Sleep deprivation experiments

I want to use myself as a human guinea pig to asses the true effects of sleep deprivation trough various ,carefully controlled conditions. ( Intense exercises 2 hours a day, sedentary day, 3 square meals, fasted state, etc). Going from 24 to 48 and up to 72+ hours awake, polyphasic restricted sleep ( 2 hours total), irregular rhythm etc
Besides Michel Jouvet, what medical text-books must I read on the neurology, biology and psychiatry of sleep and sleep deprivation? Im fully willing to do human experiments -with I as the test subject- to figure out how to drastically reduce Sleep Need with 0 side effects.
>also Im a Celibate man, that means Im extremely powerful in whatever I do, I can see this experiment trough

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  1. 2 months ago

    >no hypothesis
    >no description of what verifying / falsifying the hypothesis contributes to the theorethical frame work
    >has not read theorethical framework
    >yet calls it an experiment
    >on a IQfy board

    • 2 months ago

      No, you can't say ngmi, Im celibate, I do Semen Retention.
      Also I just so happen to have those (even if I didnt, its ok, im celibare) but I have No Duty to waste my time posting the info here. You may trust me when I say I do (im celibate)

  2. 2 months ago

    Listen up, you absolute brainlet. Your post reeks of pseudo-intellectual bullshit and unearned self-importance. You think you're some kind of fricking genius, ready to revolutionize the field of sleep science with your half-baked "experiments"? Give me a fricking break.
    First off, your "carefully controlled conditions" sound like something a middle schooler came up with for their science fair project. Intense exercise and fasting? Wow, groundbreaking stuff, you moron. You clearly don't have the slightest clue about proper scientific methodology or controlling for variables.
    And don't even get me started on your laughable "celibate man" claim. Newsflash, dipshit: not getting laid doesn't make you some kind of superhuman. It just means you're a pathetic loser who can't get any. Your virginity isn't a source of power; it's a testament to your inability to connect with another human being.
    Instead of wasting everyone's time with your asinine ideas, why don't you crack open a real textbook and educate yourself? Oh, but wait, that would require actual effort and dedication, not just stroking your own ego on the internet.

    In conclusion, frick off with your pseudo-scientific bullshit and leave the real research to the professionals, you absolute waste of oxygen.

    • 2 months ago

      Dont you know men can rape women if they can't get married? incels dont exist. and raping a harlot and having pre-marital fornication sex...well, major difference? I say NAY; both are terrible bad.
      your logic is...lacklustre. Also you are a denialist of the power of CONTINENCE.
      Mike Tyson was celibate for 5 years to become world champ. are YOU world champ of heavyweight boxing? No, you are not.
      >to connect
      Raping a promiscuous woman, paying a harlot or having sex with your lifelong not-married girlfriend are all fornication and if you deny this, you are WEAK.

      • 2 months ago

        Oh, look what the cat dragged in - another self-righteous, misogynistic incel trying to justify their twisted worldview with half-baked arguments and false equivalencies.
        Your assertion that men can "rape women if they can't get married" is as abhorrent as it is illogical, you absolute cretin. What's next, you'll be citing the works of Andrea Dworkin as your personal gospel? Wake up, homosexual, your "logic" is nothing more than a flimsy excuse for your own moral bankruptcy.

        And don't even get me started on your laughable idolization of celibacy. Congratulations, you've managed to cherry-pick a single example of an athlete who abstained from sex. Do you want a gold star for your astounding research skills? Mike Tyson's success had about as much to do with his sexual habits as your chances of getting laid have to do with your charming personality.

        Your pathetic attempt to equate consensual premarital sex with rape and prostitution is a testament to your utter lack of nuance and critical thinking. Have you even cracked open a book on human sexuality, you puritanical troglodyte? Consent and context are the cornerstones of any healthy sexual interaction, not some arbitrary moral high ground you've constructed to mask your own inadequacies.

        • 2 months ago

          >defends Vain Spilling of the Seed
          >audacious enough to shriek about "moral bankruptcy"
          ISHYGDDT-diggy dooh ,I hope you guys dont do this, but you probably do.
          >he DENIES the astonishingly heroic, and sublimely accomplished deed of years-long CELIBACY
          Masturbators are 99% the same as those fenta-zombies from Philly with rotting limbs and who literally rot alive in a puddle of their own shit.
          you Manipulate your MANIPULATE it!!
          its unfair for the parents who spent money raising a girl to have the girl's virginity ravaged by some fornicator whom might even be from a Lower class.
          its about investment returns. You are just salty you can't stop sticking your greasy hand unto your own pants.

  3. 2 months ago

    at day 2 you will start seeing shadow people.
    do not talk to them. do not acknowledge them.

    • 2 months ago

      What the heck? I can survive a week high without seeing shadow people. They appear only if you sleep like 2 hours per day for a month with irregular phases.

      • 2 months ago

        You are extremely pathetic.

        • 2 months ago

          Ya mommy so pathetic, she gave birth, to you, homo. That's all, she couldn't give birth to you, so she gave it to you

          • 2 months ago

            You pushed.

