My wife

I had an issue at work where i read the policy about compensation and the wording was vague. To add to that, the paystubs are poorly worded. After investigating (talking to coworkers), i found i was getting paid what the policy described despite it seeming like they owed me backpay. I have an email from a previous manager that explicitly says they should have been paying me more but he is gone and everyone I've talked to seems to agree he was an idiot.

I am not going to pursue it because i dont think i can get anything out of them and also keep my job. The fun part is: i told my wife about this and her response, before she or even I understood what was true, was to say "you make enough money i dont know why you're complaining! You make good money. You are complaining." Why would this b***h advocate taking no action or even no investigation when it comes to something that benefits us both? Its like she would rather i fail or fall behind if it meant i were to do better than her on an individual basis.

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  1. 2 months ago

    you make enough money i dont know why you're complaining

  2. 2 months ago

    You need to relax, grab a beer, and watch her frick Black folk.

  3. 2 months ago

    much better in slow motion

  4. 2 months ago

    If your wife has a job other than raising kids, you need to make more money

  5. 2 months ago

    just a reminder, you're a wagie. she knows you're getting uppity. if i were an employer and one of my wagies started complaining to me about how much i was paying him, i would fire him for being ungrateful. your wife cleverly sees you have 0 leverage and you're about to bite the hand that feeds you because you think you're "owed" more. you're wife would probably frick your boss if it meant you got a raise. you're gonna have to cope with that mental cucking and just deal with it. your wife cares more about your paycheck than your pride and you need to get on the same page.

    • 2 months ago

      OP first off is it started somewhere clearly in number how much you should be getting paid for X job and if it's NOT that amount then yes you're owed more money. How much you get paid for a job should NOT be something vague (as per legal reasons and labor laws)

      >After investigating (talking to coworkers)

      coworkers are homosexuals 9/10 times not sure why you're even talking to them when you should've just taken it to HR/a manager in the first place

      > I have an email from a previous manager that explicitly says they should have been paying me more

      If you still have this e-mail present it to HR/other managers why are you this moronic that you don't know basic chains of command OP

      >"you make enough money i dont know why you're complaining! You make good money. You are complaining."

      See previous point is there is an actual back-pay problem this is something that should be brought up to higher-ups/accounting.

      The biggest cuck imaginable ppl are at the point they're willing to work for free / so scared of losing their job (lol) that they won't even ADDRESS a potential back-pay/accounting problem.

      Jobs will try to F you 10 ways to Sunday but you let them know they don't F around with your money by keeping track. YOU NEED to do this with every employer by default OP ppl are scammers these days and the responsibility to make sure you're getting paid properly is yours.

      • 2 months ago

        >willing to work for free
        wagie, you're projecting. i don't work. haven't for nearly a decade. most my 20's and all of my 30's. no wage could entice me. your mindset is that of a craven slave, how to use your "rights" to squeeze a few cents more from your paymaster. the fact that it makes you feel strong is peak irony. you're so committed to wageslaving that you're crusading for wagie rights lmao

      • 2 months ago

        > first off is it started somewhere clearly in number how much you should be getting paid for X job
        Actually no. The issue was over differentials. Policy says i should be getting 2nd shift diff for working 1st on the weekend plus a weekend diff. The manager who hired me said in an email that weekend diff was far greater than what I'm actually getting. He was doubling up his numbers, probably bc he was moronic or lying to entice me to take the job.

        No one else is getting paid the numbers he quoted so I'd be trying to convince them to pay everyone more (haha) or relying on this one email as evidence they should compensate me alone, which im sure they'd just fire me if i made a stink.

  6. 2 months ago

    she wants you be happy with what you have, because it is enough

    you have a wife, material wealth is less important

    • 2 months ago

      what the frick this is like the 4th trips Ive had today

  7. 2 months ago

    get off the computer and go back to work wagie

  8. 2 months ago

    The charitable interpretation is that she was trying to massage your ego and make you feel good. Women sometimes do this because they think any discontent on the part of their men is the result of negative emotion. Because that's what it is for women.

  9. 2 months ago

    i think her response demonstrates that she thinks very little of you

  10. 2 months ago

    doesn't this women have some type of mental disorder as a result of that gif becoming famous on the internet?

    • 2 months ago

  11. 2 months ago

    She probably didn't want you to risk getting fired.

    • 2 months ago

      Women are risk-averse, usually

  12. 2 months ago

    Probably doesn't want to rock the boat and risk your job security because you make enough money.

  13. 2 months ago

    Women don't like to rock the boat when it comes to financial security, and this is why they have a harder time asking their boss for a raise.

  14. 2 months ago

    Seems like you need a new wife anon
    keep your jizz to yourself and leave that senseless and moronic companion of yours, it ain't worth it
    you'll save a lot without that ghoul around, you might even have enough to make some investments, like crypto, perhaps btc, pepe or jizzlord or some memecoin
    seriously. frick those guys at your job and your wife is a parasite and you should get rid of her asap

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