Is time travel even theoretically possible?

Is time travel even theoretically possible?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Yes but it doesn't work the way you think it does.

    • 2 years ago

      That's what I'm getting at. For me the idea of going "back" in time is moronic and there's no way to approach it even in a purely theoretical way

      • 2 years ago

        There are ways you can travel to a location faster than light from that location. In that case, you would be able to predict the incoming information and could claim you are from the future. However, you haven't actually traveled to the past in any frame and you can't interact with yourself.

        Travel to the future works the same way. You cannot travel to the future in such a way that you could interact with your future self.

        • 2 years ago

          sure you can

  2. 2 years ago

    Well, time dialation is a thing.
    If we could exceed the speed of light, and you travelled for let's say 1 hour, when you returned back to your starting point several hours or possibly a day would of passed. So technically you would have travelled forwards in time.

    • 2 years ago

      That's not how that works. For velocity v 0< v < c, you will experience less time relative to slower frames. For v=c you would experience 0 time relative to other frames. For v > c you would experience negative time.

      However, as I already stated, it's not possible to go to your future or past. What you end up with is something entirely different.

      • 2 years ago

        >For v > c you would experience negative time.
        How? At that point you are outside of time, travelling faster than it.

        • 2 years ago

          Your statement makes no sense. Traveling faster than time is a nonsensical statement.

          It's commonly accepted that FTL implies time travel to the past. It's not actually thr past, but that's how it has been portrayed.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's commonly accepted that FTL implies time travel to the past.
            It's literally the opposite.

          • 2 years ago

            It's not. But please link some paper , sci-fi, schozo write up, literally anything that suggests FTL would cause relativistic time travel to the future.

          • 2 years ago

            >relativistic time travel to the future


          • 2 years ago

            I agree. If you follow the thread, someone else stated FTL implies travel to the future, not the past.

          • 2 years ago

            travel to future is easy.

            i dont see FTL to past in current century.

            it will require Tipler cylinder, whic will cause parallel uni travel,

          • 2 years ago

            you can't travel to the past because that implies there is a database part of the universe which records all previous quantum phenomena since the big bang which you can simply rewind to in your localised space-time

          • 2 years ago

            Bros I just want to travel back in time to when I was 10 years old but with all my current knowledge and I also want to make some changes like I want to look like a model. How far are we from being able to do that? Also I want to be the only one to do it and then the time machine is destroyed

          • 2 years ago

            it's called learning from your mistakes and passing those lessons onto your children so they don't repeat the cycle

          • 2 years ago

            If that was possible you would already have tourists coming from the future.

          • 2 years ago

            they would be exploitin tipler cylinder travel, ie need to minimize parallel universe drift

            ie hey everyboy, Im a Time Traveler!

          • 2 years ago

            There are solutions to gr that only allow time travel as far back as the time machine (wormhole in this case) was turned on.

            The movie primer is as close as you'll get to a realistic scenario in which time travel to the past works.

          • 2 years ago

            Even in Primer they're moving spatially and not temporally. The machine cycles them between two simultaneously existing A and B states, and it happens that in the B state, matter has not causally reached the configuration of the A state.
            However, if you were to look at it through the lens of a master timeline, or "God's timeline," they were always moving forward.

            A nice illustration of this is to think of the experience of watching the film itself. While the characters at 10min into the movie are at a "later" point narratively than at 26min into the movie, the movie itself has still gone "forward" 16mins.

    • 2 years ago

      >time dilation
      IQfy has ruined me

      • 2 years ago

        Time dialation is real anon, it has been proven.

        • 2 years ago

          And it has nothing to do with time travel, which is impossible in every scenario

          • 2 years ago

            >it has nothing to do with time travel
            But it does anon.

            If you were to travel at the speed of light for 1 day, only 6 seconds would pass for you in relative time, but 23 days would have passed for everyone else.


