>job require 7-10 years experience

>job require 7-10 years experience
boomer parents: "Apply anyway"

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  1. 2 months ago

    they're right doe

    just network locally at events, you in Boston or SF?

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        kek, defense hires any white US citizen that can breathe

        • 2 months ago

          how strict are the requirements in terms of clearance, etc? i have a dev job i'm really happy with but it probably won't last forever. was wondering how realistic it'd be for me to transfer to defense. i have an underage drinking arrest from 2009 and a weed arrest from 2010, both misdemeanors

          • 2 months ago

            If you have any debt, you're deemed unhireable for government positions.

      • 2 months ago

        sounds like you need to start networking with furries.

        • 2 months ago

          Damn how do you know about uah lmao

          • 2 months ago

            you'd be surprised by what I know Scott

          • 2 months ago

            I'm not Scott but assume you're from here lol

      • 2 months ago

        Raytheon is always hiring.

        • 2 months ago

          Any security clearance job is off since I have a couple based DUIs and a medical marijuana card

          • 2 months ago

            What are you doing in huntsville then?

      • 2 months ago

        Try Digium/Sangoma

  2. 2 months ago

    The job market is a numbers game, there is no "getting the desired job". its "getting a job". ideally one with a good boss. If you aren't sending out 25 resumes a week that are tailored to the type of position you want and aren't hiding keywords in them that are hidden, you're ngmi

    • 2 months ago

      I think the hidden keywords trick doesn't work anymore

  3. 2 months ago

    why not? 1000 indians already did

  4. 2 months ago

    >apply anyway
    that's literally how I got my current job.
    You miss all the shots you don't take anon.

  5. 2 months ago

    Just say you have 6.5 years.

  6. 2 months ago

    for people that do this, do you lie about your experience

    • 2 months ago

      Hiring manager here. When we out applicants who lied about yoe on their resumes, we enter your name into a shared industry wide HR database. good luck getting a job once you're blacklisted.

      • 2 months ago

        This feels like bait but also still probably more true than false

        • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Fake and gay

        • 2 months ago

          oh, my sweet summer child. not the US, but back in the day (2013) me and other HRs in the industry had a skype chat and a google docs table where we shared contacts of the candidates who are either giant timewasters or really shady specimens. a few key pts from what I remember:
          - 80% of the entries are people who either ghosted the HR, or the team (went AWOL after having been accepted).
          - 5% are people who see HRs are not actually looking for job and they're just looking around
          - the rest: pathologic liars, uncooperative and disruptive people, drug addicts. one notable case was when someone's accountant planted spyware on the infrastructure and took all the internal docs with her shortly before getting fired and a guy who went AWOL days after having been accepted on an urgent project with a brand new macbook that company bought for him, dude didn't even cashout his salary for the first month. lots of weirdos. underskilled people don't get on the lists so easily.lotta stuff

          • 2 months ago

            >80% of the entries are people who either ghosted the HR,
            >people apply to hundreds of jobs, don't even get an automated refusal email most of the time
            Total HR death

          • 2 months ago

            you're a little b***h. 9/10 times people get blacklisted for 'ghosting the HR' after passing the whole interview process and cutting all communication with the HR who's reaching out to tell that they're hired. some do not show up to work on their first day at all, making up ridiculous excuses along the way. have some fricking balls to tell the HR (who's a fricking woman more often than not) that you're not interested anymore or that you found another offer.

          • 2 months ago

            nah I like trolling you guys kek.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            I'll spam another 100 applications tonight in your honour anon (They'll never hear back from me)

          • 2 months ago

            >spending time to spite someone on the Internet
            okay, keep "trolling", anon, the future you surely won't regret wasting your life like that

          • 2 months ago

            I sure look forward to that juicy RGPD lawsuit.

          • 2 months ago

            I've literally seen my company decide to not send a refusal to candidates because "who knows, the better candidate might choose another company/we might change our mind later let's keep him waiting"
            This is exactly the mirror situation. Except in that case you're the one getting the short end of the stick.

