My blog on improving Linux based operating systems

Linux has 2 major problems, like it or not it is a problem.

First is the problem that is available in every distro out there, the package dependencies or libraries that are shared among programs. Yes it takes less space when you share it but when you update one package you will possibly break another since the newer package is not compatible. Distro needs to have separate libraries for each program.

Second is the window system, we know it by X11 or Wayland, they are both shit. Every time I use Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) it feels like a proper experience.

with this linux is fixed, anything else to add?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Only that you're a moron, and that the only reason Windows works is first class driver support. If manufacturers gave it as much effort as they did Linux, it'd be worse than Linux.

    • 1 month ago

      >it'd be worse than Linux.
      hard to say. I personally think the reverse engineered drivers are better in some cases since they aren't built by time crunching pajeets. encouraging more of the same levels of downloading arbitrary driver code into the kernel, much like novideo shitware on Linux is like now, is probably non-ideal. Unless you're saying companies invest in open sourcing and upstreaming drivers, then ya, I agree. sadly we live in the nightmare world where we have both loadable firmware and firmware that's cryptographically signed.

      • 1 month ago

        Do pajeets actually ever land driver dev roles? I feel like I've only seen the streetshitters work on java and web, both extremely low barrier of entry so even the dumbest of these troglodytes can learn to shit something out that looks like java/js code.

    • 1 month ago

      This, the only reason amd drivers on Linux are any good is the fact that they're not developed by amd.
      It's mindboggling how in half a year nvk went from being unusable to being reasonably usable, while Nvidia drivers have had shit broken for years with no end in sight, I crave for when nova is in good condition so i can ditch the proprietary drivers all along.

  2. 1 month ago

    Linux has 1 major problem, Google sells ads.

    ChromeOS and Android are technologically pretty good. Just a shame they are adware and they let OEMs bloat Android.

    • 1 month ago

      removing root access from users should be illegal
      but this is a world ruled by npcs and pedocuck psychopaths

      • 1 month ago

        Your first point is valid but X11 is fine.


      • 1 month ago

        dev mode, one screw

  3. 1 month ago

    There should be a kernel of linux that has support for the invasive DRM, Proprietary, Anti-Cheat stuff. Not everyone is a tinfoil schizo, some people want a just werks experience. There needs to be a distribution that runs on a kernel that can run something like Valorant, League of Legends, Rainbow: Six Siege, Fortnite, and any other game without issues. Majority of windows users are on windows because either they are tech illiterate and don't know about linux, mac is too expensive, their job forces them to use windows, the hardware/software they want to use is only used by windows, and gaming since it's the biggest and richest hobby/entertainment industry in the world in 2024. If vidya worked better in linux than in windows then windows would literally lose 90% of the zoomer audience.

    • 1 month ago

      Then make it homosexual. gayOS and winblows are for good goys (cattle) that couldn't care less about human rights and so it shall remain! The masses have found a new toy and are actively destroying linux, so I do not want the average person to be even aware of anything other than microshaft and crapple.

      Linux has 2 major problems, like it or not it is a problem.

      First is the problem that is available in every distro out there, the package dependencies or libraries that are shared among programs. Yes it takes less space when you share it but when you update one package you will possibly break another since the newer package is not compatible. Distro needs to have separate libraries for each program.

      Second is the window system, we know it by X11 or Wayland, they are both shit. Every time I use Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) it feels like a proper experience.

      with this linux is fixed, anything else to add?

      Non issue, fixed already, use a distro that doesn't have this problem, etc.

      X11 is just fat and a pain to configure, neither are problems for a supermajority of users.
      gayland has problems, sane people don't use it, I am insane however, as I use it, but only only on weekends, national holidays and every other workday afer-hours.

      Some actual problems would be /home, /media and /local existing. /usr was /home, /local was never needed and we already have a /media, it's called /mnt. Then there's whatever /usr/local is, basically a garbage dump for when you don't feel like sorting things into the proper folders.

