>non schizos think they aren't finger ID printed by their network activity by FANG simply because they don't create accounts on sites and...

>non schizos think they aren't finger ID printed by their network activity by FANG simply because they don't create accounts on sites and delete cookies from their browser
>they don't think FANG has behaviuoural psychologists on their AI search team to help them predict your mind choices

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  1. 2 years ago

    That is why I also practice browser isolation and subversive browsing. They can finger print me all they want if the finger print is not accurate. Why else would i visit all these gay porn sites?

  2. 2 years ago

    it's a cold world, but we got to live in it.

    frick youtube making me sign in to watch a clip from the Boondocks

  3. 2 years ago

    That's why i have privacy badger on, but who knows how much of it it blocks.

    I recently had to boot a fresh install if Win10 and opened youtube with Edge, holy crap the ads... It's hard to imagine normies use the internet like this, it was recommending previous search-related shit to me in a matter of minutes.

  4. 2 years ago

    1. prove that this happens
    2. prove to me that I should actually care

    • 2 years ago

      >1. prove that this happens
      Check your ads and compare them with your past activity on social media/gayMAN services

      >2. prove to me that I should actually care
      Why should consoomers care they are being treated like a product? There is no real point to argue here.

      • 2 years ago

        >check your ads
        noone connected to my network can see any ads
        >there is no real point to argue here

        1. Here you go babby, let anon spoonfeed you. https://en.ryte.com/wiki/Tracking_Pixel

        2. Nobody expects you to care much like nobody expects a disabled person to run a marathon.

        show me where any of the google websites do this

        • 2 years ago

          Uh, Google was one of the first to do this with Analytics dude. Please consider whether a question is stupid before asking it with an argumentative tone on the internet

          • 2 years ago

            but google analytics are already blocked on my network, including all the ads

            >show me where any of the google websites do this
            Google search changes your results based on past searches and videos you watch on YouTube. The top carousel with ads is the one that shows it the most, but it is also visible in image search.

            doesn't happen to me

          • 2 years ago

            >doesn't happen to me
            You probably just don't notice it. They do a lot of research to keep it at a level where most people don't notice.

          • 2 years ago

            A way to look at this is using different searx instances.

          • 2 years ago

            how can I not notice something changing when I do it everyday?
            it is more likely your schizophrenia and not my search results that are the issue

          • 2 years ago

            >how can I not notice something changing when I do it everyday?
            Because you don't care?

            However it also depends if you use YouTube a lot or not at all. And if the stuff you look at is social or just technical.

          • 2 years ago

            I use youtube a lot but I have watch history disabled and the video suggestions are always random, generic and useless, all according to the settings I setup that say that google will not personalize anything.
            so far I have yet to see anything that would prove any of the schizo cope.
            I watch youtube videos in mpv by the way, no idea if it affects anything

          • 2 years ago

            >schizo cope.
            Lol I wish it wouldn't happen

          • 2 years ago

            Would you mind sharing your YouTUbe recommended page on a private window/incognito?

          • 2 years ago

            what's the point of incognito if I have a google account (for email) and am already logged into youtube?

            >I watch youtube videos in mpv by the way, no idea if it affects anything
            It does. If you watch it in mpv google can't track your attention, how long did you watch, when you paused, if you read the comments, where did you set the volume etc. You also skip ads.

            but it can track that it can't track any of those and therefore I stand out more

            You can block a handful of google domains, it means jack shit. Every website is free to use Google's or Facebook's toolkits to gather raw visitor data on their own server and relay it back to google/facebook for analytics. Even without an account you leave enough breadcrumbs like IP, browser id, browsing behavior - things that mean little on their own, but give off enough context when correlated with the same data you left on other websites to construct a valid profile of you.


            This is the usual dead-end whenever online privacy is discussed with with normies - "why should i care". I think the concept may just be too abstract and behind the scenes for an average person to care since they don't see the negative effects in their daily lives. And whenever some data leak happens and they actually get to suffer from it they ask how such a thing could happen.

            I actually know how google analytics works and it's routed from google servers so no, they literally cannot.
            hint: I will never see the negative effect in my life because there simply isn't one

          • 2 years ago

            >routed from google servers so no, they literally cannot

            What's stopping them from not doing that though? Because they dont want to hurt people's feelings? How many companies besides Google are there that track users?

          • 2 years ago

            the fact that they're using the development kids provided by google which literally do not work unless it goes through google servers
            how do you imagine your google analytics page gets the... analytics?

          • 2 years ago

            You visit my website, i get your data, i send it to google. Meanwhile you're blocking google domains from your computer so you think you're in the clear even though i'm the one sending it to them. Read my comment again and ask yourself why would a website with its own server need to involve you and your browser in the process of relaying data back to google/facebook/whatever servers.

