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  1. 8 months ago

    I dont care about living my life the way some dead homosexual wants me to. I'll live my own life.

    • 8 months ago

      a lot of people like to be slaves indeed

    • 8 months ago

      You obviously do since you're such a petulant child.

      • 8 months ago

        His comment is unironically Nietzschean and all children are petulant.

        Women, much like Black folk, are beasts of burden. They barely feel anything; they collectively hallucinate their pain as a form of grand gaslighting or Big Lie against men because their entire being is rooted in dissimulation. Any man who feels even a shred of empathy for them as a group (it's alright to empathise with them as individuals based on context) is either a weak, preyed-upon moron or a sexual deviant with ulterior motives.

        Weird but a good character sketch

        To clarify, even where women do suffer, it is a suffering of a low and ignoble sort, that's part of the justice of natural law. It's no wonder that israelites, who as a general type, fall into the latter type of man mentioned in my post above, are behind feminism, which seeks to subversively exalt this lower type of suffering into the higher and noble category, and this lower creature into an object of worship.

        Weird and has no character

  2. 8 months ago

    True and Germanicpilled. I must add though that the emphasis must be put on the word of warrior, paraphrasing a 19th Century author, "the Anglo-Saxon of America is primitively an agricultor and warrior, I say warrior and not soldier, his taste for liberty is there opposed"

  3. 8 months ago

    Guy who wrote it was a disgusting dysgenic freak

  4. 8 months ago

    it looks and reads even more disgusting than what gets the (You)

  5. 8 months ago

    You are not free when you choose from a list provided by others.

    Warriors are slaves to their definition. Being a warrior is no better than anything else on that list. It’s worse, actually, in that you are a dependent parasite, living in a fantasy world, made up by grifters using you to do their bidding, until you are gone, and replaced by the next idiot.

    Without choice, there is no freedom. Choosing from available choices is not choice. Only by choosing to become what no one yet is, that creates new obstacles for you to overcome, thus changing you into what can overcome those new obstacles have you actually made a choice. Anything else, and you are just an extra redundant copy among all the others who think they are making choices, but are just like water trickling down the already made groves in the tree bark to the dirt below.

  6. 8 months ago

    "That one is prepared to sacrifice human beings for one's cause."

    I don't see how that follows anything before it. Why does "expanded freedom includes greater endurance" lead to "freedom requires the act of killing a person in my way."

    You can endure hardships of all sorts without seeing a battlefield, like cancer for example. Freedom means greater ability to endure cancer. Sure. Makes sense. But "That one is beset by horrible diseases of physical and mental trial then die" would not follow from any of that.

    The sentence itself is not merely disagreeable, it is very disturbing and frightening. Discourse like this will cause blood within a few decades.

    I cannot escape the feeling that these wounded masculinities and their guns will cause a horror never known in America. When they become cornered and frightened they will reach for what power they can hold in their hands.

    • 8 months ago

      >When they become cornered and frightened they will reach for what power they can hold in their hands
      What fool would not?

      • 8 months ago

        >what fool would not
        My bad, the way I stated that is ambiguous.

        I was imagining these shadowy figures taking up arms to attack a perceived threat, rather than to defend from attack.

        You are quite correct, if people are coming to attack you, your person or your household you must grab your gun.

        • 8 months ago

          >a perceived threat

          • 8 months ago

            Well, that was not what I was expecting.

            Clearly this was intended as some kind of camp aesthetic rom com lyrics for a gay audience. Not a single thing in this video revealed anything remotely new to my mind.

            Singing is not a threat, lyrics of any kind are permitted. If you and your buddies want to make a "Black people and Arabs are stupid" song go right ahead. I will ignore it which is the appropriate reaction to the video you linked and also your thoughts.

          • 8 months ago

            >lyrics for a gay audience.
            the only way homosexuals can reproduce is through child exploitation. they are coming for straight people's children -- there is no other meaning.

          • 8 months ago

            My own homosexual experiences were thouroughly self originating. They came from the realm of mysterious and unknowable longings.

            For some years I did believe the liberal agenda caused me to like gay porn. I forgot that the liking came from me, even if the evil porn came from the cultural marxist gay terries.

            How do naked men make *you* feel?

          • 8 months ago

            i have a feeling you had a proclivity for naughtiness and vice.

            >How do naked men make *you* feel?

          • 8 months ago

            Where does """"proclivity"""" (concupiscience) come from?

            Then, as a man who does not know the experience of homosexual attraction, why do you presume to tell me of its origins?

            I would get erections as a child watching film scenes with men (PG movies, macho man/action man stuff) without knowing what or why an erection was, or homosexuality.

          • 8 months ago

            >Then, as a man who does not know the experience of homosexual attraction, why do you presume to tell me of its origins?
            its origins are in sin, and your problem was/is impulse control. just because you desire it, doesn't mean it's something to act upon.

            homosexuality spreads disease and societal disorder whenever the impulse is not tamped by social controls. the majority of homosexuals were abused as children, and the majority of child abusers are homosexual. it is a mental disorder in the most extreme sense. anti-natal, anti-productive, and a bane to successful society.

          • 8 months ago

            When I was in self-denial of my homosexuality I would try to not think of it, forbid myself from watching gay porn all of that fun stuff.