      At least linux doesn't have a registry. Also, X11 was designed with thin clients in mind, you have the server running on a mainframe and a terminal to act as the client, but it suffers from featurecreep as it needed to be extended while being backward compatible.

    • 1 month ago

      >There should be a kernel of linux that has support for the invasive DRM, Proprietary, Anti-Cheat stuff.
      That's just the Linux Kernel these days, thanks to shitters like you.

      Apparently it's not enough that you can run most propietary firmware, that you can run your overpriced gayming gpus, that you have a literal SteamOS, that everything works out of the box, now you want literal Tencent spyware on your PC with root access before you make the move? And you get mad at Linux for not accomodating this, instead of getting mad at Riot for trying to install spyware on your system?

      Holy shit this is some next level consoomer shit. Fricking have a nice day.

      • 1 month ago

        Every user should have the right to run whatever they want on their systems and use what hardware they want.

    • 1 month ago

      It's far better to just have an attested environment, consoles don't allow devs to install a rootkit.
      The GrapheneOS cucks are correct in this regard. Though you should of course simply be able choose at boot to go into cuck or freedom mode, like chromeos.

    • 1 month ago

      linux already has no qualms supporting proprietary stuff, you know. the issue is not that linux refuses such a thing, someone has to make it, and supporting anti-cheat shit is not a simple task, remember: the whole point of said anti-cheat is to avoid exactly this kind of thing, tricking it into passing on unsupported configurations, so it takes any steps it can to make it as hard to do as it can

    • 1 month ago

      i cant tell if this is a
      either case anti cheat on a video game has NOTHING do to with kernel access, this would be like installing cameras on the toilet seat of your house pointing at your anus, because you have a vault in another room. kernel acess is WAY too much for a children's video game

      • 1 month ago

        cope and seethe, if amd/nvidia/intel CPU/Motherboard/GPU and your mouse/keyboard/monitor are allowed to have proprietary blobs that have kernel access then so is your vidya. GET. OVER. IT. you stupid fricking troon. nobody cares about your schizo paranoias, go to a doctor if you are scared of internet

        • 1 month ago

          >ur crazy bro ur paranoic, mr shekelberd just wants to fix the game
          not the same as microcode headers for proprietary drivers. every hardware needs them, the reality is they do not care because its not where the gross profit margins are. kernel acess has nothing to do with a children's video game and the only games that required are dogshit slop that belongs on windows

          >anti cheat on a video game has NOTHING do to with kernel access
          i'm not certain if you meant this as anticheats don't require kernel access or shouldn't require kernel access
          if the former, they (some) do require it, not to suggest i think it's a good thing, just that some of them actually do install a kernel mode driver in order to function. due to how wine and operating systems in general work, wine cannot intercept calls made to kernel space (syscalls), so supporting these kinds of anticheat software requires some level of support from linux itself as well. there has been an effort to implement a feature into linux which allows for these kinds of calls to be redirected back into userspace, where wine could then act on them, i haven't looked into the progress of that in some time

          a good "fix" for that would be making a official linux port and have user side anti-cheat, which all valve games already do. the problem is that Riot never considered offering their product to linux they were dickriding on wine all this time

          • 1 month ago

            except riot confirmed that it only takes a picture for their AI to scan for cheats if you are in full screen/windowed mode and playing the game, not outside of the game. seethe and cope you fricking pajeet frick, not my problem your cheat sales are dropping. get a real job

          • 1 month ago

            how the frick is "AI" supposed to "scan for cheats" with pictures? Literally just check open processes for the software or just regular image recognition for relatively dirt cheap memorywise. There is 0 reason to involve iffy bullshit

      • 1 month ago

        >anti cheat on a video game has NOTHING do to with kernel access
        i'm not certain if you meant this as anticheats don't require kernel access or shouldn't require kernel access
        if the former, they (some) do require it, not to suggest i think it's a good thing, just that some of them actually do install a kernel mode driver in order to function. due to how wine and operating systems in general work, wine cannot intercept calls made to kernel space (syscalls), so supporting these kinds of anticheat software requires some level of support from linux itself as well. there has been an effort to implement a feature into linux which allows for these kinds of calls to be redirected back into userspace, where wine could then act on them, i haven't looked into the progress of that in some time

