Picrel are the reasons why I think I'll keep using Windows forever (If AHK was available on mac I'd consider switching).

Picrel are the reasons why I think I'll keep using Windows forever (If AHK was available on mac I'd consider switching).

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  1. 2 months ago

    What do you do with autohotkey? I've never used it

    • 2 months ago

      automating certain software which doesn't support scripting. I just set the mouse to click where I will have to click manually.

      • 2 months ago

        Windows-gays make fun of Linux-gays for using command line tools then turn around and do GUI-based automation/scripting.

    • 2 months ago

      simple use is remap keys, custom keybinding combos, and inputting strings automatically. then the sky becomes the limit, people made full on gui programs with it, that's how fast and flexible it is.
      honestly i'm surprise linux doesn't have anything that comes close to it.

      • 2 months ago

        xdotool and xbindkeys. Almost everything is exposed by the file system on linux so there is no need for autohotkey which is mostly a wrapper for the windows api. On linux you have kernel usespace which is all accessible via shell scripting, and x or wayland which both have tools. If you want a full acripting replacement, there are libraries for ruby and python that let you do it all from one file like autohotkey

        • 2 months ago

          does linux allow you to intercept all keys globally? maybe even scan the screen for certain patterns to do certain things?
          i think the neat thing about AHK is that it has everything you'd need under one lightweight package, achieving most things is very straightforward and frictionless. it can even compile scripts to a single small binary. python can do a lot, but it's neither lightweight nor straightforward.

          • 2 months ago

            >scan the screen for certain patterns to do certain things
            I never used this with AHK, I wonder if it's reliable

          • 2 months ago

            Reliable as you want it to be. The tools are there.

          • 2 months ago

            You can intercept all input at the kernel level, but it's more commonly done via Xorg. You can't with most wayland compisitors so in those cases you just read the keyboard input with something like the "interception tools" package.
            Reading the screen can be done via tons of different tools depending on the purpose, again with caveats on certain wayland compositors.
            I don't see the point of compiling a script like this, since most of the time all you're doing is putting the interpreter into an executable that includes the script, so theres no performance boost. I don't know about that one. If i was going to compile an autohotkey-like program on Linux I'd probably use some sort of lisp as the language.
            Other recommendations in the thread might be closer to autohotkey. I'm mostly suggesting how to do it the "linux way" because its easier in the long run. You can put everything in a bash script that checks if xdotool and xbindkey exist, then install them if necessary and run them afterward. I think compiling doesnt make sense, but i do know that with ruby, you can use jruby and create a jar file. There arent going to be real ways to convert those types of languages to static cose though.

          • 2 months ago

            >You can't with most wayland compisitors
            why is it different? what's the incentive for it to be different?
            >I don't see the point of compiling a script like this
            it's portable, i tend to use my scripts for work without installing AHK and having to explain what it does, i tend to jump on random machines too so portability helps. It's also easier to send it to my non tech savvy friends and impress them. AHK is literally the equivalent of knowing advanced excel in normie world.

          • 2 months ago

            so you like it because you can use it on machines where you don't control the OS. completely unrelated to your personal machine like you said in the OP.

          • 2 months ago

            >why is it different? what's the incentive for it to be different?
            incredibly deranged takes on security
            it's one of wayland's biggest problems
            most of their hypothetical scenarios require "getting past the airtight hatchway" i.e. already having compromised the machine anyways
            they design the protocol like it's remote when that should be secondary or even tertiary to the initial protocol

  2. 2 months ago

    Every OS has one or more tools that can do what AHK does, without AHK's god awful BASIC language.

    • 2 months ago

      >Every OS has one or more tools
      Name them.

      • 2 months ago

        Hammerspoon (for macgays), Autokey, hawck, off the tip of my tongue. Plus a lot of what AHK is used for can be done natively in most Linux WMs/DEs.

    • 2 months ago

      It blows my mind that autohotkey is more popular than autoit3.

  3. 2 months ago

    same here

    and with Wayland linux is even more fricked and useless

  4. 2 months ago

    just use applelscript if you're that autistic

    • 2 months ago

      this. wintards think if there's no gui app for something then it's impossible

      • 2 months ago

        >lintroons think if they use cli programs for something then they are intelligent

  5. 2 months ago

    >pajeet toys

    • 2 months ago

      too much neetslop, now your brain is fried

  6. 2 months ago

    >Picrel are the reasons
    are both grossly obsolete since the introduction of Large-Action Models
    I know the average g tard is a IQfy tourist imposter who only plays games and watches porn but you need to keep up with genuine tech improvements. If you're going to automate tasks, use LAMs and you will blow the frick out out of your competition

    • 2 months ago

      redpill me on LAMs then

      • 2 months ago

        >redpill me on LAMs then
        finally someone who wants to listen
        I'll quote from the salesforce article I linked before
        > Just as LLMs made it possible to automate the generation of text, and, in their multi-modal forms, a wide range of media, LAMs may soon make it possible to automate entire processes. And because they’re naturally fluent in language, they’ll intelligently interact with the world—communicating with people, adapting as circumstances change, and even interacting with other LAMs.
        this is literaly the biggest game changer and no one here seems to give a shit

        here's an example of a company using LAMs, in their Rabbit R1.
        and here's an example of a FOSS LAM
        read the salesforce article I posted, it really explains it in a moron friendly way without technical jargon but BASICALLY
        it's a large language model that can do actions, it can use the computer just like you can. If you can do something on a computer, a LAM can be trained to do the same thing by learning from hundreds of interfaces interactions and so on

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