Linux Has Already Won but They Don't Want You to See That

Between servers, super computers, mobile devices, streaming devices, and even desktop PCs, Linux market share has been increasing rapidly over the past decade.

Mobile, streaming, and gaming:
>Roku OS
>Fire OS
Are all widely used Linux distributions.

Server operating systems:
>Azure Linux
>Oracle Linux
>Amazon Linux
All of these Linux distributions (and their derivatives) have huge prevalence on servers and clusters across the world, dominating the niches of super computing, space exploration, satellite communication, and genetic research as well.

For consumer PCs, while Linux usage is still relatively low, major vendors and OEMs like Dell, Lenovo, and HP have been increasingly offering different Linux distributions as a preinstalled OS option on newly purchased computers.

In fact (if one puts aside Free Software licensing dogma and rhetoric), when ChromeOS and Android are grouped under Linux - as they should be - in global operating system usage statistics, Linux has an estimated total of ~44% market share in the OS arena: Further, if such statistics included Linux distributions like Roku OS, Fire OS, SteamOS, and the ones used on clusters and super computers, it would be markedly higher.

In conclusion, despite a slower rate of adoption in the consumer desktop and laptop markets, when one zooms out and looks at the computing landscape as a whole, Linux is widely used, has seen steadily increased adoption overall, and will become the dominant operating system the world over, by orders of magnitude, within most of our lifetimes.

>inb4 cope from MicroSpammers, MacShills, and software licensing autists

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Spys on you.
      Spys on you.
      Spys on you.
      Bad, spys on you.

      This is just like tesla spying on people with built in cameras on their cars.

      this entire cope post is a way of you trying to convince yourself and the rest of you loonixtards that it's worth running some meme arch/gentoo/debian/fedora/ubuntu/mint/opensuse setup because
      >w-we are hecking popular in the servers, and android!
      You have nothing to do with them. The popular parts of the linux KERNEL is that it gets used by big tech and they add it into their proprietary software like android works for samsung/google's pixel/xiaomi etc. Linux that YOU use does not gain anything from that. No apps. No support. No money. No use cases. Linux that YOU morons use has 2% usage share and even that's debatable. And it will NEVER, EVER, EVER and not even then be succesful because it's a hobbyist shitty circlejerk full of moron hobbyist apes that have no idea how to use a computer. The best your shitty ecosystem has to offer is GNOME and KDE Plasma 6. I'll leave it at that.

      Get bent.

      • 4 weeks ago

        you are obese, lose weight animetroon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I despise MS but the first one is just obviously untrue.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Exactly my thoughts. Just asking to your friends who uses Linux or not will debunk 1)
        Everybody has a computer but only a fraction are IQfy users or Linuxgay.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Just asking to your friends who uses Linux or not

    • 4 weeks ago

      >not ms agent

    • 4 weeks ago

      >not ms agent

      poor guy fell for a low effort shitpost and has been spamming it ever since

    • 4 weeks ago

      >even desktop PCs
      >market share increasing rapidly
      lol no

      pure delusion

      The problem with desktop Linux is that it's unix-like.
      All of the successful linux-based operating systems that you mentioned, as well as MacOS try to undo or mask as much of the unix moronation of their respective forebears as they can. The absolute asininity of unix is successfully hidden from the user, and the result is a decent operating system. What a tragedy that this great FOSS movement has been chained to unix ideology.

      Yes, Linux is capable of absolutely everything I want my computer to do, and I appreciate the wide range of hardware support that is unfortunately lacking in polished derivatives like ChromeOS. But I will not subject myself to the "unix design philosophy" nor the chaotic trash-heaps they call "filesystem hierarchy" and "package management"
      Windows remains the only sane choice for my laptop.

      systemd is slowly decoupling/abstracting linux from unix

  2. 4 weeks ago

    this entire cope post is a way of you trying to convince yourself and the rest of you loonixtards that it's worth running some meme arch/gentoo/debian/fedora/ubuntu/mint/opensuse setup because
    >w-we are hecking popular in the servers, and android!
    You have nothing to do with them. The popular parts of the linux KERNEL is that it gets used by big tech and they add it into their proprietary software like android works for samsung/google's pixel/xiaomi etc. Linux that YOU use does not gain anything from that. No apps. No support. No money. No use cases. Linux that YOU morons use has 2% usage share and even that's debatable. And it will NEVER, EVER, EVER and not even then be succesful because it's a hobbyist shitty circlejerk full of moron hobbyist apes that have no idea how to use a computer. The best your shitty ecosystem has to offer is GNOME and KDE Plasma 6. I'll leave it at that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cope, seethe, and dilate as much as you want, but you will never pass, and you will never, ever, have sex.

