>LE WEST HAS FALLEN. >GDP higher than ever. >Standard of living better than ever

>GDP higher than ever
>Standard of living better than ever
>Art more innovative then ever
>More open and tolerant than ever
>Technology more beneficial than ever
Uhh ok lol

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Nice words. What are you going to do when the government makes it mandatory for you to cut the penis of your child?

    • 11 months ago

      They simply will not, and i feel blessed not to suffer any breed of persecution complex

      • 11 months ago

        Penises will be illegal when women take over and destroy patriarchy, they are literally going to make it illegal, that is their plan, just join some true feminist group and check things out. They hate penises, they will cut them all.

      • 11 months ago

        Right wingers have so little actual struggle in their life because le collapsed decadent West is so nice to live in that they have to invent bullshit like this to struggle against.

        have a nice day troony homosexuals

      • 11 months ago

        Some credit due to you for somehow remaining sane on this board, nice.

      • 11 months ago

        Wrong, moron. You have to explain where it stops and why, because so far the slippery slope "fallacy" has been proven to be correct when it comes to homosexual shit. You also have to explain why lgbt freakshow shit is "progress" and not regression to a more animalistic state, where inferior specimens such as yourself mindlessly indulge your revolting and unnatural sexual desires.

      • 11 months ago

        I guess that meand you are not a feminist?

      • 11 months ago

        You're too stupid to "feel" anything correctly, that's why you get bullied by chuds on IQfy all day. Go watch hasan or vaush, dumb slave

        • 11 months ago

          you wish, small boy

          • 11 months ago

            >everyone laughing at how stupid you are and directly refuting you
            >"n-no im actually laughing!"
            >"small boy"
            I almost feel bad that you're such a mentally moronic Black person idiot.

      • 11 months ago

        >and i feel blessed not to suffer any breed of persecution complex
        he says, while he is watched through his phone and tv

      • 11 months ago

        It's already being done symbolically. Teenage men are being fed escitalopram for the slightest hint of anxiety and angst, which chemically castrates them for the rest of their life. They'll be men in the prime of their lives who can't even maintain an erection with a naked woman standing right in front of them.

    • 11 months ago

      Right wingers have so little actual struggle in their life because le collapsed decadent West is so nice to live in that they have to invent bullshit like this to struggle against.

      • 11 months ago

        You think the government forcing people to cut off their child's penis is not something worth struggling against?

      • 11 months ago

        This is literally China and Russia double teaming strategy to bring the west down. Women are literally unable to lead against boys, this is a boy's world, and girls shouldn't interfere.

      • 11 months ago

        You are indescribably idiotic.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >Nice words. What are you going to do when the government makes it mandatory for you to cut the penis of your child?

        Bot posts.

    • 11 months ago

      >Nice words. What are you going to do when the government makes it mandatory for you to cut the penis of your child?

  2. 11 months ago

    Who thinks abstractly?
    Think? Abstractly? — Sauve qui peut! Let those who can save themselves! Even now I can hear a traitor, bought by the enemy, exclaim these words, denouncing this essay because it will plainly deal with metaphysics. For metaphysics is a word, no less than abstract, and almost thinking as well, from which everybody more or less runs away as from a man who has caught the plague.
    But the intention here really is not so wicked, as if the meaning of thinking and of abstract were to be explained here. There is nothing the beautiful world finds as intolerable as explanations. I, too, find it terrible when somebody begins to explain, for when worst comes to worst I understand everything myself. Here the explanation of thinking and abstract would in any case be entirely superfluous; for it is only because the beautiful world knows what it means to be abstract that it runs away. Just as one does not desire what one does not know, one also cannot hate it. Nor is it my intent to try craftily to reconcile the beautiful world with thinking or with the abstract as if, under the semblance of small talk, thinking and the abstract were to be put over till in the end they had found their way into society incognito, without having aroused any disgust; even as if they were to be adopted imperceptibly by society, or, as the Swabians say, hereingezäunselt, before the author of this complication suddenly exposed this strange guest, namely the abstract, whom the whole party had long treated and recognized under a different title as if he were a good old acquaintance. Such scenes of recognition which are meant to instruct the world against its will have the inexcusable fault that they simultaneously humiliate, and the wirepuller tries with his artifice to gain a little fame; but this humiliation and this vanity destroy the effect, for they push away again an instruction gained at such a price.

