It's over

I was offered a scholarship to do my master's in English lit. Oh boy. First week of classes and I already dislike it. Most of my classes are simply put, ideological. I can't exactly just sit there and be quiet because these are seminars and there are about 9 students (including me) in the class and we sit in a circle and have to talk. But if I speak my mind (and I'm not even a radical conservative or anything I just don't agree that Christianity is evil and you need to hate white people) I'll get ridiculed and become an outcast. Why am I doing this to myself? It's because I'm masochistic, that's the only logical answer. Never go into academia bros, it's not worth it

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  1. 8 months ago

    Why don't you read them some letters between Marx and Engels and what they had to say about gays and black people?

    • 8 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      they'll say: the universe is broken / all humans are broken, if their ideologue said something dumb,
      as: they're cult shack members.

      >But if I speak my mind
      >Never go into academia
      I disagree, if you can argue your case, do it. There is no more useless a time of life than to have fun doing this than when you're safe in school and insulated from IRL consequences.

      • 8 months ago

        >argue your case
        >you're safe in school and insulated from consequences
        You really don't know how academia works, do you?

        • 8 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          Academia sucks, a college is not academia.

  2. 8 months ago

    I'm a physicist and I remember the absolute death stares I got when I said at lunch that I'm proud of being English. Every research group is pure ideology

    • 8 months ago

      truly an awful bunch of people

    • 8 months ago

      >Death stare

      I am surprised they're not laughing, no offense but it's always pretty odd to hear someone of any race say they're proud of being *insert any race* cause... I don't really care

      • 8 months ago

        Yes but it wasn't out of the blue. The conversation was much more like:

        > Them shitting on England talking about the British Empire
        > Me saying "actually I kinda like being English for these reasons"
        > *death stares*

        It's not like I go around wearing a union jack, it's that I dared to bring up positives whatsoever

        • 8 months ago

          Until you realize that they want you, and I mean you specifically, trampled upon, tortured and killed in the most gruesome way imaginable only because you look the way you do, you will understand nothing.

          • 8 months ago

            Unfortunately true but I have to add that they also want themselves trampled upon, tortured, and killed

        • 8 months ago

          >> Them shitting on England talking about the British Empire
          >> Me saying "actually I kinda like being English for these reasons"
          >> *death stares*
          Tbf in this context it's not entirely relevant.
          Whether or not you like being English is a bit different than considering whether you approve of the politics of the British gov and former empire.

          • 8 months ago

            You guys are a bunch of autists

          • 8 months ago

            In that context it absolutely comes across as the bad thing, and you know that and op knows that and you should both feel bad

          • 8 months ago

            Lol this. Is OP proud that his country butchered millions? And for what at the end of it all?

          • 8 months ago

            >spread western technology, political systems, and global trade networks across the entire world
            >Benignly foster local elites and infrastructure, raising standard of living in the process
            >this is wrong

          • 8 months ago

            There are plenty of conservatives in academia and they don't get laughed at. They're listened to and respected. You're definitely the minority, but so what? So long as you're saying things which make sense and are well supported you'll be fine.
            Of course your lessons include ideology, you're studying English Literature.

            Well if you said something as stupid as this I would hope you got death stares in response.

      • 8 months ago

        >it's always pretty odd to hear someone of any race say they're proud of being *insert any race*
        No it isn't. Other people do this all the time. In fact for anyone not from Europe here it is socially unacceptable NOT to be proud of your ethnic/racial identity.

        • 8 months ago

          You sound like a collectivist

      • 8 months ago

        >is proud of being born
        You didn't really get to pick your nationality or anything about yourself really. Why are you proud about it?
        I'd understand being fine with who you are, but boasting about it is kind of weird, don't you agree?

        I dare anyone to tell a proud Black or Arab that they have no right to express pride about their ethnicities. People only say this when white people (especially Anglo) say they're proud of their ethnicity.

        • 8 months ago

          I'd ask this to anyone tbh, doing otherwise is enabling religious delusions like "God wills it/Inshallah/Deus lo vult", which don't work like religious people think they do because they tend to replace their teachings and self with God.

