Shaming doesn't work on Muslims as long as the plight of Native Americans remains on the table

You can harass Muslims as much as you want and tell them to go home but the Muslim will always draw one of the most obvious cards from history that anyone can recognize and sympathize with - the Native American genocide.

>Brit "Hey you frick off back to the middle East there's no place for Sharia here"
>Muslim "And the Native Americans? When do you plan to give them their land back?"
>Brit "Don't give a frick mate, back you go, off you go"
Muslim "You see, the Native Americans didn't want you in America either, did they? didn't give them a choice, did you? you brought smallpox blankets and you cleansed them from the land, isn't it?"
>Brit "I don't fackin know couldn't give a feck, there's no place for covering up women in a Christian nation mate"
>Muslim "Wait a minute, wait a minute, you've got family in America, right? I'm pretty sure they are not Native American, are they? should your family go back then maybe?"
>Brit "None of my fackin business mate, there's no place for marrying your cousins in this Christian cantry. Stoning women? fackin barbaric you c**t"
>Muslim "But when the white man arrived into America i don't think the Native American were Christian, were they? does that mean then that they should tell you all to go home? This is just the history, it's not from Muslim sources, i'm giving you basic history here"
>Brit "I ain't got a fackin clue what history is, i don't know fackin know what a fackin Native American is. This is a Christian country"

In the eyes of Muslims, before you attempt to take the moral high ground and usher them out of Europe and America, justice must be found for inhuman acts of genocide such as the Trail of Tears that were perpetuated by Europeans and Americans. For Muslims, these are basic examples of blatant injustice and oppression found in any objective historical source.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    shut up muzdog

  2. 4 weeks ago

    You just admitted Muslims are incapable of defending themselves without bringing up le west

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's some 80 IQ paki living in the UK, he admitted it in his previous (awful) thread about Islam. You can't expect him to make any good arguments.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Muslims are concerned with justice all around the world. It is not allowed to oppress a people's and blatantly genocide them or steal their land. Islam does not sanction this kind of flagrant brutality against a population whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim. And that's why the attempted gaslighting of Muslims by nationalists does not work on Muslims who have the slightest awareness of general world history, as it pertains to western imperialism. If the Native Americans were all handed all of America back tomorrow and their injustice was corrected, the Muslim would simply defer to the oppression of African-Americans by whites in its place. Or even the israelites in the Holocaust by whites (as the likes of Mohammed hijab bring up often).

      History is a playground for the Muslim who can dip into it as he pleases to combat the idea that "Muslims are taking over Western nations" and expose the hypocrisy of westerners.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Muslims are concerned with justice all around the world.
        No they are not, and even if they were their idea of justice differs from the rest of the world because it's rooted in a religion the rest of the world doesn't follow.
        >It is not allowed to oppress a people's and blatantly genocide them or steal their land. Islam does not sanction this kind of flagrant brutality against a population whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim.
        Very curious how this works since Muslims violently conquered a lot of territory and to this day they continue to fight both kafirs and other schools of Islam they disagree with.
        >nd that's why the attempted gaslighting of Muslims by nationalists does not work on Muslims who have the slightest awareness of general world history, as it pertains to western imperialism. If the Native Americans were all handed all of America back tomorrow and their injustice was corrected, the Muslim would simply defer to the oppression of African-Americans by whites in its place. Or even the israelites in the Holocaust by whites (as the likes of Mohammed hijab bring up often).
        It doesn't work because they don't give a shit. Blaming the west for all their problems is just a convenient excuse to behave the way they do instead of either owning it or reforming their culture and faith.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >blatantly genocide them
        Than why did Muhammad wipe out Meccan society as it existed before he brought his religion. The Meccans being mean to him doesn't justify his actions.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Only thing we did wrong was not finish the job.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    None of that matters. None of it.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >Muslim "You see, the Native Americans didn't want you in America either, did they? didn't give them a choice, did you? you brought smallpox blankets and you cleansed them from the land, isn't it?"
    That basically just means Muslims should be exterminated for self-defense reasons, because tolerating would do harm to yourself.
    >You stabbed someone, so you should be fine with getting stabbed.
    No rational person is like this.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    what do native americans have to do with europe

    • 4 weeks ago

      His argument is that Europeans should willingly commit demographic genocide through mass immigration because the British colonized the US, displacing and almost entirely killing the natives as they did so.

      • 4 weeks ago

        wouldn't that argument mean that you should kill every muslim you see

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes, I don't know why it's such a popular argument against immigration critics when it showcases how destructive mass immigration is for the native population getting replaced by foreigners.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >mass immigration is for the native population getting replaced by foreigners.
            But that literally impossible.

          • 4 weeks ago

            like what the muslims did during the jihads during and shortly after muhammed
            or what the europeans mostly did to the natives

          • 4 weeks ago

            How so?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Because the idea that you can demographically replace a population despite being a small minority and pretty much instantly dropping of the fertility rate upon arrival doesn't really line up. That and so much other states outside if the West with way more population flow saying the same shit to use as a politucal talking point/leverage despite said hypothetical replacement never really occurring either over the years.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Because the idea that you can demographically replace a population despite being a small minority
            Who says the people immigration come from a small minority? Is there a lack of Indians or Chinese in Asia after so many of them moved to Canada and made a noticeable dent in the country's demographics?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >wouldn't that argument mean that you should kill every muslim you see

      • 4 weeks ago

        Pro-black types literally use the exact same argument as OP's lol

        • 4 weeks ago

          Noone cares about le mean BLACK man replying to your twitter post, yt

  7. 4 weeks ago

    What does when get out of shaming my Muzz ass exactly? Genuine question here.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    There are no Muslims in North America

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Bringing up native Americans isn't really a gotcha. Most people in american even white one had nothing to do with native american genocide.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    What the frick do Europeans have to do with the Trail of Tears?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Muslims will cry about israelis conquering palestinians or about the french conquering algeria then celebrate it when indonesians conquer and oppress native papuan christian/pagans
    muzzoids will tell you they are concerned with justice then cry when based papuan BVLLS kill indonesian muzdogs

    • 4 weeks ago

      Based. Papuan bvlls deserve to take in part to restore the Neo-Majapahit Mandala. Independence? Just look at the shithole next door. PNG, Solomones, and V*n*atu are all crime and HIV-ridden Africa-tier shitholes. The forces of Nusantara is elevating the Papuans on the path of civilization.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >...and that's why you should accept literal sharia death squads and convert now, chud!
    No, I don't think I will.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >Muslim "You see, the Native Americans didn't want you in America either, did they? didn't give them a choice, did you? you brought smallpox blankets and you cleansed them from the land, isn't it?
    But we made their lands better, and you're making our lands worse. This isn't a double standard, because the difference between us is that between a human and a diseased rat.

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