Rust has perfected the elegance of functional programming and the efficiency of C++.

Rust has perfected the elegance of functional programming and the efficiency of C++. It is genuinely refreshing to be able to write high level code without the worry of massive performance impact.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Rust is low level and not functional

    • 1 month ago

      Many functional concepts since its beginning.

      • 1 month ago

        Where is currying? Where is function composition? Where is foldr? Where is lambda functions that borrow from the environment?
        Also not exclusively functional but where is function nesting? In Rust nested functions cannot capture variables from their parent function
        Rust is very far from functional. It's an imperative language with map, filter and fold implemented, match and a type system that shouldn't be available in a low level language because you get this

        such an elegance, beautiful. this is underappreciated masterpiece. truly, a hidden gem. a silver bullet to all computational problems.

        With monads you could bind each functuon that returns an option and only get Option<T> in the end

        • 1 month ago

          NTA but this is no true scottsman fallacy.

          • 1 month ago

            Put simply in Rust you don't express your program as applications and relations between functions but rather as procedures of of discrete steps

            I actually wouldn't say that Rust is functional but you're underestimating it
            >Where is currying?
            Can be done manually with closures but it's tedious, in part because of the lack of variadic function generics.
            >Where is function composition?
            You can do this.
            >Where is foldr?
            That's just this, right?
            I don't remember how lazy evaluation plays into it in Haskell though, it's been a while.
            >Where is lambda functions that borrow from the environment?
            Rust has these and uses them all over the place for the simplest of things.
            >Also not exclusively functional but where is function nesting? In Rust nested functions cannot capture variables from their parent function
            You can do this by defining them as lambdas. Makes the lifetimes much clearer so maybe it's for the best that fn functions don't do this.
            >a type system that shouldn't be available in a low level language because you get this [...]
            >With monads you could bind each functuon that returns an option and only get Option<T> in the end
            You can flatten Options very nicely in Rust in a couple of ways, like with the map/and_then/etc. methods and with the early-return ? operator. You're not naturally going to end up with deeply nested options.
            But if you do legitimately want to nest options for some reason then an Option<Option<Option<bool>>> still only takes a single byte. That's the only point of that example.

            >Can be done manually
            Anything can be done manually so no
            >You can do this.
            No you can't as far as I know
            add_5 = (+ 5)
            double = (2 *)
            double_and_add_5 = add_5 . double

            Can you do this in Rust (without the currying of +, *)
            >That's just this, right?
            Yes I wasn't aware of it's existance
            >Rust has these and uses them all over the place for the simplest of things.
            There are some things you can't do with them. Actually due to the borrow checker it's impressive how much you can do with them (because they can move the data to themselves). However I think you cannot return a closure that has borrowed a value or you can't pass it somewhere else or something
            >You can do this by defining them as lambdas
            Lambdas can't be recursive though
            >and_then, the early-return ? operator
            That's true only for Option and Result but user defined types can't work with that. However I don't really consider abstract data types a functional feature and the type system is too messy in general. Like it has function pointers, each closure has it's own type (to avoid functional features like writting functions that take function arguments. First class functions is a lie)

          • 1 month ago

            let add_5 = |x| x + 5;
            let double = |x| 2 * x;
            let double_and_add_5 = |x| add_5(double(x))

            >b-b-but that is not the same
            literally nobody cares

          • 1 month ago

            Rust then cannot claim to have first class functions

            >However I think you cannot return a closure that has borrowed a value or you can't pass it somewhere else or something
            References cannot outlive their referents, so a structure/closure that borrows data cannot live longer than the lifetimes of its borrows
            If a function's return value borrows something that can outlive its arguments, the type signature of the function has to specify this

            Yeah. The borrow checker as a system allowes you to do a lot more with closures without garbage collection (idk how C++ deals with closures). However they do not have their full power

            >Rust you don't express your program as applications and relations between functions
            You can do that in Rust just fine. Hell you can do that even in C.

            Function composition in C?

