jobs with free time

Jobs with a lot of free time? (for having time to write)

I became a mailman but have no free time

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    trust fund kid

  2. 2 weeks ago

    onlyfans prostitute

  3. 2 weeks ago

    MFT. If you have the social skills to handle it, you can make 80-100k on 15-20 hours of work a week.

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        male to female trans

      • 2 weeks ago

        Marriage and family therapist. You need a master's for it but pretty much nothing else.

        • 2 weeks ago

          How are you so socially moronic that you respond to people with obscure acronyms and expect them to understand you, yet also a therapist?

    • 2 weeks ago

      mango fricker in tennessee

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Member of a King's Court

    • 2 weeks ago

      Being a israelite court , or a usurer

  5. 2 weeks ago

    My boss, he sits on his ass all day while I do his work for him

    • 2 weeks ago

      Be thankful he gave you the opportunity to work in the first place

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Professional dole waller/benefit scrounger.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Read a post on Buzzfeed yesterday (frick you, I like gossip), where a guy said he was a banker at a local branch. There was a welfare queen who would come in all the time with her niglet brood. One day the welfare queen came in smiling. She was proud because one of her niglets was pregnant, and they were there to open up a bank account for the niglets welfare checks. And thus the welfare queen cycle continues.

      • 2 weeks ago

        sounds pretty based to me, anything what makes this corrupt civilisation weaker is based

        • 2 weeks ago

          acceleration isn't real, everything just gets perpetually worse until you violently exterminate leftists

          • 2 weeks ago


  7. 2 weeks ago

    Professional aristocrat

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Writer, you are often just given a deadline and left to your own devices.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Editors even moreso, who are often also basically managers of teams of writers.

  9. 2 weeks ago


  10. 2 weeks ago

    Bureaucrat, congressman, night shift security guard, night shift anything really.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The one job I worked that had the most free time, outside of writing, was working in a scale house down at a riverport for steel and coal. Would load and unload trucks and barges, weigh the trucks on a huge scale you drive on with a building next to it that had the reading equipment.

      On the days I'd work the scale house, you'd basically just sit there at a desk and wait for trucks to pull up and punch the weights into a chart. Trucks would pull up slowly on a country road by the riverside, slow moving water and riverboats floating by. Scale blinks to life and the numbers balance out, write it down, thumbs up, off it goes. Whole lot of sitting there doing nothing, can listen to music or read or something.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >not mentioning that he has to make sure the truck is correctly sitting on the huge scale
        okay but in any case don't do this in any country with corrupt police (basically anywhere except the USA IMHO) because you will be buttsexed into very shady deals regarding the measured weights

    • 2 weeks ago

      Worked night shifts in a supermarket and a warehouse
      Worked like a dog for both of them
      Did security back at college. That was a cake job and got a lot of studying done while getting paid to sit around and mostly do nothing. Did have a guy trying to break in one night but he was just a drunk student who had no idea where he was. Called the cops and let them take care of him

      • 2 weeks ago

        security jobs are great if you can live on shit pay and don't have a girlfriend or kids or family or friends.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I’ve been incredibly lucky in my life. I worked in security through college, then in student affairs where I had nothing to do, and now I’m a full-time writer. I’ve somehow managed to avoid work for a decade now and went from having to be somewhere and having to pretend like I’m working when I’m not to not having to be somewhere but still having to pretend like I’m working when I’m not to not having to be somewhere and not having to pretend like I’m working when I’m not. I’ve been very lucky.

          • 2 weeks ago

            great to hear that anon
            can you tell us what stuff do you write? genre fiction / YA? self help books?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Journalism and essays to make a living, but I’ve also published poems and I’m working on a history book

          • 2 weeks ago

            so you are basically promoting LGBT or whatever stuff organizations like Soros' are pushing
            because if you are not doing that but making a living from journalism/essays that's a real miracle

          • 2 weeks ago

            I’m indeed not doing that. I’m probably more conservative than you are. Getting paid to write journalism doesn’t necessarily mean you write leftist smut for Slate you know?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I’m probably more conservative than you are.
            well, I am glad that at least one of us had the opportunity

          • 2 weeks ago

            I’m indeed not doing that. I’m probably more conservative than you are. Getting paid to write journalism doesn’t necessarily mean you write leftist smut for Slate you know?

            God I hate Americans like these so freaking much bros

          • 2 weeks ago

            Seethe more about it.

