Make up a book title and I'll tell you the plot.

Make up a book title and I'll tell you the plot.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Moloch's flowers.

    • 2 years ago

      Fix cuz I'm a ESL moron.

      • 2 years ago

        huh? you had it right the first time

    • 2 years ago

      not OP but I like the idea and I dont feel like waiting. be the change you want to see in the world.

      dark fantasy about a war between a nation and its trans humanist elite. the nation only gets the upper hand by becoming trans humanist themselves. however instead of using tech to make themselves into cyborgs they graft animal and large insect parts to themselves to give them the upper hand. Those that sign up to undergo this grafting are unfortunately made hideous by it but it is their only chance to defeat their oppressors. It follows a group of volunteers for the program. half of the story is the war, the second half is the groups reintegration to normal society. haled as heros until people start to forget the horror they were saved from.

      • 2 years ago

        follows the story of Tobius Shiver. A man who recently murdered his father, on the run through the woods just outside his home town of Roanoke. Shit scared and alone he keeps moving until he reaches a cave where he sets up camp, planning to live out his days as a cave hermit, using the skins he received from a local shaman to identify edible plants and perform rituals of protection (it was his fathers distaste for these materials that led to his death). for years all is well until one day Tobius starts to hear strange sounds coming from deeper inside the cave. curious, Tobius uses the knowledge he gained from the shaman skins, starts excavating in order to find the source of the sound. ultimately releasing an a lovecraftian evil that kills him and enslaves the forest to do its bidding, destroying Roanoke in its wake.

        sci fi story about two worlds each going through extinction level events. their survival requires them to work together to rapidly colonize a third planet that was previously thought uninhabitable. The story follows a hand full of officials from the more human like race attempting to organize the colonization efforts along side those of the other, more alien planet. Navigating tensions as well as attempting to survive the early symptoms of the apocalypse tests the ethical limits of what can be compromised when extinction is inevitable, while also illuminating previously hidden perks of the coexistence of the two species.

        The story of a recent college drop out who, after a severe reaction to a psychedelic experience results in a delusion that he is descended from a long line of kings that were said to be the leaders of a local esoteric fraternity, storms into the lodge of the green lion with the intention of taking over as their leader. An adept of the order meets him as he makes his demands, playing along and attempting to deescalate the situation before our clearly manic protagonist does something stupid. The story continues as the adept attempts to assist the protagonist in reintegrating into normal life while dealing with his sadly permanent delusional state, attempting to redirect the energy of the mental illness into good works with the help of the fraternity and reframing delusion into mystical experience with helpful interpretations. In the end our protagonist receives his kingdom in the form of community with endless resources of love.

        a father raises a son in all the ways that his society deems appropriate and with all the love he can muster, using his own upbringing as a counter example to help him do things right. The son grows up strong and healthy in body and spirit. Unfortunately for the father the sons mind is warped, leading the son to despise the father regardless of the love and respect he received. The son one day gets it in his head to eliminate the father by locking him in the mines behind their home. the son then makes an elaborate plan to trick the father into going into the mines to rescue him from some dark fate. It ends with the father accepting his fate as trapped in the mines, his conditioning and love for his son leading to him forgiving the son of all his transgressions.

        Make up a book title and I'll tell you the plot.

        Now do the Black person ones.

        • 2 years ago

          no you!

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      detective with the neo russian usa fbi is put on the trail of planned-parenthood-fed gardens and is led down a trail of shriners hospitals looking to track down a secret garden bloomed from dead souls

  2. 2 years ago

    Shiver in the Woods

    • 2 years ago

      follows the story of Tobius Shiver. A man who recently murdered his father, on the run through the woods just outside his home town of Roanoke. Shit scared and alone he keeps moving until he reaches a cave where he sets up camp, planning to live out his days as a cave hermit, using the skins he received from a local shaman to identify edible plants and perform rituals of protection (it was his fathers distaste for these materials that led to his death). for years all is well until one day Tobius starts to hear strange sounds coming from deeper inside the cave. curious, Tobius uses the knowledge he gained from the shaman skins, starts excavating in order to find the source of the sound. ultimately releasing an a lovecraftian evil that kills him and enslaves the forest to do its bidding, destroying Roanoke in its wake.

      • 2 years ago

        That's fricking awesome. I'd pre-order that shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >follows the story of Tobius Shiver
        Kek, these are good anon.

        • 2 years ago

          That's fricking awesome. I'd pre-order that shit.

          thanks anon. I think they are all probably pretty derivative but I appreciate the feedback.

    • 2 years ago

      shiv king in the supermax deep in the allagash maine has rule the prison for a decade—but in 2025 a solar flare sets the earth's poles sliding skewed under the mantle unlocking the non-tumbler slabs locking up the supermax release everyone all the maximum controlled criminally non-insane whomstve of which flooding into the nearby areas (woods) and the prison citadel itself—taking grip with their monkeyhands of the local areas, now the Shiver in the forest through much intrigue and stabbage, takes control of the newly bloomed civ in the woods which is quickly looping into a new climate (jungle) very hot the earth spinning recklessly, now facing wrongly towards the sun and moon, the king Shiver, now with improved knife, is kang of the woods, woodvine bridges and leafy gazeboed.