          I've never said that Anglodude has no right to express his pride, just that doing so is weird because it's based on the logical fallacy of free will, so I was wondering what was going on in his head.
          Imagine gays celebrating they are gay because... they are gay? That's peak stupidity and modern society enables this bullshit lmao.

          i chose my nationality through my past life at birth, it was a conscious decision that i don't remember so i should be proud of the choice i made homosexual

          Here, my fellow shitzo.

          • 8 months ago

            >Imagine gays celebrating they are gay because... they are gay?
            if being gay was a healthy lifestyle it should be celebrated—celebrate it all. A certain amount of ego is healthy; self-deprecation is a mask for narcissism.

          • 8 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            you can't force celebration, either people are celebrating or they're not; gay is a synonym for cringe when i was a kid, and cringe adults forcing people to pretend to happy when they're not is disgusting abuse

          • 8 months ago

            Self-deprecation can be anything, not just a mask for narcissism. Watch out for false axioms.
            Being gay is a deviation from a healthy lifestyle, by definition of health and sexuality.
            A certain amount of ego is indeed healthy, but a healthy level of ego doesn't need to show off.
            Gay prides are pointless show-offs for a lot of genetic dead ends.
            You can celebrate being unlikely to ever produce offsprings, but it's self deceptive in nature.
            You can be proud of who you are, even if you are a failure of the ideal and unhealthy, because you are just like everyone else even if people closer to the norm/ideal seem to be unlikely to acknowledge how weird and unhealthy they are. Ultimately, there's no need to show off your sexual quirks in order to gain approval, or to show off at all unless asked to do so.

          • 8 months ago

            is lgbtq starving?

          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Eh, don't act like people in those circles believe in some high-minded ideal of colour-blindness. If you're part of that kind of faculty it's perfectly normal and even kind of expected for you to make self-deprecating comments about the race and sex you were born as, if you happen to be a white guy, and for 'marginalized' people to celebrate the identities they were born with and expect special privileges. These people are literally just anti-racist and anti-sexist in the sense that they want to be the ones on top.

        I had to work pretty hard to hide my powerlevel in the few english lit classes I had to attend for my minor. You just sort of have to nod along when some prof makes the occasional snide remark about le dead white males and societal prejudices. Also, forget getting full marks on anything if you aren't willing to sell your soul and write exactly what they want you to write in terms of ideology.

    • 8 months ago

      >is proud of being born
      You didn't really get to pick your nationality or anything about yourself really. Why are you proud about it?
      I'd understand being fine with who you are, but boasting about it is kind of weird, don't you agree?

      • 8 months ago


        Yes but it wasn't out of the blue. The conversation was much more like:

        > Them shitting on England talking about the British Empire
        > Me saying "actually I kinda like being English for these reasons"
        > *death stares*

        It's not like I go around wearing a union jack, it's that I dared to bring up positives whatsoever

        I wasn't boasting, just saying that there are indeed nice things about the country and that I'm happy to be born there

        • 8 months ago

          Oh my bad, I should have kept reading.
          That's cool though, everyone should be like you and live for "beauty".
          If people critize you over it, they are morons.

        • 8 months ago

          And there is nothing wrong with that. You don't even need to be proud to be from XYZ you just don't need to be a self hating charlatan. This is why the west is in decline, these types of people are weak. Foreigners make fun of them for being cattle.

          • 8 months ago

            I agree. I live in Germany now and here it's even worse. The Germans visibly cringe if you say something nice about Germany

          • 8 months ago

            Where in Germany?

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Good choice. But we're northerners and don't like overenthusiastic compliments. Just try not to be too outgoing, it weirds us out. Just out of curiosity, what did you say to people that made them cringe?

          • 8 months ago

            >what did you say
            "Ich habe mir in die Hose gemacht" Then I winked at them

          • 8 months ago

            Should've gone Bremerhaven with that. They would've loved you.

          • 8 months ago

            That’s like the German version of San Francisco lol. I’m sure you’d get a different reaction in Thüringen or whatever.

          • 8 months ago

            >German version of San Francisco
            That would be cologne

          • 8 months ago

            Thüringen literally only consists out of old commies, skinheads and illiterates

          • 8 months ago

            Sounds based tb h

          • 8 months ago

            They do have nice forests, I give them that. But trust me, people over there are really, really dumb. I had breathtakingly stupid conversations over there. If you told them that you post on a forum for books they simply wouldn't understand.