      • 4 weeks ago

        you just had a kernel panic and a kde theme wiped your entire hard drive disk while you posted that tranime meme

        • 4 weeks ago

          Anime website. Also, Windows updates have erased the data of millions of unsuspecting users over the years. This is just a sampling:
          >Nasty Windows 10 update is deleting files

          >Windows 10's New Update Is Deleting People's Files Again

          >Your update has wiped or deleted all my files

          >Windows update deleted all files from my desktop

          >The issues, first spotted by Windows Latest, also appear to be wide ranging from blue screen or BSOD crashes, stuttering and poor performance.
          >The news comes as Microsoft's Windows Update team has been plagued by issue-ridden updates, which caused issues with Windows Explorer, the taskbar and other performance-related issues and crashes. Annoyingly, update KB5034765 caused error messages that appeared to be PC memory-related sending users on wild goose chases when troubleshooting their devices.

          Bear in mind that these are updates straight from Microsoft. Not user error with third party software.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ah yes, the updates straight from microsoft. Don't need to spend any more time on this since you fricked up and ruined your argument before it even had any chance to be utilized. Premature abortion, just like the linux desktop sphere.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Are you still taking ESL classes? The updates *being discussed at those links* came straight from Microsoft. moron.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Forbes making a clickbait article is not a microsoft source, you are confused and hyperventilating.

            where else do microsoft windows updates come from if not microsoft? Lmao

            I'm assuming you are talking about None of the people there are microsoft employees, it's a forum that any indian can respond on if they want to get a badge that they are mvp sirs.

          • 4 weeks ago

            where else do microsoft windows updates come from if not microsoft? Lmao

          • 4 weeks ago

            He gets something like 0.05 Bing Bucks™ per post. Doesn't matter how moronic the posts are.

            Forbes making a clickbait article is not a microsoft source, you are confused and hyperventilating.
            I'm assuming you are talking about None of the people there are microsoft employees, it's a forum that any indian can respond on if they want to get a badge that they are mvp sirs.

            moronic ESL student. Let's go over it again:
            >Windows updates have erased the data of millions of unsuspecting users over the years. This is just a sampling:
            >...List of URLs...
            >Bear in mind that these are updates straight from Microsoft. Not user error with third party software.
            See how the post was clearly referring to software installed by Windows Update, right from the start? Well, any person with an IQ above 60, and a basic command of the English language, knows that "updates", in this context, refers to software from Microsoft being installed by the Windows Update utility. If you still cannot grasp this, then you really should hire a private tutor, because the ESL classes are clearly not working for you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Right. As I said, it's a clickbait article from forbes that has no root in reality and is in no way confirmed by microsoft to be true. Seems like a blatant case of user error, and someone breaking their system with third party malware scripts. Many such cases! Thankfully windows despite being by far the most dominant operating system in the desktop space and being owned by the largest and most powerful company in the entire world, and having the access to the biggest library of software in the entire world, and having the best backwards compatibility out of any operating system in the world -- is still by far the most stable OS compared to any desktop linx distribution and will never have any amateurish terrifying bugs like linux has had with it's package managers being completely unverified with no signatures no documentation no hierarchy no rules, anyone with root can frick up your entire system like KDE themes have shown, xz can just backdoor the entire system, there are no real names of contributors, no signings, no laws, no copyrights, no addresses, no phone numbers, no pictures. You have no idea who contributes to your meme hobbyist OS, you recieve all packages and just accept them like the pig you are. The redneck pig just oinks and accepts its slop with sudo.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >As I said
            You clearly did not understand what "updates" meant until now, and responded like a complete moron.

            >terrifying bugs
            >anyone with root can frick up your entire system


            Anime website. Also, Windows updates have erased the data of millions of unsuspecting users over the years. This is just a sampling:
            >Nasty Windows 10 update is deleting files

            >Windows 10's New Update Is Deleting People's Files Again

            >Your update has wiped or deleted all my files

            >Windows update deleted all files from my desktop

            >The issues, first spotted by Windows Latest, also appear to be wide ranging from blue screen or BSOD crashes, stuttering and poor performance.
            >The news comes as Microsoft's Windows Update team has been plagued by issue-ridden updates, which caused issues with Windows Explorer, the taskbar and other performance-related issues and crashes. Annoyingly, update KB5034765 caused error messages that appeared to be PC memory-related sending users on wild goose chases when troubleshooting their devices.

