Self Help Books

Any recommendations?

I feel dead inside. No passions, no drive, I've lost all interest in porn, video games, friends, relationships, etc. For the last 15+ years I've simply existed.

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  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

    • 12 months ago

      This book sucks. Just read the bible or the quran idiot

  3. 12 months ago

    Start writing, keep track of what is working and what isn't working. And literally try everything, from new diets to new age crap. Good luck, I started turning my life around at almost 30.

    • 12 months ago

      >Start writing
      >I started turning my life around at almost 30
      Same here, it could work for OP as well. Sample different authors, eras, genres etc until you find something close to your heart, then apply hyper focus on reading and writing within that style or niche.
      >porn, video games
      Good riddance
      >friends, relationships
      Not worth it 99% of the time
      You need to invent some ideal identity for yourself, a desirable future self to work towards every day.

    • 12 months ago

      >Start writing

      Writing what? I have nothing to say.

      • 12 months ago

        It is just to build the habit of writing. Ideally what you did before the last time you wrote anything and what you are thinking about doing in the future. But back when I started I was literally crazy and wasn't even able to write a sentence that made any sense.
        Since you aren't crazy, you can just write down: "today, I did nothing great besides start writing". Or something like that, it is practically a journal.

  4. 12 months ago

    >I've lost all interest in porn, video games, friends, relationships, etc
    That's either actual unironic clinical depression, in which case see a doctor, or you've desensitized yourself to dopamine, which presents similarly to depression but is much more easily fixed by dopamine fasting and then being careful going forward.

    Take a week off from work and go to a cabin in the woods and dopamine fast, then when you come home throw away your smartphone, tv, and pc if you don't need it for work. Stay away from anything that exploits dopamine responses like video games, social media, phones, television, etc.

    Then read Kaczynski.

    • 12 months ago

      nta but suffering something very similar to what he's going through
      and yeah, dopamine fast didn't do shit
      I still didn't regained any interest

      • 12 months ago

        Describe the dopamine fast you did, including length, what you did during that time, what you ate, etc. Or don't, actually, I'm willing to take you at your word. See a doctor about depression. You might have brain problems and those problems might be fixable with medication.

        • 12 months ago

          Do not take SSRI unless you're ready to rope yourself 100%

          • 12 months ago

            Agreed. That's why I recommended a dopamine fast first: like 95% of people with "depression" area actually just totally strung out on drugs and phones/social media and video games and vitamin D deficiency. They haven't been bored for more than ten seconds in literally years and now nothing seems more interesting than would merit a mild chuckle because they've been teeheeing at infinitely scrolling distractions for years.

            On the other hand, some people really do have brain problems and medication helps those people. Just gotta be careful with it and have a good doctor (hard, I know).

        • 12 months ago

          1 week
          no laptop
          no internet
          no books
          I would only meditate, sleep or stare into the void and anytime I felt that my brain is entertaining itself, I would immediately start focusing on my breath instead
          still no interest in money, career prospects, women or any other things that a young man shall be concerned with
          Its like I'm stuck in a ditch

          • 12 months ago

            also to add on to this
            I'm not gonna say that I was an overachiever when I was young but then ze chanz changed me
            I don't remember a time when I was genuinely happy

          • 12 months ago

            Did you look at porn or jerk off at all? What was your diet like? Did you sit in the dark or did you go outside and get sunlight?
            >money, career prospects, women or any other things that a young man shall be concerned with
            The only of those that's an absolute would be pussy. Lots of people hate money and careers and shit like that. At the very least you should have been horny, and a step above that would be general restlessness.

            Either you fricked up the dopamine fast or you may have clinical depression. Don't know what else to tell you.

          • 12 months ago

            no, never felt the urge to watch porn or jerk off during that week either
            diet was honestly pretty balanced, some dairy, fruits, vegetables and bread, nothing processed
            and I get plenty of light, it hits me right in the face from 7AM to 9 or 10AM
            >Lots of people hate money and careers and shit like that
            idk man, everyone around me is in some sort of hyper sigma productivity trance
            I feel like a loser tbh
            >Either you fricked up the dopamine fast
            in what ways can one do that ?

          • 12 months ago

            NTA, but let's start from the bottom and go up:
            what's your diet like? have you tried an elimination diet to remove problematic foods? water fast for multiple days? general rule from one internet guy: take as much protein as you need, the minimum carbs you can get by
            with, then fill the rest of your calories as fat.
            do you exercise? lift? cardio (both HIIT and LISS--focusing more on the latter)? stretching/yoga for flexability?
            do you sleep well? don't lie about this one--I was having small issues for a long time and it caused me a lot of problems psychologically. could you have sleep apnea affecting you? doesn't matter if you're not fat, you
            still might have it.
            how do you handle stress? how do you unwind?
            also, you say you get sun in the morning--and that might all be well and good for circadian rhythm shit--but will you get enough vitamin D that way? you get more vitamin D from UVB radiation, and if you're darker skinned
            and farther from the equator it makes it even harder to get enough vitamin D.
            people suck but you need them. how's relationships with your family? friends?
            >anyway how's your sex life
            just a question. if you have no libido though I'm guessing nothing going on there.
            >money and shit
            do you have a job? getting enough money? are there security issues in the country you live in that create stress in your life?
            what were the things you used to enjoy doing? why can't you do them now, beyond lack of inclination? what are your talents? surely you're good at some things.

  5. 12 months ago

    Starting Strength and C25K: The Couch to 5K Beginner Running Program

  6. 12 months ago

    book of job

  7. 12 months ago

    Get your hormones tested (not joking)
    Look into religion
    Do an examination of conscience
    Find out what you are missing
    I am giving you an effort reply because you posted a cat picture if you want more advice or have more details I will reply

  8. 12 months ago

    You need to read Sadly, Porn by TLP (Edward Teach is psuedonym on the book)
    if that doesn't expose you to yourself and kick you into gear, you are fricked, anon.

    • 12 months ago

      >the feeling when i read Sadly Porn, a lot or most of his blogposts, HC, Samzdat and still am an inert, meandering bastard.

  9. 12 months ago

    This is the last self-help book you need.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        have a nice day.

      • 12 months ago

        Here's a snippet

  10. 12 months ago
    Voluntary Fool
  11. 12 months ago

    the art of living by thich nhat hanh

  12. 12 months ago

    As a Man Thinketh.
    Short, direct, and free online.

  13. 12 months ago

    you have to actively fight entropy and take gambles.
    you're not engaging with your life.
    >this book might suck so i wont read it
    you an't out nothing. if it dose.
    >girl will turn me down if i talk to her
    she not gonna frick you when you don't talk to her either.
    you have to actively make your life better or it decays.

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