Jordan Peterson

Should i read any of his books? Why or why not?

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  1. 2 years ago

    You should clean your room first.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      pseud detected

      this is from Gravity's Rainbow

      • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    >Should i read any of his books?
    No. Clean your room and wash yout dick.

  4. 2 years ago

    Peterson is the wortst kind of ideologist there is. He's the kind of person who tries to hide his fascism by being moderate. He attacks, calling them "radical", the ideologies that subverts the status quo he defends, as if there was something bad about an ideology being radical. Radical measures are necessaty to destroy the neo-liberal system that he defends so much because of how much he benefits from it. He's not even a mercenary. He's worst than that. He's an oligarch defending a system that has failed billions of human beings.
    I honestly don't know how anyone can fall for his bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      Spot on. Sadly he's getting more and more popular among the normies thanks to the youtube algorithm. I think the best thing we can do is to keep ridiculing him so people feel dumb for being associated with him. We need to laugh and humiliate people who spout his ideas as if they were talking about conspiracy theories, which is what they are anyway. We need to make Peterson unfashionable.

      • 2 years ago

        That's exactly what I'm doing whenever I see someone mention Peterson. It only works sometimes tho, but most of the time it doesn't. Peterson fans are too stupid to ever feel stupid. When I try to mock them they think I'm an elitist or a snob or whatever and it just reinforces their ideas. I still mock them tho. I can't resist it. Laughing at their stupidity is too good not to do it.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I've experienced the same. You can't win against his hardcore fans. Whenever I'm arguing with them and I realize they will stay put on their ideas I just tell them I won't keep wasting my time with them and leave. I think what works the best is to ridicule him with people who don't know him very well or don't know him at all, so that way when they watch one of his videos they will have a bias against him, but sadly by now everyone knows about him. But still, you need to talk about him in such a way that people who don't know him think he's considered a joke by most people, which he is anyway.

          • 2 years ago

            You are doing good work, anon. This country is going through difficult times and the alt right is winning. The overturned fricking Roe vs Wade for frick's sake. We must avoid at all cost that people like Peterson are seen under a positive light by the normies. As silly and dramatic as it may sounds, the fate of America will be decided in the coming years.

    • 2 years ago

      Spot on. Sadly he's getting more and more popular among the normies thanks to the youtube algorithm. I think the best thing we can do is to keep ridiculing him so people feel dumb for being associated with him. We need to laugh and humiliate people who spout his ideas as if they were talking about conspiracy theories, which is what they are anyway. We need to make Peterson unfashionable.

      Reminds me of those fake bot YouTube comment chains talking about stocks and bitcoin.

      • 2 years ago

        Had the same reaction. How the frick do people like this post here in 2022? It doesn't even read like some guy trolling as a character, it's pure bot speak.

    • 2 years ago

      Only socially maladaptive tankies and fascists hate Peterson. Youre a case in point.

      The extremist critique is the most embarassing hang up to have on him. The more interesting problem ive known people to have is the irreconciability of evo psych and christian ethics, and the generic character of his advice.

    • 2 years ago

      Spot on. Sadly he's getting more and more popular among the normies thanks to the youtube algorithm. I think the best thing we can do is to keep ridiculing him so people feel dumb for being associated with him. We need to laugh and humiliate people who spout his ideas as if they were talking about conspiracy theories, which is what they are anyway. We need to make Peterson unfashionable.

      That's exactly what I'm doing whenever I see someone mention Peterson. It only works sometimes tho, but most of the time it doesn't. Peterson fans are too stupid to ever feel stupid. When I try to mock them they think I'm an elitist or a snob or whatever and it just reinforces their ideas. I still mock them tho. I can't resist it. Laughing at their stupidity is too good not to do it.

      Yeah, I've experienced the same. You can't win against his hardcore fans. Whenever I'm arguing with them and I realize they will stay put on their ideas I just tell them I won't keep wasting my time with them and leave. I think what works the best is to ridicule him with people who don't know him very well or don't know him at all, so that way when they watch one of his videos they will have a bias against him, but sadly by now everyone knows about him. But still, you need to talk about him in such a way that people who don't know him think he's considered a joke by most people, which he is anyway.

      You are doing good work, anon. This country is going through difficult times and the alt right is winning. The overturned fricking Roe vs Wade for frick's sake. We must avoid at all cost that people like Peterson are seen under a positive light by the normies. As silly and dramatic as it may sounds, the fate of America will be decided in the coming years.

      wtf is this shit

    • 2 years ago

      Spot on. Sadly he's getting more and more popular among the normies thanks to the youtube algorithm. I think the best thing we can do is to keep ridiculing him so people feel dumb for being associated with him. We need to laugh and humiliate people who spout his ideas as if they were talking about conspiracy theories, which is what they are anyway. We need to make Peterson unfashionable.

      It's hilarious how redditors think Peterson is the leader of the alt right. That's why I think /misc/ will win in the end. /misc/ understands perfectly well how redditors think, but redditors have absolutely no clue how /misc/ thinks. /misc/ may be unhinge, but they are reacting (and overreacting) to actual stimulus from the real world, but if you go to places like /r/politics, those people live in a completely different world made up of propaganda.

      • 2 years ago

        /pol/shit has atrophied your brain

    • 2 years ago

      >tries to hide his fascism by being moderate.
      So basically anyone the left dislikes is fascist even if they are actually moderates. Interesting.

