not have my information sold to advertisers
            Customization of my desktop to suit my workflow, not the other way around

            I think the real question is what can MacOS do that Linux can't?

          • 2 years ago

            That wasn't me you mongoloid.

          • 2 years ago

            Of course it was you.
            Imagine, playing dumb just to make a point and save his ass.

          • 2 years ago

            You see those counters on the bottom right? It tells you that there are 43 different individual posters in this thread, all of us telling you why you're a homosexual.

          • 2 years ago

            imagine being this stupid.

            You make stupid claims without proving it and pull shitty arguments out your ass, just to troll a thread.
            How fricking lost are you

            >You see those counters on the bottom right? It tells you that there are 43 different individual posters in this thread, all of us telling you why you're a homosexual.
            No, these have told you that you are the homosexual and not me.

          • 2 years ago

            You have to be over the age of 18 to post here, anon. Seethe, cope, and dilate, machomosexual.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have to be over the age of 18 to post here
            And despite knowing this, you still post here.
            Your parents should have never given you a phone to homosexual around here.

          • 2 years ago

            That distinctiom wasn't expressed anywhere outside your head. Ext4 is more used than all Apple filesystems combined, so your statement is a complete lie.

            >if you find a forum that has documented
            Skipping the broken English, the point was that you can do this with Linux and you can't with macOS, which you apparently agree with.
            >if it's complicated
            It's not that it's complicated, I know strawmanning is part of your script, but I made it clear that a VM is overkill for a single application. If your only way to run a game is by running a VM, it's a shitty rinky-dink solution, which is usual with macOS.
            Can it convert Vulkan to Metal? Because Vulkan has zero overhead on Linux.
            >muh gayming
            >macs are not for gayming
            So again, macOS can't do it and Linux can, which is the whole point of the thread.
            >you pee in bottles, collect (...)
            Not an argument. I live how you can't cope with the idea that someone is both more successful than you and uses a different operating systems from you.
            >You already admitted (...)
            Not sure if your Safari window is fricking up again, but that was my first post in this thread. I've used more macs than you.

            >macs are not for gayming
            So again, macOS can't do it and Linux can, which is the whole point of the thread.

            He told you where you lied and here is the second time you lied.
            You like to troll right?

          • 2 years ago

            Go be illiterate somewhere else, OP.

          • 2 years ago

            Simple fact idiot, you lied and he proved you wrong. You said it and came with the shitty argument that the games available on Apple aren't good enough for you. So you immediately rolled back when called out and told that there are actually games available for mac. Later, you said not to have claimed this at all.

            You are a fricking liar !!!

      • 2 years ago

        >And? who cares? I don't run macOS on non Apple machines
        >Who the frick cares, i don't use it since i don't need it
        You really are slaying this thread about things macOS can't do by saying you can't do them.
        Bye anon, I'm now going to go do things you can't do like playing videogames and having sex.

        • 2 years ago

          >You really are slaying this thread about things macOS can't do by saying you can't do them.
          Dude, macOS was never intended to be installed on other hardware than mac. How is this an issue then?
          You are moronic.

          >Bye anon, I'm now going to go do things you can't do like playing videogames and having sex.
          Gayming is for troons and the closest you come to sex is when you push your dolphin dildo up your troony ass.

      • 2 years ago

        > Unclear communication
        > Stubborn and quick to anger even when called out as wrong
        > Obsessed with character attacks when things don't go his way in the argument
        > Fixated on minute details of the argument rather than the big picture
        > Shifting and sliding the goalposts because he's upset
        > Calls everyone else autistic despite boasting some key traits and symptoms that could indicate such a condition
        Anon, please go to a doctor to get diagnosed. You didn't choose this life or the hand you were dealt in life, so it can suck and feel painful and scary at first to learn you were potentially delt a strange or disadvantageous hand, and it can feel like giving up if you're not familiar with the process. However, you're stuck with some things you're born with, and denial and projection only makes it worse. You can live a very successful life with Autism, but you need to visit a medical authority to learn whether you have it, and if so, there's a lot for you to learn about both yourself and others. I used to be more like you when I was much younger. However, when I really practiced understanding others and what the others cared about more than me, and I learned what was really important to me, I stopped getting upset when I lost arguments, I was able to cut away my unhealthy strange behaviors and beliefs while grappling with the more positive ones that really did define me, and I was able to make a name for myself among my peers and friend groups. Most people didn't even know I had autism, they could just tell I was "different", but by associating with them reasonably well, I could both "fit in" and be occasionally appreciated for my unique outlooks, interests, and aspects of my personality, much like everyone else. The truth is, there is nothing wrong with being Autistic. The only thing truly wrong is failing to understand with and empathize with yourself fully and then spending your time and energy taking it out on others while you flounder.

