Not trying to troll, not trying to start shit, not trying to disrupt any discussions.

Not trying to troll, not trying to start shit, not trying to disrupt any discussions. I just have a simple question: would you read a book written by a transgender author?

I want to write a sci fi book I’ve had for a many moons but I’m incredibly self conscious about it and I’m worried that it will be brushed off because of the status of my gender so much so I’m considering a pseudonym.

Please be brutally honest

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  1. 3 months ago

    >haha would you read this book
    >im trans btw if that matters
    No one gives a shit about you or your identity. How about you just fricking write something worth publishing and then try to publish it? Jesus fricking christ, anon.

    • 3 months ago

      No. I wouldnt read a trans author on principal. Not because they're mentally ill or disgusting, lots of great authors were fricked in the head, but because the publishing indistry is discriminating against non-LGBTQ authors. I cannot support authors who were published thanks to anti-cis bigotry.

      One annoying modern problem is the idea the entire world cares about your identity. We don't. When you walk into the room, you're obsessed because everyone turned their head to look at you. What you forget is that turning your head to look at shit is an involuntary human reaction, most of the time it's meaningless.

      You made this thread to validate this belief system. Whether you know it or not, it's covert narcissism. I don't blame you because this is the milieu nowadays, but if you want to write, well... fricking write.

      No one would care. And why do we even need to know your gender or that you're even trans? Plenty of successful authors use pen names, of either gender, and never reveal their true identities or show their face. This last generation of humans are way too caught up in their identifies. Life was actually better when there were almost no people screeching about pronouns, being trans, or being gay, or their race. People just did what they wanted without labels or an agenda.

      >This last generation of humans are way too caught up in their identifies

      I've yet to enjoy any piece of art, whether it be music, movies or television, or books, from a zoomer because all of their work is filled with twitter identity politics shit.

      have a nice day you fricking wholesome chungus safe edgy left wing homosexuals.

      • 3 months ago

        >no, you MUST CARE ABOUT TRANNIES!!!!! y-you just aren't allowed to like them!!!!! but you MUST CARE ABOUT THEM!!!!!! NOT CARING IS HECKIN FORIDDEN!!!!!!!!!
        Frick off, culture warrior. I don't give a shit. I just want both groups of morons to leave me the frick alone.

      • 3 months ago

        DAW / Penguin:
        >To this end, DAW is actively seeking new works of science fiction and fantasy written by and/or featuring people of color, Native people, disabled people, neurodiverse people, LGBTQIA+ people, and those from other underrepresented or marginalized communities.
        Triada US:
        >ALWAYS seeking: diversity. Race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, mentality, health, economic status, religious affiliation, all of it. The obvious shouldn’t need to be said — that I want my projects to reflect the beautiful diversity of the world, that I want to see and share with others life through another’s eyes, that I want to see these differences expressed through art and creation and culture, that these books need to be on bookshelves — but that’s the state of things. So yes, there is no question to it: I want diversity.
        Book Ends Literary Agency:
        >This is your semi-annual reminder that while I'm looking for diversity and own voices across the board, I am particularly interested in seeing submissions in the mystery and historical romance genres. Please send! #mswl
        Knight Agency:
        >Really want to find queer teen lit.
        P.S. Literacy Agency:
        >“Young Adult: LGBTQ+ rom com, psychological horror, a new take on vampires, a girl in a rock band, an eerie mystery.”
        KT Literacy
        >#ownvoices#marginalizedvoicesfriendship-based adventure a la Goonies, please! #MG #YA #amquerying #amwriting
        Lynette Novak
        >Seeking: manuscripts from POC, diverse authors,#LGBTQ,#OwnVoices, & all voices that have been silenced but NEED to be heard. I support you & want to share your stories with the world.
        Kiki Nguyen
        >No funny business, but I want more tattooed queer LIs, THANK YOU. Neck tata, knuckle tats, knee tats, lips tats, I’ll take an eyelid or two as well. I am DESPERATE.#mswl
        Leah Spann, DAW / Penguin
        >I am always looking for inclusive storytelling. LGBTQIA+ characters, less explored mythologies, SFF from authors of color, neurodivergence.
        Elana Roth Parker
        >I have never stopped looking for Black voices to add to my list of authors. If you write fun, escapist stories for MG or YA, I'm here! Currently hungry for rom-coms and light fantasy, but open to an adventure.
        Lynnette Novak
        >Seeking: manuscripts from POC, diverse authors,#LGBTQ,#OwnVoices, & all voices that have been silenced but NEED to be heard. I support you & want to share your stories with the world.