          • 2 months ago

            Being high is Unfair towards people who can't access drugs.
            you pedophile bully.

      • 2 months ago

        >shadow people.
        the what now?

      • 2 months ago

        just shows how untalented a shaman you are.

    • 2 months ago

      just shows how untalented a shaman you are.

      that's fricking sad bruh

      • 2 months ago

        nuh uh. you sad. these girls are having fu-un. what you have, science-boy?

  4. 2 months ago

    Have you ever tried smoking meth?

  5. 2 months ago

    OP is getting BTFOd hard in this thread kek

    • 2 months ago

      No, thats not true, Im right; I do semen retention and you are a samegay.

      Oh, look what the cat dragged in - another self-righteous, misogynistic incel trying to justify their twisted worldview with half-baked arguments and false equivalencies.
      Your assertion that men can "rape women if they can't get married" is as abhorrent as it is illogical, you absolute cretin. What's next, you'll be citing the works of Andrea Dworkin as your personal gospel? Wake up, homosexual, your "logic" is nothing more than a flimsy excuse for your own moral bankruptcy.

      And don't even get me started on your laughable idolization of celibacy. Congratulations, you've managed to cherry-pick a single example of an athlete who abstained from sex. Do you want a gold star for your astounding research skills? Mike Tyson's success had about as much to do with his sexual habits as your chances of getting laid have to do with your charming personality.

      Your pathetic attempt to equate consensual premarital sex with rape and prostitution is a testament to your utter lack of nuance and critical thinking. Have you even cracked open a book on human sexuality, you puritanical troglodyte? Consent and context are the cornerstones of any healthy sexual interaction, not some arbitrary moral high ground you've constructed to mask your own inadequacies.

      Listen up, you absolute brainlet. Your post reeks of pseudo-intellectual bullshit and unearned self-importance. You think you're some kind of fricking genius, ready to revolutionize the field of sleep science with your half-baked "experiments"? Give me a fricking break.
      First off, your "carefully controlled conditions" sound like something a middle schooler came up with for their science fair project. Intense exercise and fasting? Wow, groundbreaking stuff, you moron. You clearly don't have the slightest clue about proper scientific methodology or controlling for variables.
      And don't even get me started on your laughable "celibate man" claim. Newsflash, dipshit: not getting laid doesn't make you some kind of superhuman. It just means you're a pathetic loser who can't get any. Your virginity isn't a source of power; it's a testament to your inability to connect with another human being.
      Instead of wasting everyone's time with your asinine ideas, why don't you crack open a real textbook and educate yourself? Oh, but wait, that would require actual effort and dedication, not just stroking your own ego on the internet.

      In conclusion, frick off with your pseudo-scientific bullshit and leave the real research to the professionals, you absolute waste of oxygen.

      I am right, I am defending the supreme force of human qualia -celibacy-

  6. 2 months ago

    You need to read Kallenbergs book on Probability to properly evaluate your experiments' data

  7. 2 months ago

    Kandel. Neurology

  8. 2 months ago

    >homosexual OP would rather derail his own thread babbling over muh drugs and his incelibacy than talk about actual science

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        It's alright, anon, just shows you won't ever complete that little "experiment" of yours. None of my concern hahah

        • 2 months ago

          >homosexual OP would rather derail his own thread babbling over muh drugs and his incelibacy than talk about actual science

          I wonder if people who don't praise celibates deserve to live. S.M.H.

          • 2 months ago

            Is this a threat?

          • 2 months ago

            I have NO ISSUE issuing threats. But no, its a genuine philosophical pondering. I do honestly wonder whether someone who doesn't praise Celibates is entitled to remain alive.

          • 2 months ago

            eat shit

          • 2 months ago

            Id rather eat rotten bloody shit than Manipulate my sexual organs.

          • 2 months ago

            why do you hate your sexual organs anon?

          • 2 months ago

            Traume from childhood sexual abuse, don't wanna elaborate

          • 2 months ago

            sorry bruv, but hurting yourself or others won't fix the problem.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            You can't actually deny the benefits of Celibacy.
            you're a shill. no one CAN deny celibacy's benefits. its just humanly impossible to convince oneself of such thing, the brain's cognition can't grasp such an idea.

            It's TIME for you to stop grasping at straws and concede I am right, shill.


          • 2 months ago

            You can't actually deny the benefits of Celibacy.
            you're a shill. no one CAN deny celibacy's benefits. its just humanly impossible to convince oneself of such thing, the brain's cognition can't grasp such an idea.

          • 2 months ago

            It's TIME for you to stop grasping at straws and concede I am right, shill.

          • 2 months ago

            I hate MANIpulating them.
            Its unfair towards ancestors who reproduced to manually stimulate them. they had to shoulder the burden of a potential pregnancy and birth. accessing sexual pleasure without that risk is unfair.

          • 2 months ago

            Why not castrate yourself like those trannies? No fear of ever manipulating them ever again

          • 2 months ago

            >why not remove your stomach so no fear of over-eating again

  9. 2 months ago

    Take intranasal deferoxamine, 200mg a day. Known to drastically reduce the need to sleep

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