        • 1 month ago

          what i'm talking about

    • 1 month ago

      >There should be a kernel of linux that has support for the invasive DRM, Proprietary, Anti-Cheat stuff
      RHEL is that way, bootlicker.
      The EL kernels are already "stable" enough for these moronic spyware garbage software and I have some shit at work using some Symantec kmod.

      any gamer scum dumb enough to bring this to linux should be killed on sight though. It's already literally immoral and idiotic in corp cuckoldry world as is.

    • 1 month ago

      >There should be a kernel of linux that has support for the invasive DRM, Proprietary, Anti-Cheat stuff. Not everyone is a tinfoil schizo, some people want a just werks experience
      this is macOS, sir

    • 1 month ago

      There's absolutely nothing stopping the developers of anti-cheat from making a Linux kernel module for the Ubuntu kernel that you sudo insmod malware.ko.

    • 1 month ago

      just use BSD, they already love to slurp corpo wiener and are desperate for any attention

    • 1 month ago

      Storage is piss cheap. Just by a second drive and inatall windows on it and boot between the drives.

  4. 1 month ago

    >plug in laptop to usb-c monitor
    >output to external monitor only
    >restart laptop
    >login screen appears on laptop instead of external monitor
    linux is a bullshit os

    • 1 month ago

      you as a normal user can change your screen just fine
      but before you actually login, you do not have a user

      you need to change screen preferences system-wide instead of user-wide

      That is quite literally the case for pretty much every OS, normal users cannot change system defaults/edit all other users' screens/languages/keyboards etc pp.

      Assuming gdm
      cp -v /home/<your-user>/.config/monitors.xml /var/lib/gdm/.config/
      chown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml

      • 1 month ago

        tell me you have never used windows or a laptop without telling me you have never used windows or a laptop

        i know it's scriptable. the user does not know ahead of time what their monitor setup is going to be when using their laptop naturally in a busy environment. for example, they might need to quickly undock to go do something. or they might move location and dynamically be on a new monitor configuration without knowing it ahead of time

        even for the limited use case that your script supports, what makes you think its acceptable to remember to have to run an elevated script beforehand?

        compare this to windows where all of this works transparently. no thinking required. you just use your computer and get on with your life, and your laptop automatically adapts to your monitor setup

        until linux implements this, it can't be taken seriously as an os for laptops

    • 1 month ago

      this. Linux when it comes to the GUI has so many bugs and bullshit compared to Windows.

  5. 1 month ago

    >package dependencies or libraries that are shared among progr-ACK

    • 1 month ago

      well we need a solution, on windows you have this bullshit but you can install .netframework version 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...300. On linux you have openssl, yeah that's it, REWRITE YOUR PROGRAM, SUCKS TO BE YOU

  6. 1 month ago

    package management has its' downsides, but i absolutely do not want distribution to be done like windows
    wddm and x11/wayland aren't equivalent technologies, one is a driver model and the others are display servers, that is, the stuff wddm provides on windows is not what x11/wayland provides on linux, there are separate components that cover what wddm does

    • 1 month ago

      >but i absolutely do not want distribution to be done like windows
      so you prefer a centralized app store to having individual installers?
      and don't kid yourself that a centralized package manager isn't really a more nerdy name for an app store

      • 1 month ago

        >app store
        my "app store" lets me compile things at home so I don't care, have a nice day homosexual

        • 1 month ago

          unless you're using some special compiler settings, or you modify the distributed source before compiling for every program, you are literally just wasting time and power to recompile something that you could have just gotten as a binary package
          or, if by "lets me" you mean it actually requires you to because it doesn't provide binary packages at all - in which case: lmao

          • 1 month ago

            >-march=native for better code generation and -flto for smaller code size is now special and le spooky
            of course slop consumer as yourself wouldn't care about any of this

