is there any good reason to stick with android?

ive been using android since the first htc phones, currently on a pixel 3a. a while ago i got an ipad air for producing music and the experience of using it is so nice that im now thinking of switching to iphone for my next phone.
I used to think android was better because it was freer, easier to customize/root, but honestly ive been using the unrooted version with stock lanucher since forever now. iOS seems even better than android now in terms of privacy. Is there any good reason to stick with android? (Besides money i guess)

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  1. 2 years ago

    Considering Android 12 is total dog shit and 13 is unlikely to reverse that trend, sure.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah that's what i was thinking too. Its been pretty buggy on the pixel 3a

      I've switched to a 888 Samsung after 10 years with Apple, been using it for like 6 months now. Honestly it doesn't matter, there are nice things you won't find on the other side.
      For me the question was "should I stick with iPhone?" And I think I'll switch back, but only cause I like the camera more (the overall feel, colors and processing), and my particular Samsung has a shit battery.

      I say try it, you can alwaya sell/trade it later.

      Samsung's os always seemed a bit ugly to me tbh. Ty for the answer

      • 2 years ago

        My phone updated to 12 about 2 months ago and I've fallen out of love with Android. 11 was pretty damn good, I'm not sure how they dropped the ball so hard. I hate Apple UI, but I don't want to deal with updates that make my phone worse than when I bought it. I prefer Android's navigation & gestures far more, but that isn't enough to keep me on Android if my phone will just get worse. Currently I've just lived with tons of visual bugs for 2 months and it seems unlikely that Nokia is going to fix them anytime soon if at all. At least when Apple shits the bed everyone b***hes and shit gets fixed.

        • 2 years ago

          You must be trolling if you're saying you hate Apple's UI but like Android 12 which is literally a very bad knock-off of iOS in regard to how it looks and operates.

          • 2 years ago

            You can't read

    • 2 years ago

      True android has less bloatware.

      They are shits because you will have to rewrite your shitty libraries.
      Developers are fricking lazy, hopefully they are paid less now because AI.
      And now Microsoft ask them to pay subscriptions for their AI tools.

      in my (western) country almost everyone uses android.

      Yes only morons are using iOS.
      Most of them have iPhone and iPad because they employer prefered buying them shits than giving more money.

      • 2 years ago

        >you're a moron if you don't use a pajeet OS

        • 2 years ago

          >Pajeets love apple!
          Data says otherwise.

  2. 2 years ago

    I've switched to a 888 Samsung after 10 years with Apple, been using it for like 6 months now. Honestly it doesn't matter, there are nice things you won't find on the other side.
    For me the question was "should I stick with iPhone?" And I think I'll switch back, but only cause I like the camera more (the overall feel, colors and processing), and my particular Samsung has a shit battery.

    I say try it, you can alwaya sell/trade it later.

  3. 2 years ago

    - Scripting (see Automate)
    - Filesystem access (albeit limited)
    - Able to roll own apps w/o exorbitant developer fee
    - Custom launchers (frick Apple's "everything on the home screen" approach)
    - Custom keyboard
    - All of F-Droid

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely none of that matters in any way in the real world.

      • 2 years ago

        I disagree. I use Automate regularly to work around an issue with WiFi roaming at my workplace and to contextually disable screen rotation. I frequently use SSH and SMB to access file shares. I would agree that customization is, to a degree, rice, but more options is never a bad thing IMO. As for F-Droid, see previous statement.

        My phone works better for me than it did stock. I can't replicate that on iOS.

      • 2 years ago

        Braindead take. It's his phone it matters to him, it doesn't have to matter to anyone else.

    • 2 years ago

      filesystem access is a good one. I think ios doesnt even let you zip/unzip files? thats pretty awful. also i agree that 'everything on the home screen" is probably a worse approach than android's.

      My phone updated to 12 about 2 months ago and I've fallen out of love with Android. 11 was pretty damn good, I'm not sure how they dropped the ball so hard. I hate Apple UI, but I don't want to deal with updates that make my phone worse than when I bought it. I prefer Android's navigation & gestures far more, but that isn't enough to keep me on Android if my phone will just get worse. Currently I've just lived with tons of visual bugs for 2 months and it seems unlikely that Nokia is going to fix them anytime soon if at all. At least when Apple shits the bed everyone b***hes and shit gets fixed.