        • 2 years ago

          Virgin autistic screeching vs Chad genuine concern

        • 2 years ago

          Still the fact remains that you're a liar and claimed you can't gayme on macOS, which i have proven you wrong on.
          And the rest of your stupid projection is just absolute cope.

          • 2 years ago

            I never claimed that because I'm not even the same guy, and I don't actually agree with all the things he said either. Hell, I'll clear up what I took away from his argument that I feel he overstated.

            > Gaming
            Windows is the best option for gaming because most game developers target it. It has stable APIs and reasonable tech for game development. Linux is the second best because while most game developers don't target it, it does have stable APIs in OpenGL, Vulkan, SDL, and others. These are reasonably featured and up to date, and because these are FOSS, a developer can target Linux while also targeting a multitude of other systems including Windows. On top of all this, Valve is putting lots of support and effort into Linux with Proton and the like. Mac is the worst option for gaming of these three. It has the "low targeting priority" problem Linux has, but it also has the issue that Apple is fond of changing programming APIs, 32 bit support, graphics backends, and CPU architectures, which means you can release a game on MacOS and it won't even be playable on modern mac's several years down the road. By contrast, such a feat is more practical on Linux and Windows. This doesn't mean you can't game on Mac, but it means that it's the worst option out of the three. If your favorite games run on Mac, more power to you, but that's not the situation for most people.
            > Window manager
            Windows has built-in features to snap windows to the corners or sides of the screen just by dragging them around, and you can easily maximize a program without making it fullscreen. MacOS doesn't have this, but instead has multiple desktops or multiple fullscreens you can switch between. A Linux DE like XFCE offers both of these sorts of features. That said, Windows introduced workspaces not long ago and MacOS probably has 3rd party programs for this sort of thing, so I don't think it was worth either of you arguing about in the first place.

          • 2 years ago

            The absolute cope. You can't possibly handle being wrong can you?
            You expect me to believe Parallels is better than KVM. That's fricking gold. You're just wrong on this one no need for explanation.

            You also expect me to believe you're regularly desoldering GPUs with a soldering iron no less? First of all a plate big enough for a GPU ~300mm^2 wouldn't get hot enough to desolder if supplied with 1500W ~5W/mm^2 but let's assume you have some magic iron that can get that hot, you would literally be getting the chip hot enough to kill it. Meanwhile a heat gun can heat the solder without directly hitting the CPU and allows you to pull the chip away while heating.

            You keep changing what you're talking about with the SATA and NVMe drive originally it was an NVMe drive adapted to a SATA port which doesn't exist now it's something else since you got caught in a lie.

            If it's not done with the transfer why is MacOS telling you it's done? That just means they're hiding the actual speed of their file system. The USB drive is just an example, this can happen due to no fault of your own if you lose power during a file transfer or whatever.

            >wall of text, just to desperately dwindle out of the rope you put around your own neck
            When pointed out being a liar, you larp as being another idiot. Sure mate, we absolutely believe you.

            Never said that you idiot.
            the27 inch iMacs from 2012 to 2019 have BOTH a SATA connector on the motherboard, AS WELL AS an PCI-Express connected proprietary NVME port soldered to the motherboard.
            In order to use an NVME SSD from lets say Samsung, you need an Adapter to make it fit. This adapter costs like 5 shekelz on Ali or 10 shekels on Ebay.
            Are you really this stupid? How about starting to think yourself you fricking troll.