            >I’m probably more conservative than you are.
            well, I am glad that at least one of us had the opportunity

            Plenty of people get the opportunity. It’s not the norm, but most people never even try.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I was talking more along the lines of "shoveling water out of the titanic with a teacup" which is the case in my balkan shithole since 1914

          • 2 weeks ago

            He's largely correct though

          • 2 weeks ago

            This was written by someone who earns a living writing.

          • 2 weeks ago

            On a phone in less than a minute!

    • 2 weeks ago

      Security and (some) military jobs are 90% just sitting around doing nothing

  11. 2 weeks ago

    IT support. Thrre's a lot of administrative shit but usually you just sit on your ass for 8+ hours

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Public administration, public education administration, education & non-profits in general. Back when I worked for my university, I had basically nothing to do. I left every day around noon and most days had nothing to do until noon.

    • 2 weeks ago

      All women and browns.

      Security and (some) military jobs are 90% just sitting around doing nothing

      Graveyard shifts kill your brain. Almost every security job is standing or constantly patrolling, nit relaxed enough to think or write.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    i'm a mailman too, just 1 random day off per week, on christmas week i worked 70 hours
    good for stacking that bread up, but i am an incel and all of my friends are in college

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jobs with a lot of free time? (for having time to write)

      I became a mailman but have no free time

      being a mailman is cool anons
      can you listen to podcast and be chill or you have to watch your six all the time in case crack addicts may be stalking you?

      >good for stacking that bread up, but i am an incel and all of my friends are in college
      that's more due to smartphones and stuff, don't worry, we are soon at rock bottom

    • 2 weeks ago

      being a mailman is cool anons
      can you listen to podcast and be chill or you have to watch your six all the time in case crack addicts may be stalking you?

      >good for stacking that bread up, but i am an incel and all of my friends are in college
      that's more due to smartphones and stuff, don't worry, we are soon at rock bottom

      I have done it, it's not a good job.
      Spending 5 hours in the sun or rain is physically and mentally draining

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Spending 5 hours in the sun or rain is physically and mentally draining
        is it worse than sitting on your ass for at least 8 hours?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Both are quite bad.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Household waste recycling sites run by the local government, the kind where people go dump their shit into large bins, you are usually just sitting around drinking coffee/tea, plus people usually throw valuable shit away which you can pawn if you sneak it out.

    The best job i ever had honestly, far better than being a factory drone.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Sell books on interweebs or make your own bookstore.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I used to work in waste water treatment, and it was great. I did a 12hr night shift on a belt press machine in the hills outside LA. It was mostly a Homer Simpson job, and I had lots of time to read and write. I got to drive a dump truck. Also, there were supposedly mountain lions and bobcats around the facility at night, so I got to have a pistol. It was pretty fun.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I do that now but am an operator not just dewatering. I have the next 4 days off. It's cool to see someone else that did something so niche

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Go teach English in Asia. Many of those jobs provide housing and clarify 20 hours per week. Check out Dave’s esl for listings.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I became a NEET for five years living off NEETbux. It didn't work out in the end though, im just not as talented as the greats

  19. 2 weeks ago

    The key thing for any aspiring writer who needs a day job to make ends meet is to find something
    1: not mentally taxing, you don't want to come home brain fried and unable to write.
    2: As much free time as possible, for a writer free time is actually more important than money, it's better to be time rich and cash poor than the other way around
    3: the job should expose you to interesting/quirky situations and people, raw material for stories is always good.

    pic related, a book i wrote while living and working at a remote roadhouse

    • 2 weeks ago

      The “avoid mentally taxing work” thing is overrated advice. It comes from the same cope blue collar workers use to justify not exercising. If you make writing a habit, it’s not remotely difficult to get in the right headspace no matter what the job. It is exactly like going to the gym in that way.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Its in no way overrated advice. You have limited time and energy, but people seem to forget the energy part. You do not want your job to take a lot of it so you come home exhausted everyday if you want to do anything meaningful. Yeah there is some element of discipline like you say but its not like this is just a week or two, your job will drain you over time if its too taxing.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The “avoid mentally taxing work” thing is overrated advice. It comes from the same cope blue collar workers use to justify not exercising. If you make writing a habit, it’s not remotely difficult to get in the right headspace no matter what the job. It is exactly like going to the gym in that way.