      Im so used to gestures too. Would take a bit to unlearn

      • 2 years ago

        You can unzip/zip files

    • 2 years ago

      >- Custom launchers (frick Apple's "everything on the home screen" approach)
      only good thing, moron. and the minimal settings it has of course.
      Android is a frankenstein in comparison

      • 2 years ago

        If you insist. The phone has a search function, I'd much rather use that for less common apps and put just frequently used ones on the home screen.

        Braindead take. It's his phone it matters to him, it doesn't have to matter to anyone else.

        Thank you. I do actually use my phone for real work, so being able to do things quickly and easily is appreciated (yes, I know I took longer to set it up, but that's IT in a nutshell; work now to save time later).

    • 2 years ago

      >Scripting (see Automate)
      This is built-in to iOS now as "Apple Routines." Samsung also has "Bixby Routines" as well, but I'm not personally privy to the differences of any of them for now.

      • 2 years ago

        And I'm already wrong. It's called "Apple Shortcuts" with automated routines as an option

  4. 2 years ago

    As someone who regularly switches back and forth, I feel like I can answer this with great clarity. It all boils down to money and your use case. Everything I root Android to do, iOS just does out of the box.
    1) do you care about applications? Then choose iOS.
    2) do you care about privacy? Yes?
    a) do you know how to flash a custom ROM? No? Then choose iOS.
    3) are you against buying applications? Then use Android, it's the only reason is that you're extremely dirt poor.
    I want to like Android. But it runs shitnux at it's core and with it, comes many bugs. Android gets features but they're always so half assed. iPhone just gets a lot right and if they mess with that formula they lose customers. I fricking hate Apple with everything I am but their phones are the best. This is not an opinion, it's a cold hard fact. That might change but until then, when I leave for work every day, I pick up my iPhone. I need to rely on my technology to just work. My home security system is incompatible with Android. Services are what makes iPhone so popular. It's like the early 2000s and why Windows is so popular, everything runs on it. If you use Android it's because you're either poor or have nothing else going on in your life. Sure Android has emulators and shit but I have a gaming PC for all of that. I get to work on my Mac, my phone logs me in securely with my face. Continuum can't hold a candle to continuity. Anything I'm working on at home, is right there when I get into the office. Ok you can't game on a Mac. But that's not why you're using Apple, you're using it because everything they do is pretty much bug free. Yes they have had their issues. But the m1 Mac minis are amazing. iPhone 12 is amazing. Apple TV is amazing. CarPlay in my Toyota is nothing short of just pure joy. I ask my phone before leaving the house to navigate, I turn the screen off, get in my car and bam it's already up and running. My phone unlocks my house door with my face.

    • 2 years ago

      I can monitor my solar from anywhere in the world. I tried to use Android for this and the applications to this day are all buggy pieces of shit on Android. On Android you play make believe. You can use it as an external hard drive and load pirated content on it all day long, but what good is that if half the shit doesn't work or flat out doesn't exist because the devs want to be compensated for the work they put in. Once you have a family and a career, Apple makes the most sense. I hate getting this reliant on them but what they accomplish is truly what technology should become eventually. I just wish Microsoft would pull their heads out of their asses or the Linux community could at least try to get along long enough to develop apps and services people want and need, but they're lazy and incompetent. Android is fun to play with but life is more than tinkering and video games.

      • 2 years ago

        >You can use it as an external hard drive and load pirated content on it all day long, but what good is that if half the shit doesn't work or flat out doesn't exist
        What? What specifically doesn't work? I have pirated content synced between my PC and my 2 android devices and I've had zero problems playing anything regardless of the file format (webm, avi, MP4, it all plays without issue).

    • 2 years ago

      yea apple phones are better as they should be considering the price. For me a 200 euro xiaomi does everything i need and more though

      • 2 years ago

        This and higher amperage batteries make up for the slower chips compared to base model iPhones since the latter will heavily throttle long term to maintain reasonable ~8 hours of OST.

  5. 2 years ago

    Having access to the filesystem

    • 2 years ago

      Who needs that? Serious question, who the hell needs to access the file tree and kernel from the phone? It gives you access to everything you need.

      • 2 years ago

        sometimes i want to create a zip file and upload it to some website, for example. Its not an everyday occurrence but its such a basic functionality that itd feel weird giving it up.

        • 2 years ago

          So basically you never used an iPhone and yet you feel like you are qualified to share your opinions on it online.