      • 2 years ago

        So defensive over his edaddy lmao

        • 2 years ago

          So I'm correct?

          • 2 years ago

            >So I'm correct?

  5. 2 years ago

    >Should i read any of his books? Why or why not?
    I cured my depression by giving Mikhaila Peterson my meat every night

  6. 2 years ago

    Sure. If you're interested, go ahead and read his books and form your own opinion.
    The best way of knowing that he has something worthwhile to say is by looking at how many people he makes seethe.

  7. 2 years ago

    >le depressed benzo man

  8. 2 years ago

    no. what kind of idiot reads self-help books? you really need to pay some slob to tell you to make your bed?

  9. 2 years ago

    I listened to him for a while, but then I realized that the majority of his stuff is recycled neoliberalist speak.
    >Gulag bad. Capitalism good.
    I mean, okay. That's nice and all, but it offers nothing new.
    Researching into his self authoring courses was worthwhile, though. I don't know how much those courses themselves helped me, but apparently writing about your life does help get you more focused on what you want.
    The more important thing was that through it, I found James Pennebaker and his research into expressive writing, which is powerful shit.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Jordan Peterson

  11. 2 years ago

    What age were you when you grew out of reflexively hating Jordan Peterson because he's not elite enough for you? People allow for shit like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, you should at least be open minded towards his books and what he has to say in them, instead of mindlessly berating as self improvement bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't hate him but he is pretty moronic and I hate his ignorant incel fanbase

    • 2 years ago

      I promote him just for the seething he generates. Never once read any of his books.

  12. 2 years ago

    Watch his old lectures.
    Move on to Jung or something else

  13. 2 years ago

    I think there's value in what he's writing. Sure, not everything, but it's definitely worth a read. I read 12 rules of life, can't say I extracted that much from that. Now I'm reading beyond order and I've found some interesting bits, especially if you're the kind of person that is self-aware and tries to be more in touch with his own thought patterns, etc. He's also doing a good job at explaining the actual meaning of different stories (planning to read maps of meaning from him as well).

    Ignore the haters and memelords. I don't even care what his personality is, I care what he's talking about and if it's rational. Failing to abide by some principles doesn't nullify the value or the soundness of the principles or ideas themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      >Ignore the memelords
      Yes but no. Jordan Peterson is clowned upon for good reasons. If you really need arguments to shut down troony progressive types, Jordan is autistically good at that, like Ben Shaprio. Other than that, Jordan doesn't really do much good for the world. His intepretation of The Bible is fairly putrid as someone who is actually knowledgeable in metaphysics

      • 2 years ago

        >Jordan doesn't really do much good for the world
        >kept a clinical practice for over a decade and helped countless people with deeply ingrained mental illnesses, saving a good number of lives in the process

        Begone, trans.

        • 2 years ago

          >If you really need arguments to shut down troony progressive types, Jordan is autistically good at that, like Ben Shaprio
          I said he's autistically good at what he's best at, which should be a huge complement round these parts. I just don't think he should be an "authority" or "rolemodel" on anything, he's very much a pseudo-intellectual and so is every single reader of his that I've ever met. All of which were overtly stupid people who "don't like to do research" and aren't shining examples of success themselves.

          Meant to reply to you gay.
          >he doesn't read jbp? troony
          There are quite literally thousands of authors I'd rather read than Pordan Jeterson

        • 2 years ago

          >If you really need arguments to shut down troony progressive types, Jordan is autistically good at that, like Ben Shaprio
          I said he's autistically good at what he's best at, which should be a huge complement round these parts. I just don't think he should be an "authority" or "rolemodel" on anything, he's very much a pseudo-intellectual and so is every single reader of his that I've ever met. All of which were overtly stupid people who "don't like to do research" and aren't shining examples of success themselves.

          Meant to reply to you gay.
          >he doesn't read jbp? troony
          There are quite literally thousands of authors I'd rather read than Pordan Jeterson

          One final samegay note, Jordan's "profound" revelations about society are roughly the same that I had when I was 10 years old. There just comes a certain point where you grow the frick up and owning libtards like a pastel hair-colored sjw isn't productive anymore. I'm guessing you're still a teenager? It'd be worse if you weren't.

          • 2 years ago

            >There just comes a certain point where you grow the frick up and owning libtards like a pastel hair-colored sjw isn't productive anymore.
            well put, that's basically a boogeyman at this point akin to le joos

          • 2 years ago

            I comoletely understand taking interest in the israelites and the humongous judeo-masonic conspiracy (actually edomites not real israelites) but you get the point.

          • 2 years ago

            fat fingering all over the place today. Yes I am phoneposting, I also read on my phone, cope, dilate, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            yeah I agree that in and of itself is an interesting tale of greed and nepotism

      • 2 years ago

        >If you really need arguments to shut down troony progressive types, Jordan is autistically good at that, like Ben Shaprio
        I said he's autistically good at what he's best at, which should be a huge complement round these parts. I just don't think he should be an "authority" or "rolemodel" on anything, he's very much a pseudo-intellectual and so is every single reader of his that I've ever met. All of which were overtly stupid people who "don't like to do research" and aren't shining examples of success themselves.

  14. 2 years ago

    And don't forget to buy a rug!

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