        • 3 months ago

          >diverse authors
          I have to admit I've tried in curiosity to leverage this before, but my kind of "diversity" isn't really desired. I'm a disabled veteran and take it from me when I say that "diversity" doesn't really mean that... despite the fact that there are significantly more POC, homosexuals (each by a huge margin). There are even more "non-binary" people than there are combat veterans of the GWOT. I'm not even complaining. If I ever get published, I want it to be purely by my own merit — I'm not looking for handouts. It's just frustrating how blatantly fake the desire is for "diverse" authors. It doesn't actually mean what it says.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, no shit. They seriously take a movie that's 100% black people and call it the "most diverse." That's not "diversity." That's an ethnostate.

        • 3 months ago

          >underrepresented voices

  2. 3 months ago

    Least attention-seeking troony

  3. 3 months ago

    No. I wouldnt read a trans author on principal. Not because they're mentally ill or disgusting, lots of great authors were fricked in the head, but because the publishing indistry is discriminating against non-LGBTQ authors. I cannot support authors who were published thanks to anti-cis bigotry.

  4. 3 months ago

    One annoying modern problem is the idea the entire world cares about your identity. We don't. When you walk into the room, you're obsessed because everyone turned their head to look at you. What you forget is that turning your head to look at shit is an involuntary human reaction, most of the time it's meaningless.

    You made this thread to validate this belief system. Whether you know it or not, it's covert narcissism. I don't blame you because this is the milieu nowadays, but if you want to write, well... fricking write.

  5. 3 months ago

    No one would care. And why do we even need to know your gender or that you're even trans? Plenty of successful authors use pen names, of either gender, and never reveal their true identities or show their face. This last generation of humans are way too caught up in their identifies. Life was actually better when there were almost no people screeching about pronouns, being trans, or being gay, or their race. People just did what they wanted without labels or an agenda.

    • 3 months ago

      >This last generation of humans are way too caught up in their identifies

      I've yet to enjoy any piece of art, whether it be music, movies or television, or books, from a zoomer because all of their work is filled with twitter identity politics shit.

  6. 3 months ago

    i will never read anything you write because no quivering narcissist going "SHOULD I EVEN TRY???" has anything worth writing down in them. understand this, trans or not, nobody that has "wanted to write a sci fi book for many moons" and not done anything about it because "what if i'm not successful???" is really a writer. if you were going to do it, you would have done it a long time ago, you just like thinking about it. you are asking strangers for permission as a way to keep thinking about it and not doing it. you don't have a book in you, it's just a solipsistic little game you play with yourself and if you ever actually wrote anything it would be just a little prop for that head game and of no interest to other people. the trans thing is just cope, your real problem is the absolute lack of character revealed in even making inane threads like this.

    • 3 months ago

      Excellent post. (The only minor flaw is that OP is clearly fishing for this sort of response and your post doesn’t acknowledge that.) Anyway, this general sentiment is the correct answer to all threads of this nature, e.g.

      “Thinking of reading Moby Dick. Should I?”

      “I just finished the first page of Ulysses and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m wondering if I should go ahead and tackle the second page right away or if there’s some background research I need to do first. What’s IQfy’s recommended Ulysses Reading Strategy?”

      “I have read literally nothing except the subtitles of Japanese cartoons and the instructions on the backs of packets of Pop-Tarts since third grade and now I’ve decided I’d like to become well-read. I’ve heard that Ezra Pound’s Cantos are the summit of the western poetic tradition so I’m going to start with them and get right to the top in one go. What I want to know is, should I invest in a physical book or just download the pdf?”