    • 11 months ago

      In any case, such a plan would be ruined from the start, for it would require that the crucial word of the riddle is not spoken at the outset. But this has already happened in the title. If this essay toyed with such craftiness, these words should not have been allowed to enter right in the beginning; but like the cabinet member in a comedy, they should have been required to walk around during the entire play in their overcoat, unbuttoning it only in the last scene, disclosing the flashing star of wisdom. The unbuttoning of the metaphysical overcoat would be less effective, to be sure, than the unbuttoning of the minister's: it would bring to light no more than a couple of words, and the best part of the joke ought to be that it is shown that society has long been in possession of the matter itself; so what they would gain in the end would be the mere name, while the minister's star signifies something real — a bag of money.
      That everybody present should know what thinking is and what is abstract is presupposed in good society, and we certainly are in good society. The question is merely who thinks abstractly. The intent, as already mentioned, is not to reconcile society with these things, to expect it to deal with something difficult, to appeal to its conscience not frivolously to neglect such a matter that befits the rank and status of beings gifted with reason. Rather it is my intent to reconcile the beautiful world with itself, although it does not seem to have a bad conscience about this neglect; still, at least deep down, it has a certain respect for abstract thinking as something exalted, and it looks the other way not because it seems too lowly but because it appears too exalted, not because it seems too mean but rather too noble, or conversely because it seems an Espèce, something special; it seems something that does not lend one distinction in general society, like new clothes, but rather something that — like wretched clothes, or rich ones if they are decorated with precious stones in ancient mounts or embroidery that, be it ever so rich, has long become quasi-Chinese — excludes one from society or makes one ridiculous in it.
      Who thinks abstractly? The uneducated, not the educated. Good society does not think abstractly because it is too easy, because it is too lowly (not referring to the external status) — not from an empty affectation of nobility that would place itself above that of which it is not capable, but on account of the inward inferiority of the matter.

      • 11 months ago

        The prejudice and respect for abstract thinking are so great that sensitive nostrils will begin to smell some satire or irony at this point; but since they read the morning paper they know that there is a prize to be had for satires and that I should therefore sooner earn it by competing for it than give up here without further ado.
        I have only to adduce examples for my proposition: everybody will grant that they confirm it. A murderer is led to the place of execution. For the common populace he is nothing but a murderer. Ladies perhaps remark that he is a strong, handsome, interesting man. The populace finds this remark terrible: What? A murderer handsome? How can one think so wickedly and call a murderer handsome; no doubt, you yourselves are something not much better! This is the corruption of morals that is prevalent in the upper classes, a priest may add, knowing the bottom of things and human hearts.
        One who knows men traces the development of the criminal's mind: he finds in his history, in his education, a bad family relationship between his father and mother, some tremendous harshness after this human being had done some minor wrong, so he became embittered against the social order — a first reaction to this that in effect expelled him and henceforth did not make it possible for him to preserve himself except through crime. — There may be people who will say when they hear such things: he wants to excuse this murderer! After all I remember how in my youth I heard a mayor lament that writers of books were going too far and sought to extirpate Christianity and righteousness altogether; somebody had written a defense of suicide; terrible, really too terrible! — Further questions revealed that The Sufferings of Werther [by Goethe, 1774] were meant.
        This is abstract thinking: to see nothing in the murderer except the abstract fact that he is a murderer, and to annul all other human essence in him with this simple quality.
        It is quite different in refined, sentimental circles — in Leipzig. There they strewed and bound flowers on the wheel and on the criminal who was tied to it. — But this again is the opposite abstraction. The Christians may indeed trifle with Rosicrucianism, or rather cross-rosism, and wreathe roses around the cross. The cross is the gallows and wheel that have long been hallowed. It has lost its one-sided significance of being the instrument of dishonorable punishment and, on the contrary, suggests the notion of the highest pain and the deepest rejection together with the most joyous rapture and divine honor. The wheel in Leipzig, on the other hand, wreathed with violets and poppies, is a reconciliation à la Kotzebue, a kind of slovenly sociability between sentimentality and badness.