          • 1 month ago

            #define CALL(f, x) f->fn(f, x)

          • 1 month ago

            >Function composition in C?
            You just write an interpreter. Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Lua, etc.

            There is no point in continuing this discussion anymore since no one else seems to have experience in functional programming. The following is impossible in C and Rust because they are not functional languages (unless you implement the runtime of a functional language):
            fix f = f (fix f)

            let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x

            Example usage
            factorial = fix (f n -> 1 if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1))

            >Rust then cannot claim to have first class functions
            >In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures.

            In that case Rust may have "first class functions" but theu are not first class enough to be able to implememt the above

          • 1 month ago

            >I guess you are right but I'm going to move the goalpost
            recursion is a code smell btw

          • 1 month ago

            recveursi fib is one of the classical-est of classical programing problems doe
            every CS course should have one

          • 1 month ago

            fn recursive_fibonacci(n: usize) -> usize {
            print!("{}", n);
            match n {
            0 => panic!("zero is not a right argument to fibonacci_reccursive()!"),
            1 | 2 => 1,
            _ => recursive_fibonacci(n - 1) + recursive_fibonacci(n - 2)

          • 1 month ago

            0 fib = 0 moron

          • 1 month ago

            >the 0st number is 0
            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            If you define index 1 and 2 as numeral 1, then index 0 is numeral 0
            Fib starts 0, 1

          • 1 month ago

            >index 0
            It's not index, it's n
            >Fib starts 0, 1
            According to Fibonacci himself it starts with 1, 2

            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            Smartest rust user, everyone.

          • 1 month ago

            smartest Wikipedia quoter everyone.
            >The sequence commonly starts from 0 and 1, although some authors start the sequence from 1 and 1 or sometimes (as did Fibonacci) from 1 and 2.

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm right if you ignore modern developments
            This is also true of rust in general, so I can see why you're a fan.

          • 1 month ago

            It even says it right in your screenshot that in some definitions F_0 is omitted.
            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm right if you just ignore what most people do
            By consensus, you are wrong.
            Also nice goalpost shift from

            >the 0st number is 0
            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            >nice goalpost shift
            There is no 0st number. You start numbering from 1.
            By consensus, you are a dumb moron.

          • 1 month ago

            F0 = 0
            F1 = 1
            The 0th number is 0
            Or, if counting the other way, the first number is zero and F1 is the second number.
            Calling F1 the second number is only something a moronic rust programmer would do.

          • 1 month ago

            dumb moron, F_1 is the first number. There even is a 1, why would it be the second?

          • 1 month ago

            So you admit I was right, then?
            Very interesting.

          • 1 month ago

            dumb moron, the first number (F_1) is 1, the second number (F_2) is 1, the third number (F_3) is F_1 + F_2.

          • 1 month ago

            and F0 is rightly defined as 0
            F0 of course, coming before F1
            Because 0 < 1
            and since 0 is well defined, and your program fails on 0, you have failed to write Fib in rust, thus proving you're a moron.

          • 1 month ago

            dumb moron, F_0 doesn't exist in the definition I use.

            smartest Wikipedia quoter everyone.
            >The sequence commonly starts from 0 and 1, although some authors start the sequence from 1 and 1 or sometimes (as did Fibonacci) from 1 and 2.

          • 1 month ago

            Then you failed to properly define fib. SART (simple as, moron)

          • 1 month ago

            see the picture you yourself posted

            Smartest rust user, everyone.

            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            You explicitly defined 0 as not there, where the pic I posted myself explicitly states some start with F1 and F2 rather than F0 and F1
            It's not that F0 isn't defined, it's that some people skip 0 because it's the most trival case.

          • 1 month ago

            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            F0 is ommitted, so the sequence starts with F1
            Which is exactly what I said
            Perhaps reading comprehension is not your strong suit, you should go .unwrap(|x| { println!().unwrap()})

          • 1 month ago

            >so the sequence starts with F1
            exactly as I did here

            fn recursive_fibonacci(n: usize) -> usize {
            print!("{}", n);
            match n {
            0 => panic!("zero is not a right argument to fibonacci_reccursive()!"),
            1 | 2 => 1,
            _ => recursive_fibonacci(n - 1) + recursive_fibonacci(n - 2)

            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            >defines f0
            >defines it wrong
            It doesn't start with F1, you put in F0 and put it in incorrectly.

