Macbook Air Thread

Thinking about getting a macbook air so I can try ios development and make some music and videos.
Should I save up and buy the new m2 air? Or is the m1 air still suitable? I would have bought the new m2 but the price went up an extra $200 over the m1 model, and it's still a paltry 8gb.
I was hoping that the release of the m2 would make the m1's price drop but with the m2 being more money, I don't think the price of the m1 air will go down much if at all. In my part of the world, an Air m2 with 8gb of ram is about $1420 (pre-order price, I presume); and an Air m1 with 16gb is $1240
I already have a linux thinkpad, and I use windows at work so I want to own a mac for the first time. I'm also experiencing IT fatigue and want to try a new environment and skillset, hopefully I can revitalize myself because I have a lot of burnot.
>pic related
Any tips/tricks would be appreciated, as well as any links you have for learning xcode or music/video production.
Also if you have experience with the m1 air please let me know your feelings. Thanks.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Why is the dude in the back holding the CRT?

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know, that isn't the picture I meant to post.

  2. 2 years ago


    Please don't post nsfw images on a blue board.

  3. 2 years ago

    FWIW the entire Air line dropped $100, starting with the M1 at 899. Check Apple’s website.

    • 2 years ago

      I see $999 still:

      • 2 years ago

        I’ll be damned! I wish I’d taken a screenshot. But yeah, must’ve been a glitch, shit!

        • 2 years ago

          They are 899 with a student discount, which they don't really verify.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah it’s basically a free discount

  4. 2 years ago

    >4:3 image, beige computer, windows 98 so picture was taken sometime between 1998-2001 at least
    >an office with wooden furnishings, given that and his outfit it might be a school or somewhere less corporate
    >guy in foreground is a fat fetishist, clearly, given his wallpaper, despite being in a workplace
    >his nearby coworkers either don't give a shit or he's so bold that he himself doesn't give a shit. given his expression it could be either
    >guy across from him holding the monitor up. maybe it fell off the stand?
    What an interesting photo

  5. 2 years ago

    Bought an m1 air last week for me and my partner. I haven't used any apple products in the past decade until now, for the price the laptop performs pretty well. The amount you are able to customize macos compared to windows is great, still worse than linux just because there's less community support. I'm not a fan of the design of the m2 macbook air, looks too much like the pros for me.

  6. 2 years ago

    Sure it’s good but native iOS development is a meme. Apple has proved time and time again more than any other company they will always shove a fist up their dev’s buttholes. Plus only so many people have iPhones.

    The air is a respectable laptop though, nothing wrong with it.

  7. 2 years ago


    This sirs. Only the windows bhai is the white man OSs, sirs. Do not redeem the mac.

    • 2 years ago

      rajeesh frick off, this is the gentoo board

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    I feel like there's a lot more Mac lovers on IQfy than there used to be. Is this the zoomers?

    • 2 years ago

      Apple silicon is at least something new to talk about, even if it ends up being shit. The value of the M1 air is actually decent for the price for hardware, no longer paying a premium for hardware is a big deal. MacOS is better in most ways to windows. There are people here who pay attention and try products instead of just jerking of and blindly hating because of brand/logo.

      • 2 years ago

        >The value of the M1 air is actually decent for the price for hardware, no longer paying a premium for hardware is a big deal.
        I'll agree on this, the Apple silicon seems pretty good.

        >MacOS is better in most ways to windows.
        Definitely not. My company gave me a Mac Book Pro so I got to evaluate MacOS without the thought that I had already paid for it looming over my head. It wasn't that great. I can see how maybe 10 years ago it might have been considered great, but I think today it's mediocre at best.

        • 2 years ago

          The thing I like about macos, is that it has a dcent community for customization. Much smaller than linux, but for the most part you can easily disable macos features that are annoying and replace them with something from git. Out of the box it's probably similar usability to windows, but I've yet to hit a wall with something where macos is annoying me and I can't change it. I can't say the same for windows.

          • 2 years ago

            My experience is the opposite. Windows has a lot of features that are available out of the box that MacOS lacked entirely, and the only way I found to add them in was to go digging around git or homebrew or something of the sort.
            I have 3 monitors and I have never found window management so infuriating as it is on the Mac. I have slowly learned how to deal with it but it's not been nearly as intuitive as Apple would make it sound. I also hate that MacOS seems incapable of remembering on what screen my windows were last located. If I reboot Windows and open up my browser, it goes to the last screen it was located on. On MacOS is a total crapshoot. It's just small annoyances like this that don't seem to exist on Windows anymore.

          • 2 years ago

            Different anon here. The display/window management is atrocious. Sometimes a window will move to another monitor when waking up, but others stay put. Part of this seems to be the way it handles the monitors itself. Even going through built-in HDMI it tries to initialize the display connected through USB-C first. I wish to god they would fix this already. It seems to have gotten worse since 10.11.

    • 2 years ago

      i've never liked mac. i had to get a macbook for class, so i bought a m1 mba. the m1 mba:
      >was never hot in my lap and had no fan (every windows laptop i've had/used would run hot or run fan constantly or both)
      >had excellent native OS search via Spotlight, which is cmd + spacebar keybind to a search box and never failed to find files/folders, whereas windows10 couldn't find nearly all files/directories i was looking for from the start menu (and Explorer search had to be babied to the correct top-level directory to find them)
      >used unix-like terminal commands natively and is probably 10x faster than git bash on windows

      on these three things alone (cool/quiet during workloads, easy search, and native unix-like terminal), i actually really enjoyed using the m1 mba. i have always hated on mac, my dad was a windows guy (career-long network admin) and raised me that way, but all the gripes i have with windows laptops (especially heat/noise) were mostly solved with m1 mba.

    • 2 years ago

      OP here, not a zoomer. I've fallen out of love with windows since metro launched with windows 8. 10 and 11 compounded my gripes, and like I said in the OP I use windows at work so I want a change for my personal laptop because I'm getting burnt out.

      If you just want the most fun machine to frick around on, m1 256/8.

      If you want something that will make you productive doing work or studying, then the m2 24gb model. The m2 in general for the screen and still smol laptop body. Honestly though consider MacBook Pro just for the displays unless you want to use displaylink.

      >If you just want the most fun machine to frick around on, m1 256/8.
      Ok thanks, but I've convinced myself to upgrade the ram to 16gb. Is it necessary?

  10. 2 years ago

    If you just want the most fun machine to frick around on, m1 256/8.

    If you want something that will make you productive doing work or studying, then the m2 24gb model. The m2 in general for the screen and still smol laptop body. Honestly though consider MacBook Pro just for the displays unless you want to use displaylink.

  11. 2 years ago

    >was hoping that the release of the m2 would make the m1's price drop
    It did if you buy used or refurbished. You should only buy refurbished Apple products.

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