Let's talk about the Free Software (Foundation)

Post everything about Free Software and your experiences. Everything is just compromise and we can use our brain here. It is always better to do something, even small steps towards freedom and me or you don't have to go full grazy. I mostly just create throw away accounts with throw away accounts emails if I'm forced to use some service that I don't want to use instead of going full moron.

Why this happens every time
>after Finnish dark winter there is too much bright and hot
>after "winter depression", get different type of "summer depression"
>you get feeling like every year at this time, that you have to go full FSF
>LineageOS + GmsCore + UnifiedNlp + degoogling dns and other things that calls home to Google
>replace all the apps with FOSS offline ones
>start to check what motherboards supports Libreboot
>deeper you go, more depressed you get
>nothing works without proprietary
>gpu drivers, javascript drivers, services on proprietary servers, blobs, gps satellites and internet services etc.
>games are proprietary
>almost all the AI stuff is either proprietary or needs proprietary blobs and drivers to work
>driving car with OsmAnd+ as navigator was pain
>Organic Maps tts is broken even if you install third party tts from F-Droid and only one that works doesn't have Finnish
>no Finnish bus/train schedule apps, good tts, most of the (even proprietary) voice recognition software doesn't understand Finnish (million different) dialects and accents
>can't even use search engines or basically any public instance without it being just MITM for your personal information
>after limiting yourself to writing text in a tty 100% offline, start to think that why not just replace whole pc with pen and paper at this point?
>also what I even use phone at this point?
>can't "give up" so now you are in this full depression state without any solutions

FSF bros, not like this. Even though this sounds like bait, this is not that. This is actually how I do every year after winter 😀

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    It is just so painful to do anything. Imagine situation where you want to go for 3 months to some country that has language you can't even read.

    >there is no translation software available
    >cars/boats/planes have proprietary hardware/software
    >public transport is painful to use without cards/apps
    >navigation is bad, has old information and is mostly inaccurate
    >no easy communication apps/software because normies use only those that other normies use
    >in some situations you can't even work or have bank account without proprietary software/hardware

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Its been taken over by trannies.


  3. 4 weeks ago

    you go, more depressed you get
    FSF has lost a lot of relevancy in recent years because they failed to address the changing tech landscape. They have no good solutions for things like CPU co-processors, microcode and boot firmware.

    RISC-V vendors will probably be the ones to step up and drag us out of the dark ages. Without a shared software ecosystem and open standards compliance they have almost nothing to offer customers that the shitty ARM vendors don't already.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Best replacement services and software is always
    >most powerfull laptop+desktop+phone with Libreboot and degoogled LineageOS
    >open source software in offline (like calendar, contacts, camera etc.)
    >nginx reverse proxy + 1995 tier html website (with autoindex files folder) + free short domain + Let's Encrypt
    >local offline git repositories while sharing public ones (or parts of the code) in your shitty website

    • 4 weeks ago

      Buy a Thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all gayMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shielding. Type really quietly as defense against audio keylogging. Use ecc ram to minimize rowhammer and rambleed. Encrypt everything multiple times with various different encryption implementations. Compile everything from source. Use hardened compilation flags. Always read through the source before installing something if possible. Only use the internet when absolutely necessary.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I like this pasta. It is literally like this with me. I know how stupid that sounds but when you read and learn about everything, you don't even realize how deep you go until you get there. One day I was interested about custom roms and now I'm obsessed about everything. I still try to think everything as compromise and not go full moron. If Osmand doesn't work, then I can try Google Maps in a container to share coordinates to Osmand. If that doesn't work, then I can do that manually and still use Osmand. If Osmand has problems I can literally just use Google Maps without account on my second phone or just use that on my main phone. I don't 100% limit myself if I just want to get to place X. For example I still have Whatsapp on one phone on my trash phone that I turn on once per 2 months for reading family stuff. Whatsapp in Finland is like iMessage in US. You just use that or don't use software for communication. I also use banking apps (LineageOS works with them and safetynet, Play Integrity API etc. all works normally. Even root detection is fooled.). I don't even need to use banking apps because site also works but it is just easier and even if I wouldn't use those, bank still has my full information like home location etc. anyway. I mostly just try to limit every apps permissions to the limit where it just works without problems.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are lucky in this regard, I couldn't use my banking app with LineageOS.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Encryption for everything + dead man switch so your devices can't be powered on without you using them for 5-8 hours + 7z backups with encryption with 3-2-1 rule and public not encrypted simple "normie" backups with instructions so your relatives can get all the public normie stuff like family photos and videos if needed.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          I will check this out. This is probably better for keeping permissions and other metadata because 7z loses those in Linux.