          • 2 years ago

            Wrong, you would just receive that 23 days of information in 6 seconds, time dilation stems entirely from the fact that gravity pulls on EM radiation, slowing down the propagation of information, this is absolutely negligible in 99.9% of the cases, the difference between Earth clocks and GPS satellites is only 38 microseconds. Time is not a thing, it is a measurement of change and change in the universe is relative, you pull on one end of the rope and something else happens, there is not a single scenario where you could manipulate the state of the entire universe to change this flow.

          • 2 years ago

            No, learn things.

          • 2 years ago

            >no argument

          • 2 years ago

            I can't be bothered 'arguing', anon.
            There is plenty of info on the Web and YouTube. Go read/watch things.

          • 2 years ago

            >still no argument

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Time dialation is real anon, it has been proven.

      It's actually time "dilation" and not "dialation" and this anon

      >time dilation
      IQfy has ruined me

      is talking about a different "dilation"

  3. 2 years ago

    You are travelling through the time axis at the speed of light already.

  4. 2 years ago

    Yes. But you have to understand that if you can interact with a timeline from the outside, then that means timelines all interact with each other in some way. And that means there's a nexus. And that means there's an end state that connects all possible choice paths and is itself above choice causally.
    But all that's silly. If it were true then there would be some unexplainable phenomena going on literally all the time between the timelines and it would be so prevalent it would literally appear to be a fundamental force or something similar...
    See you there.

  5. 2 years ago

    Then every fraction of time must exist somewhere, or how else would you travel to it. Time is a human concept, more an illusion than something such a dimension or however

  6. 2 years ago


    we must do it, time travel bros

    • 2 years ago

      We will one day anon, long after we are dead.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    sure it's called ageing, it's also called time dilation which is induced via speed

  9. 2 years ago

    need to sail

    acrosss T ime

  10. 2 years ago

    Yup, I'm traveling into the future as we speak. If you mean backwards, consider antiparticles

  11. 2 years ago

    I mean, what isn't?

  12. 2 years ago

    Forward? Yes.
    Backwards? No.

  13. 2 years ago

    yes, but it's not permitted

  14. 2 years ago

    You couldn't interact with the environment. But you could see who Jack the Ripper was, cool stuff like that.

  15. 2 years ago

    Positron just flew over my house back in time.

    • 2 years ago

      How come positrons are never around when I have a chronoscope at the ready?

      • 2 years ago

        Observer effect
        >jk, dont take it seriously

  16. 2 years ago

    Most of physical processes are irreversible.
    You don't need a lot of physics background to already have an idea about a handful of physical processes that are irreversibles and thus cannot exhibit symmetry in time.
    Most of them are derived from the second law of thermodynamics where entropy always increases or dynamical systems (many differential equations that describe the state of a system according to its exogenic parameters are not solvable under chronological rotation, especially those that include different order differentials)

    Whatever is the midwit explanation that you will get online talking about the kill your grandfather paradox and people forcing unreal solutions, as I said that's just midwit tier bullshit.

    Math-pilled answer lies in the study of dynamical systems, among them which,any are irresolvable under time rotation.

  17. 2 years ago

    Yes, I'm in old rome right now, in my head.

    Bread seller guy says hi.

  18. 2 years ago

    We need an operational definition of the word time before we can answer the question with accuracy. If by time you mean the sequence of events, that appears to be very much an impossibility. You violate causality if you go backward in the sequence of events (time is still traveling forward for you the traveler, because your sequence of events is still moving forward and the sequence could also be argued to move forward for everyone else yet for some reason they have gone backward without their knowledge of the future. Because, why exactly? (Answer this question and you become a demi God.) If you claim the sequence of events is looped, you destroy causality by going backward. If you claim alternate universes are created by time travel, describe the mechanism which causes that.

    • 2 years ago

      Please consider this "simple"/"possible in any Universe" method.

      Multiple methods are real, just impractical at the moment.

      If you can understand Tegmark's multiverse papers, then understanding that there are definitive methods of time travelling is trivial.

      We can theoretically brute force time travel, by destroying vast quantities of matter, then placing all of that matter into a frame perfect copy of a previous state.
      This literally works in all Universe/Multiverse scenarios. A high Kardashev civilization could do this at will, no cap.
      It would have to be via a collaboration of AI's working together, to create accurate predictive models of that previous frame state, from the current state of matter within that system.

