"Mentally ill"

I see that people that behave like shit or have criminal behaviour, if they're young, are mostly labeled not as pieces of shit or criminals but "he had mental problems", "borderline personality disorder" etc, if you give that behaviour a clinical name it doesnt change that it's the same thing, and often it's called for helping them with therapy, psychiatric communities, and other public social programs.

I don't know what causes them to behave that way, but I dont share this compassion towards them and dont think that the so called mental illness excuses their behaviour, both on a moral level and on an utilitarian one(I dont care why they do it you have to arrest criminals to have a functioning society and you cant send everyone to social programs and release them and keep track of them)

I'm not talking out my ass because my brother is exactly this, he used to sell drugs, steal bicycles, steal stuff from shops, act like a thug, insult my parents, be aggressive towards them, dirty the house and dont clean.
And he too has been diagnosed to be "mentally ill", even tho they didnt provide a name.

I also know a guy who killed himself in prison a month ago, he was 21, tragic for sure, but I read an news article claiming that it was injust and "we must stop detainees suicides" and they said it was the states fault because they didnt provide enough mental medical care for him.
The fact is this guy sold drugs, stole from shops, stole bicycles, got into fights, did drugsz in the end got arrested for stealing a phone, and then in the prison he got sent to killed himself.
I agree he wasn't a "bad person", I used to go out with him a while ago, and he was really fricked up, but you cant just discount his behaviour like that.

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  1. 2 years ago

    the thing is that moral homosexualry is not the optimal solution from an economical standpoint

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean?

      That condoning stealing isnt good for economic incentives?
      Of course it not

    • 2 years ago

      moral homosexualry is good, homosexual
      it's the reason we have civilization at all

  2. 2 years ago

    labels are irrelevant
    they carry a predisposition for this behaviour in their genes
    the only form of therapy they need comes from smith and wesson. give their offspring therapy too. dirty fricking Black folk

    • 2 years ago

      So does prison have an eugenic effect by making males with these characteristics be locked up during their reproductive years?

      Also what should I look up for this genetic predisposition thing

      • 2 years ago

        Not when more dysgenic future criminals are entering the West at the behest of the governments in power.

        Criminals and mentally ill people should be euthanized. Simple as. There isnt an argument for keeping them around. Non scientists need not reply.

        There is a humanist argument. Extremely violent criminals - most probably yes. But non-violent criminals should not be. Perhaps sterilization would be more apt. As for euthanising the mentally ill - I don't really understand this. Shall we move onto disabled next, and then just old people after that?

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Criminals and mentally ill people should be euthanized. Simple as. There isnt an argument for keeping them around. Non scientists need not reply.

    • 2 years ago

      Explain why

      • 2 years ago

        Fewer criminals and mentally ill

    • 2 years ago

      People with "ADHD" is ill under our perception but in the middle ages they would be apex predator trait of a knight that is 24/7 moving around and making their enemies life a living hell. There are of course illness that are objective in the sense that we can't think any society in wich it is not a problem or even in absence of them (i.e. broken bone)

      However, the main criteria to say if something is an illnes is if it causes negative changes in normal life. Having freckles can have negative impact in your daily life. Why is not being black an illness then? How in hell is there an illness that is such in one society but it is not in another societal enviroment? Why can you say that the person is ill and not society? Why shouldn't we just eutanize you? I mean you are clearly ill, i can see what people goes through that makes them monsters, if you are not that case then whats your excuse to being such a homosexual?

      • 2 years ago

        >would be apex predator trait of a knight
        they couldnt focus on their training long enough to be a competent, if they even lived that long, really hope this is b8 and not some ill child pretending he has a superpower

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone can be labelled mentally ill today if you try hard enough, just read the psychiatry definitions, it's the same joke of science like gender studies, social constructs, blah blah, all made up and artificial.

  4. 2 years ago

    "Criminal" is a sociological word. Society relies on responsibility - if someone commits a crime, they must be punished.

    "Mental illness" is a psychological word. Healthy person would not harm himself, so a person prone to crime despite punishment is called mentally ill.

    The two concepts can exist side by side.

    • 2 years ago

      >"Mentally ill"
      Some peoples brains just dont simply work, just physics.

      But for what i've seen come to pass as "mentally ill" has majorly been a complex subversive power pathology racket. Smart snakes learn quickly if there is an 'out' by counter intuitively just doubling down, they'll take it. and whether a psychiatrist making a new subscription, a psychologist appointment, a hospital ward psych visit, one is making a profit while one is refortifying their position of being free from punitive justice.