  3. 2 years ago

    SUPER Black person

    • 2 years ago

      the sequel to shiver in the woods, the shiv-er from the first book, his son (duaghter) [it's spelt duaghter in 2023], {idiot}/ but so anyway the paradise built by the shiver in the first book, free of social constructs and rase-ism and durscruminashon, he grandchile, theys in char of dey new fivilivation mainly confiftin of houves in they trees and fanana factories ex setera.... but ven won dey theys got a new visitah—a pale facsed Yaqub babbling about he lost he hungree he wan watah or WHATEVAH and blestour leader throw heem in a cage of vines and brambrew or whatevah and he start babbling bout improvements when low and bree-hole—our fine as fuh leader finds buried a broombawks which witch to pray he father's seedees, where is he learn-edd what sackly this yacub why-skinned boy be about! From deere, hoo boy lemme tail you

  4. 2 years ago

    Parallel dissonance

    —Written by N. Ishmael Gerthren

    • 2 years ago

      sci fi story about two worlds each going through extinction level events. their survival requires them to work together to rapidly colonize a third planet that was previously thought uninhabitable. The story follows a hand full of officials from the more human like race attempting to organize the colonization efforts along side those of the other, more alien planet. Navigating tensions as well as attempting to survive the early symptoms of the apocalypse tests the ethical limits of what can be compromised when extinction is inevitable, while also illuminating previously hidden perks of the coexistence of the two species.

  5. 2 years ago

    ultramaga werewolves

  6. 2 years ago

    Vacation in the Doldrums

  7. 2 years ago

    OP == homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      A romance in the vein of brokeback mountain
      two IQfy users discover they live right next to each other after one of them calls the other, the OP, a homosexual.

  8. 2 years ago

    Reactionary, Revolutionary, Rejuvenationary

    • 2 years ago

      I have a new least favorite word. thanks anon.

      • 2 years ago

        why you don't like it?

        • 2 years ago

          its so unwieldy

          • 2 years ago

            ok so how about
            Reactionary, Revolutionary, Rejuvetionary? cutting "na" out

          • 2 years ago

            I feel like you gotta scrap the rejuvenation part for synonym. or maybe a different ending (though I know you are going for three -arys here. rejuvenator just feels better). I think it works for a title because its a bit jarring and memorable but I cant imagine ever using it in a sentence, especially not as a proper noun

          • 2 years ago

            I get it that it's weird to use the term Rejuvenationary or Rejuvetionary but the thing is that I want to make a book a book describe 3 society political view or outlook
            First Reactionary are the people who want to revort society back to its past these people are really traditionalist and conservative but that doesn't mean they are always in the right of political compass they can also be like Old bolshevism moment like Stalinist, Marxism-Lennist or other old left.
            Second is Revolutionary these people want to change society into new and something completely different than the current society like the new left or new right. These people despise current society as rotten and the old tradition as cancer that is plauging their nation they seek to destory these old reactionary ideas and embrace the new like Marinetti and Mayakovsky from Italian and Russian Futurism movment during ww2
            and Third is finally my made up concept called "Rejuvenationary" basically this movment understand the important of tradition and culture that it is part of their society but however they must also move forward or "accelerate" toward the future! what make Rejuv different from Reactionary and Revolutionary is that Rejuvenationary value the past but understand that they need to change for the future of their society.

            How about Rise, Revolt, Roar?

            Rise, Revolt, Reform?

          • 2 years ago

            oh no Im saying leave it in the title. its unwieldy but not uninteresting. so long as it isnt what you call a faction or something its fine. I didnt realize people were posting names of things they already had ideas for. I like it. I was trapped in a cycle of thinking about tinker tailor soldier spy every time I read it which made it kind of hard for me to come up with something original for it.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, it is just a joke about some Indian movie that came out recently. Its name sounded similar to your proposed title, I was trying to be wry.

          • 2 years ago

            How about Rise, Revolt, Roar?

  9. 2 years ago

    Lavender Sand

    • 2 years ago

      The story of a recent college drop out who, after a severe reaction to a psychedelic experience results in a delusion that he is descended from a long line of kings that were said to be the leaders of a local esoteric fraternity, storms into the lodge of the green lion with the intention of taking over as their leader. An adept of the order meets him as he makes his demands, playing along and attempting to deescalate the situation before our clearly manic protagonist does something stupid. The story continues as the adept attempts to assist the protagonist in reintegrating into normal life while dealing with his sadly permanent delusional state, attempting to redirect the energy of the mental illness into good works with the help of the fraternity and reframing delusion into mystical experience with helpful interpretations. In the end our protagonist receives his kingdom in the form of community with endless resources of love.

  10. 2 years ago

    Welter and Waste.

    • 2 years ago

      a father raises a son in all the ways that his society deems appropriate and with all the love he can muster, using his own upbringing as a counter example to help him do things right. The son grows up strong and healthy in body and spirit. Unfortunately for the father the sons mind is warped, leading the son to despise the father regardless of the love and respect he received. The son one day gets it in his head to eliminate the father by locking him in the mines behind their home. the son then makes an elaborate plan to trick the father into going into the mines to rescue him from some dark fate. It ends with the father accepting his fate as trapped in the mines, his conditioning and love for his son leading to him forgiving the son of all his transgressions.

