ITT : things you thought were a meme but they turned out to be actually good

ITT : things you thought were a meme but they turned out to be actually good

I'm pleasantly surprised by how good this is. It's like Zig but actually delivers on the promises, i.e. simplicity while just getting out of your way with its easy syntax just like Go. It's also very similar to Jai so if Jai ever releases you'll be an early adopter, and we all know JonBlow is gonna fricking blow C++ out of its market.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    This is the only ODIN I will ever recognize:

    Whatever you are blabbing about is not ODIN.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Odin is great. not much to say.
    came across this as well, recently:
    basically Odin built for WASM

  3. 4 weeks ago


    Why every C alternative wants to push a certain style of programming to the programmers? All you had to make a better C was to create a better superset, you aren't supposed to modify the C primitive itself. Frick these people, who think they know the "right" way to do something.

    For example in zig:

    You have to specifically use a ?* pointer when the pointer can be NULL, by default * pointer can't be NULL.
    And I use a style, that is built around NULL pointers, all my functions that take risky pointers are designed around recieving a NULL pointer, they do the default most appropriate thing when give a zeroed struct or a NULL pointer, same thing goes for functions that take array indices, index 0 is always reserved for default item.

    I don't know if Odin does that.

    But there is a bigger problem, these languages provide a superset but that superset is not big enough to switch from standalone C/C++. Modules/Namespaces aren't worth enough abandoning a classic language that is used everywhere.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Implicit nullability causes far too many issues
      Fricking hate it
      I hate you and your jeet software

      • 4 weeks ago

        Implicit nullability is a known bad idea, that's why C++ has had references since the 90s.

        It's perfectly fine to use explicit nullable pointers, as if that's your intention, but they need to be checked and compiler flow control is a big help with it.

        obviously if using nulls everywhere is his STYLE it also means he checks them everywhere, that's a non-issue when you actually use nulls and don't just forget they exist

        • 4 weeks ago

          This. I actually use 0 and zeroed structs as a feature. Wait, does zig defined nil to be 0? Can I set pointers to 0 in zig? Because that would actually be a reasonable way to handle it. nil should not be equal to anyvalue. And everyone will be happy.

          This brings me to another point. They introduced an interesting feature with their error passing. But instead of making it as a general feature, and then building an error system on top of it as a standard library, they hard coded it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >make error unions a general feature
            Anon, I...

      • 4 weeks ago

        Implicit nullability is a known bad idea, that's why C++ has had references since the 90s.

        It's perfectly fine to use explicit nullable pointers, as if that's your intention, but they need to be checked and compiler flow control is a big help with it.

        0 initialized pointers where never a problem, since they always fault. Uninitialized pointers where the biggest problem. Zig instead of saying pointers could never be uninitialized, they go one step ahead and said they couldn't be 0. Which is stupid considering how many design choices is lost.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>But there is a bigger problem, these languages provide a superset but that superset is not big enough to switch from standalone C/C++. Modules/Namespaces aren't worth enough abandoning a classic language that is used everywhere.
      i think of Odin is nice as a stopgap between C and the supposed C killer. it doesn't try to warp your perspective, put you on rails, or distance itself from and/or replace C and its ecosystem. it's just a bunch of modest and agreeable improvements on C until the actual next big thing becomes apparent. C binding is easy when necessary.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Implicit nullability is a known bad idea, that's why C++ has had references since the 90s.

      It's perfectly fine to use explicit nullable pointers, as if that's your intention, but they need to be checked and compiler flow control is a big help with it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        > C++

    • 4 weeks ago

      zig does more moronic shit than what you're b***hing about, but to what you're b***hing about, LLVM optimizes around pointers not being nullable so that's why you have the explicit syntax + it's just common sense in 2024 anyhow.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    buy an ad

  5. 4 weeks ago
  6. 4 weeks ago

    nice language but its kinda hard to find examples. Wanted to parse some C headers and there is a parser in the std library turns out its way harder to use than I thought. Might be easier now than before.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    tried ubongo around 2018 and it was meh, switched to mint last year because steam ending win7 support, now its pretty awesome
    all my PCs are now linux, except for my old desktop PC, but i havent touched that thing since four years

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Been enjoying it for the past couple months.
    Built in Vector and matrix operations via normal math operators along with swizzling for Vector 2, 3 and 4 just like opengl is nice too.
    I also like how easy it is to separate your code into separate files without having to import with a header, as long as they are in the same folder with the same package name it just works.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>I also like how easy it is to separate your code into separate files without having to import with a header, as long as they are in the same folder with the same package name it just works.
      yeah, it's pleasant. the simplistic packaging too.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Odin is fricking amazing. And unlike small languages, it has an extensive and mature set of libraries for shit like writing desktop apps, 3d graphics, its own UI library, network, json, markdown.
    Its pretty full featured compared to a ton of esolangs.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    • 4 weeks ago

      Oh look, another one

  11. 4 weeks ago

    He comes

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Cpp is immortal. Not even geomagnetic storm combined with mass memory loss could wipe it from this planet

    • 4 weeks ago

      the C preprocessor, right? because you're correct.

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