Literally how can American Anglicans justify themselves?

Literally how can American Anglicans justify themselves?

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  1. 2 years ago

    They're gay

    • 2 years ago

      Dpuble gay

  2. 2 years ago

    they don't have to

    • 2 years ago

      >Western churches change doctrines and embrace secular humanism around the mid to late 20th century

      • 2 years ago

        Israel isn't located in the West

    • 2 years ago

      More like pagan euroshits (as they now are once again in the modern day) are just good at being conquered by Abrahamics

    • 2 years ago

      When Christians were persecuting all non-Christian religions (from heretics to Muslims), people in the enlightenment started complaining about religious Christian intolerance. Now that Christians let all religions simply be, people start complaining about Christians being tolerant.

      Geeez what do you losers want? Christianity lost much of its influence and power in the 18th century anyway. What do you expect them to do?
      It’s like everyone forgot the church was overthrown in the French Revolution, but will still act as if it still has influence in France to tell the government to import Muslims

  3. 2 years ago

    >American Anglicans
    you mean Episcopalians? Not sure what area of our church needs justification.
    >gay marriage
    homosexuality is historically misunderstood and tangential to Christianity's more important points, e.g. the nature of Christ. gay couples are held to the same standard as straights. No sex outside of or before marriage
    yeah, fair enough, it's disgraceful that we are not standing up for life as we should. I think this stance will go down in history as a shameful sin on our part, similarly to our historical silence on slavery.
    we have Anglican orders, and our primus inter pares is the Archbishop of Canterbury, but we are not subject to the queen
    >weak homiletics
    yes, but Romans have this problem too. We should be taking a stronger stance on Eucharistic theology, heaven and hell, and sexual morality

    we'll figure it out, every church has ups and downs

    • 2 years ago

      >it's disgraceful that we are not standing up for life as we should
      Why do you feel that way when you just stood up for the abominable sodomite deathstyle, heretic?

      • 2 years ago

        stupid misnomer, the sin of Sodom wasn't gay marriage, it was rape, or more broadly, taking advantage of outsiders

        what in the world does abortion have to do with gay marriage?

    • 2 years ago

      >We're not subject to the Queen
      So you're just protestants then, why need a different name? Anglican church only exists because of Somme English monarch centuries ago. It's bad enough modern Anglicans aren't even monarchists, what excuse to Americans have?

      • 2 years ago

        Protestants aren't in apostolic succession. We are.

        >homosexuality is historically misunderstood and tangential to Christianity's more important points, e.g. the nature of Christ. gay couples are held to the same standard as straights. No sex outside of or before marriage
        Butt sex is actually Christian!

        My God I fricking hate Anglicans and Episcopalians

        theologically speaking, dyophysitism vs miaphysitism is much more consequential than gay marriage

        • 2 years ago

          How is apostolic succession any less legit for Lutherans than for Anglicans?

          • 2 years ago

            Luther wasn't a bishop, but he attempted to ordain priests. this has continued in the Lutheran tradition. Our lines are unbroken, as we always considered ordination by a bishop necessary.

          • 2 years ago

            German Lutherans don't claim apostolic succession.
            It's a Scandinavian/Baltic/American Lutheran thing because the Scandinavian kings converted their countries wholesale to Lutheranism. This is also mutually recognised by the Anglican communion.

        • 2 years ago

          Literally Protestants ARE in apostolic succession; Luther was a monk, and many bishops in northern Europe switched to Lutheranism or to Anglicanism (or the Methodists etc).
          The Baptists will TELL you that they're not beholden to the Apostolic succession and that they are not Protestant. They have a restorationist ecclesiology. (Sometimes they will refer to Waldo or to Tertullian or to whoever, if they've read enough Patristics.)
          If you are going to debate apostolic succession, know what you are talking about, please.
          t. Catholic

    • 2 years ago

      >homosexuality is historically misunderstood and tangential to Christianity's more important points, e.g. the nature of Christ. gay couples are held to the same standard as straights. No sex outside of or before marriage
      Butt sex is actually Christian!

      My God I fricking hate Anglicans and Episcopalians

  4. 2 years ago

    They think the Anglican way is the best approach to Christianity and they happen to be American
    Wheres the issue?

    • 2 years ago

      Finally, a decent answer thankyou

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