      The joke does seem to always be on them in the end though, those in their immediate families may actually find utility in coaxing the persuasion, as they get a dominant and dependent social bond with that individual, so as they just gaslight when conveinent.

      What can I say, the best liars are the ones who manage to fool themselves first.

      t. has a brother that doubled down playing biggest victim as a complex extortion strategy

      > Healthy person would not harm himself,
      Is not a healthy man made of such events? where is anothers place to decide that line for an individual?

      • 2 years ago

        >Is not a healthy man made of such events? where is anothers place to decide that line for an individual?
        When the another person is in so much pain from compulsive self-damage that they cry out to be relieved.
        Courts sometimes mandate mental treatment as an alternative to punishment. In that case, the line is commiting a crime

        • 2 years ago

          >When the another person is in so much pain from compulsive self-damage that they cry out to be relieved.
          sounds like a montage from Rocky to me.

          I still think only the individual can define themselves as mentally ill, as they are the only ones in full salience of their qualia

          especially in the world where havana syndrome exists.. otherwise to me, its just an advanced form of gaslighting

          • 2 years ago

            I don't give a shit about what you "think", you are a meaningless maggot in this cesspool of a forum, if you have any arguments bring them out, if not shut the frick up.

          • 2 years ago

            never asked anyone too.

            but the idea that you went from caring to these words to not is endearing

          • 2 years ago

            That's exactly what you deserve.

            I spend a whole day re-visiting this thread, analyzing the hows and whys of society, post here the fruits of my thought, and you shut it down with "hurr durr reminds me of balbo huehue" without any fricking criticism or argument deconstruction whatsoever, then proceed to shit out your "opinion" you pulled out of your ass. So frick you.

          • 2 years ago

            need to see the pic of this guy slicing his legs to get the idea theres more than one way to compose an arguement?

        • 2 years ago

          >the line is committing a crime

  5. 2 years ago

    >it doesnt change that it's the same thing, and often it's called for helping them with therapy, psychiatric communities, and other public social programs.
    You do know that psychiatric communities, therapists and social workers are mostly in for the money and that this is a part of the problem why people everywhere are now talking of mental health and therapies?
    >but I dont share this compassion towards them and dont think that the so called mental illness excuses their behaviou
    I really don't think that the term 'mental illness' elicits any kind of compassion from people. Definitely not the severe classic types like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. You can be locked up, drugged up, detained, forcibly evicted, denied medical care etc. just by having (someone claim you have) a mental illness. So, in practice and for all purposes and intents, the label 'mental illness' exists not in order to help people but to justify a specific type of social reaction. Punishing deviant behavior, forcing people to be productive, getting potential (or so they assume) criminals arrested before they can actually commit any crimes.
    >And he too has been diagnosed to be "mentally ill", even tho they didnt provide a name.
    Your parents are in denial about your brother's problems and blame mental illness probably because they don't want to deal with the question whether or not your brother's problems actually originated at home.
    This happens all the time with kids whose incapable parents deliberately seek an ADHD, Autism or ODD diagnosis to cover up bad parenting, an unstable environment etc. Also money. When you're a parent and your child gets diagnosed, you get more money from the state. Diagnose shopping is a thing too.

    • 2 years ago

      My family doesnt get any money from the state btw, my brother got actually refused for a psych community, idk about the denial, it's possible that instead of just plain saying hes a piece if shit, which in reality they often say, they feel partially relieved by the mental illness fact to shift a part of the blame away from him, my mother also guilts herself with his behaviour because she says that I'm must be something they did as parents to make him like that, but doesnt know what. (What conditions make someone behave like this? Or is it innate? He started this 2 years ago tho, before it wasn't like that)

      Also in my last years at school, and my last 2 years (finished highschool), i was "depressed", I mean I really felt like shit, didnt want to do nothing, slept all day and didnt eat, didnt want to even get up to piss, so I'm not making it up, so I went to a psych and he gave me some pills (sertraline, 150mg now 100mg), as antidepressants, also I felt a bit uneasy when I was with other people because I dont have many friends and sertraline also works for anxiety.
      I find the pills to be almost useless and plan on stopping them, by the way both the psych and the psychologist(I go to both for the above reason) said that pills are trial and error, and the psych said I dont have clinical depression, (btw I dont want to hide behind the depression thing, I have subhuman behaviour and that's it), so then what's the point of those "medical" figures?
      Aside from the psych being a homosexual that refuses to give me the papers I need to get a gun license because hes against me having guns (but refuses to even say why), and so I'm stuck because since I take these pills, that by the way dont incapacitate you in any fricking way from having a gun, I need these papers otherwise the other homosexual, the state family doctor, won't give me HIS other papers, to make a visit for the license.