      • 2 years ago

        Regularly download content onto my devices so I can have them on the go in case where I'm traveling to does not have good reception (around 20 gigs worth of manga and 40 gigs of pirated movies and TV shows). I can accomplish this via the Syncthing program seamlessly. I download one thing on a specific folder on one device and it gets sent to the same folder on my other two devices. Simple. A service like that is impossible on any mobile iOS device because not only what they probably never allow anything like this on the app store for stupid restriction reasons, but in order for this to work you have to actually have a decent file system that you can access. I don't know why people act like iOS having a shitty file system isn't a big deal. If you're the type of person who regularly moves important data to and from your mobile device then organization is key. You can't really do that as well on an iOS device. iOS devices are more than sufficient if all you want to do is call, text, facetime, and doom scroll on social media. If you want to do literally anything else more than that then it sucks complete ass. I don't give a shit what device you use but iOS users seem to always get ass blasted whenever you mention this to them. Like who the frick cares what device you use? Stop trying to convert me back to iOS so badly. This screams of buyers remorse. Just about everything the iPhone can do a decent flagship or even mid-range Android can do just as well for the most part (except for UI animations. Android developers still cannot get that to work smoothly most of the time somehow)

    • 2 years ago

      Yep, already mentioned that in a comment. Thats a massive one honestly.

      As someone who regularly switches back and forth, I feel like I can answer this with great clarity. It all boils down to money and your use case. Everything I root Android to do, iOS just does out of the box.
      1) do you care about applications? Then choose iOS.
      2) do you care about privacy? Yes?
      a) do you know how to flash a custom ROM? No? Then choose iOS.
      3) are you against buying applications? Then use Android, it's the only reason is that you're extremely dirt poor.
      I want to like Android. But it runs shitnux at it's core and with it, comes many bugs. Android gets features but they're always so half assed. iPhone just gets a lot right and if they mess with that formula they lose customers. I fricking hate Apple with everything I am but their phones are the best. This is not an opinion, it's a cold hard fact. That might change but until then, when I leave for work every day, I pick up my iPhone. I need to rely on my technology to just work. My home security system is incompatible with Android. Services are what makes iPhone so popular. It's like the early 2000s and why Windows is so popular, everything runs on it. If you use Android it's because you're either poor or have nothing else going on in your life. Sure Android has emulators and shit but I have a gaming PC for all of that. I get to work on my Mac, my phone logs me in securely with my face. Continuum can't hold a candle to continuity. Anything I'm working on at home, is right there when I get into the office. Ok you can't game on a Mac. But that's not why you're using Apple, you're using it because everything they do is pretty much bug free. Yes they have had their issues. But the m1 Mac minis are amazing. iPhone 12 is amazing. Apple TV is amazing. CarPlay in my Toyota is nothing short of just pure joy. I ask my phone before leaving the house to navigate, I turn the screen off, get in my car and bam it's already up and running. My phone unlocks my house door with my face.

      face unlock im not so sure about honestly, feels a bit more creepy than fingerprint unlock.but yeah i take your point, ios apps are usually better and the apple store is much nicer to navigate. What i find a bit iffy on the iphone (based on my experience with ipad) is that every serious app seems to have a subscription based business model. I wouldnt mind paying for apps here and there but recurring payments are a big hassle because they pile up. im already paying for spotify, gamepass, and apple arcade.

  6. 2 years ago

    no, most adults in western countries use iPhones. They are just better, as are macs for non-gaming, and iPads for tablets.

    • 2 years ago

      in my (western) country almost everyone uses android.

      • 2 years ago

        >india is a western country

        • 2 years ago

          ...what. it clearly says spain?

          You can unzip/zip files

          ooh, plot twist. good to know, ty.

          Android without all the preinstalled google apps, bloat, and better battery life. Just use Fdroid or Aurora store to get your apps

          can you still acces google's appstore?

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, through Aurorastore. It spoofs your device and makes a fake account to access Google play store, so you can download all of your apps normally. Have a look before pulling the trigger. I'm using LineageOS on my Galaxy A50, despite not being "Fully supported" runs totally fine. The only app I can't run is MTG arena.

      • 2 years ago

        Good morning sirs

  7. 2 years ago

    I don't want to be stuck in a walled garden. I run lineageOS onmold androids
    I buy my wife the latest phone and in 3 years I get it and usually replace the battery and use it for 3 years.

