Rust is the future. Stop resisting and stop fighting for the wrong languages.

Rust is the future. Stop resisting and stop fighting for the wrong languages. I don't even understand why you guys would hate on a language that nearly perfected the power of both C and C++ yet remained symbol enough like Python. You guys keep falling for the psyop "le Rust bad" instead of use your reasoning to learn about the language.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    We all agree Rust syntax is horrible. Here's a list of the major problems and how to fix them, and then maybe people will actually use it someday.
    1. No block expressions. No implicit returns. Use the fricking keyword.
    2. Take the colon out of declaration syntax. remove the question mark operator. Give us a real ternary operator.
    3. Take the "!" out of macros. They should look exactly like function calls.
    4. Take the pipe bullshit out of closures. Use balanced delimiters.
    5. Take out the "::" that sometimes appears when using templates. There is no reason for having this.
    6. Fix all the keywords that were renamed for no reason: "match" = "switch," "let" = "auto," "()" = "void," and so on.
    7. Replace the stupid "=>" operator with real case labels so IDEs can actually highlight them.
    8. Make mutability the default. Use explicit const for immutable variables and references.
    9. Put the type before the variable, not after.
    10. Remove the pointless "fn" keyword. It's redundant.
    11. Put template parameters before the associated declaration instead of mixing them in with a bunch of other stuff where it's impossible to read.
    12. Change "self" back to "this" and make it implicit.
    13. Struct fields should be defined with the same syntax as declaring variables.
    14. Remove "impl Bar for Foo." You should be able to see all the interfaces a type inherits from at the declaration site.
    15. Remove "impl Foo." Methods should be defined inside the struct body, or declared there and defined at the top level.
    16. Make parentheses mandatory in if/while/for statements. Make braces optional.
    17. Bring back the three-part for loop syntax. There are things that simply can't be expressed without it.
    18. Make lifetimes completely invisible. They're implicit some of the time. Make them implicit all of the time, or just remove them. If the compiler can't make this work without a bunch of arcane symbols the programmer has to type, there is no point even having the feature.

    • 2 months ago

      >No block expressions. No implicit returns. Use the fricking keyword.
      moronic baby detected, have a nice day.

    • 2 months ago
  2. 2 months ago

    >evaBlack person with his shitty 50 year old trash of literally nothing happening tranime talking about letting go and using better things
    pottery clays xerself sometimes

  3. 2 months ago

    I wish I was as optimistic about Rust as you were.

  4. 2 months ago

    most programs don't need to be as low level as rust
    most low level programs don't need safety to warrant rust's slower development speeds

    • 2 months ago

      >most low level programs don't need safety to warrant rust's slower development speeds
      This is a myth and you don't know what you're talking about.

    • 2 months ago

      >most programs don't need to be as low level as rust
      What constitutes "low level" or "high level" is arbitrary and contextual.
      Rust code can be written in a "high level" way, by any concrete, if arbitrary definition of "high level". A loose alias to ease or familiarity wouldn't be one of those.
      Plenty of "programs" have already been successfully written in Rust. And used/employed at all scales, from personal, to foundational.
      >rust's slower development speeds
      This is not just anecdotally disputed. It is actually proven wrong by multiple parties, including Google.

  5. 2 months ago

    All programmers are obsolete

    This infighting over which language is better is just laughable. AI will do all programming in a couple of years time

  6. 2 months ago

    >baby that cannot spend the extra millisecond typing out "return" starts crying

    • 2 months ago

      You're completely missing the point troony. Frick off and die, you will never be a real programmer.

    • 2 months ago

      >muh syntax
      >muh aesthetics
      >muh doesn't go along with us one trickC ponies
      >what is expression :S
      An ML-influenced language beating the one trickC ponies at their own game will never stop being hilarious.

      • 2 months ago

        I haven't written a single line of C code in my entire life by the way. I understand that C and its superiority scares you, but I use even better languages than that and don't actually care about your toy.

        • 2 months ago

          Great. List these better languages. Languages that also satisfy your aesthetic taste stated in

          We all agree Rust syntax is horrible. Here's a list of the major problems and how to fix them, and then maybe people will actually use it someday.
          1. No block expressions. No implicit returns. Use the fricking keyword.
          2. Take the colon out of declaration syntax. remove the question mark operator. Give us a real ternary operator.
          3. Take the "!" out of macros. They should look exactly like function calls.
          4. Take the pipe bullshit out of closures. Use balanced delimiters.
          5. Take out the "::" that sometimes appears when using templates. There is no reason for having this.
          6. Fix all the keywords that were renamed for no reason: "match" = "switch," "let" = "auto," "()" = "void," and so on.
          7. Replace the stupid "=>" operator with real case labels so IDEs can actually highlight them.
          8. Make mutability the default. Use explicit const for immutable variables and references.
          9. Put the type before the variable, not after.
          10. Remove the pointless "fn" keyword. It's redundant.
          11. Put template parameters before the associated declaration instead of mixing them in with a bunch of other stuff where it's impossible to read.
          12. Change "self" back to "this" and make it implicit.
          13. Struct fields should be defined with the same syntax as declaring variables.
          14. Remove "impl Bar for Foo." You should be able to see all the interfaces a type inherits from at the declaration site.
          15. Remove "impl Foo." Methods should be defined inside the struct body, or declared there and defined at the top level.
          16. Make parentheses mandatory in if/while/for statements. Make braces optional.
          17. Bring back the three-part for loop syntax. There are things that simply can't be expressed without it.
          18. Make lifetimes completely invisible. They're implicit some of the time. Make them implicit all of the time, or just remove them. If the compiler can't make this work without a bunch of arcane symbols the programmer has to type, there is no point even having the feature.