      • 8 months ago

        i chose my nationality through my past life at birth, it was a conscious decision that i don't remember so i should be proud of the choice i made homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        Have you ever been proud of friends or family? It's not like you did anything

        • 8 months ago

          I've never did, no.
          Which is ironic, because most adults kept telling me ever since I was little how proud I should have been of my parents doing good for others, how proud I should have been of myself for doing well in academia, spots, etc.
          I did tell them I was proud of them if they wanted to hear it, but unless it was something they worked really hard on, it was mostly lies to make them feel good about themselves and patting them on the head like dogs, and even for the things they did work hard on it was still just a metaphorical pat on the head but with a bit more emphasis.

          Have you?
          I feel like it's silly to do if you genuinely feel like you've accomplished anything for being born and existing, almost as if you need to cope to feel good about yourself instead of just feeling good about yourself and others.
          Like an actor, pretending to be happy and to love others. Or a fool, not understanding the nature of the universe.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember back in college I once stumbled upon a book about ballistics for dirt cheap in some bookstore's used books bin and picked it up, as a physics student too I thought ballistics would be a cool little subject to study on the side. A few days later I was chatting with some people in my department and I mentioned that I was reading a book about ballistics recently and several of them gave me weird looks. I asked why they found that so strange, seeing as we're all physics students and researchers here and ballistics is quite literally all about physics and thus is not that weird a thing to be studying and they just kept saying that it's a weird thing to have any interest in and that it could make me come across as some sort of gun nut to people who didn't know me.

      That's when I first realized there's no such thing as taking an honest intellectual interest in something in academia, I thought this sort of bullshit was confined solely to the humanities but I was wrong, everywhere you go it's all about signalling that you're not "one of those people".

      I ended up losing interest in the subject shortly after anyway because it turned out to be rather boring actually, oh well.

  3. 8 months ago

    >I'll get ridiculed and become an outcast

    I better be ridiculed and become an outcast but stand on my ground rather than follow the hive mind. I'm too old for not telling the truth. Just make sure you have basis, and speak calmly. If you speak calmly people will assume you're an intellectual but if you speak like Hitler, people will assume you're a conspiracy theorist, Trump supporter who lives in the remote areas of Nevada trying to fight liberals.

    But that's just me. I gotta be honest it served me well, because the people who is actually open-minded and isn't biased would accept your opinion, they refute it but, won't outcast you. It shows a lot about people who outcasted you more than you and your own morals. Why can't we speak rationally without arguing? Who do we think we are? Life isn't a movie to think we're so cool because we won an argument. In the end of the day, it's just an argument and you probably meet up at the campus cafeteria talking about whether the croissants and coffee are good and asking where can we actually get some good fricking food.

    *Mic drop*

    • 8 months ago

      >If you speak calmly people will assume you're an intellectual but if you speak like Hitler, people will assume you're a conspiracy theorist

      Unfortunately this isn't true. Perhaps it was when you were younger, but the leftoids of today will screech and deem you as a bigot for having the slightest conservative view. They are exhaustingly passive-aggressive too. And it has gotten worse as years pass by.

      • 8 months ago

        Practice relaxing, out of anything I practiced being relaxed serves me well. I'm not a stoic but holding back your temper and being a professional saves me 99% from the problems that could have happened. Ignore these leftists man

    • 8 months ago

      I kind of want desperately to be put into this conversation or type of conversation once so I can pull out the minority card and say the things people would ignore for the excuse of racism.
      These people hate Christianity without realizing that their entire moral framework is derived from it and I just want the opportunity to make all of them as uncomfortable as possible.

      >Just make sure you have basis, and speak calmly.
      This doesn't work a lot of the times. I had a close friend who I'd known for half a decade go full into ideology and nearly turn on me during a discussion about sex and I used the term "regular women" instead of "cis women" when I was trying to talk about actual women without the inclusion of trans women, they told me later in an unrelated conversation that they didn't understand how someone can make an argument without being emotionally attached to that positon and I think that's the majority of them.