        • 11 months ago

          In quite a different manner I once heard a common old woman who worked in a hospital kill the abstraction of the murderer and bring him to life for honor. The severed head had been placed on the scaffold, and the sun was shining. How beautifully, she said, the sun of God's grace shines on Binder's head! — You are not worthy of having the sun shine on you, one says to a rascal with whom one is angry. This woman saw that the murderer's head was struck by the sunshine and thus was still worthy of it. She raised it from the punishment of the scaffold into the sunny grace of God, and instead of accomplishing the reconciliation with violets and sentimental vanity, saw him accepted in grace in the higher sun.
          Old woman, your eggs are rotten! the maid says to the market woman. What? she replies, my eggs rotten? You may be rotten! You say that about my eggs? You? Did not lice eat your father on the highways? Didn't your mother run away with the French, and didn't your grandmother die in a public hospital? Let her get a whole shirt instead of that flimsy scarf; we know well where she got that scarf and her hats: if it were not for those officers, many wouldn't be decked out like that these days, and if their ladyships paid more attention to their households, many would be in jail right now. Let her mend the holes in her stockings! — In brief, she does not leave one whole thread on her. She thinks abstractly and subsumes the other woman — scarf, hat, shirt, etc., as well as her fingers and other parts of her, and her father and whole family, too — solely under the crime that she has found the eggs rotten. Everything about her is colored through and through by these rotten eggs, while those officers of which the market woman spoke — if, as one may seriously doubt, there is anything to that — may have got to see very different things.

          • 11 months ago

            To move from the maid to a servant, no servant is worse off than one who works for a man of low class and low income; and he is better off the nobler his master is. The common man again thinks more abstractly, he gives himself noble airs vis-à-vis the servant and relates himself to the other man merely as to a servant; he clings to this one predicate. The servant is best off among the French. The nobleman is familiar with his servant, the Frenchman is his friend. When they are alone, the servant does the talking: see Diderot's Jacques et son maître; the master does nothing but take snuff and see what time it is and lets the servant take care of everything else. The nobleman knows that the servant is not merely a servant, but also knows the latest city news, the girls, and harbors good suggestions; he asks him about these matters, and the servant may say what he knows about these questions. With a French master, the servant may not only do this; he may also broach a subject, have his own opinions and insist on them; and when the master wants something, it is not done with an order but he has to argue and convince the servant of his opinion and add a good word to make sure that this opinion retains the upper hand.
            In the army we encounter the same difference. Among the Austrians a soldier may be beaten, he is canaille; for whatever has the passive right to be beaten is canaille. Thus the common soldier is for the officer this abstractum of a beatable subject with whom a gentleman who has a uniform and port d'epée must trouble himself — and that could drive one to make a pact with the devil.

  3. 11 months ago

    you violated the Nuremberg Code, used monetary policy to force sharia law, rewrote millions of years of history, and
    made going outside illegal

  4. 11 months ago

    >GDP higher than ever
    GDP is only relevant as a relative measure.
    >Standard of living better than ever
    >Art more innovative then ever
    By what standard? Also why is innovation a good thing in art?
    >More open and tolerant than ever
    Again, why is this a good thing?
    >Technology more beneficial than ever
    By what standard? Also I would argue this is false.

  5. 11 months ago

    This is bait, but it's not wrong insofar as Evola is absolutely worthless as a thinker

    • 11 months ago

      No, the magic is all in the penis. This is the thing, the male principle, without it, you are nothing. This is the reason why the Chinese and the Russian want trannies and women in the West. They will run us over as soon as there are enough of them. You are too blind to see it, the ancients have been warning us since forever. We just have to return to tradition.

    • 11 months ago

      You haven't read his books huh

  6. 11 months ago

    >Lffe expectancy falling
    >Fertility crashing
    >Urban areas taken over by racial aliens

    • 11 months ago

      What's a "racial alien"? Scientists have long disproven race. Last time I checked there are no Martians living in New York.

      • 11 months ago

        >Scientists have long disproven race
        Link to the study where it was debunked forever and all time? I just want to stop believing my lying eyes.

        • 11 months ago

          Goldberg and Smith 2012

        • 11 months ago

          What’s your definition of biological race?

          • 11 months ago

            Humans have clustered genetic distribution. Ethnic groups are genetic clusters. Races are loose categories composed of sets of ethnic groups, usually corresponding to a continent. Is there anything wrong with this line of thinking? If so, what?

      • 11 months ago

        >Scientists have long disproven race.
        No they haven't. Modern humans emerged from different hominid species, that hasn't been debunked. Different races have different percentages of different hominids.

      • 11 months ago

        >Scientists have long disproven race.
        Yet somehow that is forgotten when its time for reparations and affirmative action.

        • 11 months ago

          >the concept of race is the same in both a biological and social sense
          You know what he was referring to. Don't be so dishonest.