          • 1 month ago

            >lose argument
            >write nonsense
            dumb moron

          • 1 month ago

            >F0 = 0
            >"There's no such thing!"
            >F0 = 0 (proof)
            >"I wrote something else that's still valid!"
            You may as well have written F0 = 123 and called it 123Fib

          • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            >In some places, F0 is omitted
            >So even though I explicitly defined F0 incorrectly, I'm still right
            Sometimes people exclude 2 from the list of primes P, aka P where P > 2
            But if you wrote a program that supposedly told you if a number was prime, and then wrote is_prime(2) and it panic!()'d, you wrote a flawed program.

          • 1 month ago

            You can use the fix point combinator defined above to avoid recursion as demonstrated in the non recursive definition of factorial. If it was possible in Rust the syntax would be
            let factorial = fix(|f, n| if n == 0 { 1 } else { n * f(n - 1) }

            Actually I am well versed in functional programming, or does Scala and F# does not count as functional programming language in your book?
            Function composition is nothing more than f(x) = (f x).

            I don't know scala but what you wrote is an infimite loop:
            f(x) {
            return f(x)

            Function composition would be
            compose(f, g) {
            return |x| f(g(x))

            or in a functional language
            compose f g x = f (g x)

            And then using caurrying you can create a function simply calling
            compose f g

            Furthermore what I wrote in my post which you cannot implement in C or Rust is the fixed point combinator

          • 1 month ago

            Actually I am well versed in functional programming, or does Scala and F# does not count as functional programming language in your book?
            Function composition is nothing more than f(x) = (f x).

          • 1 month ago

            In Rust this is just (minus the dumb bullshit)
            struct Fact<'s> { f: &'s dyn Fn(&Fact, u32) -> u32 }
            let fact = Fact { f: &|fact, x| if x == 0 { 1 } else { x * (fact.f)(fact, x - 1) } };

          • 1 month ago

            How terrible

          • 1 month ago

            That is cool. I'd actually like to learn Rust better so can you walk through everything that's happening there? I still think you did not define a stand alone fix combinator that can be used with any function

            >a type system that shouldn't be available in a low level language because you get this [...]
            It's a stupid example. Rust can be a bit ugly but its type system is quite good by imperative systems language standards.

            My argument is more along the lines that it gets too tedious to write types with all the low level constructs like references, lifetimes, heap allocations, multiple types for strings, integers etc

          • 1 month ago

            >I still think you did not define a stand alone fix combinator
            yeah, I removed the dumb bullshit

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah you can't do it

          • 1 month ago

            fn fix<T, R, F>(func: F) -> Box<Fn(T) -> R>
            where T: 'static,
            R: 'static,
            F: Fn(T, &Fn(T) -> R) -> R + 'static
            use std::cell::RefCell;
            use std::rc::Rc;

            let fixed = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));
            let fixed_fn = {
            let fixed = fixed.clone();
            move |val: T| -> R {
            let fixed_ref = fixed.borrow();
            let fixed_ref: &Box<_> = fixed_ref.as_ref().unwrap();
            func(val, &**fixed_ref)
            *fixed.borrow_mut() = Some(Box::new(fixed_fn));

            Box::new(move |val: T| -> R {
            let fixed_ref = fixed.borrow();
            let fixed_ref: &Box<_> = fixed_ref.as_ref().unwrap();

          • 1 month ago

            You are implementing the runtime of a functional language. Nothing wrong with that, it just shows that Rust is not really a functional language but rather an imperative one. Especially when the code for the same thing in functional languages is just a one liner with few characters

