Redpill me on Voltaire. Is there much there? Where do I even start? And is he more philosophy than art?

Redpill me on Voltaire.
Is there much there?
Where do I even start?
And is he more philosophy than art?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Voltaire is the usual piece of shit intellectual bourgeois pushing for liberalism.

    >Trade and commerce
    In Letter 10, Voltaire praises the English trade system, its benefits, and what it brings to the English (from 1707, British) nation. According to Voltaire, trade greatly contributed to the liberty of the English people, and this liberty in turn contributed to the expansion of commerce. It is trade as well that gave England its naval riches and power. In addition, Voltaire takes the opportunity to satirize the German and French nobles who ignore this type of enterprise. For Voltaire, nobles are less important than the businessman who "contributes to the felicity of the world".

    • 8 months ago

      I must say I'm disappointed
      Your response was rather pointed.
      Perhaps I'll give him a miss
      Any more French writers I should dismiss?
      Give me a recommendation
      To help with relaxation.
      I'd like something Cozy
      Verbose and long and Rosy
      Something for my eyes to mosey
      And take in all the posey
      But not Voltaire
      Of him I will beware.

      • 8 months ago

        Candide, Candide!
        I'll try it indeed.
        Thanks for the help anon
        The thread was over before it begun
        I've give him a read, a ponder, a muse
        And relentlessly shitpost, however I choose
        I'll give the letters a go
        And Candide a show
        I wonder if I can use it to attract a hoe

        You are a jester

    • 8 months ago


      Rousseau dunked on this bourgeois poser in his Letter to d’Alembert

      • 8 months ago

        lmao imagine taking Rousseau seriously in 20fricking23

    • 8 months ago


      Rousseau dunked on this bourgeois poser in his Letter to d’Alembert

      You guys are commies?

      • 8 months ago

        Rousseau is and always has been a Fascist writer

  2. 8 months ago

    Probably more comedy than philosophy or art would be a more accurate statement. Candide is worth a read.

  3. 8 months ago

    >is he more philosophy than art?
    The exact opposite. A great stylist and writer but a poor thinker.

    • 8 months ago

      I should also say that he's someone that has to be dealt with in your education. He's too important a figure in French culture. Even though you may disagree with most of his ideas you need to formulate a response to them.

    • 8 months ago

      >t. Rousseau

  4. 8 months ago

    In the letter 25, which was not included with the original twenty-four, Voltaire criticizes certain ideas of Blaise Pascal by taking citations from his Pensées and giving his own opinion on the same subject. The most important difference between the two philosophers is in their conception of man. Pascal insists on the miserable aspect of man who must fill the emptiness of his life with amusements, while Voltaire accepts the optimistic Enlightenment view.

  5. 8 months ago

    L'esprit le plus brillant de son siècle en littérature. Il a écrit des tragédies, des comédies, des épopées, des contes satiriques, des livres d'histoire et de philosophie très amusants et plutôt pertinents.

    La plupart de ceux qui le critiquent sont des imbéciles ignorants.

  6. 8 months ago

    Candide, Candide!
    I'll try it indeed.
    Thanks for the help anon
    The thread was over before it begun
    I've give him a read, a ponder, a muse
    And relentlessly shitpost, however I choose
    I'll give the letters a go
    And Candide a show
    I wonder if I can use it to attract a hoe

  7. 8 months ago

    He’s the prototypical redditor of his day, he’s the epitome of “Well, acksully” if it were a person and not a phrase uttered by fat basement dwellers.

    • 8 months ago

      have a nice day and go back homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      your comparison does not make justice to his satirical genius. in my point of view, that thing, that brings hate to the French, the way we sarcastically hurt each other without directly doing it, when you don't know from where you have been hitten. he his the epitome of this spirit. here, his pragmatism, atheism, immoralism, has almost won over the idealism, by how corrosivelly his simple nihilism was expressed.
      It is unclear but there is a shitload of affirmations of his devilish immorality, he would have lied with no shame to hurt his enemy, against Rousseau for exemple or in the Calas case where he return the public opinion against the catholic church and appears has a defender of the protestant victim of intolerance. but maybe he was sincere, was he?

  8. 8 months ago

    At the time his ideas must have seemed rather novel & transgressive, but nowadays they're the norm so I don't find him very interesting.

    • 8 months ago

      Boomer liberal academics are still pretending he's a rebel though.

      • 8 months ago

        Liberal misreading of his core texts. Guy was pretty much 18th century Joseph Stalin

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    He is a pretentious midwit, his sayings sound very clever but reveal a shallowness of understanding upon closer inspection

  11. 8 months ago

    great wit, low intellect

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