      • 1 month ago

        yes, i prefer things centralised and integrated. integrated in that all packages share any common components, also importantly, there's no distinction between system and user packages, by this i mean in contrast to windows where you have a fixed set of components that make up "windows", then you install user applications on top of that. on linux all packages are equal, so to speak, you decide what your system is made up of
        this is what allows linux to be so lean, you can start with basically nothing, then install what you want, and since everything is completely interconnected, installing anything will always bring in exactly what it needs
        while i understand such a system has higher maintenance requirements than windows, which has a large common base you can't touch, then programs are built against that base, however the advantage there is only applicable to the people making packages, not normal users, users don't need to worry about things like installing dependencies, that's what the people running the distro do
        package managers on linux and ones on windows like winget are not equivalent, maybe from an end user perspective they look and feel similar, but on windows is just an alternative means of distribution and updates, they're still normal windows packages in that they are self-contained and target many versions of windows, you can't strip windows down using them

  7. 1 month ago

    >you will possibly break another since the newer package is not compatible
    never happened to me
    > they are both shit
    X11 just works

  8. 1 month ago

    Linux won't be fixed until some big company decides to invest man hours on it and make a proper desktop OS off it.
    Frick X11/Gayland, KDE/Gnome, pulsewire or whatever the frick, frick allí that moronic amateur-tier homosexualry and make way for something that works and looks good.

    • 1 month ago

      be careful what you wish for

    • 1 month ago

      Somebody already did that

      • 1 month ago

        Nice KDE theme. Plasma with Latte Dock is pretty comfy

    • 1 month ago

      Why do that when macOS exists?

  9. 1 month ago

    point one is literally solved by nixos
    point two isn't a real problem and you're an idiot.

    • 1 month ago

      the only neat thing wddm can do that the current linux stack can't is recover from a video driver crash or update drivers without closing graphical programs (if they aren't accelerated)
      of course, it's better for drivers to just not crash, which in my experience is more common on linux than windows, so it's not a complete win for windows here

  10. 1 month ago

    i turned swap off because it was slowing my computer down.
    what is the point of it? it just slows your computer down when it uses half of your ram

    frick swap

    • 1 month ago

      the point of swap is;
      a. to allow for exceeding the amount of physical memory by pushing less recently used data out of physical memory and onto disc
      b. to provide a space for physical memory to be stored during hibernation

    • 1 month ago

      the purpose of swap is to park shit that isn't really running and effectively in perma-sleep so you can use more memory for VFS cache.

    • 1 month ago

      swap is an outdated concept and should not be used in modern machines

      • 1 month ago

        It's not. Page reclamation is a good thing.

        • 1 month ago

          literally worthless

          swap isn't just for low ram scenarios

          there's no usecase for swap, buy more RAM, use zram

          • 1 month ago

            >literally worthless
            It's not, you're a moron if you think storing unused pages of RAM in your working set of memory is a good thing.

            It's much better to move that out to Swap so you have more memory available without having to a) buy more of it or b) close shit to free up RAM.

          • 1 month ago

            no such thing

          • 1 month ago

            There is such a thing in any sensible operating system that tracks page usage.

            If it's infrequently accessed then it's very beneficial to move that out to Swap so that it can be reused for something else.

          • 1 month ago

            >infrequently accessed
            no such thing, I only run relevant processes on my system

          • 1 month ago

            I can guarantee you don't. It's normal to run into situations where memory is just sitting there unused. That's why we have Swap. So that you can page that out and re-use it for disk caching or something else.

          • 1 month ago

            if I had any process sitting there unused I'd kill it and remove it from my system

          • 1 month ago

            It's not about a process being unused it's about memory in your working set of RAM that has been touched but infrequently accessed.

            Modern operating systems track page usage and page out this unused RAM so that you can use it for something else. If the application decides it wants it back later than the OS will page it back in again but just sitting their unused is in nobody's best interest.