      (If we can perfectly model all subatomic interactions in a given area for frames in the future/predictive forecasting... We just invert the modelling code for that area and run the algorithm.)

      Easy cake with black hole levels of energy.

      Honestly that could be the root cause of Hawking Radiation propogation.
      Hyper advanced civilizations are utilizing every black hole, and all black hole's were the result of supernova that were initiated to critical with the specific amount of mass/energy at a specific moment in time, to seed a past frame.

      Any energy or mass not required for that frame instance, could be the ejecta. And/or the ejecta may actually be the initiation factor, affecting the past of the inside of the black hole, by how the ejecta leaves in the future.

      If this ideology is correct then it may actually provide a bridging causal link between radioactive decay and gravity, beyond the mass distribution changes of radioactive atoms that we are already aware of.

      Whether or not you consider this as "time travel" would literally only be a pedantic difference.
      Subatomic particles are not differentiable in any way, if isolated. The only way to tell them apart is by observing their relationship to the space outside of that closed system.
      At that point achieving true indistinguishable time travel, just depends on how large the area you can openly manipulate is, and how accurate your prediction models can be.
      Perhaps, if this is the only way to achieve "practical time travel" it would be time travel with 99.9999999...% accuracy. The leftover inaccuracy, due to not being necessary to complete an adequate frame reproduction, is ejected from the system. <-

      I've been working a theory for years that supports this model ideology and would explain the following topics inclusively.
      >Gravity being CAUSED by light. (This one's a pretty big obstacle, but with my logic applied, can be actually be the case.) This is the endgame of Loop Quantum Gravity.
      >Why duality appears with double-slit.
      >Why radioactive decay occurs as it does.

      • 2 years ago

        Multiple methods are real, just impractical at the moment.

        If you can understand Tegmark's multiverse papers, then understanding that there are definitive methods of time travelling is trivial.

        We can theoretically brute force time travel, by destroying vast quantities of matter, then placing all of that matter into a frame perfect copy of a previous state.
        This literally works in all Universe/Multiverse scenarios. A high Kardashev civilization could do this at will, no cap.
        It would have to be via a collaboration of AI's working together, to create accurate predictive models of that previous frame state, from the current state of matter within that system.

        (If we can perfectly model all subatomic interactions in a given area for frames in the future/predictive forecasting... We just invert the modelling code for that area and run the algorithm.)

        Easy cake with black hole levels of energy.

        Honestly that could be the root cause of Hawking Radiation propogation.
        Hyper advanced civilizations are utilizing every black hole, and all black hole's were the result of supernova that were initiated to critical with the specific amount of mass/energy at a specific moment in time, to seed a past frame.

        Any energy or mass not required for that frame instance, could be the ejecta. And/or the ejecta may actually be the initiation factor, affecting the past of the inside of the black hole, by how the ejecta leaves in the future.

        If this ideology is correct then it may actually provide a bridging causal link between radioactive decay and gravity, beyond the mass distribution changes of radioactive atoms that we are already aware of.

        We need an operational definition of the word time before we can answer the question with accuracy. If by time you mean the sequence of events, that appears to be very much an impossibility. You violate causality if you go backward in the sequence of events (time is still traveling forward for you the traveler, because your sequence of events is still moving forward and the sequence could also be argued to move forward for everyone else yet for some reason they have gone backward without their knowledge of the future. Because, why exactly? (Answer this question and you become a demi God.) If you claim the sequence of events is looped, you destroy causality by going backward. If you claim alternate universes are created by time travel, describe the mechanism which causes that.

        I left out a lot of technical details behind the theory I'm working on, so I wanted to add just a little more detail.

        Photons are oscillating between travelling through the future, by one Planck moment, and travelling through the past, by one Planck moment.