      • 2 months ago

        This is true.

        Fake and gay

        Anon, you can't even fart in your car without it being tracked.

        • 2 months ago

          >everyone is lying on their resume and always gets caught and blacklisted
          >meanwhile everyone who got hired says their trick was to just lie
          Not falling for the psyops. If in doubt just apply at small companies, it's possible your gayMAN places actually work like this but there is Zero chance of 100% industry-wide tracking of any kind.

          if you are white, you usually just add 6 months here or there, on few jobs making 6 month employment into year long, thus increasing job experience by just 1-2 years.
          if you are black you do the above but add 1 year and a half to each employment
          if you are asian you do not lie.
          if you are indian you: invent education, invent first employment for non-Fortune 400 company, invent second employment for Amazon, add up to 2 years and a half to any job experience you have and you may as well invent another BSc or masters degree if you are stuck
          This is the meta right now.

          Based, this is what I'm doing under the "white" category. It's lie-able but rounds me up enough to get an interview.

      • 2 months ago

        Sucks to have a market monopoly I guess. Here companies compete and don't actually care about anyone else's lists.

      • 2 months ago

        Please tell me who you hire for so you can put me on the blacklist and I can sue and not have to work.

        • 2 months ago

          >can't get a job
          >thinks he can afford the retainer with an attorney
          lamao what a fricking moron

          • 2 months ago

            No really go ahead and list some of them, I'd like to know. If I can't afford the attorney then it's no biggie right?

      • 2 months ago

        >"OMFG why doesn't anyone want to work anymore!?"
        >band everyone who wants to work
        Why are HR Black folk like this?

      • 2 months ago

        good thing GDPR exists, not a problem in europe

        • 2 months ago

          You'd need to be aware of the database existing and who the data protection officer for it is. I mean I guess technically you could just shoot GDPR delete requests to every hiring consultancy firm and HR department in the industry to be sure.

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          The GDPR doesn't prevent this, you absolute moron. Recruiting agencies have databases like that and will absolutely use it. I got blacklisted by an agency when I lived in the norf of England, all for not responding to phone calls from them trying to offer me fricking warehouse jobs. When I was applying for new jobs while working at my last one, the managers would talk to my scumbag manager under the table and he'd chat shit about me so I couldn't even get an interview. Sure enough, when I left, I had an interview with Witron where they asked me about very specific events at my old job that they shouldn't know about, unless they spoke to my fricking manager.
          At my current job, the agency we work with for warehouse recruiting absofrickinglutely has a blacklist; I overheard a conversation where the head of HR was asking our partner at the agency about a warehouse admin who directly applied to our company, and sure enough, she said the resume they gave us didn't match what was on the one they had, and that they were flagged for lying about their experience and were immediately let go from their last job for incompetency. I don't think you morons fully understand that nobody gives a flying frick about the GDPR, unless there's a legit threat of legal frickery.

      • 2 months ago

        ancient copypasta, usenet?

      • 2 months ago

        >industry wide HR database exists
        >companies are still understaffed, failing to deliver on projects. and cannot find good prospects
        I would press [X] to doubt, but you know what this is probably true. There probably is a black market naughty and nice list out there and the ultimate irony is that the people who made it literally only use it for political purposes instead of actually bettering their own companies.

        • 2 months ago

          Makes perfect sense, tbh.
          Imagine your typical HR stacy drone filtering through applicants purely on her whims. Now imagine if they all did that ON TOP of having a shared db where stacy's blacklisted applicants also get removed from becky's applicants. And becky and stacy's blacklisted applicants get removed from karen's applicants....
          Soon, every company will open a position, have 6000 applicants, but only 4 will make it through enough filters to start the interview rounds.

      • 2 months ago

        Woman here, whenever someone gives me an ick, I enter your name into a worldwide iMessage group for all girls to watch out. Good luck dating once I send that text to my sisters.

