13 signs you've actually been abducted by aliens, according to UFOlogists

Whether or not you think aliens are real (they probably are), there have been countless abduction stories and videos that make it hard to deny that there might be something out there visiting us.

From individual abductions like poor Betty and Barney Hill to the US navy releasing videos of their jets chasing tic tac UFOs capable of impossible aerial physics, there are too many cases that can't be explained away with the notion that they're all tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists drinking moonshine from the same jelly jar.

Who knows? Maybe YOUR fear of heights, doctors, almond eyes, or Tyra Bank's forehead stems from a forgotten abduction experience.

Experiencing two or more of these signs could mean definitely means you've been an unwilling participant in an alien's probe party.

#1. Missing time and/or black outs

Many blackouts can occur for obvious reasons; getting hit on the head, heat exhaustion, or two fisting Tequila Sunrises until it's too late to realize that Tequila Sunrises taste like the vomit you're going to fill your shoes with later that night.

But black outs or missing time that happen in bizarre circumstances or frequently -- with the victim suddenly finding themselves someplace, not remembering how they got there and not being able to recall one or more hours of time -- is one of the signs of a possible alien abduction.

Aliens might be smart, but surprisingly they don't seem to be too detail oriented. For a species that want to remain anonymous, various abduction accounts show that they do some sloppy ass work by not returning people how they found them and in some cases, returning people completely devoid of clothes in a launder mat somewhere five days later (jerks), or even in a field 30 miles from the house they snatched you from.

Barring a drinking problem, having multiple experiences of black outs/missing time (along with missing shorts) could be an indication that you've been sampled by something extraterrestrial.

#2. Electronics act weird near you

The photo is black and white. That's extra spooky.

Certain lights dim when you go near or under them. Turned off analog radios have suddenly come abuzz with noise. Strange behavior with electronics is not necessarily a sign of an alien abduction, but many abductees do report these electronic anomalies, including phones making strange noises, laptops unexpectedly shutting down, or TVs flickering when they are near them.

#3. Unusual marks or scars with no explanation on how you received them

Some classic types of scars and marks in alien abduction literature. On the left is Stephen Michalak from what is called the 1967 Falcon Lake Landing case or Manitoba incident.

Unusual marks or scars with no explanation on how you received them is the classic telltale sign that you may have been abducted by aliens. Abductees are widely reporting waking up with scars, bruises, dimples, puncture wounds, dots, and other types of marks that they have no memory of receiving.

If you’re concerned about a mark or scar, it’s a good idea to take a photo and note the location, size, and any changes over time. You may also want to consider visiting a doctor for an evaluation. Unexpected scars and marks are usually not evidence of an alien abduction, but if the phenomenon occurs together with other signs on this list, there is a chance you might have been been scraped by an alien and that somewhere in space, a piece of your knee is being cloned into another you.

#4. A feeling of being watched

Have you ever had the feeling that someone, or something, is watching you? It's a creepy feeling, right?

Everyone has experienced this feeling, but for you it's a frequent occurrence. You're always on edge, always looking over your shoulder. It's like you can sense the presence of someone, or something, behind you. And you are absolutely not a fan of uncovered dark windows at nighttime. Just the thought of it sends shivers down your spine.

The feeling of being watched can be overwhelming and scary. But, if it's happening to you frequently, then it's definitely time to start paying attention. It's possible that you have been chosen by aliens for their experiments, and they are watching your every move. You might not see them, but they're there, watching, waiting.

#5. A strong "marker memory" that will not go away

If you ask anyone who's watched Exorcist what they remember most about that movie, they would probably say the scene where she crab crawls out of the well, her Edward James Olmosy face covered with wet hair. Wait, wrong movie. The point is, experiences that create great emotion or trauma will leave a ‘marker memory' in your brain that you'll always remember; much like how The Ring has us deathly afraid of Asian kids at the beach and dry skin.

Oil of Olay? Anyone?

If you've experienced an alien abduction, this would certainly fall under the category of a traumatic experience. So it's not unusual for a victim to have a marker memory, with no recollection of when or where they've seen it. These images usually involve some sort of an examination table, bright lights, nightmares of a skinny baby, or memories of strange faces and could be tell-tale signs that you've been abducted.

#6. Awoken with soreness in your genitals/anus which cannot be explained

If you're currently not participating in glory hole tours of the city, waking up with sore genitals/anus could be yet another indication that you've recently been violated by E.T.

Based on recorded experiences, abductions sound a lot like a general physical that you would get from your doctor; only this doctor's appointment has a little sprinkle of date rape in it. We're not quite sure why these aliens feel the need to roughhouse with our parts, but apparently they do and sore genitals could be the aftermath of other worldly beings checking out your no-no holes and wondering why you don't chew your corn properly.

#7. Feeling an unexplainable connection to the cosmos or extraterrestrial life

Some people who have experienced alien abductions report that they started to feel like they are part of a larger universal experience. They feel as if they are connected to a higher power or cosmic energy that is beyond our understanding.

This feeling can manifest in many different ways. Some people describe it as a sense of belonging or a strong intuition that they are part of something much greater than themselves. They may feel a strong desire to explore the cosmos and discover what lies beyond our world. They may also experience vivid dreams or spiritual experiences that seem to be connected to extraterrestrial life.

It's important to note that this connection is not something that can be explained by conventional means. It is not a mental disorder or a symptom of any known illness. Rather, it is a profound feeling of oneness with the universe that cannot be easily explained. If you have this feeling, it is important to pay attention to it and try to understand what it means for you.

