OS For Darknet Market Shopping

Do I really need Qubes OS, or could I get away with Tails or a live Whonix USB setup?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >not using Pubes OS

  2. 2 months ago

    no one cares that you bought 5 grams of weed
    just use whonix in a vm

  3. 2 months ago

    Tails should be enough. Whonix provides better isolation but will leave some trace on the host machine. Qubes only makes sense if you know that you will be individually targeted and you dont mind having this on your ssd.

    • 2 months ago

      >individually targeted
      >having this on your ssd.
      having what?

      • 2 months ago

        If you plan to become a successful vendor, start your own marketplace or do something in that matter which will drag a lot of attention, then expect to be individually targeted sooner or later.
        >having what?
        Having Qubes on your SSD. You do know what SSD is, right?

        • 2 months ago

          >Having Qubes on your SSD.
          Not that anon, but this wouldn't be evidence that you committed a crime.

          • 2 months ago

            But tails is kept on a USB that never leaves your person so it cannot be tampered with

    • 2 months ago


      Do I really need Qubes OS, or could I get away with Tails or a live Whonix USB setup?

      Newflash: use a VPN turn off metadata delete any logs left on your browser including logs on RAM and maybe CPU make sure you use your own VPN and not some public company cause they’re not trustworthy if you want you can encrypt your ip using cryptostorm without using a VPN but I don’t recommend it cause it’s slow and free but you can buy it on the website but like I said I wouldn’t trust any public sites that supports VPN Law Enforcement will find out if they get logs from the VPN provider I saw it on youtube they're very strict about this and that's why FBI hates Whonix cause of how secure it is. Use firefox go to about:config make sure you find what traces and footprint they leave on before entering a site remember every site keeps logs leave no trace and if I remember correctly the motherboard could be a beacon and maybe trace you to your location NGL cars have this too if it’s input it

      • 2 months ago

        This is a freetarded approach that requires a lot of tinkering and is very prone to break. I guess that this is not what OP is looking for.

        • 2 months ago

          Of course is gonna break cause they’re security measures and even having an OS can have a security measure too I know it sounds crazy but

          • 2 months ago

            >Of course is gonna break cause they’re security measures
            What you described above is a good way to break your browser and internet connection but not to actually maintain a good opsec. The vast majority of those who actually buy/sell on those darknet marketplaces never bothered with anything better than tails/whonix. Some of them maybe use Qubes but not a single one of them would bother with what you proposed.

            >Having Qubes on your SSD.
            Not that anon, but this wouldn't be evidence that you committed a crime.

            >Not that anon, but this wouldn't be evidence that you committed a crime.
            In case that law enforcement prepare a case against you, the fact that you use qubes might be an indication that you are up to something. In many countries, you might be legally forced to provide password to your encrypted qubes installation (it gets even worse when your adversary does not obey any laws at the first place). Regardless, it might be the case that you do not care about that or the matter of staying secure against remote exploitation/deanonymisation attempts is more important to you. In those cases, Qubes with Whonix domain would be better than Tails.

          • 2 months ago

            >The vast majority of those who actually buy/sell on those darknet marketplaces never bothered with anything better than tails/whonix.
            How do you know this? Is this some sort of secret knowledge that you only gain after years of experience on darknet markets?

          • 2 months ago

            >How do you know this?
            Because apart of their criminal life, they are mostly normal people (at least to some degree) and they do not belong to the freetarded cult that loves to tinker with software. They have work to do and some money to earn, thats why they prefer to keep things simple. If you visit their wikis (some of those markets have those) you will see that none of the major marketplaces encourages you to tinker with firefox or use VPNs. They always tell you to pick between tails, whonix or qubes.

            >Qube OS
            Sounds interesting read through it
            >Qubes OS is mostly “free as in speech,” but not entirely.
            >Qubes with Whonix domain would be better than Tails.
            Yeah sounds good thanks for the suggestion

            Qubes would be better than tails but only if you dont care about leaving traces on your computer. Always take that into consideration. And as a side note, take things you see on IQfy with a grain of salt. There are tons of freetards here who do not really care about opsec but only want to invite you to their weird cult.