            >Windows is the best option for gaming because most game developers target it. It has stable APIs and reasonable tech for game development. Linux is the second best because while most game developers don't target it, it does have stable APIs in OpenGL, Vulkan, SDL, and others
            You asked if you can play gaymes with macOS, and i said yes, you can. Which is 100% correct. No matter what you try to make it about.

            >Windows has built-in features to snap windows to the corners or sides of the screen just by dragging them around,
            It was never the question about this.
            I said the window manager of macOS works fine, which you stated being terrible. I have not once had any problems with positioning, sizing or locating my windows, wether on one single desktop, virtual desktops on the same screen , nor on other physical screens i have.
            Case closed.

            I spare myself from replying to the rest of your bullshit, since you try to open new topics every time when i proved you being wrong on another one. Fricking israelite.

          • 2 years ago

            Dude, just let it go. The fricker you reply to must be a moronic autist of the worst kind.
            He will debate you into oblivion.
            Everyone understands what you are talking about, but he wants it to be explained into perfection, just to satisfy his autism.
            Thinking himself seems to be his weak side.

            Such devilish spawns, are the reason why no one uses Linux and avoids their forums like pest.

          • 2 years ago

            I am also thinking about buying another mac as the MacBook Pro I have is very old and I already upgraded it to the maximum possible.
            Which MacBook or Mac Mini do you recommend to buy from the perspective of ratio value/price paid?

          • 2 years ago

            Generally said, the macbookAir and the macMini are the best bang for the buck right now.
            Depending on the needs you have chose a larger SSD or stay with the smallest one.

          • 2 years ago

            >the macbookAir and the macMini are the best bang for the buck
            This is what I am interested for, what is the best bang for my buck, if are upgradeable or at least overcloakable would be a nice bonus for me.
            Should I get a second hand M1 or go for an Intel MacBook Air or Mini?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Why don’t?

          • 2 years ago

            Unless you specifically need x86 programs that don't run on the ARM chips then you'll be buying an obselete machine that will lose support within the next 2-3 years, while the ARM chips will have support for minimum 5 to 10 years even.
            Also, Intel chips had an overheating issue on Macbooks.

          • 2 years ago

            Best bang for the buck are the basic config M1 macMini and MacbookAir.
            As said, if you absolutely need more internal storage, because you have a shit ton of large programs and plugins running, then go for a larger SSD.
            But if you just need a shit ton of static space to save files, you better go with an externally connected thunderbolt drive. Equally as fast and more GB/TB per shekel.
            It's even cheaper when you go for a USB connected drive but this comes with a performance loss in write/read.

  33. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      on C

  34. 2 years ago

    server management and enjoying the pleasures of bash scripting.

  35. 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago



    >Parallels is way more advanced
    You're thinking of crossover. It seems like you don't know what Parallels is. Besides, crossover is literally based on WINE. Why would I use Parallels when KVM/QEMU are infinitely more advanced and give me native performance in VMs.

    >Heat plate adapter
    Doesn't work on BGA chips, you will kill the chip if you use one. Those are for ICs.
    >Heat gun
    Yes, that is the proper way but you claimed you did it with a soldering iron.

    Sounds like you did a quick Google search but still didn't know enough about the subject matter to form a coherent statement.

    >SATA to NVMe
    Post a link to a SATA to NVMe adapter. I'll wait. Make sure it's actually SATA to NVMe not the other way around and also not SATA to mSATA

    >APFS vs ext4
    APFS is dog shit slow even compared to HFS+. Try force enabling Fsync to have actual data integrity, you'll see how slow it actually is. Alternatively as an example try copying a big file (4GB+) from a USB drive and unplugging without ejecting as soon as the progress bar finishes. The file will be corrupt despite MacOS claiming the transfer was complete. That shit doesn't happen with good File systems. Besides Linux doesn't just support ext4. I could run my OS in btrfs or zfs for their benefits if I so choose.

    >Too moronic to use a UI
    >Phone poster
    So which am I? Can't be both. Is it possible I know more about Linux, MacOS and computer hardware than you? Seems like it. I've used both MacOS and Linux and I know both in and out. No matter how much makeup you put on the pig that is MacOS it's still just a pig in makeup.