            >Can you do this in Rust (without the currying of +, *)
            There's no syntax for it but you can write a higher-order function for this yeah
            fn compose<T, U, V>(f: impl Fn(T) -> U, g: impl Fn(U) -> V) -> impl Fn(T) -> V {
            move |x| g(f(x))

            fn main() {
            let add_5 = |x| x + 5;
            let double = |x| x * 2;

            compose(add_5, double)(10),
            >I think you cannot return a closure that has borrowed a value or you can't pass it somewhere else or something
            You can, but you have to follow the lifetime rules and you need to know how to spell the function signatures for this. You might have to write + 'a or for<'b> here and there, and know the difference between Fn/FnMut/FnOnce, but it's there.
            >Lambdas can't be recursive though
            Sure, I guess
            >That's true only for Option and Result but user defined types can't work with that.
            They actually can in nightly. Coming Some Time In The Future™
            >Like it has function pointers, each closure has it's own type (to avoid functional features like writting functions that take function arguments. First class functions is a lie)
            You can write higher-order functions either by monomorphizing them or by boxing them (or by doing things C-style and banning closures I guess). You do have to decide how to make the tradeoff.

            Yeah I was thinking of a built in compose function
            >you have to follow the lifetime rules
            Yes in functional languages you don't need to follow any rules and you don't have any issues with safety. The reason you need to follow these rules in Rust (besides the whole memory saftey thing) is that you need a garbage collector if you want to not follow them. It is rare but yeah the point is that this is more like the illusion of functional programming
            >Coming Some Time In The Future™
            That's cool I guess
            >You can write higher-order functions either by monomorphizing them or by boxing them
            In functional languages you can just write higher order functions. Also you can write higher order functions using rank n polymorphic types

            OP and some other posters are either trolling/exaggerating or delusional if they are arguing without reservation that Rust is designed as a functional language, because it's a systems language first
            However, it is fair to say that in much the same way Java was supposed to drag C++ "halfway to Lisp," Rust is supposed to bring it halfway to Haskell
            (Maybe more)

            Sure. It has features from functional programming. It still remains an imperative language

          • 1 month ago

            It's not just the lack of automatic memory management but also the existence of state.
            But yeah, I don't consider Rust a functional language and said as much in an earlier post. Regardless of capabilities it's just not the idiomatic way to write code. I'm only pointing out which features it does have.

          • 1 month ago

            >My argument is more along the lines that it gets too tedious to write types with all the low level constructs like references, lifetimes, heap allocations, multiple types for strings, integers etc
            The only thing here that actually gets bothersome is lifetimes.

          • 1 month ago

            OP and some other posters are either trolling/exaggerating or delusional if they are arguing without reservation that Rust is designed as a functional language, because it's a systems language first
            However, it is fair to say that in much the same way Java was supposed to drag C++ "halfway to Lisp," Rust is supposed to bring it halfway to Haskell
            (Maybe more)

          • 1 month ago

            >Rust then cannot claim to have first class functions
            >In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures.

          • 1 month ago

            >Function composition in C?
            You just write an interpreter. Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Lua, etc.

          • 1 month ago

            >idk how C++ deals with closures
            C++ closures have the same restrictions as Rust closures (modulo borrow granularity) except that the rules are not enforced
            The programmer is just supposed to notice when the rules are broken

          • 1 month ago

            c++ lambdas are so fricked. even a "back to basics" talk is full of potential UB before you get like 25 minutes in lol

          • 1 month ago

            >However I think you cannot return a closure that has borrowed a value or you can't pass it somewhere else or something
            References cannot outlive their referents, so a structure/closure that borrows data cannot live longer than the lifetimes of its borrows
            If a function's return value borrows something that can outlive its arguments, the type signature of the function has to specify this

          • 1 month ago

            >Rust you don't express your program as applications and relations between functions
            You can do that in Rust just fine. Hell you can do that even in C.

