so now that crypto is basically dead for good, how long until gpu prices get back down?

so now that crypto is basically dead for good, how long until gpu prices get back down?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Russia just stopped selling 80% of the worlds exported noble gases used in microlothography, no more CPUs or semiconductors.
    Better prepare your anus, the golden age of computing is over.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank God my computer is not made from gases.

      • 2 years ago

        best thread on IQfy right now

      • 2 years ago

        Your computer has access to the entirety of humanitys knowledge, and you post THIS.

      • 2 years ago

        That's not what he mean.

        • 2 years ago

          His post was a Russian cope mechanism, "noble gases" aren't important to make PC parts/chips.

      • 2 years ago

        it's made from mustard gas though

    • 2 years ago

      its quite ferrous how computation will die right when computers started to live.

    • 2 years ago

      >no more CPUs or semiconductors.
      not how it works, chink.

    • 2 years ago

      >Russia just stopped selling 80% of the worlds exported noble gases used in microlothography
      Russia just stopped selling 80% of the 30% of the worlds exported noble gases used in microlithography that they produce, which most countries predicted would occur three months ago and were already taking steps to secure supply.

    • 2 years ago

      holy based, Ruskies cant stop winning

    • 2 years ago

      > 80% of the worlds

    • 2 years ago

      >have to keep reusing old computers
      >devs will have to stop making crappy bloatware and using "just buy a new computer" as an excuse
      the golden age of computing has just begun

  2. 2 years ago

    Material for building is under sanction
    Good luck

  3. 2 years ago

    3+ years because of the noble gas embargo

  4. 2 years ago

    >so now that crypto is basically dead for good
    >prices are similar to 18 months ago
    Pick one, moron

    • 2 years ago

      btc is gonna be at 10k before july, screencap this.

      • 2 years ago

        >hurrr, the prices will drop to be similar to 24 months ago and therefor crypto is finished
        So? Are you moronic or something? You think crypto is like a company where it can go out of business if the stock drops too low during an economic recession? That's not how it works, moron. Once the recession ends, crypto will bounce back just like everything else. $10k isn't even particularly low either, so not sure what kind of moron logic you have running in your head.

        • 2 years ago

          investor confidence is going to be destroyed in btc and crypto as a whole in the next few months, and btc will never again reach the peak from november. sure, some will dive back into the market once the recession is over, but i feel it's going to be very lukewarm compared to the widespread buying frenzy since 2021. over the last decade or so btc has been shown to be an okayish replacement for fiat currency at best, and all the talk about it being a hedge against inflation is clearly false as we now see it's subject to the same economic pressures that the stock market faces. web3 in general hasn't produced any truly useful projects and probably never will, and slowly crypto is becoming the "old thing" that the public will forget about and engineers will treat as a technology with niche use cases.

          • 2 years ago

            >investor confidence is going to be destroyed in btc and crypto as a whole in the next few months
            lol, this is such a stupid take. First of all, it's not just crypto that is down right now. It's the entire economy. Housing market will take a hit next. Second of all, this is business as usual for crypto investors. You come across like someone who just started paying attention to crypto in the last couple years.

          • 2 years ago

            the difference this time, compared to previous crypto bearish periods, is that we've reached peak public awareness of crypto. the old narrative was that you should always hold crypto, as it's value would increase over time when the general public would see the benefits of crypto and invest in it. i think we're a point where the public's sentiment is shifting towards thinking that crypto projects in general are scams, and that their money is better kept elsewhere. this is going to lead to a vicious cycle with reduced investor confidence, and reduced peaks in future bull runs.

            sure, you could argue that enthusiasts will fully buy back into crypto when the recession's over, but going back to the original narrative, would anyone really "believe" in crypto anymore if it became clear that public interest in crypto was waning?

          • 2 years ago

            It was over as soon as shib got to the top 10
            That was when everyone said frick it this stuff is a joke

          • 2 years ago

            >so now that crypto is basically dead for good
            not dead, just coming back down to earth. people have lost a lot of money. life savings, pensions, etc. wiped out. WE DID IT, REDDIT! WE'RE BROKE!

            >is that we've reached peak public awareness of crypto.

          • 2 years ago

            >the old narrative was that you should always hold crypto, as it's value would increase over time when the general public would see the benefits of crypto and invest in it.
            And that was squandered by companies who tried to do outlandish schemes to make money, raking in unsustainable investments which failed spectacularly making some people money but causing even more to lose everything.
            In a lot of ways, the failure of crypto is due to the public awareness because you have a lot of people who aren't financially literate buying into investment schemes that are covered in big red flags that are able to spring up basically overnight thanks to the ease of fully digital systems and getting burned, which lowers confidence in crypto as a whole.