        • 2 months ago

          The ick database would contain the names of every single man on the planet and then some

          • 2 months ago

            mine at least thrice

        • 2 months ago

          this is as realistic as the common HR company database - women would immediately weaponize this against other women by going in and entering all the men they're interested in as serial rapists so they can swoop in and grab the one they want
          in much the same way any company who wanted a particular kind of talent would just blanket report everyone of that inclination as a workplace thief so they can only get a job at one place

          • 2 months ago

            in the end of the day, the biggest enemy of a woman is another woman... or trans-woman - they literally nullify the existence of women. Suits women right : they behave like children so much they have childish problems.

      • 2 months ago

        >Apply with to jobs with a different email address
        Nothing personel kid

      • 2 months ago

        >we enter your name into a shared industry wide HR database
        > Good luck getting a job once you're blacklisted.

        Someone who does and wrote programs to do background checks. Anon is completely wrong HOWEVER, there is a way for HR to check on a few things. Basically when applying and going through the interview process to most companies you'll be asked if a credit report or credit check is allowed. They will basically run you through equifax or some other credit bureau for the following

        -last known job
        -last known date of work
        -last known estimated salary
        -any outstanding liens or child support payments
        -termination notes of employment (no comment = individual was not fired usually, things like theft often placed here)

        This is kind of why 'faking it till you make it' doesn't work especially if you are required to have something like a corporate AMEX. HR can run this for pennies on the dollar without denting your credit or you noticing. This is one reason always suck up your last 2 weeks and leave on a 'okay' note.

        • 2 months ago

          >last known
          So if my current job is some meme part time shit that is not related to by hypothetical Career Field, that is all they can find and I can easily inflate my past relevant experience since that's not my most recent?

          • 2 months ago

            Generally yeah

          • 2 months ago

            Yes. This is literally what I do. I have a extremely relevant but very low hour contract job that pops up over and over, and when asked about dips between full employment I just say i picked up more hours on contract work.

          • 2 months ago

            Hiring manager here again. Yeah, we're hip to that scam. Since 2020 Equifax gives a full employment history with all the details. HR updates your Equifax record every two weeks, a month at most.

          • 2 months ago

            Honestly it’s fricked up that private info like salary and taxes can be easily obtained by these companies in background checks.

            It’s a trap because if the applicant says no then they know they’ll simply be put in the dumpster.

            I get that people lie and companies need to verify that, yes, they worked where they claimed doing what they claimed and for what duration. But any info beyond that should frankly be illegal to release or request in any sane word and things like universal blacklisting shouldn’t be legal either.

            If you, in your apparent bias as a hiring manager, cannot fathom why then it’s simply because you’re looking at the problem backwards and only backwards. Anyone who’s searched for a job in recent years should understand why reasonable limits need to be placed on this kind of shit.

        • 2 months ago

          Americans really are slaves. Even fricking pirates in 1500s could lie on their resume and get a job.

          • 2 months ago

            Most of this method is for Enterprise market not SMB stuff. I left big enterprise behind, taking 80% of the pay with full WFH and a CoL area >>>>>> Fortune 500 company in shit west coast paying 2k/mo in rent just to be stuck around bullshit.

          • 2 months ago

            so you are saying that only the shit companies check for background? I mean.... usually reality is disappointing not uplifting 😀 lol

          • 2 months ago

            Most SMB companies I've worked with rarely do background checks outside what was listed on your resume.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, instead of faking it until you make it, you should create a shell company or startup for the sake of holding a high title, corpo squat for 2-5 years in your shell and then roll into any position at any company you want because you produced credit reports on yourself which paint you in the best light possible and buries any bad reports from your IRL jobs. HR will pass you right through because none of them actually read.

      • 2 months ago

        This. I work for a well known semi company. We've had many sirs applications that couldn't even hello world. Most of thr big IC companies share this sort of information about bad candidates between each other, it is brutal.

  7. 2 months ago

    >at least 12 months experience in the same role
    >every application for that role says it needs 12 months experience

  8. 2 months ago

    >job requires 7-10 years experience.
    >I wrote 50 years just in case, maybe i have 1 for real
    >Pajeet wrote 100 years and got hired. I were "underqualified" and got filtered.
    Sooner or later you will need 1000 years of Java experience for junior job.