          • 1 month ago

            >Can you do this in Rust (without the currying of +, *)
            There's no syntax for it but you can write a higher-order function for this yeah
            fn compose<T, U, V>(f: impl Fn(T) -> U, g: impl Fn(U) -> V) -> impl Fn(T) -> V {
            move |x| g(f(x))

            fn main() {
            let add_5 = |x| x + 5;
            let double = |x| x * 2;

            compose(add_5, double)(10),
            >I think you cannot return a closure that has borrowed a value or you can't pass it somewhere else or something
            You can, but you have to follow the lifetime rules and you need to know how to spell the function signatures for this. You might have to write + 'a or for<'b> here and there, and know the difference between Fn/FnMut/FnOnce, but it's there.
            >Lambdas can't be recursive though
            Sure, I guess
            >That's true only for Option and Result but user defined types can't work with that.
            They actually can in nightly. Coming Some Time In The Future™
            >Like it has function pointers, each closure has it's own type (to avoid functional features like writting functions that take function arguments. First class functions is a lie)
            You can write higher-order functions either by monomorphizing them or by boxing them (or by doing things C-style and banning closures I guess). You do have to decide how to make the tradeoff.

        • 1 month ago

          I actually wouldn't say that Rust is functional but you're underestimating it
          >Where is currying?
          Can be done manually with closures but it's tedious, in part because of the lack of variadic function generics.
          >Where is function composition?
          You can do this.
          >Where is foldr?
          That's just this, right?

          I don't remember how lazy evaluation plays into it in Haskell though, it's been a while.
          >Where is lambda functions that borrow from the environment?
          Rust has these and uses them all over the place for the simplest of things.
          >Also not exclusively functional but where is function nesting? In Rust nested functions cannot capture variables from their parent function
          You can do this by defining them as lambdas. Makes the lifetimes much clearer so maybe it's for the best that fn functions don't do this.
          >a type system that shouldn't be available in a low level language because you get this


          such an elegance, beautiful. this is underappreciated masterpiece. truly, a hidden gem. a silver bullet to all computational problems.
          >With monads you could bind each functuon that returns an option and only get Option<T> in the end
          You can flatten Options very nicely in Rust in a couple of ways, like with the map/and_then/etc. methods and with the early-return ? operator. You're not naturally going to end up with deeply nested options.
          But if you do legitimately want to nest options for some reason then an Option<Option<Option<bool>>> still only takes a single byte. That's the only point of that example.

          • 1 month ago

            oh no no no

        • 1 month ago

          >a type system that shouldn't be available in a low level language because you get this


          such an elegance, beautiful. this is underappreciated masterpiece. truly, a hidden gem. a silver bullet to all computational problems.
          It's a stupid example. Rust can be a bit ugly but its type system is quite good by imperative systems language standards.

    • 1 month ago

      Rust is functional and even has the most useless yet universal FP-aproved function in the history of programming (for_each) in its standard iterator library.

      • 1 month ago

        Rust code is almost never written in a functional style so it's not a functional language
        >the most useless yet universal FP-aproved function in the history of programming (for_each)
        something something internal vs external iteration, I've seen legitimate performance differences
        It doesn't even return a value, is it really? It's not map, it's only useful because of side effects

      • 1 month ago

        Unless you are being ironic, for_each only exists in Rust and C++

  2. 1 month ago

    such an elegance, beautiful. this is underappreciated masterpiece. truly, a hidden gem. a silver bullet to all computational problems.

    • 1 month ago

      >yet another brainlet hard-filtered by generics
      Many such cases

      • 1 month ago

        >he thinks that calling out moronic syntax for <G>enerics makes one not being able to comprehend parametric polymorphism

        • 1 month ago

          What's your alternative?

  3. 1 month ago

    ok, but where are the rust jobs?

    • 1 month ago

      Professional programming is deprecated.

  4. 1 month ago

    why does the header appear twice? the language must be really bad if it can't even make a table.