            Is there a point where bitcoin's value can drop so low that it would become unprofitable to mine, causing miners to shut down and making it effectively untradeable?


            >so now that crypto is basically dead for good
            not surprised
            you really didn't see btc crashing to 3k few years ago? and how high did it go?

            The market is different now.

          • 2 years ago

            >so now that crypto is basically dead for good
            not dead, just coming back down to earth. people have lost a lot of money. life savings, pensions, etc. wiped out. WE DID IT, REDDIT! WE'RE BROKE!

            >is that we've reached peak public awareness of crypto.

            It was over as soon as shib got to the top 10
            That was when everyone said frick it this stuff is a joke

            This does seem possible. Mostly because even the fricktard that runs ETH saw and wrung his hands together about "but wait, its being used in an exploitative manner for speculative shit and scams?" but didn't fricking DO anything about it. Everything that has come since the original Bitcoin has been for basically fleecing people and scamming. All the supposed "smart contracts" which led to shit like swaps and derivatives which again, were ways to scam people just like the big boys at wall street. All the claims about "democratization" has turned into bullshit - everything from stupidly high fees for transactions that don't scale properly (ie ETH "gas") to "tokens" where you need to not only send the token PLUS some amount of the base currency in order to transfer it etc. All of these "DAOs" or "Supernodes" where you need "1000+ currency to run one and oh yeah, it can only be split like 2-4 ways so if you didn't discover it when it was less than a dollar well frick you its now basically a rich person playthiing to get richer". NFTs are the biggest joke of all and its embarassing to see everything from the art to games that are predicated on this kind of scarcity nonsense and attempt to push "play to earn", as a way to obliterate any sort of fun is sickening. The only legitimately decent crypto are stuff like Monero (ASIC proof/resistant, algo-changing, built on privacy, designed to actually be a coin not a smart contract platform.) but of course that isn't where most of the money is.

            There is potential for crypto or blockchain, but its in stuff like "I'm running a new co-op and I'm going to fork something and mint private tokens for all our owners so they can vote on shit . " , not using big name, pegged to and exchanged for fiat currency, or otherwise expensive knockoffs where you have to pay the toll of silver and blood to the upstream token-generating contract etc. Frick its disgusting what crypto has become.

          • 2 years ago

            Well said. Very eloquent and insightful

  5. 2 years ago

    >so now that crypto is basically dead for good
    what plot point did i miss

  6. 2 years ago

    Reminder that most people have a 1060 and now since were all fricked games will not upgrade their graphics until its over and were all screwed together

  7. 2 years ago

    bruh i blew 2k on my pc with an integrated cpu, still can't find a gpu, dying over here

    • 2 years ago

      If I wasn't so lazy, I'd sell you one of my extra 1080ti that I used to use for mining. It may not be great for raytracing, but it still handles the latest games.

  8. 2 years ago

    They are already mrsp here I just don't care about upgrading my rx580 8gb I bought in 2017 is still a beast today.

  9. 2 years ago

    Depends how quickly we can fix the economy. Maybe we just need to print more money faster and give it to brown people.

  10. 2 years ago

    Prices go up but they never go down again
    Game was rigged from the start

  11. 2 years ago

    Crypto was just an excuse. The excuse now is the evil russians

  12. 2 years ago

    Decentralized ponzis can never truly die, they feed off people's greed, and that is a never ending resource.

  13. 2 years ago

    Is there a point where bitcoin's value can drop so low that it would become unprofitable to mine, causing miners to shut down and making it effectively untradeable?

    • 2 years ago

      GPUs arent used to mine bitcoin, we've been over this. But yes, for Ethereum we are close to that point - even a 3080 will only earn you about 50 cents per day with the current price, and depending on your electricity costs that profitability can go into the negative where you'd be losing money by mining. Check

      • 2 years ago

        >GPUs arent used to mine bitcoin,
        What does that have to do with this? Do you think that GPUs are the only option that costs money to run or something?

  14. 2 years ago

    Black person

  15. 2 years ago

    General Inflation, TSMC increasing fab prices and AMD/Nvidia duopoly will keep prices high, altho not as high as when crypto was at its peak. The era of rapidly decreasing electronics costs is dead.

  16. 2 years ago

    >so now that crypto is basically dead for good
    not surprised
    you really didn't see btc crashing to 3k few years ago? and how high did it go?

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