  11. 2 years ago

    my diary tbh

    • 2 years ago

      the protag is depressed and lonely and kill himself quite quickly. it’s a short book.

    • 2 years ago

      the protag is BASED

      • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    The Village that once Mistook a Banana for a Snake (and other Classic Village Tales and Tails) - Whitman & Obije [Criterion Collection]

  13. 2 years ago

    Mulligan Mustard and his G.A.S

  14. 2 years ago

    Bundle of sticks

  15. 2 years ago

    The Black person

  16. 2 years ago

    Shiver in the Woods

  17. 2 years ago

    my diary tbh

  18. 2 years ago

    german girls in kenya

  19. 2 years ago

    The wienerteaser's Constibulary

  20. 2 years ago

    The Sneed Saga

  21. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The story of a man so fed up with his day to day that he literally tries anything to escape without doing the hard thing of actually changing his life. He escapes through books, through writing shitty fiction plots for random anons on the internet just to feel like he is still in touch with his creative vitality (the only vitality left since he gained 100 pounds and started being a yes man for his loved ones and those that hold power over him by wielding the fear of losing the modicum of comfort he has managed to obtain through his meager efforts up to this point). Our protagonist continues to do the best he can within the confines of maintaining his current state of comfort, knowing that it must either all come crashing down to start fresh, or end in a whimper and the pull of a trigger

  22. 2 years ago

    the self and its components

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds more like a philosophical work than anything with a real plot but Im going to make it fiction.

      Sci-fi story about a man who has, for almost his whole life (taught by his parents), protested against the use of cybernetics to replace limbs. Claiming that the human body is not like the ship of Theseus (replace as many parts as you want as long as part by part it is the same ship), once any of parts have been switched out the original soul of the thing is changed. This man has undergone an unfortunate event, he lost the use of his legs when he was at a rally and a cyborg shot him in the spine. Now the man has to grapple with the dilemma of sticking to his principles or taking advantage of the technology of the time. Through his own personal weakness and pressure from his loved ones he gets a new, "functional" pare of legs. These legs, being new products or maybe even prototypes, malfunction so that they keep the man in constant sprint for the rest of the battery life of the prosthetic (a long time but not a life time). It ends with him finally rejoining his family and friends finally at rest in a wheel chair for the rest of his life.

      • 2 years ago

        oh shit I forgot the image. sorry. Im drunk. here it is.

  23. 2 years ago

    Tell It To The Wind

    • 2 years ago

      A love story to a girl that died at 26 of a heart disease passed on by her mother. The story follows a young man trying to understand the cruelty of the world that took the love of his life by delving into myth, legend and ultimately the occult. Throughout the story we see all the different ways a man can cling to the fantasy of one still being touchable even after death. From the delusion of her embodiment in certain archetypal figures, attempting to reach out to him through the myths of the past, to attempting to reach her through ritual that challenges his ethics. The story ends with him walking into the woods ultimately to kill himself since none of the other methods brought him close enough (though all working to some degree) to make life seem worth it, until he meets an old man who is paying homage to a tree, who he claims to house the soul of his dead wife (they had a full life together). It is left vague but you get the sense that the man in the woods had some insight that left the man hopeful enough about the future to stay his hand.

  24. 2 years ago

    Vehemently Existing: How I Overcame by Gertrude Rothstein

    • 2 years ago

      I dont know. some politician/actor/business moguls vapid girl boss story about how they became the symbol of hope for women in there field (i.e. becoming as big of a piece of shit as any man out there and therefore validation)? yeah some generic shit like that. The image is solely so you know it was me who posted this without tripgayging (funny how the ai clearly drew a nose eh?!).

  25. 2 years ago

    The Female Anus

  26. 2 years ago

    The nigmost nignog in nignogdom

    • 2 years ago

      Im almost tempted to do it for this one. keep em coming.

    • 2 years ago

      Nignog is chief nig of nignogdom. But it wasn't easy to climb his way up the watermelon stalk. Thousands of nigs before him tried the harrowing journey and ended up dead on the street... but not nignog. Nignog put a cap in every nigs ass until he finally achieved what he dreamed off. His goal. A white woman. But what's this? A cracka has come crackalackin for his white woman. How will nignog react? Because we all know he dindu nuffin...

      Penguin publishing copyright 2022

  27. 2 years ago

    The Thousandfold Thought

    • 2 years ago

      This one has to be set in ancient greece right? look at the art work and the obvious philosophical naming and tell me it doesnt.

      The rapture comes and all that is left on earth are the archetypes of ancient, pagan heroes. These heroes appear to have a choice to make, either work together to build a world where they can live in spite of the judgement of the universe, or accept there drives to destroy one another for the glory of the new word that they weave on their own. The latter outcome is more difficult due to the loss of many hands, the former is at a disadvantage due to the interference of the gods as soft determinism (representing the mental states and physical powers of the characters that make certain decisions inevitable to them if they heed the gods advice. yes I stole this idea from another lit thread, frick you). The ultimate battle is between nature (the help of the gods) and nurture (knowing that many hands make light work and the consideration of multiple world views make a sustainable ecosystem) leading to the creation of the paradise of the age (that could be a hell if the archetypes choose poorly).

