So i've been writing some books, and i don't know if im gonna make it bros.

So i've been writing some books, and i don't know if im gonna make it bros.
now i would love to strike it rich and become a well known international author. but that's merely a dream. at the very least i want some people to actually pay for, read and appreciate my work. if not appreciate it then at least tell me what they think of it.
I've been writing for years and only recently did i start converting some of my works into ebooks. and only few months ago did i truly start writing FOR an internet audience.

it's a special kind of bad feeling spending weeks if not months typing away, writing and rewriting. to release it and not even a single damn look. the damn things are free for kindle unlimited users god damn. i swear to god i am just going to write erotica and market it as "romance" just like every other fricking coomer out here.

i feel so fricking defeated, whats the fricking point anymore
Do y'all like LGBT short romance novels? actual romance, with a story and world, not the erotica wrapped in story shit that calls itself romance these days

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Do y'all like LGBT short romance novels? actual romance, with a story and world, not the erotica wrapped in story shit that calls itself romance these days
    Depends on the quality of the writing but possibly

    • 2 years ago

      i got a series, it's centered around the heir of an advanced alien species she goes on a date with the love of her life but her plans just keep getting messed up. eventually some shit goes down and she ends up with a crazy bounty on her head so she and her fiancee have to maneuver about the galaxy while getting to the bottom of it. Book 1 is the introduction, book 2 goes into some crazy side character who is integral to the story, i'm still working on book 3 but the general pacing of this story is just every book is more exciting than the last, plot and action wise.

      i just released a stand alone book about two gay friends in an islamic society one who struggles with his identity while the other is hopelessly in love with the other. while they navigate life, society and school life some beautiful, talented twink shows up and starts fricking up their tranquil life. shit happens, crazy events begin to unfold involving witchcraft, spells and deceit.
      as much as i love my space lesbian series the gay friends book i wrote is honestly my pride of the season. i truly LOVED writing it. i was definitely in the zone for it.

      Writing is by far the worst creative outlet

      it's therapeutic for me, because i lie to myself. and i enjoy the stories i write. but sometimes i dont. but i think that's normal.

      >now i would love to strike it rich and become a well known international author
      That doesn't happen anymore.
      Oh no

      Try writing with the goal of getting trad published and see if it improves your outlook.

      yeah i am not expecting to roll in dough ever. KU has been good to me. i do hate it but it's my only venue. when i used to write and actually tried real fricking hard. i couldn't get anyone to look at my works. i've given up on trad publishing.

  2. 2 years ago

    Writing is by far the worst creative outlet

  3. 2 years ago

    >now i would love to strike it rich and become a well known international author
    That doesn't happen anymore.
    Oh no

    Try writing with the goal of getting trad published and see if it improves your outlook.

    • 2 years ago

      what is "trad published"?

  4. 2 years ago

    I love you

  5. 2 years ago

    I've been writing screenplays for years and shoved them down the drawer, That way i keep the illusion i'm a great screenwriter. To finally get them into use and getting rejected is my biggest fear

  6. 2 years ago

    it is hard to hit it with a big splash whem you write stuff with whole bunch of other writers on same site, unless you make a masterpiece that spreads through word of mouth or someone reviews it as cult classic it can be hard to get noticed
    id say go for one ambitious work and hope it gets noticed, writers block and lack of muse make writing hard at times, check out charles bukowski stuff he was a guy who loved writing and his interviews and poems can inspire motivation to keep going

  7. 2 years ago

    I have no interest at all in LGBT novels. Have you tried building a niche following?

  8. 2 years ago

    Figure out what that Between Two Fires author did. He came up with an appealing premise, a nice cover, and got his book shilled on Google search so people impulse buy. He’s even convinced a few anons that the book is good even though it is mediocre at best and he is a progressive idiot.

  9. 2 years ago

    Even if you good, there is the chance of you not getting any recognition before your death - there are countless examples of this. Get your source of income from something else. Do not withdraw from writing, but do not revolve your life around it.

    • 2 years ago

      i am thankful that i do not NEED to write to survive this is my outlet in life, my hobby. it's just that when you are proud of something wouldn't you want others to also enjoy it? if not see it?