  7. 11 months ago

    >100 AD
    >The colosseum was just built
    >Empire stretches to British Isles
    >Roman territory at its highest point in history
    >Our new religion is the best
    >Advances in art science and industry each decade
    Uhh ok lol, the glory of Rome is forever honey

    • 11 months ago

      >>100 AD
      Oh cool so we have another 1300 years to go. Nice "imminent" collapse idiot.

      • 11 months ago

        >calling others idiot when you can't even reply correctly
        Lurk more newbie. All your "arguments" were easily refuted instantly, now you're just acting like a crybaby and you're literallt too stupid to use this site. You're like a boomer with corporate legacy media boomer opinions. How much TV do you watch, you idiot?

      • 11 months ago

        >gets refuted outright
        >spergs out and can't even format a post correctly

      • 11 months ago

        So moronic you included Byzantium

  8. 11 months ago

    Not even good bait. Do better.

  9. 11 months ago

    >Art more innovative then ever
    Neither true nor desirable

  10. 11 months ago

    all falce

  11. 11 months ago

    >More open and tolerant than ever
    Open to what? Tolerant of what?
    >Art more innovative then ever
    Art is not part of Schumpeter's theory.
    >Standard of living better than ever
    And your income is more tied down than ever.
    Your other statements don't even deserve commentary.

  12. 11 months ago

    It's a lovely and novel project that we've managed to inculcate within the minds of its participants, but those same people who've benefited would see it all burn for the sake of some tradLARP horseshit they inherited from an imageboard for virgins.

    Weak minds. Small souls.

    This world is full of disgusting people who don't know how good they have it and how much they take for granted. It truly makes me sick.

    • 11 months ago

      Behold, progress!

  13. 11 months ago

    >West stronk
    >Get's overtaken by China, a literal 3rd world country just 50 years ago, at a massive pace

    • 11 months ago

      >he doesn't know China's bound to collapse within 10 years
      Anon I...

      • 11 months ago

        I don't like the CCP any more than you do but no one is buying the
        >two more weeks

  14. 11 months ago

    The alpha silver back gorilla is in perfect accordance with Evola's "path of action"
    While the orangutan the ideal of the "path of contemplation"
    Prove me wrong Evola trannies

    • 11 months ago

      >stealing my views.
      Please don't steal my views without proper credit. I've already had some views/ideas stolen by another popular writer.

      • 11 months ago

        That's entirely your fault
        You should've patented your ideas, if you don't want your intelectual property stolen
        Still, since I am a nice guy, here's your (you)

        • 11 months ago

          Spoken like a true israelite there.

    • 11 months ago

      >basing people over monkeys
      You are a fricking animal.

      • 11 months ago

        >t. Abrahamictard can't accept how we're primates
        Why don't you just kys?

        • 11 months ago

          I'm not religious and we are, but that is exactly the point, we are superior to them, we should transcend this whole monkey thing. And yet people still get attached to their animal tendencies instead of getting over them.

          • 11 months ago

            >we are superior to them,
            No, I don't agree with the "Great Chain of Being". Organisms adapt to their niche. There is no cosmic hierarchy when they all depend on one another for subsistence.
            A morality only exists in relationship to intentions and mentality.
            There is no hierarchical chain of being. It is more of a Heterarchy and closer to Deleuze's philosophy of immanence and difference.
            >we should transcend this whole monkey thing.
            You cannot "transcend" your biology. A man cannot become a woman, a woman cannot become a man. A primate cannot become a non-primate, it's in your genome.
            Spiritual realization would involve both transcendence and immanence; it would involve things like accepting how you are a primate and not viewing other beings as lowly.
            >And yet people still get attached to their animal tendencies instead of getting over them.
            Gorillas and organtuans are actually far more peaceful, virile, and wiser than chimps, bonobos, and the average human being. I discuss my views here more:

            I plan to write a book covering many topics, and I will self-publish it soon. I will start writing it now since I don't want my ideas plagiarized by the other guy.

          • 11 months ago

            >no cosmical hierarchy
            No, there isn't, but our power domain is ridiculously higher. You have to be fricking kidding me if you think that we are "equals" in terms of power projection.
            We have to, otherwise we are bound to be fricking animals forever. Or at least until we develop machines to make us have control of our stuff.

          • 11 months ago

            Industrialization was a mistake. Human beings had more autonomy, freedom, health, and more before it.

      • 11 months ago

        Not me, Evola

    • 11 months ago

      >The alpha silver back gorilla is in perfect accordance with Evola's "path of action"
      Not at all you Black person-tier moron. Have you even read Evola? Do you know what his main thing is?