      “I have a burning passion to write a blank verse epic satirizing the current state of civilization but I’ve been caught in a creative impasse for almost a year now because I’m not sure which typeface to use. I’ve narrowed the shortlist down to three:

      — 12-point Times New Roman
      — 11-point Baskerville
      — 11½-point Garamond

      Please tell me which is the patrician choice (or if you think I’m on the wrong track entirely) and thereby unblock my creative flow.”

  7. 3 months ago

    I would if I didn't know you were trans, or if I knew only through some other totally unrelated avenue. If your author bio talks about you being trans (or if your picture makes it obvious...) it's clear you weren't published because you wrote a good book.

  8. 3 months ago

    Just don't tell people.
    If you want to be judged on the quality of your writing, and not publicised specifically because of who you are, you kind of have to.

  9. 3 months ago


    desu, I like trannies, but I still don't like the politics associated with them.
    All forms of thought control are toxic. They disagree with me at a gut level.
    Telling someone they HAVE to look at a man and see a woman is evil. For pretty much the same reason that telling someone they have to behave within the narrow stereotype of a particular gender is evil. It's a squashing down of the human. You're telling people they can't express themselves, at the end of the day. You're telling them they aren't even allowed to think certain thoughts.

    • 3 months ago

      There's nothing wrong with effeminate men (gay or not), and the introduction of transgenderism into the mainstream has genuinely ruined the progress we were making on this front, as now all the gays have to ally themselves with people who play incoherent language games, and all the genuinely homophobic fricktards are now part of the side of obsessive homosexuals like Matt Walsh.

      • 3 months ago

        The language games feel like they're forced by bad actors, if you know what I mean.
        I think the point of it all is to infuriate people. Because it is infuriating. People value their own freedom of expression, and explicitly launching an attack on that freedom is a pretty clear provocation.

        I assume no one here doesn't know at this point. About how all of the really bad social justice stuff started to take off after OWS, and seems to have been pretty deliberately introduced to make people fight amongst themselves. Do I have to say anymore?

        • 3 months ago

          >I think the point of it all is to infuriate people.
          Really, it is, but in a broader sense than you might even think. It simultaneously infuriates those who support transgenderism and its further extending 'post-gender' world of nonbinarity and neopronouns and genderfluidity, because they now perceive so many only partially existent or non-existent injustices. These are ironically worsened by the conventional right, because they're too stupid to understand what's going on. Problematizing gender identity like this has brought us very little good and thrown people into incredible seethe status.

  10. 3 months ago

    I have read books written by trans authors, I do not generally take it into consideration as to whether the work is notable or not, the work itself does this. I would say embrace who you are and write the best work you can, the choice of pseudonym is entirely your choice.

  11. 3 months ago

    Nobody looks it up what you are. But if you stamp it on the cover that you are Trans it tells me that you consider that to be the most important part of your book which makes me skip it.

  12. 3 months ago

    >would you read a book written by a transgender author?
    No you're too disgusting, both phisically and morally.
    In this case I guess I mean no offense tho.

  13. 3 months ago


    You say that all very flippantly, but sometimes allowing yourself into the headspace to just do something is the difficult part.

  14. 3 months ago

    I would if it was good tbh. I just doubt that would happen, considering their brains are so full of corporate slop and SSRIs.

  15. 3 months ago

    Use a psuedonym. I would never willingly read a book by a tranner, but even those that would are only willing to give you attention for your gender, not for the work itself.

  16. 3 months ago

    >would you read a book written by a transgender author?
    yes. I'd read a book by anyone. I try to know as little about an author as possible, actually. If the name is unisex, I almost never even know if the author is female or male.
    Give me a book I want to read, and the rest is irrelevant.

  17. 3 months ago

    put your name on a book and if it's good i'll read it. i don't care who you are. if your book is didactic i'm going to burn it. tell story stop telling me about yourself.

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