Joseph Brodsky on Ukrainian Independence 1991

Dear Charles XII, the Poltava battle [1]
Has been fortunately lost. To quote Lenin’s burring rattle,
“Time will show you Kuzka’s mother”[2], ruins along the waste,
Bones of post-mortem bliss with a Ukrainian aftertaste.

It’s not the green flag [3], eaten by the isotope [4],
It’s the yellow-and-blue [5] flying over Konotop [6],
Made out of canvas – must be a gift from Toronto [7] –
Alas, it bears no cross, but the Khokhly [8] don’t want to.

Oh, rushnyks [9] and roubles, sunflowers in summer season!
We Katsapy [10] have no right to charge them with treason.
With icons and vodka, for seventy years we’ve bungled,
In our Ryazan [11] we’ve lived like Tarzan in the jungle.

We’ll tell them, filling the pause with a loud “your mom”:
Away with you, Khokhly, and may your journey be calm!
Wear your zhupans [12], or uniforms, which is even better,
Go to all four points of the compass and all the four letters.

It’s over now. Now hurry back to your huts
To be gang-banged by Krauts and Polacks right in your guts.
It’s been fun hanging together from the same gallows loop,
But when you’re alone, you can eat all that sweet beetroot soup.

Good riddance, Khokhly, it’s over for better or worse,
I’ll go spit in the Dnieper, perhaps it’ll flow in reverse,
Like a proud bullet train looking at us askance,
Stuffed with leathery seats and ages-old grievance.

Don’t speak ill of us. Your bread and wheat we don’t need,
Nor your sky, may we all choke on sunflower seed.
No need for bad blood or gestures of fury ham-fisted,
Seems that our love is up, if it at all existed.

Why should we plow our broken roots with our verbs?
You were born out of earth, its podzolic soils and its herbs.
Quit flexing your rights and laying all the blame on us,
It is your bloody soil that has become your onus.

Oh, gardens and grasslands and steppes, varenyks [13] filled with honey!
We’ve had greater losses before, lost more people than money.
We’ll get by somehow. And if you want teary eyes –
Wait ‘til next time, guys, this provision no longer applies.

God rest ye merry Cossacks, hetmans, and gulag guards!
But mark: when it’s your turn to be dragged to graveyards,
You’ll whisper and wheeze, your deathbed mattress a-pushing,
Not Shevchenko’s bullshit but poetry lines from Pushkin [14].

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    >still giving a shit about Ukraine
    Do normalgays really

    • 2 years ago

      Only the most important event of our time.
      But who cares right

      • 2 years ago

        It's a nothingburger.
        /misc/ thinking it's an actual NATO Russia confrontation is delusional. The West will paint any result as a win. All they have to lose there is a minor money laundering center. It's mostly used by the west to blame the economic crisis cause by shitty COVID measures mostly on something but themselves.
        Russia will never go beyond Ukraine because if they face a serious opponent the paper tiger will be obliterated in two months.

        • 2 years ago

          >/misc/ thinking it's an actual NATO Russia confrontation is delusional.

          • 2 years ago

            impressive argument

          • 2 years ago

            >it's totally not a NATO war bro, you're just delusional dude

            Maybe, just maybe, try reading one (1) newspaper (sic), from any country, just once.

          • 2 years ago

            Both Russia and western countries are overinflating the scale of everything because it's prestigious to pretend you're not just fighting a butthurn sattelite with soviet weapons and some NATO toys / laundering money from weapons on a shithole.

          • 2 years ago

            Ukraine is corrupt and dysfunction but its military was nevertheless one of the largest and most heavily armed in Europe before Operation Z started; and unlike many western countries they already had REAL country to country combat experience (not guerillas in sandals) with both parties using artillary tanks etc going back to 2014

          • 2 years ago

            >Ukraine is corrupt and dysfunction
            Unlike Russia of course

            >one of the largest and most heavily armed in Europe
            Said by Russia afyer their initial plans failed to cope.

            Both Russia and western countries are overinflating the scale of everything because it's prestigious to pretend you're not just fighting a butthurn sattelite with soviet weapons and some NATO toys / laundering money from weapons on a shithole.

            >REAL country to country combat experience
            A brief borderline civil war with Russia sending random mercenaries instead of a full blown army, and after that like an exchange of rockets once a year.

          • 2 years ago

            how the hell did i not notice these quotes

          • 2 years ago

            That's not about "trusting". You can think for yourself that it's just like this, by using reason - and in this case they're not even hiding it.
            Propaganda is not to be believed but to be studied.