          probably the point is along the lines that every occupation involves working with symbols
          and those symbols are taxing on the mind
          for example 1. being a locksmith or a carpenter may demand extended periods of focused attention but you are ultimately forming and shaping material using your senses and muscles --- so you are working with very primitive (very "clean") symbols that have very many related structures in your brain that can benefit from such insights or "mental workout"... sure you may come home tired but by working (even the same thing over and over again) you gain more knowledge than you'd get from reading 100 pages
          2. being a plumber or a postman is "halfway" as it depends very much on the neighborhoods you go through and the buildings you visit... if they are all shit and you get accustomed to living in clown world, you will have no option but to turn into the joker
          3. the worse is when both body and soul are demanded from you, like a lawyer or a teacher or an actor or a pop singer that is fed a steady diet of "scientifically approved" symbols he or she couldn't deviate from no matter what their opinion on child abuse

          and that's not even getting into other things like "bosses and colleagues"... maybe you want to be a cop, which technically puts you in the middle category (plumber & postman) yet you do not live in "the Western World": to your surprise the police structure is infiltrated from top to bottom by criminals (including from criminal gangs)... and in addition you also have to face the demands of NGO's and politicians "or else"... so you want to be a cop to help impose peace and order... but you practically end up a criminal... and if you don't perform homosexual acts on little boys in addition to drug dealing and encouraging street criminals to bother the maximum number of people they possibly can (while reporting "there is absolutely no crime in that zone!"... well, you'll have an accident... or commit suicide...

  20. 2 weeks ago


  21. 2 weeks ago

    There’s a good number of known novelists these days who wrote their novels while working as programmers and SysAdmins.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Such as?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Michel Houllebecq, William Vollmann, Andy Weir

        • 2 weeks ago

          There’s a good number of known novelists these days who wrote their novels while working as programmers and SysAdmins.

          >these days
          >Michel Houllebecq, William Vollmann, Andy Weir
          back then the technology was different: you spent weeks (as admin) or months (as programmer) set up stuff by yourself, knew it like the back of your hand, and then just cruised for years reaping the profits while reading and writing whatever your heart desired... and even if something broke or changes were needed, management was respectful and you could solve the problem quickly
          today management shouts demands at you on one phone while tech support for some software you MUST use (but it's broken) shouts at you on another... and of course everybody blames you... not to mention you are competing with Chinese and Indians who push down wages dramatically

          the "progress" of technology does that to all domains, just look at webdesign: in the 1990's with some good taste and minimal investment in software & advertising, you could make a GOOD living working 2-3 hours a day -- and your competition was some surfer dude from California, a survivalist from Florida, and an eccentric bookkeeper from the UK (and by "competition" I mean they were your brothers in arms)
          today you need to work 12-13 hours a day as a "full stack developer" just to make the same website (but it's an app!) in competition with an entire continent (and by "competition" I mean they would do nasty things to you if they could, just to feed their 54th child)

          sorry for the long post, take it as an obituary for the it/tech sector

  22. 2 weeks ago

    concierge, especially at a block of apartments. I live in a block of apartments with a concierge, and especially on night shifts, they are just sitting on their phones. Although make sure not to forget yourself whilst reading lol

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Anything admin related. Operations coordinator/analyst, data analyst / entry clerk. You will get the work done in 30 minutes and then have the rest of the day to just scroll.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    I knew someone who was a security guard at a library and all he had to do was walk around the place every 20 minutes and stop bums from bathing in the bathroom sinks.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    hello fellow letter carrying anon. if you're still a CCA don't expect much time because of your crazy and inconsistent schedule. I listen to a lot of genre fiction at work. I can usually get through a book a week doing that. If that time is important and you're tired after work, I would suggest slowly waking up earlier and earlier each day until you have 1-2 hours in the morning to yourself. also, you can always become a caffeine addict. that's what I do.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I also turn off the earbuds for a while and just think about the stories I'm writing, let the dialogue flow through my mind, and take notes in between splits.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Searching for jobs with free time is a trap.

    You have to search for jobs you enjoy.

    If you dont enjoy your job, that means it will grow stressfull. And in your free time, rather than writing, you will waste time stressing about this or that, or trying to wind down, to unstress. So you will end up wasnting more time too not writing, regardless if its spend working or recovering from work.

    If you have a job you enjoy, it will not be as consuming, and it will even give you inspiration, or lessons which will apply to both the job and writing. Because thats how learning is usually, from my experience. Thats why somebody who knows to cook, for example, will compare cooking with something, when trying to explain that something. Our mind makes connections and is constantly comparing.

    Even if you will have some days you will be too exhausted to write after your enjoyable job, on the total, you will be more gained like this.

  27. 2 weeks ago


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