          • 4 weeks ago

            lzlib + tarlz + lziprecovery rule the backup/archive world
            make sure to also sign your backups with multiple algorithms and upload keys to keyserver so you can prove your backups havent been tampered with when recovering to avoid malware plant / covert tar or decompression exploit to execute malware

            I like this pasta. It is literally like this with me. I know how stupid that sounds but when you read and learn about everything, you don't even realize how deep you go until you get there. One day I was interested about custom roms and now I'm obsessed about everything. I still try to think everything as compromise and not go full moron. If Osmand doesn't work, then I can try Google Maps in a container to share coordinates to Osmand. If that doesn't work, then I can do that manually and still use Osmand. If Osmand has problems I can literally just use Google Maps without account on my second phone or just use that on my main phone. I don't 100% limit myself if I just want to get to place X. For example I still have Whatsapp on one phone on my trash phone that I turn on once per 2 months for reading family stuff. Whatsapp in Finland is like iMessage in US. You just use that or don't use software for communication. I also use banking apps (LineageOS works with them and safetynet, Play Integrity API etc. all works normally. Even root detection is fooled.). I don't even need to use banking apps because site also works but it is just easier and even if I wouldn't use those, bank still has my full information like home location etc. anyway. I mostly just try to limit every apps permissions to the limit where it just works without problems.

            its uncensored guide for everything you need to know
            >((banking)) ((android)) ((google all seeing satellites))
            enjoy your botnet forever slave

          • 4 weeks ago

            >enjoy your botnet forever slave
            We are using IQfy. Proprietary MITM service. Using banking app from a bank that already has all your info isn't that bad. It is same level "bad" like going to bank with cash.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >We are using IQfy. Proprietary MITM service.
            the internet is propetriary mitm service, fortunately i am posting from always random library while hitting on the cute librarian girl
            >Using banking app from a bank that already has all your info isn't that bad.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Where you live? Are you saying your government doesn't have any information about you and you don't use bank account or insurance? I have hard time believing that you don't use cash or go somewhere where you are filmed with ip-camera etc. Only thing what I said was that when bank has your info, it doesn't make your situation any worse by using bank's app in a container. Bank having your/my info is really bad. But you can't avoid it and you using the app doesn't give them more information. Only difference is that your usage of your bank account is monitored by the app like they would do if you go physically to the bank with your cash. There is no difference. Please tell me in detail how you avoid banks, cash, cameras and government having your name, address etc.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Please tell me in detail how you avoid banks, cash, cameras and government having your name, address etc.
            >I have hard time believing that you don't use cash or go somewhere where you are filmed with ip-camera etc
            if you are complaining about LE CASH, did you know you dont have to buy everything? you can trade or do favors for others in return for the same. stuff you want doesnt just spawn in shops.
            >Only difference is that your usage of your bank account is monitored by the app like they would do if you go physically to the bank with your cash
            or just dont have a bank account and use cash in person? lmfao

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I don't do that because I don't want to be filmed with cameras and my internet traffic being monitored.
            dont go to ((libraries with cameras)) which are not real libraries
            all traffic is monitored by global wiretap gangster mafia and all traffic is observed no matter what you use, do you think paying an isp makes your traffic private? why would i care about my traffic being monitored when posting on website thats public and archived by 100 archivists?
            connect to hidden services with tor for private stuff
            >Also library computers are proprietary and have proprietary software.
            use your own then?