          • 2 years ago

            >you visit my website
            that's where you're wrong
            >I send it to google
            you? you didn't even write the code, you just downloaded whatever google gave you, and sorry to tell you that it skips your server

          • 2 years ago

            Oh boy, if only there were a way to not have to code everything myself and have google let me just download a .js file to put on my server or copy-paste some code into my website.

          • 2 years ago

            Or maybe a wordpress plugin that i can just download and install and it will put all the necessary PHP etc. in my wordpress installation folder so all i have to do is input my google id into a settings textfield and away it goes. How has nobody thought of such a thing?

          • 2 years ago

            Or maybe a wordpress plugin that i can just download and install and it will put all the necessary PHP etc. in my wordpress installation folder so all i have to do is input my google id into a settings textfield and away it goes. How has nobody thought of such a thing?

            if only there was a way for you to read and comprehend that you're a moronic homosexual who doesn't seem to realize that it's exactly the point, you didn't write the code, you didn't even read what's in there, you just added it to the webpage and didn't question anything, which is why you don't seem to know how it works, while I do.

          • 2 years ago

            I know google is lazy and has scripts pulled from their server chud, thats not the point. You seem to be so proud of knowing how it works currently to entertain the possiblity of how it could work, or how companies other than google can choose to implement their tracking tools.

          • 2 years ago

            you will never be a woman

          • 2 years ago

            Thank god, picture a woman with my amount of back hair

          • 2 years ago

            >what's the point of incognito if I have a google account (for email) and am already logged into youtube?
            Incognito is supposed to be without cookies, I guess "paused" would do the same, not sure, usually incognito is considered the least personal while still on the same device and IP address.

            My recommends look different; technoblade, the ipads and the nickname login could be tech related. Not really sure about the birds and how they relate but I have never seen anything like it. House relax and Full movie both have something like an orange/golden sun, at this point it could be schizo/random, would need to be confirmed further.

            I have attached the trending videos on invidious.xamh.de, these are the same on other invidious instances, but that's trending not homepage

          • 2 years ago

            >I watch youtube videos in mpv by the way, no idea if it affects anything
            It does. If you watch it in mpv google can't track your attention, how long did you watch, when you paused, if you read the comments, where did you set the volume etc. You also skip ads.

          • 2 years ago

            You can block a handful of google domains, it means jack shit. Every website is free to use Google's or Facebook's toolkits to gather raw visitor data on their own server and relay it back to google/facebook for analytics. Even without an account you leave enough breadcrumbs like IP, browser id, browsing behavior - things that mean little on their own, but give off enough context when correlated with the same data you left on other websites to construct a valid profile of you.

            I use youtube a lot but I have watch history disabled and the video suggestions are always random, generic and useless, all according to the settings I setup that say that google will not personalize anything.
            so far I have yet to see anything that would prove any of the schizo cope.
            I watch youtube videos in mpv by the way, no idea if it affects anything

            This is the usual dead-end whenever online privacy is discussed with with normies - "why should i care". I think the concept may just be too abstract and behind the scenes for an average person to care since they don't see the negative effects in their daily lives. And whenever some data leak happens and they actually get to suffer from it they ask how such a thing could happen.

        • 2 years ago

          >show me where any of the google websites do this
          Google search changes your results based on past searches and videos you watch on YouTube. The top carousel with ads is the one that shows it the most, but it is also visible in image search.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why should consoomers care they are being treated like a product? There is no real point to argue here.
        Of the giant list of things in my life that I can spend time and effort on, why should "hiding from gayMAN" be a top priority? How will my life be worse off than if I put that energy into something I enjoy?

    • 2 years ago

      1. Here you go babby, let anon spoonfeed you. https://en.ryte.com/wiki/Tracking_Pixel

      2. Nobody expects you to care much like nobody expects a disabled person to run a marathon.

      • 2 years ago

        theres also this unique ID for audio or something

  5. 2 years ago

    I don't think that "non-schizos" think they're completely evading facebook/goog by not making accounts and clearing cookies. They just don't want to make it easier.
    Also, if you keep your accounts clean, then there's less given up if your account is ever compromised. Sure, some team deep in Google with special access might be able to look up and tell that you were researching how to launder money, but neither the IRS nor their prosecution attorney is going to have that access. They could potentially get a subpoena for your Google account though.

  6. 2 years ago

    Is that a targeted ad????

  7. 2 years ago

    You plebs still see ads?

  8. 2 years ago

    OK schizo, then how would I go about not getting fingerprinted by FANG?

  9. 2 years ago

    This is what you're talking about right?

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