            Bear in mind that these are updates straight from Microsoft. Not user error with third party software.

            >Researchers unearth Windows backdoor that’s unusually stealthy

            >Windows 10 Security Alert: Hidden Backdoor Found By Kaspersky

            >New Windows 11 and 10 flaw lets anyone take over your PC

            >Over 10,000 Windows computers may be infected by advanced NSA backdoor

            >NSA backdoor detected on over 55,000 Windows boxes

            >Cisco Finds Backdoor Installed On 12 Million Windows PCs

            >New UEFI bootkit used to backdoor Windows since 2012

            >Windows Back Doors Spin Out of Control

            >'Fully undetectable' Windows backdoor gets detected

            >ISS Vulnerability Alert: Windows Backdoors

            >Microsoft discloses new Windows vulnerability being actively exploited

            >Two Microsoft employees uncover suspicious flaw in federally approved algorithm that may be an NSA backdoor

          • 4 weeks ago

            >no real names of contributors, no signings, no laws, no copyrights, no addresses, no phone numbers, no pictures
            You haven't been to GitHub or anytime in the past 15 years.

            >package managers being completely unverified with no signatures no documentation
            Every major distro has a package manager that employs cryptographic signatures, and everyone has heard of man pages.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >like linux has had with it's package managers being completely unverified with no signatures
            except for all the packages signed with pgp keys that bear the real name of developers that many people know and have shook hands with, which make up the vast majority of packages making up the linux ecosystem. unlike windows rubberstamp microsoft(tm) signatures that are rarely tied to any individuals identity and therefore meaningless when something happens and someone must be held accountable

            >no documentation
            are you talking about msdn? because half of the time when I am working with linux I get bored with how overdocumented it is, giving me the ins and outs of the how and why of everything when I just want a quick reference. When I'm tired of verbose language I can always just open the source code and quickly figure out what to do directly. The only exceptions being bleeding edge software that documentation lags behind on. Unlike windows in general, and the windows API which has decades old undocumented code that we can only understand from reverse-engineering, poking and prodding, or finding a lucky instance of Microsoft releasing source code showing how to use undocumented API calls.

            >no hierarchy no rules
            The hierarchy of the linux kernel teams are pretty hardcore and transparent. Outside of the main kernel development, structure is dictated by whatever organization contributes. Microsoft is more worried about DEI rules than technical rules.

            >xz can just backdoor the entire system, there are no real names of contributors, no signings, blah blah blah
            The xz dev has taken accountability for allowing that to happen. We have his real name and always have. The backdoor author manipulated the primary dev,. The backdoored code was in fact hidden in a tarball that had an incorrect hash which was only possible because of Microsoft's Github. In windows this would have not come public until reaching production systems

    • 4 weeks ago

      ive used linux for two decades and since interest in developing alternatives has become virtually zero, will for another two decades as well. have fun with windows

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I will continue believing that Linux is irrelevant and totally isn't being actively ruined in userland on the fricking daily by tourists that need to go back.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    GNU =/= Linux
    GNU's societal goals =/= Linux
    GNU's societal goals have largely not been successful

    • 4 weeks ago

      because gpl is cucked and is responsible for cucking linux

      • 4 weeks ago

        alternative is being BSD, oh wait, cuck license lmao

        • 4 weeks ago

          paradoxically, openbsd doesn't have this problem

          • 4 weeks ago

            yes because nobody uses it, not even morons who shill it using their macbook pro's for slideshows because BSD is too shit to connect to a projector and just work

          • 4 weeks ago

            you're thinking of freebsd, moron

          • 4 weeks ago

            sorry but I was told by an eggman looking guy that BSD has no distros, and I believe him

          • 4 weeks ago

            that's literally the point, you fricking moronic gorilla Black person
            they are two completely different operating systems. their common root is 32 years old

          • 4 weeks ago

            sorry but they're exact same thing

          • 4 weeks ago

            obnoxious troony

          • 4 weeks ago

            is what I think of every time someone mentions BSD

      • 4 weeks ago

        alternative is SSPL, GPL is controlled opposition. with SSPL none of these would have been possible

        Spys on you.
        Spys on you.
        Spys on you.
        Bad, spys on you.