      • 2 years ago

        frick I forgot the graphic again.

  28. 2 years ago

    End of the Eclipse

    • 2 years ago

      It is the post apocalypse but of culture, not of man. Every single artistic medium has had it formula figure out and exploited to the point where every painting is the same with minor changes to the placement of objects, every song is in the perfect key with the perfect chords and scales, every food hits every taste from sour to sweet to savory and umami. every part of every art is perfectly calibrated to maximize the amount of enjoyment squeezed out of one piece. To the point where everyone has their own perfect combination of artworks that maximize their aesthetic experience of life. But there are groups that disagree on what the perfect combination is for the best life (all though they all theoretically hit the same high points at the same points at the same levels). So faction are borne that aim to eliminate one another to create one harmonious aesthetic experience that everyone can rally under and squeeze the maximum of life out of their finite existence. The story follows our protagonist who discovers a totally new art that no one has thought of before, springing from a whole new awareness that could only be detected after all other aesthetic needs were met. This character has to navigate and survive the faction conflicts, in order to establish and hone his new resulting (hopefully) in a new golden age where new art is produced and culture can continue to grow and ascend to the sublime of human experience.

      • 2 years ago

        I got to get it together.

  29. 2 years ago

    Paige's Way

    • 2 years ago

      I wanted to do this one because it is a fine suggestion but I feel like I cant come up with anything that isnt painfully generic shit. maybe Ill come back to it tomorrow when Im less drunk but here is the art work that came from it anyway. maybe another anon could come up with something in the mean time.

  30. 2 years ago

    Johnny the warlord

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like this one wraps up nicely into

      This one has to be set in ancient greece right? look at the art work and the obvious philosophical naming and tell me it doesnt.

      The rapture comes and all that is left on earth are the archetypes of ancient, pagan heroes. These heroes appear to have a choice to make, either work together to build a world where they can live in spite of the judgement of the universe, or accept there drives to destroy one another for the glory of the new word that they weave on their own. The latter outcome is more difficult due to the loss of many hands, the former is at a disadvantage due to the interference of the gods as soft determinism (representing the mental states and physical powers of the characters that make certain decisions inevitable to them if they heed the gods advice. yes I stole this idea from another lit thread, frick you). The ultimate battle is between nature (the help of the gods) and nurture (knowing that many hands make light work and the consideration of multiple world views make a sustainable ecosystem) leading to the creation of the paradise of the age (that could be a hell if the archetypes choose poorly).

      but Ill try to make something original.

      A comedy about a man named John, an accountant for a subsidiary to a company that owns a third of the worlds products in every market discernable by man. at least that is how it starts, his trustworthiness through some shady deals lead him to be the book keeper for the whole of the companies darker holding (from weapons and ammunition to nu slave trade and drug running). The joke being that he new his elevated position was coming all along. This is not a story of joe shmo getting suckered in to something over his head. This is the story of the benevolent take over of the most nefarious type of organization there is by a guy who suspected this is how it worked all along, and played the (admittedly fricked up) system like a fiddle and moved to the top without any of the heads of the interim steps realizing he was anyone different from the genera public. a savant of industry that ends the world with a bang (total atomic antihalation).

  31. 2 years ago

    Archons and Aeons

    • 2 years ago

      Dark fantasy where a man is trapped in a loop of his own experience. His thoughts are forced into a subconscious state that is not quite blacking out, but is incapable of the introspection and conceptualization required to make the world tangible to him. so time seems to move incredibly quickly for this man. However, due to the lack of taxation on the brain due to the conscious functions, the man is able to lead a life that is 4 time longer than that of a normal human man (with the help of advanced prosthetics to replace other vital organs of course. maybe this story is in the same universe as

      Sounds more like a philosophical work than anything with a real plot but Im going to make it fiction.

      Sci-fi story about a man who has, for almost his whole life (taught by his parents), protested against the use of cybernetics to replace limbs. Claiming that the human body is not like the ship of Theseus (replace as many parts as you want as long as part by part it is the same ship), once any of parts have been switched out the original soul of the thing is changed. This man has undergone an unfortunate event, he lost the use of his legs when he was at a rally and a cyborg shot him in the spine. Now the man has to grapple with the dilemma of sticking to his principles or taking advantage of the technology of the time. Through his own personal weakness and pressure from his loved ones he gets a new, "functional" pare of legs. These legs, being new products or maybe even prototypes, malfunction so that they keep the man in constant sprint for the rest of the battery life of the prosthetic (a long time but not a life time). It ends with him finally rejoining his family and friends finally at rest in a wheel chair for the rest of his life.


      not OP but I like the idea and I dont feel like waiting. be the change you want to see in the world.

      dark fantasy about a war between a nation and its trans humanist elite. the nation only gets the upper hand by becoming trans humanist themselves. however instead of using tech to make themselves into cyborgs they graft animal and large insect parts to themselves to give them the upper hand. Those that sign up to undergo this grafting are unfortunately made hideous by it but it is their only chance to defeat their oppressors. It follows a group of volunteers for the program. half of the story is the war, the second half is the groups reintegration to normal society. haled as heros until people start to forget the horror they were saved from.