#8. A lump under the skin that when x-rayed reveals a metallic object

Let's be real, finding a lump under your skin that reveals a metallic object after an X-ray can be a pretty creepy and unsettling experience. Sure, you could have accidentally implanted a metal fragment into yourself when black out drunk, but something supernatural could be afoot.

Aliens have been reported to implant small metallic objects into people as a way of keeping track of them. The idea is that the aliens can monitor the person's movements and keep tabs on their activities. While this is purely speculation, it is a popular belief among those who believe in alien abductions.

While the presence of a metallic object under the skin can be concerning, it is important to remember that there are many possible explanations for this phenomenon. For example, some people may have accidentally ingested small metal fragments or had them introduced into their body during a surgical procedure. Others may have a rare condition that causes metal to accumulate under the skin.

#9. Fear of almond eyes or dreaming of odd eyes (such as animal eyes -- like an owl or deer) staring at you

"Joke's on you, we don't even HAVE eyelids!"

The movie The Fourth Kind (2009) brought to light the alleged abduction experiences of the people in Nome, Alaska. Several of the victims interviewed reported seeing a white owl staring at them through their windows before the abductions. It was assumed that these people were actually remembering the alien's large eyes.

Possible victims of an alien abduction have strong marker memories of the classic big almond eyes (because rumor has it these aliens have some epic orbs), which in turn can cause a fear or phobia of them specifically or even eyes in general. Because who wouldn't form an irrational fear when something like this challenges you to a staring contest?

Additionally, some people who believe they've been abducted report having dreams about odd eyes staring at them, eyes described as animal or somehow not human. These dream sequences are usually vivid, haunting, and leave the dreamer feeling disturbed and scared when they wake up.

This type of dream could be a manifestation of the person's subconscious attempting to process their traumatic experience. If someone has been abducted, it's possible that their mind is grappling with the memory of encountering alien eyes, which are vastly different from what they know to be normal human eyes.

#10. Finding strange symbols or writing that you can’t explain

The sudden appearance of strange symbols or writing that you can’t explain is often reported by people who have experienced alien abductions and could be considered a minor sign of abduction phenomena.

The symbols may appear in the form of tattoos, scratches or bruises, written on your own paper, or even as etched into your skin. They can range from simple lines and shapes to complex and intricate designs that are completely bizarre. The symbols or writing may not be familiar to you, and you may not be able to understand what they mean or why they are there. However, it is possible that the aliens who abducted you may have left these symbols behind as a way to mark or communicate with you, or that you tried to hastily record information in case your memory were to be wiped.

#11. Multiple UFO sightings

Multiple UFO sightings can be a strong indicator that someone might have been abducted by aliens. Here's why: if you keep seeing strange flying objects in the sky and can't find a logical explanation for it, it could mean that you are a witness to extraterrestrial activity. The more you see, the more likely it is that you might have been singled out for a closer encounter rather than a weather balloon.

Not all strange aerial sightings are evidence of something otherwordly, of course. There are many other factors that could explain strange lights in the sky, such as weather phenomena, military aircraft, or even flares. But if you keep seeing these strange objects repeatedly, it's worth considering the possibility that you are somehow being targeted by extraterrestrial beings.

Multiple UFO sightings is also something you would have in common with most abduction victims, who often report lifetimes full of strange events.

#12. Having experienced unexplained paralysis, especially in bed

Intelligent as they may be; physically, a little 10 year old girl could put your average, run-of-the-mill alien in a headlock and give it a wedgie. Which is probably why paralysis is an alien's favorite dart gun to use when they need to snatch us away in the middle of the night for a quick poke, probe and a possible anus GPS tracker insertion. (AKA: Tom Cruise's dream date).

Most people who do recall their abduction experience don't remember the alien wooing and courting them out of their room with flowers and a brand new George Foreman grill (chivalry IS dead). Most of them; however, do remember having what could be described as a temporary paralysis overcome their body, becoming physically unable to move from their beds before being taken.

Skeptics excuse this as just a simple sleep paralysis because skeptics are constipated and dead inside. While sleep paralysis is certainly a possibility, paralysis coupled with the other signs we've mentioned above could mean that most likely, your suspicions of having been visited by aliens may not be completely unfounded after all.

#13. The sudden appearance of new or advanced knowledge or skills

The sudden appearance of new or advanced knowledge or skills is one of the most interesting and potentially persuasive signs that you may have been abducted by aliens. This phenomenon is often reported by individuals who claim to have had close encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

For example, someone who has never been particularly interested in mathematics may suddenly start solving complex equations with ease. Similarly, a person who has never had an aptitude for music might suddenly be able to play an instrument with remarkable skill. In some cases, individuals have even reported the appearance of entirely new languages or the ability to communicate telepathically with other people or even with the extraterrestrial beings themselves.

While it is certainly possible that these changes could be due to a number of other factors, such as sudden onset of mental illness or exposure to mind-altering substances, it is also possible that they could be the result of a close encounter with extraterrestrial beings. However, it is important to keep in mind that the scientific community is highly skeptical of claims of extraterrestrial abduction and there is currently no compelling evidence to support these claims.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Oh, I’ve had the missing time, random memory markers, and sleep paralysis ever since I was a teen. Hmm, maybe that’s why I’ve had hyper-realistic dreams about travelling to other dimensions.

    Ooo, and what about high EMF. I know it is usually linked with ghost, but for the past 5 years my brain has been pumping out enough electrical interference to block radio signals. I once even had a radio change stations just by walking in front of it.

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