    • 2 years ago

      >You're thinking of crossover
      No, i'm not

      >It seems like you don't know what Parallels is
      Wrong, i know exactly what it is since i use it every day.

      >Why would I use Parallels when KVM/QEMU are infinitely more advanced and give me native performance in VMs.
      Wrong and false claim

      >Doesn't work on BGA chips,
      I use such an adapter plate every time i desolder a GPU. Works perfect, just don't make it too hot to not burn the GPU

      >Post a link to a SATA to NVMe adapter
      Why should i? I never said there is I said i need an adapter to make a Samsung SSD fit into the NVME slot soldered onto the motherboard.
      Those are like 5 shekels online.

      >APFS is dog shit slow even compared to HFS+.

      >Alternatively as an example try copying a big file (4GB+) from a USB drive and unplugging without ejecting as soon as the progress bar finishes.
      Only idiots unplug it this way. Let things finish ffs.
      I told you, you really need to learn using computers.

      >So which am I? Can't be both.
      As its sounds according to your posts, you are both. That's the reason you use a phone and not a real computer. It all adds up.

      • 2 years ago

        The absolute cope. You can't possibly handle being wrong can you?
        You expect me to believe Parallels is better than KVM. That's fricking gold. You're just wrong on this one no need for explanation.

        You also expect me to believe you're regularly desoldering GPUs with a soldering iron no less? First of all a plate big enough for a GPU ~300mm^2 wouldn't get hot enough to desolder if supplied with 1500W ~5W/mm^2 but let's assume you have some magic iron that can get that hot, you would literally be getting the chip hot enough to kill it. Meanwhile a heat gun can heat the solder without directly hitting the CPU and allows you to pull the chip away while heating.

        You keep changing what you're talking about with the SATA and NVMe drive originally it was an NVMe drive adapted to a SATA port which doesn't exist now it's something else since you got caught in a lie.

        If it's not done with the transfer why is MacOS telling you it's done? That just means they're hiding the actual speed of their file system. The USB drive is just an example, this can happen due to no fault of your own if you lose power during a file transfer or whatever.

  37. 2 years ago

    >Linux Is NOT UniX
    >Unix based

  38. 2 years ago

    Guys sorry to jump in, how do I run The Witcher 3 on macOS? It works fine on Linux, I'm just curious. No, I don't feel like playing Indie Pebble Simulator, but I'm sure it's great!

  39. 2 years ago


  40. 2 years ago

    Why is MacOS shilled so hard? Or is it just homosexual insecurity that drives them to constantly seek validation for using a shit OS?

    • 2 years ago

      just werks if you're literally working

      • 2 years ago

        Why did you avoid my question? You are confirming my theory.

        • 2 years ago

          >Why is MacOS shilled so hard?
          >just werks if you're literally working
          it was literally answered, you sperg.

          • 2 years ago

            That's not a good enough reason.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, it just werks if you literally have a job and its ecosystem between other apple devices also just werks.

          • 2 years ago

            I have a very high paying job and Linux just works for me. It's just easier to use Linux for embedded systems development. Windows is okay now that WSL2 exists but it has its own problems. MacOS is just a chore to use especially now that 32 bit libraries are just gone.

  41. 2 years ago

    I cannot believe this moronic homosexual and his thread are still here.

  42. 2 years ago

    become incel

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      it's ogre...

    • 2 years ago

      How will linuxgays ever recover?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      This is the biggest condemnation of Linux there is - natural selection itself has deemed desktop Linux inferior.

  43. 2 years ago

    >I want to compare one OS to the other without ideology
    Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what's the difference between Democrats and Republicans? I want to compare one political party to the other without ideology durrrrrrrrr hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    I'm gonna blast a load so fricking fat it's going to leave a hole in my roof when you finally off yourself, Jay.

  44. 2 years ago


    >B-b-b-but you can install a SATA drive on a 10 year old machine that's been EOL for 5 years
    You really aren't good at this Jay

    • 2 years ago


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