  4. 8 months ago

    Just pretend you agree with them, what's so difficult about it? I teach at a humanities department at a university in Eastern Europe, and a lot of my students are very liberal. So I am pretending to be a liberal too. Meanwhile, when I am at home and nobody's watching, I sometimes do a Nazi salute just because I feel like it. I also firmly belive that all non-whites residing in my country must be neutered, expelled, or liquidated.

    • 8 months ago

      But anon, you’re living a lie. I get holding back one’s opinions to avoid persecution, but to actually be functionally non different than a liberal for all intents and purposes in your public life? What’s the point? Things are never going to change if your don’t speak up against them.

      • 8 months ago

        It's the larp he does to make himself feel better.

    • 8 months ago

      Funny because Hitler saw Slavs as subhuman

  5. 8 months ago

    There's no shame in hiding your powerlevel, anon. Discretion is the better part of valor.

    • 8 months ago

      Staying silent when everyone is speaking their minds and you are asked the same isn't discretion, it's cowardice.
      If you can't back up your own views with a strong enough logic that nobody can dismantle your thoughts, you've failed as an intellectual.
      If you are scared of the masses, perish in solitude.

      • 8 months ago

        topkek. BE YOURSELF! COWARD!
        Society has lost social meaning and interactions with strangers are rarely rewarding. To waste time on vanity and "logical" fortitude - to beg for self-validation from a person you would sooner impale. That is cowardice.
        But I will bite.
        Can you tell me what modus ponens is? No google now, Mr. logical heavyweight, master of the verbal debate.

        • 8 months ago

          >To beg for validation from a person would sooner impale
          I'm sorry you feel in such a way that is still a recorring thought of yours.
          I guess you haven't been socialized properly?
          >modus ponens
          Literally 2+3 = 5 aka 5-3 =2 and so on
          Are you trying to say that you operate under this simple logic and therefore you are an idiot?
          What a fancy way to have a nice day in the foot.

          I agree. It's just two options, follow them and don't complain or go against them and be prepared for any consequences. At the end of the day, it's life, arguments happen, as nasty as it could be, remember to not be cringe.

          It's truly that simple. I'm sad for the people that can't see it. Also being cringe is fine, it makes it extra spicy and fun.

      • 8 months ago

        I agree. It's just two options, follow them and don't complain or go against them and be prepared for any consequences. At the end of the day, it's life, arguments happen, as nasty as it could be, remember to not be cringe.

      • 8 months ago

        Or maybe it's just wanting to live a quiet life.

        • 8 months ago

          If you want a quiet life because you have nothing to say, sure.
          If you want a quiet life and have plenty to say, you are a hypocrite.
          You could shut down everyone else and get your quiet life, but you'd opt for the easy way out in which you are the one staying silent while everyone else talks, because you know you lack the strength and intellect to fight everyone head.

          If your ideas are worth listening to and make sense, everyone will follow you.
          If they aren't you'll know you are just another dumbass.

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks anon, I needed a laugh. Actually I didn’t really, but it was pleasant all the same.

          • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >lift it, fat chicks can't jump
      I don't get it.

      • 8 months ago

        Lift your truck.

  6. 8 months ago

    Academia and literature in general has been taken over by wokies to a degree. I'm actually fine with some parts of their ideology and there's definitely things i can agree on and a lot of my favorite authors have similar opinions, but the thing is that they don't appreciate differing opinions that's the big issue, conversations are meaningless because rather than discourse it's always arguments, no matter the tone of it. Anyone who isn't so radical and staunch is still fun to talk to, as long as you aren't so obnoxious any viewpoint is fine to me but these types take themselves way too seriously and they're ruining academia.

    • 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    >inb4 gibbon's fall of the roman empire
    >inb4 when in rome do as romans do.
    Never even read the Asimov's Galactic series as a child?
    >a 'harry potter for kids' YA 101 how to survive as a student/young academic in fascist state, never ever?
    Do zoomers really have to be spoonfed?
    Your a cattle so suffer as cattle.

  8. 8 months ago

    You think Academia is the proving ground for ideas? kek. Nobody cares what you say. There will be no unveiling. The only reason to torture yourself in debate with delusional libshits is to become a rightoid grifter in the future.

