On noise

How can i defeated my hatred toward noise. Sound that come of without my permission, sound that destroy my thought, and my focus toward reading.
I have read Arthur Schopenhauer essay on Noise, although I'm myself not an intelligent nor smart in any degree, as Mr. Schopenhauer explained. Yet, noise always bothered me anytime i put my head toward something.
If any anon can tell me ,or even suggest something to end my suffering it will such a joy for me. And i take it that some anon also share the same pain as me.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Autists are noise sensitive.

  2. 11 months ago

    I used to suffer greatly with noise while living in a city. Strangely enough, I had previously slept in a room at the front of a house and didn't notice any noise, but after my experience in the city even sleeping in a house next to a road became very uncomfortable to me, to the point where I filled up the window space with pillows and caused great distress to my family who thought I was going insane.

    Solution from my experience: escape the noise as best you can. I maybe assume that you weren't accustomed to such noise as a child or adolescent, i.e., that your hatred is due to your living in a different environment than the one you are used to. In which case, try to find somewhere to live which is similar to the place you remember as a quiet place. Do not let noise ruin your life tbh. Sleeping 4-5 hours, constantly feeling on edge, heart racing, angry, etc means you are very vulnerable to making stupid decisions and doing stupid things.

    • 11 months ago

      Op here
      I hate this disease. That some people call Misophonia. Not only it's has effect me, but also my family. I pray to God everyday, and hope my family forgive my anger at that time. The event, in which, my younger brother suffer an injured in his hand, just because of my annoyance of his noise. To this day, i still believe he, my sister hate me because of that.

      it's hard to do such a thing. I do wish to find, the so called quiet place. But, as any other people, who have this disease, the desire place as never been seen and touch by my mind. And you are correct my dear Anon. it's not by the time that i starts reading, the idea of noise, as an enemy come to my mind. Maybe reading is a Pandora box, that i just open without realizing it.

      It should be illegal to play music in public.

      Agreed, especially the place, where person is supposed to learn about something, where the idea of loud noise is forbidden, and where serenity is the habitat of that place

      bomb your city

      i have a great memory with this city, and the idea of destroying it is a ridiculous plan that will give me a big regret , that will hunt myself for the rest of my life. And if we take this as a plan, it will also give a stain to my family name. That will make them cursed myself for the rest of their life.

      I understand. Noise bothers me as well as being surrounded by people. Which is why I hate the coty where there's always someone watching you. Just when i think I'm alone a car pulls by.
      Only way I've found peace is far out in nature.
      Otherwise bluetooh sound-cancelling headphones playing brown noise gets rid of most noise

      I share the same pain as you, my friend. I also live beside the street, and every time, i reading or even just lost in my thought, a car will come a destroy everything.

      • 11 months ago

        man, I live above two restaurants and every fricking god forsaken morning delivery trucks park beneath my window and unload thir shit and it almost makes me homicidal how aggravating it is. Luckily, I work the nightshift so thats towards the end of the day I am usually drunk or high by then so I can withstand it, and I can read in the evenings (my mornings) when its quiet. The nights are so quiet.

      • 11 months ago

        For me it's getting "ear worms". When I hear a song with lyrics, it stays with me. Maybe the next day, maybe a couple days later, those lyrics are playing on repeat in my head for the rest of the day from the time when I wake up, whenever I'm not doing something to distract myself. So any person or business is allowed to affect my mental equanimity without my consent. And most songs are awful trash.

        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            bug trash. why post this?

          • 11 months ago

            I was trying to worm his ear.

          • 11 months ago

            You're definitely autistic.

            k poop stains are the worst

          • 11 months ago

            You're definitely autistic.

  3. 11 months ago

    It should be illegal to play music in public.

  4. 11 months ago

    bomb your city

  5. 11 months ago

    Go to listen to some wiener ESP and refresh you attitude.

  6. 11 months ago

    white, brown, green and pink noise. It's very soothing for the autist mind.

  7. 11 months ago

    I understand. Noise bothers me as well as being surrounded by people. Which is why I hate the coty where there's always someone watching you. Just when i think I'm alone a car pulls by.
    Only way I've found peace is far out in nature.
    Otherwise bluetooh sound-cancelling headphones playing brown noise gets rid of most noise

  8. 11 months ago

    Noise exists no matter what. Just deal with it

  9. 11 months ago
  10. 11 months ago

    This defeats the Schopenhauer

  11. 11 months ago

    ear plugs or don't live in a shithole

  12. 11 months ago

    You have an over-active amygdala created by a strong association between loud noises and fear. Probably you have PTSD. Magic mushroom or ecstasy are definitely viable options. Also jerking off to very loud pornography could be a medical intervention to dissociate loud-noises with fear and replace them with pleasure.

    • 11 months ago

      >Also jerking off to very loud pornography
      it back-fired now i hate porn

      • 11 months ago

        Nah then you just gay. Seriously loud moaning or pleasure noises should overcome noise sensitivity if you just give in to the dopamine it will release.

        • 11 months ago

          maybe go read the Bible

  13. 11 months ago

    I wish I could go back in time and force Schopenhauer to listen to Baby Shark on repeat forever, but on every repetition a random 2 seconds of the track is bass boosted.

  14. 11 months ago

    It’s caused by POIS (post orgasm illness syndrome) stop cooming and you won’t hate noise.

  15. 11 months ago


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