      • 2 years ago

        Also my parents decided to divorce and sell their house as a spin off consequence of my brother behaviour since they would disagree on certain methods when reprimanding him and they were also fed up in general as the situation went on so my mother decided (moronicly since her motivations arent valid in my opinion)
        to divorce, at least they're not being c**ts about it like some people are where they fight over possessions and shit, they're very chill about it, it's not like they fight or anything it was just a thing my mother said to my father and he accepted, because what else can you do, it's not like you can kidnap her to stay with you if she doesnt want to

        • 2 years ago

          Anyway if it was for me I'd just have killed him long ago, but given the legal consequences of doing so I have refrained from it

          The other idea was framing him with the police in order to have him out of the way, which I once tried but given the carabinieri incompetence it didnt work

          • 2 years ago

            It must be genetic. Start by off your brother, then your parents so they can't make more of you, then yourself.
            You behave subhuman by your own admission, and are part of the group who you say deserves no pity.

            Remove the problems from society so you at least did something of worth instead of potentially breeding and prolonging the problem.

      • 2 years ago

        >My family doesnt get any money from the state btw, my brother got actually refused for a psych community, idk about the denial
        This obviously depends on where you live, what diagnoses you've got etc. I described the situation in the US, where you can actually cash in on diagnoses. Europe is more tricky.
        Your brother has no specific diagnoses? Has he ever received one in the first place? It can be the case that practicing doctors refuse to give someone a diagnosis when they think that the person is ending up in prison anyway. They mave have to testify, provide papers etc. so lots of work for no money. Regarding your brother, you're mostly describing behaviors that relate to selling stuff, stealing stuff and being impolite. So.. Is your family poor? Is your brother trying to earn money for something? Does your brother feel that he is simply entitled to certain things? If so, then he should have been that way since childhood. Anyway, that type of criminal behavior often happens either because he's friends with people who do it or because he feels shunned by society. Do you know his friends? Was he treated badly at school? These are all questions you should ask. Some people just love the thrill of doing 'bad' things. If that's his reason, you may try to redirect his behaviior

        >I find the pills to be almost useless and plan on stopping them, by the way both the psych and the psychologist(I go to both for the above reason) said that pills are trial and error, and the psych said I dont have clinical depression,
        I'm personally conflicted about pills. On the one hand, it's up to the person to decide whether or not it helps them, on the other hand I know plenty of people who got manipulated into thinking they need those pills for the rest of their life. If they don't work for you, discontinue them slowly. It's not worth the potential side effects.
        >give me the papers I need to get a gun license
        Do you have a formal diagnosis?

        • 2 years ago

          Hes friends with other morons that do these things, he was friends with the guy who killed himself for example, and he seems to be attracted to the "thing life", frick the cops, I stay with my bros, no snitches type of thing

          No my family is middle class/upper middle, my father used to have a very good income for Italy standards (4000 a month for a long period of years, other years 3000), plus my mother, idk how much they have saved because they spent most of it they say, and I believe them since they always wat out and buy 30 euros wine bottles almost daily, but that's off topic, anyway were not poor

          My mother talked about dissociative disorder, borderline personality disorder, but idk if he got diagnosed, he stayed 1 week in an hospital in the psych ward where they "analyzed" and gave some paper reports but parents didnt let me read them

          I dont have diagnosis but I have a prescription from the family medic (it's a thing of public healthcare in Italy), bc if I make him prescribe the pills I dont osy for them, otherwise I pay full price if I only have the psych hand written prescription, but the family medic prescription is on an internet database so it shows, but in reality idk if anything really happens if he gives me the papers and I get license anyway, but that's irrelevant since he refuses to do so unless i have the psych papers l

          • 2 years ago

            Thug life*

          • 2 years ago

            You are middle class only

  6. 2 years ago

    >I also know a guy who killed himself in prison
    Epstein didn't kill himself

  7. 2 years ago

    You're applying a child's logic to what "an explanation" means. Some people get this beaten into them as children, as some parents treat children as things to be "seen and not heard", so by habit "an explanation" comes to exclusively mean "an excuse".