          • 1 month ago

            this never happens in relevant programs

          • 1 month ago

            It happens all the time you just don't see it because you're a fricking idiot

          • 1 month ago

            >30+ days uptime with swap enabled
            >total swap usage: 3MiB out of 32 GiB allocated
            bravo little johnny, saved me a lot of RAM

          • 1 month ago

            $ swapon --show
            /dev/zram0 partition 15.7G 10.9G 16383
            /dev/root/swap/swap2.img file 27G 1.8G -2

            For context, this system has 64 GB of RAM. It still Swaps. Maybe if you're sitting in a terminal running nothing but htop and neofetch all day it won't but some of us actually our computers.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah I don't care about your system as I already established that my system is superior to yours

          • 1 month ago

            Your system that does nothing. If you actually used it properly you'd see it Swap. Swap is a normal part of a modern operating system, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

          • 1 month ago

            my system actually does more than swapping your shitty browser pages in and out
            never used these programs in my entire life btw

          • 1 month ago

            >It's okay to Swap.
            Swap is not a proper noun, it gets small case if it's not the leading word of a sentence.
            I only use it on my laptop because my laptop only has 16GB. On my desktop, I don't even have swap.


          • 1 month ago

            Swap is ok for RAM limted systems, once you get to 32+ GB of ram it starts being more of a bottleneck

          • 1 month ago

            >once you get to 32+ GB of ram it starts being more of a bottleneck
            how? did you read the article?
            % free -m
            total used free shared buff/cache available
            Mem: 64037 8431 2213 213 54323 55605
            Swap: 4095 320 3775

            those 320MiBs are basically doing nothing. there is no reason for them to be loaded in memory perpetually. it's very likely some shared library that gets used all of, once or some daemon in deep deep deep sleep.

          • 1 month ago

            why do you have daemons in deep sleep?

          • 1 month ago

            If your swappiness is too high, it'll start swapping aggressively, and kill your I/O for some programs.

          • 1 month ago

            That's why you don't set it too high. You're supposed to set it in line with I/O speed for the device which backs the swap in question.

          • 1 month ago

            I have swappiness set to 20, because I'd rather not kill my laptop SSD.

          • 1 month ago

            Use Zram if you want to reduce disk writes.

          • 1 month ago

            I emerge to zram, and have a 2gb zram /tmp/ on my laptop, with 16GB of swap to match my ram.
            On my desktop, /var/tmp/portage is 16GB of zram and /tmp/ is 8gb, with 0gb of swap
            Don't be so dense.

          • 1 month ago

            Then you set swappiness higher because the I/O speed of system RAM (remember ZRAM is a compressed block device in RAM) is much higher than that of your SSD.

          • 1 month ago

            didn't read your shitty blogpost homosexual, what are you gonna do about it?
            Even on my 8GB RAM laptop I don't use swap because it's worthless.

          • 1 month ago

            >The fricking idiot continues to be a fricking idiot
            This is why smarter people than you continue to use Swap. If it were worthless it wouldn't exist.

          • 1 month ago

            My 8GB laptop can compile most bloated software in the world without running out of RAM without using swap but swap isn't worthless or something like that, kek

          • 1 month ago

            The fact that you still think Swap is only about running out of memory still shows how much of a fricking idiot you are. You fail to see the forest through the trees.

          • 1 month ago

            yes there's no other usecase for swap besides wasting my time once a runaway process does make my system run out of RAM

          • 1 month ago

            Turn down your swappiness moron.

          • 1 month ago

            It's set that way on purpose. My system runs fine too. It's okay to Swap. Swap is not some ugly thing to be afraid of. It's a normal part of a modern operating system.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's okay to Swap.
            Swap is not a proper noun, it gets small case if it's not the leading word of a sentence.
            I only use it on my laptop because my laptop only has 16GB. On my desktop, I don't even have swap.

      • 1 month ago

        swap isn't just for low ram scenarios

  11. 1 month ago

    Linux has one problem. Too many dumb Black folk like OP like to opine on it.

  12. 1 month ago

    how about hire real jannitors to watch games and detect cheaters that way?
    Once you figure out that a soulless wagecuck can efficiently detect 99% of cheaters this way, you may even figure out that you can do serverside "AI" that watches replays and detects cheaters the way humans did, then you won't have to install spyware on your user's system to begin with...