    • 2 months ago

      everybody I know uses java

  9. 2 months ago

    and yes, I will say what I said in the past 50 threads about this exact same thing: fake till you make it. literally remember threads in 2018 about this shit with first response "just lie". it matters very fricking little how much you like lie-ing. just do it.

    • 2 months ago

      I like lying but I'm not quite calibrated exactly right on how much I should be lying. Obviously, bigger numbers on the resume are better. But at the same time I don't think I can convincingly pretend to have 15 years of experience in whatever, so it's hard to say what the sweet spot is exactly.

      • 2 months ago

        if you are white, you usually just add 6 months here or there, on few jobs making 6 month employment into year long, thus increasing job experience by just 1-2 years.
        if you are black you do the above but add 1 year and a half to each employment
        if you are asian you do not lie.
        if you are indian you: invent education, invent first employment for non-Fortune 400 company, invent second employment for Amazon, add up to 2 years and a half to any job experience you have and you may as well invent another BSc or masters degree if you are stuck
        This is the meta right now.

        • 2 months ago

          >if you are black you do the above but add 1 year and a half to each employment
          I did that on my Japanese resume and suddenly got more offers.
          Globally, everyone lies on their resume.

          • 2 months ago

            if the economy is good, it is generally useless to lie too much. In this economy, 20 years of Rust experience is feasible to meet in a CV. If things continue that way, 50 years experience by a 30 years old will be the norm.

          • 2 months ago

            >one thousand years of Rust experience using hyperbolic time chamber
            >HR just rejected me to hire an immortal time traveler from the year 4024 with two thousand years of Rust
            It truly is over

          • 2 months ago

            >2000 years
            What are you a noob?
            my experience is the largest Mersenne prime number, you can see my CV at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369900644_Confirming_the_primality_of_the_November_13_1996_largest_known_Mersenne_prime_21398269-1_from_the_Pollard-P1-like_fixed_point_eigenvalue_equation_within_about_10_hours_on_1_GHz_processor_with_Mathemat

        • 2 months ago

          >if you are asian you do not lie
          I'm too moronic to understand why this is the meta for asians

          • 2 months ago

            The assumption is that their qualifications are good enough that they don't need to lie, either that or nepotism.

          • 2 months ago

            Asians are *usually* as qualified as the average white application, but get the DEI credit for not being white. This is changing as BIPOC Black folk start to realize they need to be more non-inclusive to git they gots.

        • 2 months ago

          >if you are white, you usually just add 6 months here or there, on few jobs making 6 month employment into year long, thus increasing job experience by just 1-2 years.
          Makes sense. Everyone starts rounding up to the closest half year after their first couple of real yoe anyways. Why not just round upwards?

      • 2 months ago

        you shouldn't lie about experience to get into the workforce, or after a long gap. Interviews are already stressful and you needlessly added more hurdles. the lying about experience works for people with 2-3 years of experience, who've watched 10 other colleagues do different things . The way you talk, the things you talk about will show your experience.

        Also if you want to lie, try aiming for big tech and just copy the resume of someone from LinkedIn. You'll certainly get screening calls and even interviews.

  10. 2 months ago

    >just dress up and give them your resume in person

  11. 2 months ago

    I am a high school dropout, I will never be employed

    • 2 months ago


  12. 2 months ago

    Can't I just speak with the Boss and give a firm handshake?

    • 2 months ago

      If your handshake isn't firm enough you get blacklisted on an industry-wide handshake database and can only work at startups too broke to verify your shake history

  13. 2 months ago

    just do it. do you think they're going to arrest you or something? you literally have nothing to lose. some corpo dipshit put a random number that they don't even care to double check to filter out limp wristed pussies like you and you're unironically letting them. absolutely pathetic display anons. do better.

    • 2 months ago

      if you apply once and get rejected, they'll never accept you after initial rejection. Gives HR roasties the ick.