            >Both Russia and western countries are overinflating the scale of everything because it's prestigious to pretend you're not just fighting a butthurn sattelite
            Many European leaders have made conflicting remarks about this war some go "We have never been at war with Eurasia" and some go "We have always been at war with Eurasia".
            Now, we all know (..:I hope) that EU is just the political arm of NATO, and NATO is clearly saying that they are indeed at war with Russia with Ukraine as proxy. Of course, not only that, but they are proving that with facts.
            >it's just some NATO toys bro

            >This authorization, combined with $650 million in additional assistance also announced today under the U.S. Department of Defense’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, will bring total U.S. security assistance to Ukraine to over $5.6 billion since Russia launched its brutal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24.
            Noticed the same words used in the NATO statement? Curious

            What USA alone sent in military aid for Ukraine is more than Syria + Iraq + NK total military spending
            >it's just a butthurt satellite
            If this is your understanding of the conflict, please do not speak again while you're alive.

          • 2 years ago

            Proxy wars are a meme, especially in this case.
            Is Ukraine doing offensives on Russian land?
            If the help they're getting is as large as stated then why do they complain it never actually gets to the destination and that they need more weaponry?
            Most of the weapons they used so far are soviet weapons from nearby slavic countries and their own reserves. NATO weaponry only started to get there recently and is clearly scarce.
            Yes the military aid is large. Wars are incredibly profitable indeed. Money laundering is in the equation too. You actually think they get NOTHING from these weapons and giving them away for free? And as I already mentioned obviously what is announced and what is actually being sent differs.
            My understanding of the conflict is that Russia is a shithole, Ukraine is a shithole puppet state that western countries helped to overthow to set up their own laundering schemes there. Ukraine would never fricking join NATO, Maidan was about EU without a mention of NATO. NATO talks were wishful thinking from hohols and west throwing hollow bones. They only managed to become EU candidates after getting fricking invaded, what NATO membership is anyone talking about.

          • 2 years ago

            Last post you get from me
            >Is Ukraine doing offensives on Russian land?
            >If the help they're getting is as large as stated then why do they complain it never actually gets to the destination and that they need more weaponry?
            Tell me one (1) instance in history in which any party involved in a conflict said "Well, yeah, we have enough weapons, we will not produce any more/we don't need any more help from allies"
            >Most of the weapons they used so far are soviet weapons from nearby slavic countries and their own reserves. NATO weaponry only started to get there recently and is clearly scarce.
            Friendly reminder that "nearby slavic country" are in fricking nato.
            >Hodges, now retired, oversaw the expansion of U.S. military cooperation with Ukraine after 2014, when Russia seized Crimea and backed an armed insurgency in eastern Ukraine that has cost more than 13,000 lives. Since then, the United States has provided $1.5 billion in security assistance, including everything from Humvees and patrol boats to counterartillery radar and lethal weaponry such as Javelin antitank missiles.
            >December 18, 2019
            fricking preCOVID, even.
            >. You actually think they get NOTHING from these weapons and giving them away for free?
            When did I say this? (You) are the one thinking that Ukraine is just a "butthurt satellite", it is fricking not.
            >My understanding of the conflict is that Russia is a shithole, Ukraine is a shithole puppet state that western countries helped to overthow to set up their own laundering schemes there. Ukraine would never fricking join NATO, Maidan was about EU without a mention of NATO. NATO talks were wishful thinking from hohols and west throwing hollow bones. They only managed to become EU candidates after getting fricking invaded, what NATO membership is anyone talking about.
            >Maidan was about EU without a mention of NATO.
            >EU without NATO
            Eh, talking about wishful thinking.
            Just read the EU resolution against communism and think about it.
            The point anyway isn't "Ukraine will enter NATO tomorrow", I didn't even mention membership. You said that this isn't a war between NATO and Russia, but both NATO and Russia think otherwise. I wonder who has the bigger picture, the parties involved or you. Again, Russia invaded, NATO literally wrote "we will support Ukraine forever", what does that even mean if not "this is a war we ARE fighting - by proxy"? - It's a meme, he said.

      • 2 years ago

        Raising awareness of the war in the west actually goes against the wishes of the Kremlin. They prefer, and went all in on the idea of a disinterested attitude globally. This is why the Kremlin hates even pro-Russians that take the initiative to be freelance wienersuckers, because the skull filled with cowshit that wants to be a simp for Putin can't even simp properly----not that the Russian authorities do very well left to their own devices, but that's another issue.

        • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Russian diaspora be like "my homeland was a dystopia that I had to flee, but I support revanchist causes for it anyway"

  4. 2 years ago

    Did you get clued into this by Kamil's twitter? Where is Kamil, is he still on the chans, or has he outgorwn us for twitter thinktankism? Come back, bro, chat with us about Kafka!

    • 2 years ago

      I didnt even know this Kamil twittergay.
      I am greek russian, but this russian israelite Brodsky expresses my pitifullness towards hohols perfectly.

  5. 2 years ago

    cringe thread

  6. 2 years ago

    sounds like a bitter loser

  7. 2 years ago

    seething vodkahomosexual imperialist

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