ITT: write a scene based on this image

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    But props to her, I also shoplift snacks every time I go to the supermarket, have you seen prices nowadays?
    Frick this economy and frick capitalism

  2. 10 months ago

    She bought a bag of chips on her way home with the allowance her parents gave her. She enjoyed the chips and was happy.
    The end

  3. 10 months ago

    wash your hands

  4. 10 months ago

    Mimi needed a fix. It had been crawling under her skin for under a week, taking up space in the back of her head.
    I want it. I want it. I want it.
    She decided that today was the day. It was a Sunday afternoon. The convience store would be busy with the summer tourists grabbing last minute things before hitting the road.
    Mimi grabbed her second largest book bag and, after letting her mother know she was going to go get a snack, headed down the road to the Gas 'n Go.
    While she walked she thought about what she should pick up. Something salty? It had to be cheap otherwise there was the risk of not being able to pay if she got caught "forgetting".
    When she arrived at the store she saw hunch payed off. The store was swarming with busy adults. As she wove through the store she noted that the chip aisle was empty. She wandered down and parused the
    chips. Sour cream and onion, barbecue, plain, salt and vinegar, cheddar. She wrinkled her nose at the last one. Her brother liked that one. Maybe that would offset the small crime she was about to commit for that sweet hit of dopamine. Carefully she grabbed the small chip bag. Mimi then glanced casually over at the register. The counter was slammed. Perfect. With easy, Mimi slid her bag round to the front, opened the flap, and shoved the chips in.
    She then picked up a parcel of 99 cent nuts and strolled over to the cooler to grab a can of cola. She brought her purchases to the line and waited. She felt her stomach clench as she readied her money. Her mother had told her to always have her cash ready so no time was wasted. The teenaged clerk barely looked at her when she placed the nuts and cola.
    "That's $2.50" he said.
    Mimi gave the boy the two dollar bills and two quarters she had been clutching in her hand. The boy grimaced as he took the slightly sweaty change and nodded to show the transaction was over. Mimi grabbed her goods and hurried out of the way towards the door. As she approached she could feel the blood beating in her ears. Her hand met the grimy glass door and she felt the breeze rush over her face as she exited.
    As she wandered back down the sidewalk towards home, Mimi felt relief and pleasure flood. It was a good day.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        So sorry my phone spellchecker missed one word.

    • 10 months ago

      Reads like The Velvet Underground - The Gift

      Pretty good but I thought that it lacked some tension at the end, like the clerk joking about her stealing something, her trying to find an excuse and giving up and then the clerk laughing it off as a joke.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks for the feedback! Thought process is that it was very busy at the store and there's no time for that sort of thing. If it had been set up as late and empty then maybe.

    • 10 months ago

      So sorry my phone spellchecker missed one word.

      >When she arrived at the store she saw hunch payed off.
      Uhoh ESL, not just one mistake it seems. Back to primary school with you.

      • 10 months ago

        Oh frick off. Leaving out two words that would have been fixed with a proof read is not a sign of being ESL.

    • 10 months ago


      >When she arrived at the store she saw hunch payed off.
      Uhoh ESL, not just one mistake it seems. Back to primary school with you.

      Write something homosexual

  5. 10 months ago

    The Manager was an alert man. He was also irredeemably Japanese, with ideas well past their prime: The Company was his sustenance, his family, his life. He had been working at this store, at this branch for three decades, and he had learned a good deal about humanity in that time.
    Ignore the drunks, the pissed-off and entitled middle aged office workers, the shitty kids playing pranks. Those he could forgive, but not shoplifters. Thieves. He agreed with the Quran in the treatment of this societal ill, even though he knew little of the book (most he could remember were the same propagandist snippets he saw in random 5ch threads, which he browsed in his lengthy productivity bathroom breaks; here the only friends he had). So imagine his disgust when he caught an elementary schooler, no older than ten, in the middle of the act.
    He had no daughters other than perhaps the JKs who had worked at the convenience store, come and gone, which he felt very proud of. If they were the light of his life, then this little b***h was its deepest shadow. Angry, uncontrolled, the vein on his beaded and reddened brow about to pop, he raised his voice:
    His penis throbbed as the last syllable parted this throat.

  6. 10 months ago

    Someone had rang the doorbell. Anon was confused as why someone would ring his doorbell at 9 p.m. His mother was at that "hunk" cruise (whatever that meant) with her lady friends and she would remain there for the next two weeks. He hadn't ordered food. He stopped posting anime children on IQfy for a moment and perked up his ears
    When the doorbell rang again, Anon decided to clean up his dick and his hand with some tissue paper and go see what was the reason for all that fuss. He then got up from his desk and traversed his room, which was nothing of note except for the pungent smell, piles of trash and posters of drawings of young japanese girls. A perceptive mind would have then already intuited the fact that Anon was on probation for possession of child pornography. This was however a blessing in disguise for him. His mother stopped pestering him to go outside because she was too ashamed and he now had an excuse for not being able to land a job.
    Opening the door, what he saw confused him even more. It was me, this poster, carrying a 1992 Browning Hi-Power in his belt and a crowbar in his hands. Anon didn't have enough time to say anything before this poster (which is left-handed) hit him in the right kneecap with the crowbar. Anon fell to his knees and received a punch to the nose that made him fall backwards. This poster then took him by the collar and pulled him to the kitchen, closing the entrance door behind him.
    What followed is not that interesting. From 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. this poster tortured Anon in several different ways. This poster was, of course, an amateur, the torturing was messy, botched. He simply finished the job with a round to the back of Anon's head when it seemed that the obese channer couldn't take it anymore.
    This poster then left after taking some juice from the fridge.

    • 10 months ago

      almost dropped my mug on my laptop because of this lol

  7. 10 months ago

    >Me: dicky dicky dicky SEX SEX SEX RAPE CORRECTION!

  8. 10 months ago

    The anime girl was walking home from school and walked in the gas station as she so often did. She didn't get her allowance until tomorrow and she was starving. There was only noodles at home and she wasn't about to eat those for the tenth time this week. She put the chips in her bag and glanced at the cashier. He was an older gentleman watching her with great disappointment. She ran out the door and down the sidewalk, tears started to stream down her face. She was got home and threw the unopened bag of chips in the trash. Years later, as an adult with a career and a family, this momentary lapse of judgement keeps her up at night.

  9. 10 months ago

    He strode towards the shop. His heavy boots boomed across the asphalt, but it was his laboured, bull-snorting breaths that alerted the small girl to his presence. She quickly scuttled off as he approached, and he didn't notice her in his haste. Arriving at the door, he angrily discovered it was too narrow to admit his passage, but he stomped through anyway in a storm of splintering wood, causing the shopkeeper to collapse from shock. Laughing at the weak constitution of the lesser mortal, he snatched and ate four cans of beer from the refrigerated unit before lifting it above his head and hurling it at a nearby shelf. Satisfied with his work, he sat cross-legged on the floor and promptly turned to stone.

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