Shall I start writing books?

So, I'm thinking about writing books seriously.
In the past I was deep into reading and writing. I even studied literature and art.
People always told me they like my written stuff and some wanted me to write books but I never felt brave enough to do it.
I only wrote some OneShots and text based roleplays (nothing sexual, it's like writing a book with another person) for more than a decade. I'm not into traditional fanfictions. I prefer e.g. to use given settings and create my own stories with my own characters.

When I see what kind of BS is self published nowadays I get the feeling I can do much better. Even if I only would write some enterntaining BS stories like 365 days, Shades of Grey etc it would be way better than the original.
But I don't have the guts.

Do you have any advices?
(Tyi: english isn't my mothertongue. I wouldn't write in English. My English sucks haha)

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  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      u're right anon

      You're posting r*ddit images on IQfy. I don't give a shit if you write or if you don't, but it'd be great if you could frick off and never return.

      Sorry anon. I'm new to IQfy. Didn't know derpina is forbidden here

      why are you asking permission? just write whatever you want, just don't expect to make any money or fans or anything

      Don't ask for permission. I ask for some advices/help. How can I overcome my uncertainty?

      I already have some ''fans''. No, not just frens or family. Strangers too. But that doesn't motivate me. Perhaps I'm a bit too critical.

      Write books because you have to. Inspiration is only the beginning, you have to work at developing and expressing ideas. Diligent, long hours. You will have to sacrifice other parts of your life most likely.
      Go to writing general, read the links. Read every day. Write every day even if its just exercises. Learn about the language, the craft of writing stories and in a few years you will be your own expert in a way. Learn from writers on writing, learn about the professional side, understand your audience and more, a little at a time.

      I'm already kinda expert. I used my whole youth to read a lot (god praise the libraries of this world), learned about writing and wrote a lot. And I studied my mothertongue's literature and language in university. I know all classical story patterns e.g.
      So there's not a big need to learn more about writing. Sure, I don't know everything. U never stop learning. But I know a lot. Enough to write a ''good'' book.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh you're an "expert" already? Aye, write us something, let's all rate it.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm ''expert'' with degree, aye.
          Funny. Seems like u dismiss English isn't my mother tongue, anon. I only write stories in my native language.

          • 2 years ago

            Awfully convenient excuse for someone who's English I can understand quite well...
            You'd think your mastery of language and writing as a whole would translate over, but I guess not.
            Humble yourself and do some writing exercises.

          • 2 years ago

            My English is worse that's why I got a D in school, anon. Ask my old teacher.
            And no, I can't translate my native written stuff in English. It would sounds horrible. U can't translate stuff 1:1.

          • 2 years ago

            Just fricking get to writing then.
            you'll make excuses until the fricking cows come home.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm ''expert'' with degree, aye.
        Funny. Seems like u dismiss English isn't my mother tongue, anon. I only write stories in my native language.

        Goddamn. You already stated you are an expert ready to write a good book. Why are you asking permission to IQfy, then? Just write it already.

  2. 2 years ago

    You're posting r*ddit images on IQfy. I don't give a shit if you write or if you don't, but it'd be great if you could frick off and never return.

    • 2 years ago

      Seethe more little boy.

    • 2 years ago

      >t. zoomer

  3. 2 years ago

    why are you asking permission? just write whatever you want, just don't expect to make any money or fans or anything

  4. 2 years ago

    Write books because you have to. Inspiration is only the beginning, you have to work at developing and expressing ideas. Diligent, long hours. You will have to sacrifice other parts of your life most likely.
    Go to writing general, read the links. Read every day. Write every day even if its just exercises. Learn about the language, the craft of writing stories and in a few years you will be your own expert in a way. Learn from writers on writing, learn about the professional side, understand your audience and more, a little at a time.

  5. 2 years ago

    Of course you should, what would the world do without
    your obviously original standpoint where you think
    all modern literature sucks and you can save it.

    In all seriousness though, yeah go for it, I'm just
    starting myself. Not working on a particular book
    right now, just doing exercises and journal entries.
    Good luck 😀

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for your lovely words, anon.

      I don't think I can ''save'' modern literature. I only think it's ridicilous that people pay for such BS.
      I can do better than that BS.
      (Sure, sounds arrogant, but I'm a good writer.)

  6. 2 years ago

    Start with the Greeks - philosophy too -, then, start writing.

  7. 2 years ago

    Millions of losers think about writing books and look back to when they were kindergardeners and got praised for being creative. Protip, it's something caretakers do to encourage kids growing up, so they hopefully don't turn into vapid losers like OP
    You'll write a book after you start exercising and doing that diet you are always thinking about, and then your life will turn around and everything will be fricking awesome
    Nah, you'll stay a pathetic loser, need caretakers while you shit yourself until you die of obesity

    If you were going to write you would have

    • 2 years ago

      Why is there always some psycho that thinks ranting about his shadow self for multiple paragraphs is relevant to any conversation?

    • 2 years ago


      Why is there always some psycho that thinks ranting about his shadow self for multiple paragraphs is relevant to any conversation?

      He pushed a button didn't he

  8. 2 years ago

    Only do it if it’s so fun and rewarding for you that you would just naturally do it as a hobby anyway. Even if you were never paid for it and no one ever read your books. Because that’s the most likely scenario. Your chance of reaching an audience is close to zero, so you better be doing it for some other reason.

  9. 2 years ago

    permission denied. you may NOT write your expert books.

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