        This is just like tesla spying on people with built in cameras on their cars.

        Get bent.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm not a GNU/FSF fundamentalist either, but there's no reason to misrepresent Stallman like that, unless you're some kind of glowie. Here he is recanting that opinion:

          • 4 weeks ago

            i know he changed his mind 2 days before he resigned. what about it?

          • 4 weeks ago

            That he clearly has posted a lot of brainfarts on his blog because he has severe autism, but he's still a well meaning idiot savant, so you should be more patient with him.

          • 4 weeks ago

            One of those links shows that he'd changed his opinion by 2016 at least.

          • 4 weeks ago

            i doubt he changed his opinion, he just felt the culture change and the eventual coming cancellation. coming from someone like stallman its not even surprising or repugnant. he's so detached from normal human reality when he says off-the-wall shit like that you can just write it off as him applying his general philosophy to shit he hasn't really thought about. the stuff he originally wrote is logically sound as I remember it, but it misses all the important realities of the topics. that's far-left liberalism for you in general. I don't blame him for defending ped/zoo/necrophilia any more than I blame Andrew Yang for pushing universal basic income.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its because there's no profit incentive for free software
        That's all there is to it

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Linux would be fricking great if the gnome project hadn't just spent 13 years systematically destroying it as a desktop system

    • 4 weeks ago

      I thank gnome everyday for keeping summergays away while I enjoy dwm experience.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Not really
    >Roku OS
    Linux? (needs research)
    >Fire OS
    Skin of Android
    Not Linux. It's a bastardized version that has very little in common with upstream.

    >Server operating systems:
    Nobody cares about servers

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Not really

      >Not Linux
      Choose one.

      >needs research
      You'll find out that Roku OS is a Linux distribution in less than a second.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    ofc it won, i can setup archlinux in less than a minute with fast internet. Windows would take me 30-40 minutes and that is just a silly example, imagine the nixos and reproducible builds, when I'm at work i don't want to waste time i will do it fast and then gaym

  8. 4 weeks ago

    The problem with desktop Linux is that it's unix-like.
    All of the successful linux-based operating systems that you mentioned, as well as MacOS try to undo or mask as much of the unix moronation of their respective forebears as they can. The absolute asininity of unix is successfully hidden from the user, and the result is a decent operating system. What a tragedy that this great FOSS movement has been chained to unix ideology.

    Yes, Linux is capable of absolutely everything I want my computer to do, and I appreciate the wide range of hardware support that is unfortunately lacking in polished derivatives like ChromeOS. But I will not subject myself to the "unix design philosophy" nor the chaotic trash-heaps they call "filesystem hierarchy" and "package management"
    Windows remains the only sane choice for my laptop.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >wintoddler filtered by some bash scripts and what he calls "folders"

    • 4 weeks ago

      >What a tragedy that this great FOSS movement has been chained to unix ideology.
      the unix ideology (particularly the philosophy of easy interoperability between small programs) is partly why it was successful. The UNIX ecosystem had (it doesn't anymore) consisted of a number of specialized actors, much like specialized keystone species, that while small and insignificant alone, made a much more robust and capable operating system. In short, UNIX ideology is to software ecosystems what Darwinist evolution is to real ecosystems. The death of UNIX the last decade or so will inevitably kill the FOSS movement and all its parts.

      However, outside of that part about doing one thing well, the rest is pretty much irrelevant, especially from a operating system perspective (UNIX-based systems may not be the best design...).

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I will not subject myself to the "unix design philosophy"
      >Windows remains the only sane choice for my laptop

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >They Don't Want You to See That
    Who's "they" here?

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago


      {{{They}}} don't want you to know, but IYKYK.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I work at a hedge fund, and even with us being a historically C# house, nearly all bew servers are Linux-based. Windows Server is a clunky mess. IIS is one of the worst tools I've ever used. I feel like Win Server is just an afterthought compared to their end-user software. Some people swear by it, though.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    T E C H

    V E G A N

    T H R E A D

    • 4 weeks ago
      Go back to leaving inane comments on reddlt or hackernews, and no, I'm not watching your youtube channel. I'm just not going to watch it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Only wymen agree ith her
      >One unaware boomer and one delusive hippie
      >Hysterically screams about holocoast and shit
      W*man moment.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    The wacky thing: Linux has the market share of everyone doing anything consequential with a computer. If you aren't using Linux, what the frick are you doing? It can't be anything that requires knowing how your operating system works or privacy.

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