It's time to prepare for your exit out of this world

You should mentally prepare not only for the worst anon but also for your exit. Have you made peace with the world yet?

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  1. 2 months ago

    No! Not yet! I have not finished building my giant pyramid!

  2. 2 months ago

    No, I dont even know what making peace with the world means.

  3. 2 months ago

    I say affirmations over and over in my head multiple times a day in order to ingrain them into my mind so when I die I'll be ready. People who've had NDEs also report the afterlife feeling more real than the physical world and their minds being much sharper and clear, so it's not like your mind will be a jumbled mess after your physical body dies
    This is what I repeat to myself:
    "I am a sovereign being with free will and I will not go into the light or engage with any other traps and tricks you have. Nothing I say or do means I'm giving you consent for what you want to do to me. I reject all contracts. I want to teleport to a safe civilization outside this prison. I want to teleport to a safe civilization outside this prison. I want to teleport to a safe civilization outside this prison."

    We can use our thoughts to teleport when we are outside our body such as when we're astral projecting. You can test this out yourself

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      If you have children, you live through the bloodline.
      Birds have knowledge at birth. There is an ancestral connection to biological function.

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Anytime spent on /x/ will turn you into a schizo with an identity crisis and dissociation disorder. Meds may be required anon.

    • 2 months ago

      Meds were not taken, words were typed

    • 2 months ago

      Glowie convincing morons to reject heaven and go to hell

  4. 2 months ago

    No, and I never will.
    Peace breeds sloth and complacency which means you never achieve anything. It’s better to keep climbing an endless mountain of ambitions than to sit and sulk on the bottom

  5. 2 months ago

    Nobody ever really dies anon

  6. 2 months ago

    A long time ago, when I started having my first enemies, I have set up a server to which I have to sign in every week. If I don't, certain information I know gets released to the public through multiple email addresses. That's how you can make a great impact to the world even after you die and you don't need to worry about revenge.

  7. 2 months ago

    I am mentally prepared for an anticlimactic ending.
    All this struggle and striving and just as I see some end in sight I will get cancer at 40 or run over by a Black person drunk at the wheel or something.

  8. 2 months ago

    But wtf does this have to do with business and money making?

  9. 2 months ago

    The best way how you can prepare guys is to compile all information that you would like to release when you die. It can be anything you would like to tell the world, but now you are bound by legal stuff such as NDA, or simply by the fear of revenge. Anything you like. If you have basic admin skills, put it on a server or a computer that's permanently running, it can be even a small computer such as Raspberry or a mobile phone and make sure you will have some method to notify it once per month or so. Also set up an event on your phone to notify you regularly, so you don't forget. Make sure the period is long enough to not be activated in case you go to hospital or so. And if it doesn't receive the notification from you, the information gets released. It can be a link to a zip file with a password sent to your public twitter or sent as attachment to email addresses of journalists...

    • 2 months ago

      Wtf kind of info you got anon?

  10. 2 months ago

    Let the fire rage. What good is it to live if you are so content giving it away? To be happy in your last second?

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