          • 2 months ago

            >Qube OS
            Sounds interesting read through it
            >Qubes OS is mostly “free as in speech,” but not entirely.
            >Qubes with Whonix domain would be better than Tails.
            Yeah sounds good thanks for the suggestion

        • 2 months ago

          You need to code a program to bypass security silently or some part

          • 2 months ago

            >You need to code a program to bypass security silently or some part
            What is that supposed to mean? Your homebrew solution is not going to be nearly as reliable as something made and tested carefully by other people.

            How so?

            If you use VPN with tor, it can serve as a vector of corelation attack. In case of simple tor connection, you can use bridges , but there is no such thing in context of VPNs. VPNs themself are universally one company that can be bribed, blackmailed or just legally forced into compliance in a lot of countries in the world. This is why you should not do that. If you care about your ISP, just use bridges.

          • 2 months ago

            Wait, but without a VPN, my ISP won't provide a vector for correlation attacks? Are you fricking stupid?
            Even if VPN will satisfy glowies and give access to their servers, they will get same guard node/bridge. What's your point?

      • 2 months ago

        You should NEVER use Tor with VPN. It's harmful. Just use the For, damnit.

        • 2 months ago

          >the For
          The Tor. I fricking hate this HeliBoard shit. Moving back to my GBoard.

        • 2 months ago

          >the For
          The Tor. I fricking hate this HeliBoard shit. Moving back to my GBoard.

          It's called the tor network, anon.

        • 2 months ago

          How so?

          • 2 months ago

            law enforcement when tor:
            >this gay is usin' the tor, might be up to summ', probably just browsing facebook
            when vpn+tor
            >tor and a vpn? this guy's up to no good! likely selling gunz n' drugz!!1!

            in all seriousness, if you THINK you need extra anonymity with a vpn, that will raise flags for the feds, and in all likelihood it will actually deanonimize you

          • 2 months ago

            That's if they're monitoring all VPN providers 24/7. It could be true, but, you know, if it's true then we are fricked anyway.

          • 2 months ago

            he probably watched Black personoutlaw youtube

        • 2 months ago

          I forgot don’t use VPN when you’re browsing tor network

      • 2 months ago

        Running your own VPN defeats the entire purpose moron. Not unless you bought the VPS with bitcoin + fake name/address AND only connected to it with TOR.

  4. 2 months ago

    And disable geolocation

  5. 2 months ago

    tried Whonix VM but it doesnt work with snapshots and requires a full reboot every time. for some reason the devs think that jumping the VM's RTC between snapshots is botnet. they even remove the ability to manually set the RTC.

    • 2 months ago

      Redpill me on this RTC shit.

      • 2 months ago

        >RTC/NTP is botnet
        this is rather new to me too so i went to read Whonix docs, apparently they believe public NTP servers are compromised and the servers will add some milisecond variations for every users as a way of fingerprinting when you sync your time. in theory this could work in tadem with glowie honeypot relays before, during, and after you connect to tor. their solution is to add even more variation to the time at set intervals. however using VM snapshots will frick up their solution so your only way to keep using your VM is to reboot everytime.

        its over. time is botnet. this is probably the most severe case of autistic paranoid schizophrenia i've ever heard.

  6. 2 months ago

    Tails may still have the modifications made by the French police and Interpol. Avoid.

    • 2 months ago

      No such thing. Meds.

      Wait, but without a VPN, my ISP won't provide a vector for correlation attacks? Are you fricking stupid?
      Even if VPN will satisfy glowies and give access to their servers, they will get same guard node/bridge. What's your point?

      bridges exist for a reason. VPNs usually have fixed ip range and are managed by one company, unlike tor bridges.

      • 2 months ago

        Jesus Christ.
        Use fricking bridges with VPN also, moron.

        • 2 months ago

          And how is that supposed to improve your opsec over just using bridges? Dont you think it migh raise some suspicions? Someone might think that you have something to hide and therefore need a VPN.

      • 2 months ago

        >No such thing. Meds.
        No amount of meds can fix those leaky tail trails. Try it out, navigate around some sites and hop between them. Look at those delicious forensic trails.

        • 2 months ago

          Explain how french police or interpol supposedly tampered with Tails or GTFO.