      ) Researcher, noticing the increased life span of the cursed man, view his state as the next step in human existence, the step necessary to achieve immortality. The story follows the man in unconscious stasis as he attempts to break out of the cursed state he finds himself in through seemingly un-noticed conscious experience and cognitive work, while an invested researcher tries to stop him from destroying the progress he has made in making man immortal (and permanently unconscious).

  32. 2 years ago

    Delusion and plot

    • 2 years ago

      half of the plots I have created so far lol.

  33. 2 years ago

    energy warrior

  34. 2 years ago

    Striders also forgive

    • 2 years ago

      with a title like that there is no way this isnt some kind of sci-fi fantasy romance. Im thinking a ghibli type nature creature (like a stag with cool nature shit going on, I dont know, something majestic) that is losing its habitat is the main character of the story. Starts with the strider (majestic stag creature) doing normal animal shit but with some magic twist, finding a mate that he loves and living peacefully until the industrialists show up. gotta fight for his home but the twist is he fricking loses and his body is researched to create a new technology that ultimately destroys the industrial civilization, leaving nature to take over once more. the first half is the romantic nature life of the strider and the second half is post strider death depicting the prosperity and then downfall of the industrial society.

  35. 2 years ago

    Peepee... but where's the poopoo??

  36. 2 years ago

    Political Unassailability and the manufacturing of Victimhood.

    • 2 years ago

      youre post was banned for violating global rule J


      Because of the short length of your ban you may not appeal

  37. 2 years ago

    Faster seconds

    • 2 years ago


  38. 2 years ago

    sayonara, tanaka-kun...

  39. 2 years ago

    Finite Jest

  40. 2 years ago

    Spengler & Yockey
    The destiny of the Civilization and Culture

  41. 2 years ago

    Big Blue, Little Green.

    • 2 years ago

      A vietnamese child's experiences before a big flood carries him away and kills him. We'd be reading his day to day antiques, the way he ate, the way he responded to situations that made him angry, the way his mom and dad kissed his cheeks. When the dog made him laugh so hard he got sick, when his cousins came over and they all played in the mud. All of it shown with the budding optimism of a young life, before the flood comes and rips it out of him.

      • 2 years ago

        That's great man! I was thinking something like you know the Earth; mostly water but also land, but that is great to. It is nice to see someone putting effort into a post to respond to other people, especially on IQfy.

  42. 2 years ago

    Labyrinth and the castles.

  43. 2 years ago

    The carved footprints

    • 2 years ago

      I find this title compelling but Im really having trouble with it for 2 reasons. the first is the use of "the" makes me feel like carved footprints have to be literal things in the story. of it was just "carved footprints" I could get away with treating them symbolically but the "the" seems to solidify them as an object critical to the plot for some reason. and the second problem is the use of the word "carved" which to me has such sinister over tones and all I can think to be the purpose of preserved footprints on a surface is to lead people to places that were deemed important by things that came before, and I cant come up with a good way to make that sinister.

    • 2 years ago

      never mind I think I have something.

      lovecraftian horror story that tells the story of an indigenous people that carve the foot prints of the pray they spot in an area on every tree they see around that animal to help them track the type and abundance of animals in the area over time. the idea being that as the tree grows the old cravings will be higher up the tree and the low ones are more recent accounts. stag, dear, horses and goats get cloven carvings. raccoons, squirrels and possums get hand like claw carvings. wolves and big cats get 4 toed paw carvings. bears get big frick off claw carvings. etc etc. one day a hunting party comes back missing 2 members, babbling and frantically grabbing weapons and fire to rush back out to the woods where they had come, to slay some hideous thing they had been attacked by out in the woods. along with a few more men from their camp, they arrive at a gruesome scene. blood and viscera everywhere, limbs all over and half eaten. but only enough for one man except one extra leg. the other man made a get away with one bloody stump leg. the hunting party follows the blood trail and every so often notice a little mark at the bottom of a tree. The party surmise that their friend had decided to track the beast that attacked them so the rest of the party could take revenge. following further into the woods the blood trail ends at the base of a tree with the same strange marking, but this time it was repeated until it covered the entire trunk. no body to be found. the story can either just follow the hinting party or it could follow an investigator come to look into rumors of a new species in the area. who hears this story and goes further than the indigenous people, with perilous results.

      • 2 years ago

        sorry for the typos I am phone posting at work and was trying to get that out fast. I didnt even notice them in the moment.