      • 2 months ago

        even if that were true (it's not at any company i've ever worked for) who gives a shit? were you planning on applying for a junior dev position in 20 years after you've met their markov chain generated requirements? get real.

  14. 2 months ago

    Don't worry, the posting never existed and they're outsourcing to India

    • 2 months ago

      i would outsource to India too. All the sirs there have 3 PhD ( from university of Mumbai ), 10 years web dev experience, 15 years Android development and they are not even 30 years old yet.

      • 2 months ago

        Indians lie on their resume
        Indians tell the truth on their resume and the stat padding is indicative of the quality of their education system.

  15. 2 months ago

    >whats your desired salary?
    Im sure they just filter they guys saying they want more than minimum wage.

    • 2 months ago

      Then you be dodging bullets of course. If they not going to pay, it's not a job.

  16. 2 months ago

    They're right. There are certain jobs in which certain requirements are actually required (e.g. security clearance and they won't sponsor one) but the vast majority of them are meaningless. Read the job description, if you think you can do it then ignore the "requirements" on the posting and send your resume.

  17. 2 months ago

    They might still hire you. The impossible requirements are just a way to get around fair-hiring laws. They can say
    >well looks like NO-ONE suits our requirements, we tried fair and square. Under the circumstances, we'll violate no laws by hiring the boss's nephew.

  18. 2 months ago

    Lie you stupid fricking moron
    Even if they background check you just say they were contract positions
    Even if they ask for references it'll be some shitty surveys, use a VPN and your other emails for them
    You people take this clown market seriously?

  19. 2 months ago

    yes, everyone on both sides of the interview desk is lying
    it's practically illegal to discard resumes without a "requirement" so they make requirements up and simply ignore them for the people they want

  20. 2 months ago

    >parents give you good advice
    >proceed to complain about them and call them names on an anonymous imageboard
    you are quite the entitled frick aren't you

  21. 2 months ago

    My parents keep going on about how they had summer jobs to pay for college.
    I'm trying make the understand I have a summer job just to keep my car on the road to go to a job to pay for that car and chip away of my debts for degrees nobody gives half a shit about anymore

    • 2 months ago

      get rid of the car

      • 2 months ago

        How do I go from my college. To work to home?
        There's no mass transit infrastructure

        • 2 months ago

          >no answer
          because they never answer
          because people who tell you to get rid of your car don't ever leave their houses
          (probably because they can't unless mom drives them lmao)

          boomers are mentally moronic. they literally can't understand that the average person's buying power has changed over time. they don't audit their finances, they don't do personal accounting of any kind. they just swipe everything onto a credit card, and put the credit cards on autopay out of their HELOC for the 1.5 million dollar house they bought for 59k in 1985, and assume they're paying the same amounts for everything they did in 1975. if you tell a boomer how much a (functional) used car or a (habitable) studio apartment rental costs, they'll just call you a liar to your face and simply reject reality.

      • 2 months ago

        Frick off Dave Ramsey

  22. 2 months ago

    there's no downside to applying

    • 2 months ago

      >there's no downside to giving anybody who creates a job listing all of your up-to-date personal information

      • 2 months ago

        >whole thread I have been boasting about my fiction writing skills and their ability to make HR roasties wet.
        >now this anon is implying that my fictional data can be used against me....
        Tell me how you will monetize my fake work experience?

        • 2 months ago

          and before you go "but but but some of the data is correct right?"
          No. This is me in the pic related btw.

          • 2 months ago

            And if you ask me why i look a bit different on the interview, I will tell you that I am on HRT.... actually what is the reverse of HRT: the one that makes you a man?

          • 2 months ago

            still hrt i think, just ftm. also good if you're a wide hips manbreasts 5'3 dork with a soft voice like you probably are. tell em you got a pussy, they won't check

          • 2 months ago

            I will just say on the job interview that i am male-to-female-to-male trans. At this rate the plan is to just say i have 4000 years of Rust experience and I am trans mtm. Job employment is secured.