            How long does a 20-something year old go without feeling desire? Less than an hour. I could go at most two or three weeks without jerking off to gay porn or fantasies. I don't think I have felt the desire to have sex with a woman since high school. When I forced myself to watch straight porn I gravitated towards flat chested women without realizing it and the scene could not have a man in it because... you do the math. Having this much internal conflict ALWAYS leads to a guilty, obsessive, anxious mind. You find yourself doing things like sticking your penis in a cup of ice water in a desperate effort to "cool desire."

            No adults or individuals told me to act this way or to beat myself up internally for ten years. I did it to myself based on things I read and a vast, all-consuming terror at being... dun dun dun... a homosexual!
            You don't realize it but every time you write "the trannies and the gays are ruining our good western culture" or some such thing, a gay person who thinks their straight will probably read it, and it will definitely hurt and not help them. Think of it as aggregation and attrition. Hatred of gays is everywhere, but it is strongest in the minds of self-denying gays.
            Don't hate the gays anon. Nobody picks their desires out of a hat.

          • 8 months ago

            >Nobody picks their desires out of a hat.
            impulse control quells them. self-control is necessary when the impulse is self-destructive. enjoy HIV/mouth herpes and never understanding unconditional love in the form of parenthood.

            homosexual men are hypersexualized deviants with no ability to control their destructive predilections, and society as a whole suffers.

          • 8 months ago

            You sure you don't like boys anon? Some boys are very pretty. Their cheeks are as kissable as their tummies, and they have lovely lithe limbs.

            You could find a nice gay boy and have a homoerotic friendship with him. He will be happy to be near your protective masculine energy, and his femininity will make you feel like an unstoppable alpha. No sex or even conscious sexual thinking is necessary. Nobody will know about the flutters you get from your buddy. You guys could go out hiking and spend the night sharing a sleeping bag, because it is colder out than either of you prepared for, and you have to get good sleep... Come lay down anon. I'll be the little spoon.

          • 8 months ago

            While I do believe gayness like yours exists, I turned myself prison bi just by being autistic and not giving a frick who sucked my dick. It's like how there are gay trannies and AGP trannies and the two don't really interact. There are gays like you and then there are 'gays'. I think your type should be allowed to marry and so on but porn is what creates the second type. Especially in submissive men who abstract their desire to submit from women and start to see the possibility of getting fricked by a guy or being "feminized."

          • 8 months ago

            I could have easily written every word of this post in my self-denial phase. There were real homosexuals and then there were guys like me, who just like, had a thing, ya know? Just a weird thing. Not gay. And I reckoned I wouldn't have had the "weird thing" if it weren't for modern society.

            It helped me immensely to realize that same sex attraction is something nearly half of people experience in their lifetimea. And you truly do not have to label yourself. If you want to call yourself a straight man that enjoys fricking boys then go ahead.

            We are not responsible for our sexual longings, it's all good, it's all okay. Move slowly, think slowly. Don't insult others to feel better about yourself.

    • 8 months ago

      >Discourse like this will cause blood within a few decades.


      >muh heckin blood!

      You're literally the person Nietzsche is making fun of

  7. 8 months ago

    As for the "manly instincts" you could as easily refer to woman suffering as man suffering. Women spend a fourth of their life racked in cramps and aches of menstruation, pregnancy, chilbirth and menopause. They do this silently almost as a rule, while men are prone to huffing and puffing.

    Might we not as easily say "Freedom demands we are capable of enduring womanly pains, that our souls carry the aches of our bodies in silence and with dignity, that we possess sufficient courage to sit on a hospital bed trying to squeeze a living, writhing child out of our veganas for 24 or 48 hours without eating or sleeping and finally sucumbing to emergency caesarian before popping out a proto-neo-Nazi problem child and then enduring 18 years of his ingratitude. For in such courage and strength we gain the freedom to act in life."

    • 8 months ago

      Women, much like Black folk, are beasts of burden. They barely feel anything; they collectively hallucinate their pain as a form of grand gaslighting or Big Lie against men because their entire being is rooted in dissimulation. Any man who feels even a shred of empathy for them as a group (it's alright to empathise with them as individuals based on context) is either a weak, preyed-upon moron or a sexual deviant with ulterior motives.

    • 8 months ago

      To clarify, even where women do suffer, it is a suffering of a low and ignoble sort, that's part of the justice of natural law. It's no wonder that israelites, who as a general type, fall into the latter type of man mentioned in my post above, are behind feminism, which seeks to subversively exalt this lower type of suffering into the higher and noble category, and this lower creature into an object of worship.

  8. 8 months ago

    which of his books is this from? will to power?

    • 8 months ago

      In "Beyond Good and Evil", Neetch verbatim says he fears being understood more than being misunderstood. This is a problem since he is the one communicating his ideas! Neetch is the most obvious and outrageous pseud of all time.

  9. 8 months ago

    Internal cooperation wins in a contest of violence between groups. Cooperation requires restraint, fairness, and poise. Men become free in societies of cooperation, and lose freedom under selfish tyrants. Imagine saying that "freedom" means that your instincts of war dominate over those of "pleasure". Complete nonsense from an addled mind.

  10. 8 months ago

    All notions of freedom ultimately rest on a prior notion of human nature. This definition of yours is no different, OP. The real argument is over the nature of humanity. It makes no sense to discuss what makes a man more or less free before it has been determined what the innate nature of man, what the ideal form of his inner flourishing, actually is.

  11. 8 months ago

    ITT: Engl*shmen, w*men, Chr*stcucks and d*mocrats triggered

  12. 8 months ago

    What a cringey tryhard. Who wrote this trash?
    How many wars did he fight in?

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