          • 2 months ago

            Sorry but my lunch break is over and I need to go back to doing my job, maybe we can discuss this some other time.

          • 2 months ago

            >List these better languages.
            C++ (uses proper subset of)

          • 2 months ago

            >there's an unproper subset of C++
            enlighten me, larper

          • 2 months ago

            's an unproper subset of C++
            >enlighten me, messa
            running around with your dick and raw pointers around, manually allocing and freeing mem instead using RAII, in your security-critical application that has complex lifetime of objects - is example of doing it wrong, noob

          • 2 months ago

            >complex lifetime of objects
            sorry I just use arenas and yes pointers won, keep seething

          • 2 months ago

            >sorry I just use arenas

            >and yes pointers won

            is this the famous no-coder?

          • 2 months ago

            In HPC community we value our time and waiting for stack of a billion deletes to unwind is simply too slow.

          • 2 months ago

            >omg --O9 --remove-all-loops --remove--all-instructions
            >it runs it runs! wait, what's a segfault?

          • 2 months ago

            no amount of compiler flags will fix your shitty code, you can stop larping now, nocoder, there's about 100% chance you actually compile with -O3 without benchmarking first if that's okay to do

          • 2 months ago

            >I do not understand muh "stack of 3 deletes to unwind is simply too slow" is a non-concern in security-first applications

          • 2 months ago

            in security-first applications, you first of all won't use dynamic memory at all, so RAII is worthless and so is your moronic billions of deletes on what's a static memory that can simply be ignored

  7. 2 months ago

    >troony calling me a troony
    such self hatred is not normal, that's how you will end up roping yourself

    • 2 months ago

      You're a brown shit skin moron, if anything you're worse than a troony

  8. 2 months ago

    If I was brown I'd be afraid of C++ and try to shill Rust on IQfy of all places but unfortunately for me I was born with a genetic defect that prevents my skin from ever producing melanin, I literally burn like a vampire under the sunlight.

    • 2 months ago

      You're afraid of programming in general because you're a worthless moron.

      • 2 months ago

        being afraid of programming just means you're in the valley of despair
        morons in CS have more confidence than any high IQ dev

        • 2 months ago

          That's goes along with it. morons are incredibly arrogant and make bombastically moronic statements (like most of

          We all agree Rust syntax is horrible. Here's a list of the major problems and how to fix them, and then maybe people will actually use it someday.
          1. No block expressions. No implicit returns. Use the fricking keyword.
          2. Take the colon out of declaration syntax. remove the question mark operator. Give us a real ternary operator.
          3. Take the "!" out of macros. They should look exactly like function calls.
          4. Take the pipe bullshit out of closures. Use balanced delimiters.
          5. Take out the "::" that sometimes appears when using templates. There is no reason for having this.
          6. Fix all the keywords that were renamed for no reason: "match" = "switch," "let" = "auto," "()" = "void," and so on.
          7. Replace the stupid "=>" operator with real case labels so IDEs can actually highlight them.
          8. Make mutability the default. Use explicit const for immutable variables and references.
          9. Put the type before the variable, not after.
          10. Remove the pointless "fn" keyword. It's redundant.
          11. Put template parameters before the associated declaration instead of mixing them in with a bunch of other stuff where it's impossible to read.
          12. Change "self" back to "this" and make it implicit.
          13. Struct fields should be defined with the same syntax as declaring variables.
          14. Remove "impl Bar for Foo." You should be able to see all the interfaces a type inherits from at the declaration site.
          15. Remove "impl Foo." Methods should be defined inside the struct body, or declared there and defined at the top level.
          16. Make parentheses mandatory in if/while/for statements. Make braces optional.
          17. Bring back the three-part for loop syntax. There are things that simply can't be expressed without it.
          18. Make lifetimes completely invisible. They're implicit some of the time. Make them implicit all of the time, or just remove them. If the compiler can't make this work without a bunch of arcane symbols the programmer has to type, there is no point even having the feature.

          ) because they're subconsciously worried about being moronic and feel a need to appear competent without actually learning anything.

          lol, lmao, at least when I use a hash table, it's not some robincuck with siphash

          God you're fricking stupid

  9. 2 months ago

    >Rust is the future.
    can't be the future if there are no programs written in it
    >Stop resisting and stop fighting for the wrong languages.
    by wasting my time reinventing the wheel and rewriting everything in rust instead of just using what already works?

  10. 2 months ago

    lol, lmao, at least when I use a hash table, it's not some robincuck with siphash

  11. 2 months ago

    Rust is a failure. Keep resisting and start fighting for the right languages. I understand why you guys would hate on a language that far from perfected the power of both C and C++ yet remained moronic like Python. You guys understand why "le Rust bad" and use your reasoning to avoid the language.

  12. 2 months ago

    >Rust is the future. Stop resis-A-ACK-41%

    • 2 months ago

  13. 2 months ago

    Rust is not the future. It's the present. And it's great.
    Hopefully something even better will come along in the future.

  14. 2 months ago


  15. 2 months ago

    what future?
    it's fricking unreadable

    everything is dosmttcnctstr()

  16. 2 months ago

    No, it's not.

    • 2 months ago

      >I'm not evaluating Rust from the perspective of technical curiosities or "this scratches the right brain itch". I want to make real games that will get shipped to real people (not developers) in reasonable amount of time, that those people will pay for and play, and have an actual chance of hitting the front page of Steam. To clarify, this isn't a cold blooded "make money at all costs" scheme, but it's also not a "I'm just doing this for the lulz". The whole article is written from a perspective of wanting to be a serious game developer who cares about games, gameplay and players, and not just tech enthusiasm.
      So Rust is not fit for real gamedev and is only for hobbyists who can't make fun games?

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