  23. 2 months ago

    Yeah that's what you're supposed to do. Rules are just suggestions without enforcement, and they aren't actively detrimental for the honor bound when you can clearly see everyone else ignoring them and getting ahead. Like putting a speed limit sign on a race track.

  24. 2 months ago

    >he doesn't lie on every single job application he has ever sent
    >he doesn't slighty dissappoint everyone on the first weeks of a new job, but not enough to get sacked
    >he doesn't pick up the pace eventually and become a valuable team member
    >he doesn't immediately use the newly gained knowledge to leverage another faked CV into an even higher paying position

    I make more money than every single person I know

    • 2 months ago

      hey anon, give an example of the lies? I have 0 professional experience and it's impossible to get hired
      I've coded in a bunch but I don't know if it was good or bad code
      if I lie to say I did an internship, can they sniff me out? does having professional experience as a junior actually change the way you work by that much?

  25. 2 months ago

    >being honest and truthful
    literally NGMI

  26. 2 months ago

    >need person for highly technical role
    >"wouldn't it be nice if we could find someone with 10 years experience"
    >Experienced people don't apply because they know your company is shit or they don't know it at all
    >Hire someone with 2 years experience who was sorta easy to get along with

    Btw the difference between 0 and 1 year is larger than 1 and 10 years when it comes to hiring

  27. 2 months ago

    >Look at home job posting for fine-tuning LLM
    >At least 5 years experience
    Just ignore requirements and lie.

  28. 2 months ago

    >boomer parents: "Apply anyway"

    Probably Gen X parents not boomers you little homosexual.

    • 2 months ago


  29. 2 months ago

    jesus you're how many years old and you still need your parents advice on how to live life?

  30. 2 months ago

    just wait for them to die you will be worth something

  31. 2 months ago

    Just apply everywhere. It costs you less than two minutes per application when you get good at it. Unless you run out of jobs to apply to you can easily do 25 per day.

    • 2 months ago

      this. Just keep track of applied jobs, so when they call you back you check requirements again.

  32. 2 months ago

    They're right. Most employers don't actually intend to strictly enforce the "experience" requirement. They just use that to deter people who aren't going to be a good fit.

  33. 2 months ago

    yes, apply anyway. what are you going to do? Give up and shit your pants and cry?

    Apply anyway. Believe. Have faith.

  34. 2 months ago

    just lie homie, lie as much as you can, that's how I got my job.

    • 2 months ago

      dis doe fr who checkin

    • 2 months ago

      what if i can't lie and haven't had any relevant experience since i graduated back in pre-covid days?

      • 2 months ago

        i did not work for 5 years. knew it was a waste of time. yet somehow i managed to have freelancer experience of 5 years and got my first job. imagine just imagine that you can go back in time and play overwatch 1 back in 2017 while watching forsen play the witcher 3 on your second monitor and this is relevant working experience for a web dev. Turns out when you are an autist who has some very autistitc people's skills all based on aggression, you become the arch power of social communication - a psychopath. psychopath can lie, control people, invent whole life experiences and whole CVs with ease. You will also vote for them in a democratic election even if their plans involve killing billions, especially if their plans involve killing billions.

        suck to be a normie non-psychopath i guess. Just have a nice day if you cannot lie.

  35. 2 months ago

    They’re right. If you apply then there is a minuscule chance they’re gonna give you a chance anyway.

  36. 2 months ago

    >get internship in college
    >amounts to what essentially is reinstalling windows on students PC's and updating adobe
    >work some in AD with password resets and in Google/AWS
    >end of college IT guy asks what title I want
    >"uhh... how about systems administrator"
    >walk out with 4years exp from college
    >get job because I simply went outside and did at least some effort rather than play vidya 24/7
    Never understood how so many people here go to 4 year schools and don't do internships when it builds your resume and exp requirements, most even pay at least min wage or credit hours if you're not a full on tard.

    • 2 months ago

      why even do that when I can make shit up? I have considered inventing internships because they are often the easiest to make up as the company can be small.
      >They will check if I worked for Anvil, London in 2015

      • 2 months ago

        They’ll ask you to prove it with pay stubs and tax documents now.