        Anytime a photon gets "stuck" by flipflopping between 1 and 0.
        (1 and 0 representing, the forward Planck jump, and the backwards Planck jump)

        Gravity of the outside system of this photon's time oscillation is the tie breaker. Having 1 trigger twice or 0 trigger twice rather than oscillating over and over. The results of this gravity tie breaker being a net movement of the photon through space-time in a specific direction.
        That tie breaker generates empty space between each 11 or 00, while maintaining gravitational force in the empty generated space between the Photon's point A and point B position of one Planck frame. This empty space is generally cancelled out and collapsed, but by uncertainty, there may be moments where the empty space stays or excess space is removed.

        Yes, I am suggesting this is responsible for dark matter/energy.
        When photons go "critical" it is because a specific area of space-time is stuck repeating 11111111... or 0000000...

        So, inside the event horizon of a black hole...
        Not only is "infinite" density occurring, but also "infinite" generation of empty space.

        As Hawking Radiation leaks out.... Empty space-time vacuum may also be leaking out.
        We will need to observe black hole horizons in much greater detail one day, in order to test my assumptions.
        Right now, we can't get a good enough look to check my idea. In the future, we may have the ability to scrutinize it.

  19. 2 years ago

    Going back to save Abraham Lincoln is not saving YOUR Abraham Lincoln. That Abraham Lincoln already died. Using this logic you're free to assume that there's a distinct timeline (and consciousness therein) for every millisecond of existence. Is the multiverse really just an endless scheme of spacetime and all its unfathomable possibilities, going all the way to the Big Bang? Universes forming differently? Maybe. I imagine it is hellish trying to navigate. One way trips. Probes are sent instead, probably. Maybe that's what 'aliens' are. Visitors from a sister present/timeline.

    Or maybe spacetime is fixed in a way we just can't imagine. Maybe divergent timelines/universes are only mathematically possible.

    • 2 years ago

      The thing I find least believable about the UFO phenomenon is how little interaction takes place between them and us mere earthlings. It's always a tale of one strange longer being captured and given a medical exam/procedure or a craft that defies our understanding of physics, which gets chased around and sometimes shot at will never so much as a downed UFO or downed earth craft. As if the aliens would be such goodey two shoes to not raise a force field or turn on their space time distorter to protect themselves or fight back. Have you ever taken a can of poison and sprayed a wasp next after being stung a couple times? Ever zapped some ants with a magnifying glass for fun and later captured a colony to study their behavior? Something just doesn't add up about these stories. I'm starting to think the aliens in the craft are a quality LARP by the governments of earth and or they have humans who know earth well enough to care deeply about not harming the inhabitants, piloting them. I believe genuine outsiders would be both more curious of peaceful humans and more hostile if engaged by hostile humans.

  20. 2 years ago

    Multiple methods are real, just impractical at the moment.

    If you can understand Tegmark's multiverse papers, then understanding that there are definitive methods of time travelling is trivial.

    We can theoretically brute force time travel, by destroying vast quantities of matter, then placing all of that matter into a frame perfect copy of a previous state.
    This literally works in all Universe/Multiverse scenarios. A high Kardashev civilization could do this at will, no cap.
    It would have to be via a collaboration of AI's working together, to create accurate predictive models of that previous frame state, from the current state of matter within that system.

    (If we can perfectly model all subatomic interactions in a given area for frames in the future/predictive forecasting... We just invert the modelling code for that area and run the algorithm.)

    Easy cake with black hole levels of energy.

    Honestly that could be the root cause of Hawking Radiation propogation.
    Hyper advanced civilizations are utilizing every black hole, and all black hole's were the result of supernova that were initiated to critical with the specific amount of mass/energy at a specific moment in time, to seed a past frame.

    Any energy or mass not required for that frame instance, could be the ejecta. And/or the ejecta may actually be the initiation factor, affecting the past of the inside of the black hole, by how the ejecta leaves in the future.

    If this ideology is correct then it may actually provide a bridging causal link between radioactive decay and gravity, beyond the mass distribution changes of radioactive atoms that we are already aware of.

  21. 2 years ago

    Impossible to travel backwards, possible to travel forwards but you are removed from time while traveling so you won't be in the future

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