  13. 1 month ago

    oh my bad, I didn't realize that this isn't about preventing cheating but about controlling people who wouldn't cheat anyway because cheaters will kill the user side anticheat just like people did with IME, which is a bit harder to defeat than kernel malware

  14. 1 month ago

    >Yes it takes less space when you share it but when you update one package you will possibly break another since the newer package is not compatible. Distro needs to have separate libraries for each program.
    This is an ABI breakage and it's not intentional, it's often introduced accidentally.

    The good news is it often doesn't matter. Breakage is temporary until your distro rebuilds the broken packages.

    • 1 month ago

      the breakage isn't even visible to end user because update simply won't be pushed if ABI breakage prevents something from working

      • 1 month ago

        Sometimes distros do push updates with incompatible ABIs because their package manager is shit and often can't see it or you're one of those morons building stuff outside of your distro, from the AUR, etc, and now need to rebuild them.

        Gentoo handles this the best in my biased opinion. On Gentoo this is just emerge @preserved-rebuild and the package manager automatically triggers rebuilds on its own when it can detect that they're necessary.

        • 1 month ago

          well not my problem
          >gentoo handles this the best
          naturally, I'm the most intelligent user of my system

          • 1 month ago

            Other distros do try to handle it too, just most fail spectacularly.

            Fedora's Dnf is aware of dependencies at the .so level and is good at stopping you from shooting yourself in the foot with an upgrade when it can detect that doing that upgrade would break some other program using a particular .so version of the library.

            Distros like Arch don't even make an attempt. If things break then so be it. Your problem, not theirs.

          • 1 month ago

            good for fedoragays
            >arch is shit
            it was known ever since they switched to systemd

  15. 1 month ago

    >runs some well documented terminal command
    reeee linux simply isn't ready for the desktop
    >runs regedit.exe, gpedit.msc, sfc /scannow, DISM, diskmgmt.msc at the first sign of trouble
    yes this is truly the right OS for normal people

    why are they like this? at least you can actually fix linux problems, not just something happened: something happened.

    • 1 month ago

      this only happens in your dreams though, most windows users never have to touch the powershell/cmd or do any fixing themselves in general, everything is automated and just werksy. On the other hand while you were reading this comment of mine you most likely had a kernel panic or your KDE wiping out your second HDD while firefox froze for 5 seconds

      • 1 month ago

        first thing any wintoddler does on his system is run a "debloating script", stop larping
        >inb4 he didn't even bother doing even that because he unironically enjoys preinstalled shovelware on his system

        • 1 month ago

          you live in echo chambers. 4 billion people run windows, 100k youtube views on some schizo debloating process is not reality nor the norm

          • 1 month ago

            how can 4 billion humans run windows if european population is less than 4 billion?

          • 1 month ago

            i said """people""", obviously nobody except for germanic and anglo europeans are real humans, but we have to pretend that the rest of goyim like brown south europeans, yellow east europeans, and rest of mulatto non-europeans are not pigs on two legs.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't use windows so I don't have to be careful about what I type

          • 1 month ago

            Linux is owned by IBM and RedHat i.e indians/pajeets, and IQfy is owned by bugmen and amerimutt gloweys. You always gotta be on your toes.

          • 1 month ago

            don't forget to take your meds, fellow gentoo user

    • 1 month ago

      >>runs regedit.exe, gpedit.msc, sfc /scannow, DISM, diskmgmt.msc at the first sign of trouble
      kek and based. the best part is Winshit tools are basically 3 times worse at a minimum as well.

  16. 1 month ago

    >My blog on improving Linux based operating systems
    give the penguin big breasts

  17. 1 month ago

    >Distro needs to have separate libraries for each program.
    guix and nixos do this

  18. 1 month ago

    how do I unsubscribe?