  44. 2 years ago

    Battle in Wollongong

    Writteb by: Tutupipi Oogaboo

  45. 2 years ago

    Obscene Obscurity

    • 2 years ago

      a comming of age story following the pubesent flowering of anyoung man, hitting all of the notes of the usual coming of age tropes (betrayal of a friend, disenchantment with the world, first look at the reality one will face: maybe war or something IDK) which all play out within the first 1/3 of the story, the other 2/3 play out a love story in which the protagonist, being shy and dejected by his revilations, stars to stalk a girl he has become infatuated with at his school. leaving cryptic love letters in her locker, trying to get to know her through social media, following her at a distance to learn what she likes, all rising in sinister over tones while he justifies it as normal actions toward someone he loves, taking on an almost protector types roll when he fricks with a boy trying to gain her affection (depicted as a dick for the sake of keeping the pure, good boy persona of the protagonist). it ends with the young man cornering his love interest in a secluded spot after school, confessing his love to her, and being gently rejected by the well meaning young woman who barely knows him. In the hopes of salvaging his dream of being with her he attempts to keep her from leaving so she might be forced to get to know him (playfully in his mind since he still sees himself as the good guy here) until he sees the fear in the young womans eyes. He now realizes that he has been terrorizing this person that he wished to protect and love. the scene closes with our protagonist letting the girl go without another word.

      • 2 years ago

        and forgot the art work. I guess it wasnt the drinks fault.

  46. 2 years ago


  47. 2 years ago

    Fungya, the Decomposing Dog.

    • 2 years ago

      Im going to ask you to stick with me on this one because I think it sounds a bit silly but could be done in a really touching but simultaniously terrifying way.

      Lovcraftian horror story from the perspective of a dog that, in its day to day wonderings around its owners property, comes into contact with a slow acting color out of space type substance (corrupting goop that degenerates the mind and body somehow). The story follows the transformation of the dogs body and the natural concern of the owners trying to figure out how to save their beloved pet while being in the dogs first person so we can see how it is effecting the dogs mind. throughout the story also the owner starts being effected bu the goop though to a lesser extent and rate than the dog, making him less and less recognizeable to him. Ultimately the degeneration of the dogs mind and the unrecognizeable aspect of the owner lead to the dog killing his owner out right. the final seen is the dog finding a new owner, which turns out to be the goop possesed corpse of his former master. and they live happely ever after.

      • 2 years ago

        Hahahaha, holy frick. I love it. You know what? I'll try to write this.
        This is the title of a children's book I'm writing, actually, so you're right, it's definitely silly-sounding.

        • 2 years ago

          that would be cool. would you be willing to post the story here when you finish it? It would be cool to read stories that come from these ideas.

          • 2 years ago

            Absolutely. It'll take a long, long time, but I've committed to it. Thank you for the inspiration.

  48. 2 years ago

    West of Ernestina

    • 2 years ago

      a romantic slice of life story about a suportive wife attempting to help her husband complete the alchemical magnum opus (either lead to gold or creating the philosopher stone) literally through chemistry. their are scenes of her assisting with lab experiments, going to talks and conventions to learn more about alchemy, setting up a lab yo do their experiments in while dealing with the frustrations of failures, the excitement of finding and coming up with new methods and dealing with other lofe things that keep getting in the way of the work. The idea being that the characters attempt the work through literal interpretation alchemocal formulai for achieving the magnum opus, while their life and growth as a couple and as individuals follows what one could think of as the symbolic philisiophical interpretation of the work. The story ends with the main character being given the news that she is dying, the husbands febal attempts to find a solution, ultimate resignation to the enevitablity of her death and creating, with her help, a beautiful pendant with a large red stone in the center for her to be burried with. The process of making the pendent being their last joy together.

      • 2 years ago

        thats actually pretty nice

  49. 2 years ago

    One Thing I Don't Know Why

    • 2 years ago

      It doesnt even matter how hard I try. I cant bring myself to make an attempt to use this as a title for a story.

  50. 2 years ago

    Heavy Lightning in Baal's Lap

    • 2 years ago

      sci-fi story about researchers investigating the thoughts of newborns and late stage fetus's to gain insight into what they remember about what came before their cognission. the idea being that the echos of what came before are lost quickly after a baby spends too much time exposed to the material world. the story follows the head researcher comming up with his method, getting the resources to conduct his experiments, gathering the data and then grappeling with that data (leaving this intentionally open ended so it can go in any direction).

      • 2 years ago

        damn it. graphic.

      • 2 years ago

        I really like that, good response anon. I'll do one for you in return if you'd like that.

        • 2 years ago

          Im glad you like it. I had a lot of ideas for that one that I felt were ok but just didnt fit gravitas of the language.
          sure mine is

          Vacation in the Doldrums

          • 2 years ago

            Vacation in the Doldrums

            Story about a herpetologist who wanted to be a painter experimenting with synthetic drugs, only to be haunted by sudden visions of a desert planet devoid of life. The story follows his realizations regarding the planet's impossible architecture, the unmanned sailboards that roam it's surface, and the possibility of subterranean life on the planet.

          • 2 years ago

            the drugs to explore hidden place idea was exactly what I thought of too. thanks for sharing anon.

  51. 2 years ago


  52. 2 years ago

    Teeth and Hate

    • 2 years ago

      It is way to obvious to make a monster story out of this so I wont.