      I've been writing screenplays for years and shoved them down the drawer, That way i keep the illusion i'm a great screenwriter. To finally get them into use and getting rejected is my biggest fear

      rejection sucks, but being ignored is worse 🙁

      I have no interest at all in LGBT novels. Have you tried building a niche following?

      understandable although all of my current ebooks are lgbt, i don't consider myself an lgbt writer. it just so happened that is how the stories shaped up. so i ran with it. how would i go about building a niche?

      I love you

      i saved you for last because i want to thank you for your kind words. i don't know if you truly mean them, but your simple encouragement really helps.

      with all i've written here i'm not going to shill my books in this thread and turn this into a marketing discussion. thank you all for your well meaning words and advice. i think i will get into smutty erotica, while simultaneously throwing hardworked books into the void of amazon. I DO hope one day someone will find them and discuss them. but seeing as they aren't philosophy books i doubt i will see them on IQfy you gents seem to LOVE philosophy lol

      • 2 years ago

        Don’t know. People seem to use the internet for curation now so maybe social media and YouTube.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I meant it you seem cool

  10. 2 years ago

    You have to write for yourself, OP. If other people like it, that should only be a bonus.

  11. 2 years ago

    Don't worry about marketing now, just focus on making something good. Go full israelite mode with marketing once you have a finished product you're confident on.

  12. 2 years ago

    Who cares ? Just keep on writing , in today's world human attention span has dipped heavily and people only care about whats the "in thing". So just keep writing , maybe market your books online, if you care.

  13. 2 years ago

    Do you need an editor? I work for cheap

    • 2 years ago

      I love me some dashes

  14. 2 years ago

    Why not just gives us a link so we can skip the bullshit and laugh at you already?
    If you're confident in your own writing you should know of its inherent quality. If you have talent then others will recognize this, for as long as it may take. If not then you don't care about your craft, but about getting others to appreciate you as a creative, and there are many more, and much easier, ways to do this.
    So come on. Let us take a look at your writing.

    • 2 years ago

      there is zero doubt in my mind a lot of the people here will ridicule my work, but i made this thread to vent last night. i've been particularly upset with how little attention and readers i've been getting.

      You have to write for yourself, OP. If other people like it, that should only be a bonus.

      Don't worry about marketing now, just focus on making something good. Go full israelite mode with marketing once you have a finished product you're confident on.

      Who cares ? Just keep on writing , in today's world human attention span has dipped heavily and people only care about whats the "in thing". So just keep writing , maybe market your books online, if you care.

      yeah after a few drinks and a good rest i am feeling better. it was a moment of weakness i won't quit at least not until i have a fair catalog of books. maybe 10 if not 15 or so non-erotica books before i can walk away. i'll hire some indians on fiver to run some social media for me and get some marketing out

      Fiction books are a dead medium. Sorry this board deluded you into thinking otherwise. No one reads books anymore, unless it’s porn like you said, but even then people would prefer to see images with their porn instead of just words.
      There is no longer any demand for “literature” as traditionally conceived. You’re wasting your time. I’m sorry. Consider getting involved in other, actually living artistic mediums instead.

      fiction is a good genre that can really entertain when one has grown tired of the tragedies of life. but you are right, i will still write tho

      Yeah I meant it you seem cool


      when i finish writing erotica i will put it up here for you guys to enjoy. for free 🙂
      i hope you guys like degenerate dick girls and trannies.

  15. 2 years ago

    Fiction books are a dead medium. Sorry this board deluded you into thinking otherwise. No one reads books anymore, unless it’s porn like you said, but even then people would prefer to see images with their porn instead of just words.
    There is no longer any demand for “literature” as traditionally conceived. You’re wasting your time. I’m sorry. Consider getting involved in other, actually living artistic mediums instead.

  16. 2 years ago

    Buy and read the book I wrote for ideas:

    • 2 years ago

      Books: DGKCakwF
      inb4 jannies

      why you do this to this thread 🙁

  17. 2 years ago

    Books: DGKCakwF
    inb4 jannies

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