          • 2 months ago

            I don't have the links but they indeed bragged about it and how it handed them over a dozen arrest in a child abuse ring. I also verified what data their changes left behind in the browser. Hint: Use one of the open source forensic collections on your installation after you have been using it for a few weeks.

          • 2 months ago

            >I don't have the links
            So you have no proofs that tails is compromised
            >t they indeed bragged about it and how it handed them over a dozen arrest in a child abuse ring.
            assuming that this is true, it was either the case of those pedophiles having bad opsec or the use of exploit chain like in the case of buster hernandez.
            >I also verified what data their changes left behind in the browser.
            So post your finding instead of fear mongering. You seem to be very unwilling to post a verifiable proof to your claims for some reason.

          • 2 months ago

            Don't take my word. In fact, you specifically should keep using it. I on the other hand will keep warning people for at least the next few hundred years.

  7. 2 months ago

    Whats the difference between live whonix and tails?

    • 2 months ago

      >For Darknet Market Shopping
      If this is something you will only do once or twice a year, just grab a laptop, fly over to another state, wear a covid mask and buy it on tor over public wifi (bridge/vpn if blocked).
      If this is for drugs you are much more likely to get caught through other methods then them deanonymizing you over tor.

      whonix is a ... wait why don't you just search it up

      • 2 months ago

        >fly over to another state
        You leave a trail when you do this. It would be better to drive over to another state. But by the way, when you do illegal shit across state lines, you risk getting the feds involved. The feds don't frick around, and federal court is insane. The sentencing is way harsher, and there is no parole in the federal justice system.

      • 2 months ago

        Or just have tor running on a rental server in another country that was paid for using monero or someone elses money in theory hypotheitcally speaking and then use an ssh tunnel to connect to that from another node you paid for with monero and connect to that one from another node you paid for with monero and so on. Then secure wipe each node and have the kernel panic in 1 hour wiping your ram disk configurations for ssh and tor.

      • 2 months ago

        I searched it up, i dont get what live mode whonix is, it still mentions a vm, so i cant run it on a usb like tails?

    • 2 months ago

      whonix consist of 2 Virtual Machines (either on a regular OS or as a Qubes domain). One VM is a gateway that connects to the tor network and the other is a workstation that is supplied with internet only through the gateway. This gives you really solid isolation but well, you still need to have this installed on your computer and therefore it leave a trace that you might be up to something (even in live mode). Tails on the other hand is supposed to be used only as a live system (as the name says). It doesnt have that great isolation but it is better if you do not want to leave any trace on the device that you have (needless to say that you should probably hide the usb stick/sd card somewhere safe).

      • 2 months ago

        >hide the usb stick/sd card somewhere safe
        And make sure its one of the thumb drives that is easy on the blender. Some of them have a big metal flange. Get the ones that look cheap and brittle. The blender blades will last longer. Put the blender on an inverter and RV battery.

      • 2 months ago

        Why are you giving me a wikipedia summery on whonix, i know what whonix is, im speaki g about live on usb whonix specifically

        • 2 months ago

          This live mode means that no changes are saved on the VMs themself, so if you fire it up in live mode, browse some websites, do some notes and shut it down, no changes should remain on the computer BUT the whonix as a software itself still must be installed on your computer. Technically you could just install any live linux usb and just use whonix from there but I am not sure how reliable this setup will be.

          >hide the usb stick/sd card somewhere safe
          And make sure its one of the thumb drives that is easy on the blender. Some of them have a big metal flange. Get the ones that look cheap and brittle. The blender blades will last longer. Put the blender on an inverter and RV battery.

          I would argue that it is a good idea to DD that pendrive/sd card before attempting to destroy it physically.

          • 2 months ago

            >I would argue that it is a good idea to DD that pendrive/sd card before attempting to destroy it physically.
            No need to argue. If you have the time, go for it.

  8. 2 months ago

    What are you buying on the darknet?

    • 2 months ago

      I plan on buying some xanax and ambien in bulk.

  9. 2 months ago

    whats the deal with Black folk shilling so hard against using Tor with a VPN??

    • 2 months ago

      They are probably caught up on their classwork and just looking to talk shit they've seen others say.

  10. 2 months ago

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