  19. 1 month ago

    Interesting list, I was gonna say things more like
    - Make the kernel internal interfaces stable and backwards compatible so that we can
    - Move drivers out of the kernel and maintain them separately from the kernel
    Linux developers won't do this because they're afraid of stability

    • 1 month ago

      >move drivers out of the kernel and maintain them separately
      aka make them proprietary just like novideo that doesn't work on Linux while AMD literally just werks

    • 1 month ago

      They don't do this because this is not the advantage you think it is. It's better for everything to be maintained together to encourage standards and code re-use.

      Huge refactoring can be done in one go and they benefit all consumers of the subsystem in question.

      • 1 month ago

        GPL being forced onto driver is the biggest one, proprietrannies eternally seethe about drivers being free.

        • 1 month ago

          It's actually not forced. A lot of drivers in Linux are dual-licensed because things like the MIT are compatible with the GPL-2.

          • 1 month ago

            the driver is literally in the kernel and nobody can remove it, it is forced.

          • 1 month ago

            I mean the license, not the driver. You're free to use whatever license you want as long as it's compatible with the GPL.

            The combined product of Linux + your driver will always be GPL but your driver can still be re-used elsewhere, like if the BSD distributions want it they can take it.

      • 1 month ago

        It's all worthless if my old hardware doesn't work with the new kernel. They don't/can't maintain drivers forever, and they don't provide a permanent API, so eventually we're locked out of mixing old and new hardware together short of writing drivers ourselves. It's not good, please think about my 3Dfx card

        • 1 month ago

          You can stay on older versions of the Linux kernel. It's not like Windows is any better in this regard unless you stick to Windows XP, etc.

  20. 1 month ago

    Just use flatpaks or appimages to solve the first problem.
    I agree with the second problem though.

  21. 1 month ago

    Flatpak and not using shit stable distro like debian solve your problems, and Wayland isn't shit you should fricking have a nice day for buying Nvidia.

    However Linux does have a problem, it's called gnome(GTK) the moment we get rid of them is the day Linux will flourish

  22. 1 month ago

    first is fixed by nix
    second is fixed by arcan

    how do i unsub

    • 1 month ago

      Nix doesn't really solve the problem it just duplicates everything.
      The real problem of ABI breakage should be solved upstream. It's not a distribution issue it's a lazy fricking developer can't be asked to get off their ass and update their software to the latest Ffmpeg API issue.

  23. 1 month ago

    It's 2024 and people still think using less than 100mb of ram is like a win or something, they focus on optimizing way too much, when they should be letting shit just run. Nowadays you have 4K displays, icons, videos,themes, HDR, etc that require more power to run, but the Linux mentality is still stuck in 1998 or something.

    • 1 month ago

      You must have encountered a bunch of Suckless homosexuals. Do note that they are mentally ill and you shouldn't pay attention to them. The rest of us aren't like this

      • 1 month ago

        It's mostly IQfy users who say that.

  24. 1 month ago

    >anything else to add?
    there's a bunch of things linux needs
    first is proper sandboxing with fine grain permissions
    they need to tidy up the root folder hierarchy and really do an audit of all the packages, I bet you could reduce about half of the dependencies in a standard disto and everything would run much faster
    quite a few linux projects need to be totally replaced like gnome, gimp and wayland

    there's an article called 'main linux problems on the desktop' that 4ch refuses to link to
    you can find it on google, it lists many problems that are still unresolved
    also the lunduke 'linux sucks' video presentations raise many valid points, they used to be on youtube, now they're on his locals site, but still free

  25. 1 month ago

    The problem with packaging goes hand in hand with the Filesystem hierarchy and issues with packaging. Linux needs a new modern filesystem and better way of packaging, which allows multiple versions of the same package, and fixes the mess that is /usr and /lib.

    • 1 month ago

      there's extremely little practical use for having multiple versions of applications installed at the same time
      multiple versions of the same library is useful though, and that's something that is possible as it is (there's no reason applications can't be provided in multiple versions as well, in some cases this is done as well, like python 2 and python 3 for example)
      if you want multiple versions of anything regardless there is always nix/nixos

  26. 1 month ago

    >first problem
    >second problem
    X just werks

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