  9. 8 months ago

    I agree with you OP.

    The funniest thing ever was: I organized our yearly BBQ for our class and when we had to start packing things (benches, tables, the grill, condiments, trash etc.) the woke professor and some other woke students talked about how capitalism was exploiting workers and muh communism whilst watching me and a friend do everything.

  10. 8 months ago

    just do what I did and roleplay as the biggest, dumbest globohomosexual homosexual. Call everything problematic and bigoted and toxic. Bring up why we need open borders and diversity in every conversation, even when it's barely relevant to the discussion. Call Trump a nazi a few times. Call all the male authors chuds. Go nuts.

    School is incredibly easy when you just say what they want to hear. You need to get on their good side, get the diploma, and then you've got the cushy job doing nothing, then you can sabotage their ideologies from the inside.

    In order to get a US teaching license I had to write a research paper on why drag queen story time for kindergartners was a good idea, referencing sources that the school provided to me. You think I wrote that drag queen story time was a bad idea? Frick no. I couldn't get my license if I did. I need to save those kids as a double agent.

    • 8 months ago

      But also this seems like either a larp or you're just a genuine sociopath. Most people could not cope with this level of lying and insincerity.

      • 8 months ago

        Nope. I'm 100% serious. One of the websites I had to use to write my research papers was This website doesn't refer to BLM riots as "riots" but as BLM "calls to action." However bad you think the education system is in the US, it's 100x worse. Seriously. Go to the website. This is what they're using to train teachers.

    • 8 months ago

      Between this and becoming a news headline, I struggle to see which is the worse option.

  11. 8 months ago

    stop RP'ing that you actually did something with your life and go do the dishes like mom told you anon

  12. 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    >I just don't agree that Christianity is evil and you need to hate white people
    I don't remember either of these sentiments being expressed, by lecturers or students, in any seminars in my English Lit BA. And, if I had to guess, they're probably not being expressed in yours. So I don't get why you're doing a disingenuous 'aw shucks I'm just a simple guy who thinks good things are good' routine. In what specific ways do you feel seminar discussions have been undermined by these ideological strictures?

    • 8 months ago

      >I don't remember either of these sentiments being expressed, by lecturers or students, in any seminars in my English Lit BA. And, if I had to guess, they're probably not being expressed in yours.

      >It didn't personally happen to me, thus it could never have happened to anyone ever
      Are you genuinely moronic?

  14. 8 months ago

    >I'll get ridiculed and become an outcast
    Why would one want to be accepted as peerage with such people?

  15. 8 months ago

    You're just there to kill time and find a path in life. Opinions are like buttholes, except buttholes are actually important.

  16. 8 months ago

    When do you guys figure it'll get better?

    • 8 months ago

      It won't without change.

  17. 8 months ago

    It's because you ultimately don't belong there anon. Be proud of the fact that you still wish to learn and are convictively aware of whats going on.

    Look, you can try to hypothetically be some type of archetypal counter-cultural idea hero of inspirational light in the darkness there to the best of your whatever abilities and maybe change some minds if you believe in that..or in other words, just try to make the most of it and be somehow useful. But until then, I would advise you to quit eventually if you're convinced that you can't find anyone you're able to have confidence or certainty in on any fundamental level. Bad company ruins good morals and it seems that everything that pertains to modern institutionalized academia has practically become a slow rotting abyss into that. A essentially destructive and foundationally antithetical approach of the purposes of pure education and so I empathize with you on whatever level there. It's a demonic ideology that has slowly forced itself upon people's already wounded souls and needs to be dealt with somehow. Your best bet is trying to become a autodidact. But if you wish to continue in it, I would hope that you can find at least one person there that is well enlightened themselves and that you can somewhat trust. And likewise stick to my beginning advice.

    You got this man. Stuff like 2 Timothy 4:3-4 prophesied all of this to happen. I don't know you or whether you're a Christian or not, but I pray anyhow that Christ may guide you into the informed truths that you need and into His redemptive endurance and will for you, whatever it is.

  18. 8 months ago

    critical theory is self defeating. become radically postmodern. deconstruct everything.