  37. 2 months ago

    It's literally typing words on a keyboard lmao they wouldn't ask you for years of experience in your natural native language.

    I also read
    > has shipped at least 2 commercialized games
    in game dev frequently. Okay, what does this second magical time do for you? Wouldn't it be better to specify whether we're speaking little personal prototypes or actual team efforts with marketing budget?


  38. 2 months ago

    >apply for entry level help desk job
    >already got A+ certification
    >get told i dont have enough experience
    I dont wanna go back to the warehouses anons

  39. 2 months ago

    Always Be Lying

  40. 2 months ago

    People saying to just lie are either coping or doing something very clever that’s not not apparent to side step background checks and employment verification.

    I’ve gone through several rounds of background checks for job apps and even the small companies do the following:
    1) Directly request a supervisor contact number and several other references
    2) If they can’t reach your last companies HR department to get what they need then they demand your W2’s and tax documents proving you were employed and earned what you said you earned.

    If they find a meaningful lie or the company speaks ill of you it’s over. The “just lie bro” meta ended years ago honestly.

    Unless you quite literally make your own shell company or forge pay stubs and tax documents and get fake references how exactly can you lie now and get away with it?

    I’m asking because I’m genuinely curious to know how you guys do it. Maybe all of this stuff companies do is just in my country perhaps but I doubt it.

    What’s your plan anon?

    • 2 months ago

      these things NEVER happened to me. I even managed to send a fake degree when it was requested and no one said shit. just for the sake of testing them, I even omitted verification seals/codes from some of my other legit documents (eg vax card) just to see if they would really check and say something, but no. and this is a large company I am talking about, mind you. small companies barely ask any documentation, only the absolute essential to register you in the books and that's it.
      I literally don't know what you're talking about. I just filled my CV with lies/half-truths which are more an extension of my true experience, grabbed the HR attention, went to the technical interview to talk about what I really know, and then people liked me and proposed the hiring. no shitty questions like 'hurr durrr can I have your ex-employer contact'.
      the only hustle was the post-hiring documentation which was an extensive list, but I proved these people only do this to intimidate the applicants and also for a mere question of formality to look good for others. they don't give a flying frick about your computer science degree lol, you don't even need it to do the job.
      long story short, we live in a clown world with an even more clown economy, better learn to adapt in it.

  41. 2 months ago

    >Just fake it bro
    >Just add recruiters bro
    >Just reach out bro
    >Just do some side projects on your github bro
    >Just go to job fares bro
    >Just expand your network bro
    >That's how I got hired in [COVID bubble market] bro

    Do you moronic Black folk not realize that THERE ARE LITERALLY NO JUNIOR POSITIONS OPEN! All the tech guru life advice you got peddled in 2019 DOESN'T FRICKING WORK IN THE CURRENT MARKET.





    Black person.

    • 2 months ago

      >On the last business day of February, the number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million; this
      measure is down from a series high of 12.2 million in March 2022. The rate was 5.3 percent for the third
      month in a row. In February, job openings increased in finance and insurance (+126,000); state and local
      government, excluding education (+91,000); and arts, entertainment, and recreation (+51,000). Job
      openings decreased in information (-85,000) and in federal government (-21,000). (See table 1.)
      uh oh, we're down 85,000 jobs in the sector folks, this is it!

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Just be an ML engineer with 5 YoE and a Stanford/MIT/Berkeley degree. Huge demand for those with the AI boom.

      • 2 months ago

        MIT curriculum is so insane that you have to be on adderall to keep up

        • 2 months ago

          Adderall is table stakes for this industry. High achievers use modafinil and meth too on top of their nootropic stacks.

  42. 2 months ago

    they're 100% correct you dummy, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take and most of them are just suggested requirements even if it says required. most of the time they'll also keep you in their hiring pool or move you to a different position in the company that's open.

  43. 2 months ago

    They put that requirement to deter unconfident people from applying. Seems like it's working.

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