      A steam punk scifi story in which a machinist creates a computing machine using clockwork gears to act as the mechanisms for what we understand to be computer logic. In doing so the mechanist creates what is basically a clockwork AI automaton as an assistant for other, grander projects. With the help of the AI, the mechanist creates incredible, large scale automated systems that improve infrastructure for the city that he lives in. This catches the attention of the military, who ask to see him about developing war machines. The Mechanist is not opposed to this, being a practical man and a patriot, however he is massively afraid of social interaction (why he created the AI in the first place was for the sake of not having to interview human assistants) so he sends the AI to the meeting with the military leaders. Over the course of the talks it becomes clear to the AI that the systems the military wants them to build are all designed for the systematic elimination of certain species (its steam punk nazis but with automated death camps that are only lethal to one species due to something special they require to survive). The AI brings the design back to the mechanist who comes to the same conclusion as the AI and has a problem with the idea of an indiscriminate murder bot (cool with killing enemy soldiers, not cool with killing their innocent families). So, after some pressure from the military officials in the form of threats, the protagonist and the AI both decide to create the war machine but with the modification of integrating the AI into it to give it the ability to discern between innocent and guilty. The story ends after a test run reveals that the AI has its own ideas of who is guilty and who is innocent, leaving the military angry that it doesnt kill every last one and the mechanist demoralized over the loss of innocent lives due to his creation. The mechanist is killed by the military while attempting to dismantle his creation. The AI, seeing how wrong his creator thought his exitance was, dismantles itself after labeling itself guilty.

  53. 2 years ago

    The Calamity of Adam.

    • 2 years ago

      A fantasy comedy that follows the life a court wizard, dedicating the first bit of the story to depicting his rise to that position and hammering home how powerful a wizard he was up to the present day. The rest of the story is set in a world where all wizards are inexplicably losing their ability to do magic including the protagonist. The plot follows the slow build up of the realization of the loss of magic, the panic in the wizarding society and the protagonists search for why magic was disappearing and a potential solution while attempting tom keep the position and status that he worked his whole life to achieve. The story ends with the wizard world creating technologies and sciences (alchemists become chemists, rune masters become electronic engineers, weather workers become meteorologists that sneakily implementing irrigation and agricultural infrastructure. etc) that allow them to continue to operate as before while putting on the charade that they never lost their power in the first place,

  54. 2 years ago

    Socialism vs Reality
    Liberalism and anarchy
    Capitalist-Materalism a devoid of human soul

  55. 2 years ago

    With Malice

    • 2 years ago

      A brutal dark fantasy about a crusade of a religious sect whos core beliefs are built from a might-is-right philosophy. The story follows a small group of warriors in the faction as their army tears through a plethora of different foes, reading a bit like a variety show of ultraviolent conflicts against a variety of different ideological societies, depicting scenes of new challenges the various people pose to the military and the different way our soldier protagonists solve those challenges, until they reach their final foe who are not so different from all of the other peoples the army had encountered, except for the fact that this group new they were coming and are particularly adept at political subterfuge. These new people turn the army against themselves by using the army's ideology against them. Leaving one of our protagonists as the last one standing, celebrating his strength for a few brief moments before being overwhelmed by the entire force of the enemies military.

  56. 2 years ago

    Sky High Beaches

    • 2 years ago

      A mystery about the disappearance of a self help guru / cult leader. The story follows a skeptic who attempts to investigate the disappearance that the ardent followers of the guru claim was ordained and signifies a turning point in history. The investigation starts out clear cut as a drug deal gone wrong until the skeptic gets ahold of someone who was at the deal coming clean about what happened. It turns out that the guru (according to drug guy remember) has some crazy supernatural gifts after all. From this point on the investigation brings our protagonist into contact various adepts at temples, secret societies and wandering mystics that claim that they met with him to discuss his abilities, all claiming the guru had some kind of ability and seemed rushed by fear to move on. As well as being confronted from time to time by members of the gurus flock. The story ends with the protagonist locating the guru who has hidden himself away because he fears his new, very real powers (all of his works to this point have been popsychology and new age schlock that was born of a genuine desire to help people), the nature of which has revealed to him that most of what he has been telling people is fantasy. He convinces the protagonist to keep his secret, trying to avoid doing any harm his resurfacing may cause, with the promise that he would teach the protagonist all he knows about his newfound abilities.

  57. 2 years ago

    Lily and the Mirror

    • 2 years ago

      Trooned out at a young age, "Lily" is not aging well and for the first time, starts to see the disfigured monster in "herself" that everyone else sees on a daily basis.

    • 2 years ago

      The story follows the life of a girl attempting to reach enlightenment, leading her through a series of spiritual practices (written from the perspective of her journal fleshed from her common place book) gurus and journeys that appear impactful on the outside but always leave her unfulfilled. One of these journeys leads her to run into an advanced practitioner of a group that she had not previously put much stock in (a sort of silly, slightly sinister cult. at least appearing that way) where she meets an adept that is her doppelgänger. Feeling the encounter is a sign, she learns the ways of the cult from her doppelgänger, becoming a very active member in the political sphere (action in the world being what she felt was missing in her teachings). The story ends with the protagonist taking over the seat of power in the cult and killing her doppelgänger for calling her out for going to far.