    You can go far with the tools you're given—E.G. Focault, the sado-masochistic homo, didn't even believe in the notion of homosexuality. He'd have seen modern day gender ideology as terrorism.

  19. 8 months ago

    IQfy here, you got bigger problems than being an outcast in an English Lit masters program: YOU'RE IN AN ENGLISH LIT MASTER PROGRAM bro do you even KNOW what your expected salary is with that kind of garbage? How much earning potential you're sacrificing by spending 2 years not earning money (at least you're on scholarship but you'll never get these years back).

    Drop out, go work on an oil rig for a couple years, invest in crypto, and then you'll have all the time in the world to frick around reading books and writing blogposts|articles about them. I cannot simply sit here and watch you screw yourself over like this. Drop out now.

    • 8 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      go work for shell as a menial, then take your earnings and health problems and give it to some ponzi scheme, great advise IQfy

    • 8 months ago

      Wow, thanks for the great advice shoe-shine boy. I’m an MBA student and I attend behavioural finance lectures all about morons like you.

  20. 8 months ago

    >Never go into academia bros, it's not worth it
    but why? why does it have to be this way? why did we let leftists take over academia and run away from it?

    • 8 months ago

      academia is an artificial womb and leftism is childishness.

  21. 8 months ago

    The future is left-wing, little chudster. Get with the times or get left behind as ahistorical, reactionary drag on the great march towards Progress.

  22. 8 months ago

    All the cuddling and empathy for weak beta men itt makes me ill. What probably happened is that OP feels uncomfortable around people who are not socially inept r*ghtoids. He immediately reached the conclusion that his fellow students want to eat Christians and lock his white wiener in a chastity cage. Predictably, he run to his echo chamber to get validation from other weak men.
    Inject T and quit being a pussy, OP

    • 8 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      i can't think of anything more validation craving than to throw a parade over yourself ... accomplished and deserving people do not ask nor desire this, come on now.

    • 8 months ago

      Fellas is it alpha to cut off your dick?

      • 8 months ago

        self mutilation is peak alpha

  23. 8 months ago

    just argue that hating white people radicalizes them. say this is the chance to start fresh after centuries of racism, and that what matters is not justice for the dead but for future generations

  24. 8 months ago

    >Master's in English lit
    >Just noticing it is ideological
    How did you not notice it before? English is one of the most pozzed programs out there especially literature. Were you living in a purely red state this whole time and are now just moving out to a blue one?

    If you're trolling, lol.

  25. 8 months ago

    Just go in there and speak your mind. You're an adult plus you're getting money for it.

    • 8 months ago

      if he does this he will get heemed

  26. 8 months ago

    I have a master's in philosophy and I just pretended to ironically be right-wing and at the end of the day no one could really figure out what my real opinions were, but since I was doing a master's in philosophy they considered me part of their social milieu and there was no chance I could actually hold those views, so it all worked out swimmingly for me.
    tl;dr don't be a social moron

  27. 8 months ago

    "but daryl davis talked to 20k kkk members"

  28. 8 months ago

    You're doing it because you thought getting an English degree is something smart people do. You belong there.

    • 8 months ago

      no it was free

  29. 8 months ago

    Academia is a tragic thing. The ideal is to become someone like Robert Burton (17th century Oxford scholar and humanist writer), to be left to your own devices and pursue the depths of your intellectual creativity. To get there, and fat chance that you ever do, you first have to endure the most insipid and fruitless process of abasement and dishonesty. Politics is like a fungal infection that grows wherever humans walk. You must learn to rise above it.

  30. 8 months ago

    I'm doing an English degree right now and we're going to be reading the communist manifesto later on in the class I'm taking now. It's kind of weird, I can understand how Marx's analysis is useful but I don't see why we would read the manifesto. We'll also be reading some Dosto so it's not all bad, I guess. It's just a little weird to me how the class is structured and what the outcomes seem to be based on weekly objectives. And a lot of the kids are just default tryhard "revolutionaries," it's really weird. But it's not like any of these students are actually doing anything worthwhile besides downloading stuff for free on the internet. Ted really had a point when he talks about the neat little trick the system plays. I don't think Academia even matters all that much, I do enjoy it though.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm the philosophy anon

      I have a master's in philosophy and I just pretended to ironically be right-wing and at the end of the day no one could really figure out what my real opinions were, but since I was doing a master's in philosophy they considered me part of their social milieu and there was no chance I could actually hold those views, so it all worked out swimmingly for me.
      tl;dr don't be a social moron

      , we talked about Marx in every single class we had. It became a fun little game to me at the start of the semester to try and predict "how will they fit Marx into this." To be fair, the dude was extremely influential, even if you don't agree with him or what his followers did with his thought. And they also mentioned Kant in nearly every class too to the point where I got sick of it.