  8. 2 years ago

    Android has the following advantages off the top of my mind:
    - actually accessible Filesystem
    - custom components like keyboard and launches (and in my opinion thank frick for custom keyboards)
    - F-Droid specifically and the existence of free software on Android in general
    - You can use whatever web browser you want, unlike on iOS where any browser is still the same WebKit underneath
    - You can open a terminal emulator if you're so inclined, although that's seldom useful except for the most niche stuff (like ssh-ing into a machine to make sure it's still doing something)
    - Can change which app you use for "baked-in" functionality like camera, messaging and phone calls

    Now granted these advantages might be irrelevant to you and you might like an iPhone better, just remember that iPadOS is not a good representation of iOS, Apple has been making an effort to keep them separate so it's entirely feasible you'd like iPadOS and not iOS.
    Also when it comes to privacy remember that the company making the OS will always exempt themselves from these "privacy" concerns, Apple can talk about privacy all they want but I seriously doubt they limit themselves as much as they limit 3rd party apps on their devices, especially now that they have their own ad service.
    Keeping your privacy is your responsibility regardless of the device you use, The only company that wouldn't take advantage of the data it can collect about you is one that has nothing to gain from that, and EVERY company making something big like an OS will have something to gain from your data.

    • 2 years ago

      you make good points, honestly. I care about 1, 4, and 6 from your list. Iphone is very tempting but i guess ill wait for the pixel 7 and the nothing phone 1 and see how they look like.

      • 2 years ago

        As long as the pixel 7 doesn't have that curved screen bullshit

        • 2 years ago

          If its like in the pixel 6 line, the curved screen is a pro-only feature lmao

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t think that Andoir 12 filesystem access is that much different from iPhone filesystem access.
      Alternative keyboards have been a thing since like iPhone 6 times.
      There is nothing stopping anyone from putting free software on Apple Store and sideloading is possible albeit it requires extra steps.
      Terminal emulators with ssh etc. exist on iOS.

  9. 2 years ago

    Install Lineage.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Android without all the preinstalled google apps, bloat, and better battery life. Just use Fdroid or Aurora store to get your apps

  10. 2 years ago

    how do you root scamsung A20? it says on thier site they are building a locked down walled garden for minorities DEI

  11. 2 years ago

    custom contextual profiles

    • 2 years ago

      Has been a thing since forever and is actually better and more powerful than what Android has.

      • 2 years ago

        Huh. Is that built in or an app?

        • 2 years ago

          It's an Apple app called Shortcuts

          • 2 years ago

            Can it enable/disable lockscreen? I would honestly switch

          • 2 years ago

            If Samsung's version can then I'm sure Apple's version can too

  12. 2 years ago

    >is there any good reason to stick with android?
    Only until they revive WebOS.

  13. 2 years ago

    When a feature of iOS is subpar, you're stuck with it. If apple doesn't make an app you want available on the app store, you're boned.
    When Android sucks, you can alter it. When Google bans an app, you can go around it. iOS is fine if you enjoy the default experience and have other apple hardware to integrate with, but most every iOS feature is also available on Android, and probably has been for over a year or more longer.

  14. 2 years ago

    I'm on iOS but I miss android mainly for 1 reason, I miss the youtube frontend forks that removed ads and just being able to download APKs

    • 2 years ago

      Install uYouPlus via AltServer

  15. 2 years ago

    Android is customizable, but it's a piece of shit. If you like ricing, Android is for you. If you're over the age of 13, just get an iPhone.

  16. 2 years ago

    At some point I started to consider both ends like political parties: One does something the other can’t, or won’t do it but eventually caves and does it in its own spin. Both have strict ideals into their philosophies. Sometimes you bend and go with one only to end up disappointed and swap (This time I’m switching to…), forward march Left Right Left Right

    Can’t blame Americans enough for making me like this

  17. 2 years ago

    iPhone is super clumsy and is actually more like feature phone. It doesn't work properly with anything else except Mac and even with that it's questionable. You can't use iPhone as computer replacement like you practically can with Android, you can't even save files correctly. And you don't even get proper back navigation. You have to use iTunes to have any kind of working interop with it. It's a joke.

    t. have one from work, hate every second of using it

  18. 2 years ago

    >iOS seems even better than android now in terms of privacy.

    Apple blocks 3rd party trackers but you can't block apple from logging your every move.

    At least with android you can install a custom rom without google's crap.

    • 2 years ago

      >here's your ~~*(custom ROM*~~ goy

      • 2 years ago

        Oh look! some random image!

        kindly frick off back to facebook

        • 2 years ago

          A well-sourced security analysis

      • 2 years ago

        >it's not cucked so it's unsecure
        Imagine believing this.