            Oh you are just one of those "my way is only right way!" while shitting your privacy and security. You don't care about your privacy or Free Software. You just are sad and depressed (like me) and this is your way of expressing it because you don't have any actual arguments. Just stop humiliating yourself and try to talk normally with arguments. You can have your opinions and disagreements without trolling and writing half of the text with caps lock. It is always so funny how some anons think their bubble is the reality while you are just a normie, using this internet famous IQfy social media full of normies like everybody else, using proprietary MITM services and software like others, but you think your way of doing things is perfect and better than others. I read your all messages from the start to the end and you have given zero arguments. Just crying and crying with caps lock. This was last time I answer to your caps lock spam.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >You don't care about your privacy
            phones are not "privacy" thing, they have always on radios
            >or Free Software.
            neither banks or android is free software (android contains 200mb+ of binary blobs)
            >using proprietary MITM services and software like others
            i came here to laught at you and nothing else
            >Just crying and crying with caps lock. This was last time I answer to your caps lock spam.
            its called writers emphasis

          • 4 weeks ago

            anyways since you want something of substance to your op post
            >start to check what motherboards supports Libreboot
            >deeper you go, more depressed you get
            >nothing works without proprietary
            you are just demoralizing, there are great desktop and laptop boards that support libreboot and they can all be found for cheap on used market
            >gpu drivers, javascript drivers, services on proprietary servers, blobs, gps satellites and internet services etc.
            >games are proprietary
            there are free software games and bunch of good ones ex minetest and its derivatives, assault cube, saubraten all you can host online servers for your friends, minecraft beta 1.7.3 server as compromise and there are several "online shops" that sell drm free games which is better than nothing
            vidya is pointless its for consoomer mostly
            write games instead of playing them
            >almost all the AI stuff is either proprietary or needs proprietary blobs and drivers to work
            blame gpu cartel also write your own
            >driving car with OsmAnd+ as navigator was pain
            >Organic Maps tts is broken even if you install third party tts from F-Droid and only one that works doesn't have Finnish
            >no Finnish bus/train schedule apps, good tts, most of the (even proprietary) voice recognition software doesn't understand Finnish (million different) dialects and accents
            make your own and fill the hole
            >can't even use search engines or basically any public instance without it being just MITM for your personal information
            manuals and documentation exist, offline copy of wikis, archive and scrape yourself and suddenly information becomes more free
            >after limiting yourself to writing text in a tty 100% offline, start to think that why not just replace whole pc with pen and paper at this point?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >i am posting from always random library
            I don't do that because I don't want to be filmed with cameras and my internet traffic being monitored. Also library computers are proprietary and have proprietary software. There is multiple examples where anon from IQfy has gone to the library pc with face mask on, said "in minecraft" on IQfy and that anon was tracked and then that anon did go to jail.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I don't do that because I don't want to be filmed with cameras and my internet traffic being monitored.
            dont go to ((libraries with cameras)) which are not real libraries
            all traffic is monitored by global wiretap gangster mafia and all traffic is observed no matter what you use, do you think paying an isp makes your traffic private? why would i care about my traffic being monitored when posting on website thats public and archived by 100 archivists?
            connect to hidden services with tor for private stuff
            >Also library computers are proprietary and have proprietary software.
            use your own then?

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I like my Graphene OS Pixel 8 and Debian Thinkpad X1. Call me a normie, I am happy and it just works!
    While I obviously dislike software that spies on me and is bad for my privacy, I still want to have a good life and I just use all the services I deem necessary, like Google Maps, Translate, Banking etc. I opt out of all the telemetry I can and do some steps to increase my privacy, like deleting my accounts regularly and creating new ones, it is not perfect, but nothing is.
    Just use stuff and don't overthink it. Exactly this:
    >It is always better to do something, even small steps towards freedom and me or you don't have to go full crazy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Exactly. I have Thinkpad that is too new to have libreboot but I just try to go full FSF without limiting myself too much. Even in bad situations where you have old Nvidia gpu that still needs proprietary driver, it is most of the times still better compromise to just use that with Linux than buy new one just to get better driver. GPUs aren't even that simple either. AMD gpus still need proprietary software to work with libreboot so you can't even have new AMD gpu even though people think those are "free" and not like Nvidia.

      Using throw away accounts, deleting ones that are not needed anymore + resetting public ip before creating new ones time to time and just not using software/services you don't actually need. People sometimes creates accounts even though they don't even need the features. For example if you don't post anyway, why have an account for the site then? If you mostly use one pc, why have Firefox Sync with your Librewolf? If you watch two channels on Youtube, you don't need account to save those two channels even with Invidious. Sometimes you realize you already remember every bookmark anyway so you don't even need those.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Exactly. I have Thinkpad that is too new to have libreboot but I just try to go full FSF without limiting myself too much. Even in bad situations where you have old Nvidia gpu that still needs proprietary driver, it is most of the times still better compromise to just use that with Linux than buy new one just to get better driver. GPUs aren't even that simple either. AMD gpus still need proprietary software to work with libreboot so you can't even have new AMD gpu even though people think those are "free" and not like Nvidia.