    • 8 months ago

      Ted Kaczynski is basically a hyperversion of Marx, and you larpers on IQfy don't READ enough to realize.
      >society is bad we need to tear it down to bring about the anarchist utopia!
      >oh wait if a random American terrorist says it it's ok and >literallyme.png. But if some random bearded 19th century commie says it though it's suddenly fricked
      One day IQfy needs to realize if they support Kaczynski they're already Marxists for all intents and purposes.

      I'm the philosophy anon [...], we talked about Marx in every single class we had. It became a fun little game to me at the start of the semester to try and predict "how will they fit Marx into this." To be fair, the dude was extremely influential, even if you don't agree with him or what his followers did with his thought. And they also mentioned Kant in nearly every class too to the point where I got sick of it.

      Just fricking read the Marx like you gotta read people you disagree. Sorry you have to read him so much I only had tor ead Quine and Russell and Frege like every fricking class ever at the beginning? Or Descartes too. And in my undergrad it was Kant and Hume too. And I love these guys but like yeah. Deal with it, get your philosophy degree (I'm doing a phil PhD right now, am 5th year already), and try shaping academia in your way if you're cut for it. If you're not, get out frankly. Try vanity presses idk. This goes for all the anons. I apologize if I'm sounding harsh I'm sure you're not specifically being terrible but a lot of anons here b***h so much about how everyone else in the most annoying ways, we need to change that.

      • 8 months ago

        >Ted Kaczynski is basically a hyperversion of Marx
        Lol what? Have you even read ISAIF? Have you ever read Anti Tech Revolution? Surely you can’t be serious. Ted is rolling in his grave.

        • 8 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          >>Ted Kaczynski is basically a hyperversion of Marx
          >Lol what? Have you even read ISAIF? Have you ever read Anti Tech Revolution? Surely you can’t be serious. Ted is rolling in his grave.
          Yeah this person is ridiculous. TAKE NOTE: this is what academia will do; simply reductionalism to the last thing introduced, e.g. "everything is marx" in the same way "everything is jesus" in the same way that "everything is kant,"

          it's a very sterile condition to exist in.


          Ted Kaczynski is basically a hyperversion of Marx, and you larpers on IQfy don't READ enough to realize.
          >society is bad we need to tear it down to bring about the anarchist utopia!
          >oh wait if a random American terrorist says it it's ok and >literallyme.png. But if some random bearded 19th century commie says it though it's suddenly fricked
          One day IQfy needs to realize if they support Kaczynski they're already Marxists for all intents and purposes.
          Just fricking read the Marx like you gotta read people you disagree. Sorry you have to read him so much I only had tor ead Quine and Russell and Frege like every fricking class ever at the beginning? Or Descartes too. And in my undergrad it was Kant and Hume too. And I love these guys but like yeah. Deal with it, get your philosophy degree (I'm doing a phil PhD right now, am 5th year already), and try shaping academia in your way if you're cut for it. If you're not, get out frankly. Try vanity presses idk. This goes for all the anons. I apologize if I'm sounding harsh I'm sure you're not specifically being terrible but a lot of anons here b***h so much about how everyone else in the most annoying ways, we need to change that.

          you're partly right. just ease off on the gas as you make the next pass, you jolly little choo choo you.

        • 8 months ago

          >>Ted Kaczynski is basically a hyperversion of Marx
          >Lol what? Have you even read ISAIF? Have you ever read Anti Tech Revolution? Surely you can’t be serious. Ted is rolling in his grave.
          Yeah this person is ridiculous. TAKE NOTE: this is what academia will do; simply reductionalism to the last thing introduced, e.g. "everything is marx" in the same way "everything is jesus" in the same way that "everything is kant,"

          it's a very sterile condition to exist in.

          you're partly right. just ease off on the gas as you make the next pass, you jolly little choo choo you.