    • 2 years ago

      >At least with android you can install a custom rom without google's crap.
      Right but I'm not doing that. At this point im even letting google upload all the photos i take to their servers. At least with an iphone id stop some form of tracking lol

  19. 2 years ago

    Ability to sideload extremely useful apps that you cannot get in iOS at all

    • 2 years ago

      For example? (seriously asking)
      t. new GrapheneOS user

  20. 2 years ago

    I am also a longtime android user since the htc hero and I switch to the iPhone 13. I think the only thing android does better than iOS is the notification tray, but other than that the iOS experience is overall better. If you are in the apple echo system or have friends sharing thing’s between devices with airdrop is really convenient

  21. 2 years ago

    iPhone are a high class status symbol. You could trick someone into thinking you are a HVM

    • 2 years ago

      HVF if anything, but idc.

  22. 2 years ago

    WebM support
    t. phoneposter

    • 2 years ago

      WebM works fine on iOS.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh shit I can finally switch over

  23. 2 years ago

    iOS = you will own nothing and you will be happy. You're basically a dog on a leash who rolls over on command. Look up all the stuff they've banned on the app store.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        That's not the point. How many apps do you think apple has banned?

        • 2 years ago

          >violates Apple's TOS
          >gets banned
          I don't see the problem there...

    • 2 years ago

      Practical issues: Android gives you more video games and better performance for them, the ability to develop apps on any OS for free, and the archaic practice of using your phone as a USB drive as well as microSD slots. The last one mostly matters for people that listen to a ton of music, play a lot of video games, or don't have a PC to offload shit to.
      Ideological issues: You can not install an entirely free debotnetted OS on any apple product. With an android device you can, if you audit the code yourself, minimize what data the NSA gets off your phone.

      Meaningless issues for autists: You can't rice your homescreen on iOS or use your phone as a shitty netbook for shits and giggles.

      Notice only gamers really give a shit. I'm tempted to put games into meaningless issues because adults simply don't play this shit.

      • 2 years ago

        This, I'm a real adult who sucks mens penises instead of playing children's video games.

      • 2 years ago

        >android video games
        Stopped reading there.

  24. 2 years ago

    Also even the most hardcore apple fan will agree that having expandable storage for high quality local video is really nice compared to low quality online video streaming.

    • 2 years ago

      >Also even the most hardcore apple fan will agree that having expandable storage for high quality local video is really nice
      lolno. "Just use internal storage"+"buy icloud, it's cheap".

      • 2 years ago

        Not EVERYONE wants to upload all of their data directly to NSA servers. Hard to believe, I know.

      • 2 years ago

        White put all of my eggs in one basket when I can extend my storage with a one-time purchase?

  25. 2 years ago

    Come home (Ubuntu touch) white man

    • 2 years ago

      You might be white but you're fat and bearded and no one will frick you. Regular white men choose iPhone and Samsung only, sorry sweaty.
      T. Have a fricking Nokia

  26. 2 years ago

    As a guy that was iOS only until a while ago, I miss the following in iOS:
    - easy side loading instead of AltServer shenanigans
    - set up any app as default (instead of just browser and mail)
    - easy file transfer via USB
    - ability to deactivate ALL telemetry (GrapheneOS)
    - split view

    That's it. Otherwise I prefer iOS, especially:
    - better 3rd party apps (e.g. there is no Android keyboard as good as nintype for iOS used to be)
    - better backups
    - click to top
    - better update policy

  27. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      This is unironically why I'm hoping the antitrust suits against Apple go through and Apple is forced to allow third party stores
      That or someone finally makes a decent spec/display Android Tablet with the aspect ratio of an iPad. Whatever comes first.

      • 2 years ago

        What you want is the ability to freely install unsigned .ipa. Tird party stores can easily be ~~*influenced*~~ by apploo

  28. 2 years ago

    If it were not for the fold I would have apple.

  29. 2 years ago

    >iOS seems even better than android now in terms of privacy
    And that right there is why you should definitely go for an iphone... because you're a complete idiot.

  30. 2 years ago

    Why would you want to use a computer that tells you what you can and can't install?

  31. 2 years ago

    iOS is better for art and music android is better for programming since you get hackers keyboard and termux
    I'm talking about the tablet ofc

  32. 2 years ago

    Google is somehow more vile to me than Apple
    so I just use iOS off "vibe" alone

    • 2 years ago

      And Bing for search?

  33. 2 years ago

    Stick with Android if you like modularity, tinkering and control. Stick with iOS if you like reliability, simplicity and ease.

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