  5. 1 month ago

    don't forget to install cargo mommy

  6. 1 month ago

    I was thinking of learn Rust instead of C++, I checked the community and... C++ seemed way more attractive since then.
    In a lot of instances I analyze things without the regard of human preferences, which make me come to conclusions that I don't even like, but accept it, since it's the most coherent. I'm afraid of saying something without any bad intent and get impaled through a torn iron rod while burning alive in case I say something "incovenient", I don't want to be near people like that, it disturbs me.
    The language seems pretty good, but that "outside part" scares me so much.

    • 1 month ago

      Like rudeness or (things that might be construed as) politics or something else?

      • 1 month ago

        Their Code of Conduct states:
        >This code of conduct and its related procedures also applies to unacceptable behavior occurring outside the scope of community activities when such behavior has the potential to adversely affect the safety and well-being of community members
        So basically, you don't need to directly do something wrong, if you're a good emphatic guy and say something that might be misinterpreted as "harmful" in your personal blog post, you can be doomed.

        • 1 month ago

          I haven't seen this happen, FWIW.
          The prototypical case that rule is supposed to address is that somebody goes around stalking or harassing another contributor. You want to be able to show somebody like that the door even if it technically happens on MySpace and not GitHub.
          If you have a few weird opinions in a blog post somewhere but you're polite when interacting with people then I think that you'll be okay.
          In general people aren't really interested in playing inquisition. They just don't care that much. If you're very high-profile on either side of things there may be spillover but "the guy who filed this issue said something weird on an obscure blog" is too petty to bring up.

  7. 1 month ago

    I predict eventually people will make jokes about needing to use nested generics to do simple shit all the time. It’s like the functional programming equivalent of a an overly elaborate inheritance tree.

  8. 1 month ago

    There is no such thing as high level code under the tyranny of the borrow checker.

    • 1 month ago

      Immutable data structures are high level code and you don't need to mutate anything

      • 1 month ago

        You still need to care about lifetimes tho

        • 1 month ago

          Not for writing code. Infinite immutable references

  9. 1 month ago

    I think cybersecurity traitors deserve the rope for enslaving people.

  10. 1 month ago

    >option<i32> has 2x overhead
    jesus christ.

    This is why oopsie poopsie and "generic" programming sucks ass - throwing a bunch of "objects" everywhere where they're "single responsibility classes" that bloats everything up because you cant precisely control layout for related data.
    struct optional_ints {
    u32 *have_value; // tightly packed bitset where bitN is the optional::have_value() for values[N]
    i32 *values;
    u32 num_values;

    • 1 month ago

      It would be very unlikely that you'd ever have an array of optionals. Normally you use this in a context where you care about the presence of a value AND the value (like a function return) so scattering loads across multiple places is strictly more overhead.

    • 1 month ago

      Did you know, if you wanted to write "tightly packed bitsets", you can just use non-generic structures? This doesn't undermine the need of Optional types at all.
      Why is board so dumb at formulating a counter argument? It's like you are a bunch of 14 year olds in rebel phase.

    • 1 month ago

      >jesus christ
      There's no way around it. Every value for i32 is a valid i32, so you must have at least one byte of overhead for a tag. And due to memory alignment being a thing, that tag must be at least as large as the i32 it shares a struct with. This is usually not a problem because the primary utility of optionals is an optional return that is typically immediately checked by the caller. If we look at disassemblies of this, we may find this often involves packing two 32-bit values into a 64-bit register, or in the case of Option<i64>, just using two registers.

      Incidentally, if I wanted to store a bunch of optional i32 values, I'd strongly consider a hash table. Especially if I had a lot of missing values.

  11. 1 month ago

    I really hate the amount of code you have to write to do anything. I write a lot of code by hand, so it really matters to me. Really painful writing Rust by hand.

    • 1 month ago

      >I really hate the amount of code you have to write to do anything.
      You have to write more code than Haskell and Lisp but a lot less than C and C++.

  12. 1 month ago

    What I thought was cool is that Rust's strict aliasing rules basically solve the functional problem of mutable data as well.
    You literally cannot have mutability concerns in rust by design and most FPisms are sort of moot.

    Truly a fascinating language.

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