          Well have you even read Marx? Tell me why specifically what I said my post is inaccurate. Back it up with quotes from the Unabomber if you want, that'd be great.

      • 8 months ago

        I never said I support Ted, I’m specifically referencing one specific part of his work where he describes how “protesting” and “action” is routinely supported and absorbed by the system at large like it doesn’t even matter.

  31. 8 months ago

    Ok just bail dude. Or, alternatively, buckle down and continue so you can be the change you want to see in the world. Holy frick it's that easy. Those are your two choices. Can't you just decide? I'm a Christian of sorts doing a PhD in philosophy with a bunch of atheist faculty and graduate students at a top US program. There's been and still are other Christians. We all get along so well. What the frick is it with you """"conservatives"""" on IQfy that makes you have such a hard time surviving academia? We chat theology and dive real deep into the scriptures and everything, me and the other Christians. We fully believe the miracles and everything. And here you are struggling. I bet you're another larpy IQfy fricko too. Sorry to profile you, prove me wrong if you want. But man do I just hate IQfy larpers. Yes don't go into academia. You're not cut for it. I am, others are, but if you're not, you're just not. Sorry. Find another profession that makes you happy, good luck, wish you the best, but yeah. Did you even go to a good English literature program in your country with your master's? I'm going to be honest. Nobody seems to give a bigger shit about "ideology" than certain conservatives, especially on here. There's a lot of projection. I can survive in very ideologically heterogeneous spaces, even around conservatives. We are mature enough to disagree. But suddenly a certain kind of """conservative""" shows up and acts like they're a victim just BEING there and I'm like ??? I thought you people said it was "the woke left" that victimized themselves. People need to grow up. True across the spectrum. But if you guys feel this applies to you (OP or other anons), do some reflecting and figure your shit please.

    • 8 months ago

      I am sincerely not larping. I wouldn’t even call myself conservative I am just a centrist. I have a mix of left and right wing views and don’t subscribe to “woke” ideology. I am not interested in confrontation the reason I made this post was that it has only been a week but I sincerely feel alienated. I get along well with everyone but I have already seen a few of my colleagues voice their intolerance and politically radical opinions and it honestly bothers me. I don’t like how politically charged English literature has become.

      • 8 months ago

        Unironically consider pivoting into philosophy if you have an interest in it - there's ideology there too, of course, but have a lot of freedom of movement intellectually because the whole notion of what constitutes valid reasoning and where knowledge should start is radically up for debate. Also, believe it or not, a lot of philosophy profs, even the very leftist ones, want you to think and develop your own thoughts.

        • 8 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          >a lot of freedom of movement intellectually
          this is untrue.

          Philosophy just replaced Theology; in that circular sophistry is employed to ebb away at the impulse to understand, whilst the words of other men are instructed to be rote-memorized. There is no consequence to this in terms of career prospects whatsoever; it is the third son thing where the kid is sent away to stagnate under a cleric.

          bad advise

  32. 8 months ago

    this is the coolest thing i have ever seen, what is the approach?

  33. 8 months ago

    >Most of my classes are simply put, ideological. I can't exactly just sit there and be quiet because these are seminars and there are about 9 students (including me) in the class and we sit in a circle and have to talk.

    what's wrong with that?

    >But if I speak my mind (and I'm not even a radical conservative or anything I just don't agree that Christianity is evil and you need to hate white people) I'll get ridiculed and become an outcast

    as opposed to betraying your own character for superficial validation from strangers? that would be awfully pathetic. what's the point of having a discussion in the first place then?

    • 8 months ago


      and presuming you'd be outcast for sharing your thoughts when that's the whole point of the discussion is absurd, insufferably melodramatic and probably incorrect.

      • 8 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        some serious work needs to be done on the matter of simple reverse psychology having knocked people into that position; if a person is forbidden from saying XYZ then all they want to say, all the time, is XYZ.

        i always thought this was why the west had long since realized that censorship didn't work.

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