  15. 11 months ago

    >idiot troony tries to understand Evola
    >completely filtered
    How based

  16. 11 months ago

    come on biolenny try harder even the average normie westerner today is starting to feel they aren't exactly living better than their parents did

    • 11 months ago

      Frick you fashist, my mom cooks me pizza pops and tater tots every day and has been doing it since i graduated with my maters 15 year ago

    • 11 months ago

      but doesn't that mean that technology is better because the west started to decline just when it gave away the technology and got left behind in progress

  17. 11 months ago

    >Technology more beneficial than ever
    make the West even better and get in ze pod

    • 11 months ago

      Better TECH!!???
      Omg more ways for my phone to spy on me and better videogames??!!!

      • 11 months ago

        >better videogames??!!!
        Better enjoy them before being søylentgreen'd because (You) are bad for the climate

        • 11 months ago

          Videogames are for children.

  18. 11 months ago

    >>GDP higher than ever
    Number go up GOOD, even when the seas are overfished and the environment destroyed
    of living better than ever
    Are you quoting a politician of the establishment? People are stacked in skyscrapers.
    >>Art more innovative then ever
    Art is going through a dark age
    >>More open and tolerant than ever
    You mean more apathetic and degenerate than ever
    more beneficial than eve
    If you admire obese and slouching people, sure

  19. 11 months ago

    >everyone is on anti depressants and close to the state of animals

    • 11 months ago


  20. 11 months ago

    >exact same bait thread #9999
    >62 replies

    • 11 months ago

      Why do mods delete real right wing or Trad threads and leave up shitty bait all the time even though it presumably gets reported many times?

  21. 11 months ago

    >Art more innovative then ever

  22. 11 months ago

    You ought to be more unnerved by not having moon and beyond bases when the technology for such along with plans were actionable in the late 60s already. The Berlin Olympics were the first televised programming nearly a century ago. 'We' are not hitting 'Moore's Law' targets like one would anticipate, and there's a reason.

    • 11 months ago

      The nazis had the best scientific progress and shortly after ww2 it really slowed down. I'm not a nazi though, since fashism and white supremism are evil and people like me would get tortured to death by them. I'm a trans communist, i justcrealize that the nazis were more inclined toward scientific progress than the judeo-masonic american system post ww2

  23. 11 months ago

    >Muh stuff
    Ppl are lonely and are not having sex nor families thats all that matters

  24. 11 months ago

    >>Art more innovative then ever
    I really don't think this is true. It seems to me like we're currently in a period of stagnation.

  25. 11 months ago

    You don't realize this (because you're stupid) but you're making Evola's argument for him ;).

  26. 11 months ago

    >Art more innovative then ever

    yeah man, cant wait for the fast and the furious part 10 while listening to generic rapper mumble about doing lean

    • 11 months ago

      That's just the schlock. When I think of the most celebrated works to come out in recent years, none of them seem particularly innovative, and some of them (TPAB comes to mind) are highly derivative.

  27. 11 months ago



  28. 11 months ago

    >>GDP higher than ever
    Lol it's literally fake, moving numbers around in Excel

  29. 11 months ago

    >GDP higher than ever
    pic related
    >Standard of living better than ever
    white people can no longer afford to buy a house in a white area in any major american city
    >Art more innovative then ever
    Spider-man Vs. darth Vader is not art my fren
    >More open and tolerant than ever
    to deviants only tho
    >Technology more beneficial than ever
    at controlling, manipulating and narcotizing the general populace

    Op a moron

    • 11 months ago

      >white people can no longer afford
      Poor people are not white.

  30. 11 months ago

    This is the world you're gonna get and you deserve it

    • 11 months ago

      Only a chud overly inundated with metaphysical Plato bullshit who believes there's some realm outside of physical pleasure thinks there's anything wrong with this. The only goal of life is pleasure.

      • 11 months ago

        define pleasure in a way that isn't circular

      • 11 months ago

        The allegory of the cave is true, we are just observing geometric shapes

  31. 11 months ago

    he literally refuted every single point
    kys degenerate

  32. 11 months ago

    You forgot to mention all time high "deaths of despair", rampant mental illness, economic insecurity, plummeting fertility rates, being replaced by ugly low IQ racial foreigners, dysgenic fertility going on for nearly 200 years now even among the natives etc.
    Yes the West is still much nicer than the rest of the world outside of Japan, but as it continues to import the third world it will become the third world.

  33. 11 months ago

    Terrible bait. You guys don't even try anymore

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