    The whole problem you have is equivocating the two. An explanation for an outcome is not "an excuse" for the outcome. Nobody says knowing the cause means you shouldn't separate them from society - for simple practical purposes you'd have to. There's no need for "compassion" or whatever in this equation. You just pick the optimal path, and that'd involve separation for a time for most criminals WITHOUT torturing them by treating them worse than discarded dogs.

    So if you want fewer examples like your brother, ON AVERAGE the better you treat those in jail and prison AND the better you treat psychiatric conditions (America's poor are sadly very anti-psychiatry", the less crime you get.

    • 2 years ago

      >ON AVERAGE the better you treat those in jail and prison AND the better you treat psychiatric conditions (America's poor are sadly very anti-psychiatry", the less crime you get.
      Psychiatry is the cause of a lot of the crime. Nearly every mass shooter since the '90s has been on psychiatric medication and there is a clear connection between aggression and psychiatric drugging.

      • 2 years ago

        >Psychiatry is the cause of a lot of the crime.
        >Has no evidence.
        >Makes shit up.
        Frick off moron.

        • 2 years ago

          Stop coping with being a failure at life by claiming that your 'mental illness' is a legitimate neurological disorder. It's not.

          • 2 years ago

            >Makes more shit up
            Aw is the baby unhappy he can't defend his beliefs like an adult?

    • 2 years ago

      >America's poor are sadly very anti-psychiatry
      Distrust is a rational response to authority exceeding competence. "Competent psychiatrist" isn't exactly a contradiction, but nobody whom the label fits works with the poor.

  8. 2 years ago

    >medicine consists of bullshit opinions backed up only by majority opinion

  9. 2 years ago

    "mental illness" and "brain damage" are synonymous terms, anyone and everyone who has ever been diagnosed with "mental illness" is low IQ because they have diseased, nonfunctioning brains.
    if you have autism, you are low IQ
    if you have adhd, you also have low iq
    there is no diagnosable mental illness or condition which does not also carry with it a diagnosis of low IQ

  10. 2 years ago

    The problem is that our society is full of simps giving power to women. Women are attracted to criminals. The more brutal, psychopathic and primitive a man, the wetter the bawds' panties. It is no surprise that a society run by women and their simps will be mild towards criminals and boycott any attempts of punishing them for their crimes.

    • 2 years ago

      youd be surprised by how many of/camgirls have studied male psychology or at least psychology
      or maybe you wont be surprised

      • 2 years ago

        Psychology = pseudoscience

        • 2 years ago

          I disagree. Although I would say that the psychology taught at universities certainly is pseudoscience, just like many other fields at the moment. True psychology is actually fascinating.

          • 2 years ago

            >true psychology
            I kekked

  11. 2 years ago

    excuses and explanations arent the same thing
    its up to you as a person to decide how compassionate you wish to be towards people like this

  12. 2 years ago

    I was a hardcore criminal between the ages of 14-20. By the time I turned 22 I changed. Turns out I’m not mentally ill, but I just see society differently. I think most mental illnesses are used to describe people who stand out from the norm and pose a threat to the structure of society. Now there are people with brain damage who are certainly ill, but nowadays that label is given anyone who’s depressed even. Psychiatry is a joke science. They don’t know anything. All they do is dumb you down with pills and say “it worked!”.

    • 2 years ago

      Like random people online full of ego telling people to seek help, believing in mental illness or not is by itself an insult. And the top bureaucrats who mark peoples documents with the label and make money taking hostages are monsters, hypocrites, liars, psychiatry pretends to be a science.

  13. 2 years ago

    Mental illness is not a scientific concept. It's entirely a social construct.

  14. 2 years ago

    I think young people are given some benefit of the doubt that they weren't raised properly or don't know any better. By adulthood, that benefit of the doubt is gone, it's expected they will have developed a moral compass. I've seen piece of shit children become decent adults. Of course many piece of shit children go on to become serial criminals.

  15. 2 years ago

    I was diagnosed with BDP... I've been raised with no structure in my life and had went through quite a lot of trauma as a kid aswell... I am 22 as of the 19th, but am the loneliest I have ever been. I don't understand how to interact with others, I feel like an abandoned dog... I have no meaning in life and am probably going to be going homeless soon... idk what to do, it is like a block in my mind I cant over come, or at least I don't know where to start...

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