  58. 2 years ago

    op here i will get started soon

    • 2 years ago

      We don't want you we want the other guy

      • 2 years ago

        nah we want as many people as possible. it would be cool to see al the different plots that could come from the same titles. also im lagging a bit so it would be nice to have more people doing the thing to bump the thread.

    • 2 years ago

      do it. you wont.

  59. 2 years ago

    Dance of the norsemen

    • 2 years ago

      fiction that follows a group of academic researchers studying the connection of norse myth and a rare hallucinogenic plant species recently rediscovered in the forests of Norway. The story follows the discovery and isolation of the active hallucinogenic chemical of the plant made by the groups botanist / chemist, the linking of the plant to obscure norse myth and its ability to unlock a state of mind ideal for participating in an obscure ritual vaguely known as "the dance of the norsemen" discovered by the combined effort of the teams archaeologist and folklorist and corroborated by the teams ethnologist through vague hints told to him by those that claim to still practice the norse rites (though the dance has not been practiced in centuries due to the apparent extinction of the plant, so the actual steps of the ritual are well known but the effects are vague). The plot thickens when the research team decide to experiment with microcoding the drug they created from the plant as prep for performing the ritual (in their mind to fill in the gap the ritual leaves in out understanding norse myth) finding the effects enjoyable and helpful at low dosage. The story ends with the team performing the rite, only to find oit the hard way that "the dance of the norse men" is a ritual meant to purposefully induce berserker rage in the hopes that all participants fight to the death, sending those that die to valhalla for dying in the battle even though they were in piece time. all the researchers take part in the ritual but only one is left standing in the end.

  60. 2 years ago

    Milk in a jar in a jar of milk

    • 2 years ago

      Fiction that follows two povs, a music teachers journey teaching a severely autistic child how to play the drums (the title is a nemonic for his favorite beat, tick-ticky-tack-ticky-ticky-tack), and the families psychologist trying to tie the boys love of rhythm into useful tools to help him get through his life. the story follows the boys fast ascent to drum virtuosity, his psychologists success at creating a therapeutic program for the boy based on his talents, and the teachers support and ultimate over reaching of the boys capabilities to perform with others. The story ends with the drum teacher removing himself from the boys life, realizing that his over reaching is born of a fantasy he was attempting to live out through his student, causing more harm than good. The final scene is the last time the teacher and student meet, the last sound heard by the teacher as he left the boy with his parents was faint tapping (tick-ticky-tack-ticky-ticky-tack).

  61. 2 years ago

    Property of the Writhing Mass

  62. 2 years ago

    Imagine the Smell

  63. 2 years ago

    A short day

  64. 2 years ago

    pebis webis

  65. 2 years ago

    Shivering Fricks.

  66. 2 years ago

    The Tumult of Black folk

  67. 2 years ago

    Mother, I Want To

  68. 2 years ago

    Schopenhauer in a Fursuit.

  69. 2 years ago

    Welcome to the arena

  70. 2 years ago

    >OP is a homosexual
    Scientist discover that OP isnt satisfied by sucking wiener anymore

  71. 2 years ago

    Reacts Poorly to Barium

  72. 2 years ago

    Shiver in the Woods

    • 2 years ago

      post it again

  73. 2 years ago

    The Black person homosexuals of San Francisco

  74. 2 years ago

    Sneed Plantation

  75. 2 years ago

    These threads are for homosexuals who don't read.

    • 2 years ago

      This whole board is for homosexuals who dont read. if we did we wouldnt be posting here. we would be reading (this includes you btw).

      • 2 years ago

        If you read 24/7 you are a loser

        • 2 years ago

          if you view post on anonymous message boards just to shit on strangers on the internet a better use of your time than reading you are an even bigger loser.

  76. 2 years ago

    Feet Pics and Small Dicks

    • 2 years ago

      same plot as

      my diary tbh

    • 2 years ago

      Some New York Times bestseller written for roasties, by roasties. A middle-upper class woman lives in the city and gets harassed by men...yadda yadda...probably a lesbian or a gay involved somehow...

  77. 2 years ago

    Bells of the Soul King

  78. 2 years ago

    The Last Cope

  79. 2 years ago

    "Just Trust Us"

  80. 2 years ago

    The Crow in the Wires

  81. 2 years ago

    Low FWHR

  82. 2 years ago

    The Midget From Truth And Consequences

    • 2 years ago

      >not even gonna answer me

      • 2 years ago

        >thinks begging strangers on the internet is gonna get him somewhere
        I dont owe you shit

  83. 2 years ago

    the crimson hound

  84. 2 years ago

    Cold unsalted egg Burrito

  85. 2 years ago

    Cucks n' Hoes

  86. 2 years ago

    Bundle of sticks

  87. 2 years ago

    Dry-Sand Castles

  88. 2 years ago

    not another greek hero

  89. 2 years ago

    Face, Only Faces & An Open Mouth

  90. 2 years ago

    Everybody's gone to see the bomb

  91. 2 years ago

    Roadkill Steaks with Mango Chutney

  92. 2 years ago

    Finnegans wake

  93. 2 years ago


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