      Using throw away accounts, deleting ones that are not needed anymore + resetting public ip before creating new ones time to time and just not using software/services you don't actually need. People sometimes creates accounts even though they don't even need the features. For example if you don't post anyway, why have an account for the site then? If you mostly use one pc, why have Firefox Sync with your Librewolf? If you watch two channels on Youtube, you don't need account to save those two channels even with Invidious. Sometimes you realize you already remember every bookmark anyway so you don't even need those.

      More writing my thoughs (tl;dr maximize offline without compromising too much enjoying things):

      This "if something doesn't work, then I didn't need it anyway!" meme is funny but true. Most of the time when I really try to replace something, I realize it is not even useful and I just used it because I have always used it. I had Github throw away account with private repositories. Just to show those in interviews. Now I just have important parts on my website and interviewers are ok with that. I also don't have my CV public and instead I just post it when needed for that one person. Yes, there is large difference to post it "publicly" to one company that now has my private information instead of having it 24/7 on LinkedIn to everyone to see. Normies only care if your "bad things" are publicly available to mock. Example could be when normies have cars and one normie has shitty car and is poor loser.

      But if this one normie doesn't even have a car and instead has more expensive clothes, has iSheep phone etc. then normies just think "this is just a normal person that doesn't have or drive a car" and it is now completely normal for some reason. In life it is nice to know that it doesn't matter what some normie thinks about your favorite thing X, because they see it once a year or once a 10 years while you are the one living with that thing 24/7. End of the day, you are one driving even if normies think your car looks ugly outside. You don't see that car while driving 6 hours and only thing that actually matters is experience and features you use while driving. Not that 10 seconds once a year when some normie don't understand why you drive car that looks like that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Exactly. I have Thinkpad that is too new to have libreboot but I just try to go full FSF without limiting myself too much. Even in bad situations where you have old Nvidia gpu that still needs proprietary driver, it is most of the times still better compromise to just use that with Linux than buy new one just to get better driver. GPUs aren't even that simple either. AMD gpus still need proprietary software to work with libreboot so you can't even have new AMD gpu even though people think those are "free" and not like Nvidia.

        Using throw away accounts, deleting ones that are not needed anymore + resetting public ip before creating new ones time to time and just not using software/services you don't actually need. People sometimes creates accounts even though they don't even need the features. For example if you don't post anyway, why have an account for the site then? If you mostly use one pc, why have Firefox Sync with your Librewolf? If you watch two channels on Youtube, you don't need account to save those two channels even with Invidious. Sometimes you realize you already remember every bookmark anyway so you don't even need those.

        I like my Graphene OS Pixel 8 and Debian ThinkPad X1. Call me a normie, I am happy and it just works!
        While I obviously dislike software that spies on me and is bad for my privacy, I still want to have a good life and I just use all the services I deem necessary, like Google Maps, Translate, Banking etc. I opt out of all the telemetry I can and do some steps to increase my privacy, like deleting my accounts regularly and creating new ones, it is not perfect, but nothing is.
        Just use stuff and don't overthink it. Exactly this:
        >It is always better to do something, even small steps towards freedom and me or you don't have to go full crazy.

        nice try bot shill discord troony schizo
        for non filtered information please refer to posts here https://desuarchive.org/g/search/text/kcma-d8/

  6. 4 weeks ago

    For me, it's just about segregating my personal data from proprietary spyware. I have a degoogled phone (not even using microg or any nlp) and use Linux on my computer. For maps, HERE Wego has worked well. You can start it once with no location permissions and download offline maps for relevant areas, then disable network permissions and enable location permissions as needed when actually using it. It has better search features and database of businesses and addresses. Luckily I don't have to use public transportation.

    When it comes to games, I run them on a separate system. Sure the proprietary drm can see my games if I connect that system to the internet but it's not like that gives them my life story since my personal data is on a different computer.

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